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really queer Christmas
Apr 22, 2014

Sherbert Hoover posted:

i feel like cspam has been ironically saying "critical support" for so long that people forgot that the "critical" part is real and good. you really don't have to fanatically support hamas in order to back them against israel. i feel like people are concerned that anything less than 100% support for their actions is giving power in some way to the other side, but it's actually a lot more hurtful to the palestinian cause to publicly state that any atrocity is justified.

drat, should have kept reading cuz this post is much worse.

also sorry kingfish i blasted too soon, you get one bad post get out of jail free from me


I said come in!
Jun 22, 2004

The Voice of Labor
Apr 8, 2020

death to oppressor states, death to state agents of oppression

my olives stand with palestine

Mar 4, 2020

really queer Christmas posted:

also sorry kingfish i blasted too soon, you get one bad post get out of jail free from me

one of the other two will hit the post

Pener Kropoopkin
Jan 30, 2013

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
if it was just a question of Hamas acting like a baseline invading military that shoots civilians it’d be one thing, but it ain’t like that because “world’s biggest active shooter situation” doesn’t capture the imagination in the same way that sadistic interpersonal atrocity does. The perception of oct 7th as a charnel house is the problem. the president can’t even stop believing in imaginary decapitated babies.

Aug 21, 2007

Anybody lose their glasses?

VomitOnLino posted:

I am uncritically supporting Hamas now. Eat my dick

Nov 28, 2019

VomitOnLino posted:

I am uncritically supporting Hamas now. Eat my dick

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Dreylad posted:

there's also the sleight of hand where you start the tally of wrongs at october 7th and not before.

Yeah this is pervasive as hell

Jai Guru Dave
Jan 3, 2008

by Fluffdaddy

VomitOnLino posted:

Whats your take on the slave revolts which ended up killing many innocents as well, and John Brown?
Cornpone posting:

Brown and his family didn’t kill anyone who didn’t deserve it until Shepherd Hayward at Harper’s Ferry, and that guy was just unlucky.

Take W.E.B. DuBois’ word for it, those border ruffian Pottawatomie fuckers had it coming.

Jai Guru Dave has issued a correction as of 02:57 on Nov 21, 2023

Feb 12, 2009

VomitOnLino posted:

I am uncritically supporting Hamas now. Eat my dick

Jun 19, 2001
i've seen a lot of pundits using the hamas videos of the night of the raids and killings as proof of hamas inhumanity and barbarity, because a guy talking about how happy is killing israelis is a lot more impactful to these people than the slow-motion slaughter of thousands of children in the distances through artillery and blockades.

ram dass in hell
Dec 29, 2019


VomitOnLino posted:

I am uncritically supporting Hamas now. Eat my dick

Engorged Pedipalps
Apr 21, 2023

Pener Kropoopkin posted:

if it was just a question of Hamas acting like a baseline invading military that shoots civilians it’d be one thing, but it ain’t like that because “world’s biggest active shooter situation” doesn’t capture the imagination in the same way that sadistic interpersonal atrocity does. The perception of oct 7th as a charnel house is the problem. the president can’t even stop believing in imaginary decapitated babies.


Jun 13, 2005

Sometimes I get lost.

Pener Kropoopkin posted:

if it was just a question of Hamas acting like a baseline invading military that shoots civilians it’d be one thing, but it ain’t like that because “world’s biggest active shooter situation” doesn’t capture the imagination in the same way that sadistic interpersonal atrocity does. The perception of oct 7th as a charnel house is the problem. the president can’t even stop believing in imaginary decapitated babies.


I think it is in part a reflection of how insanely violent even "peaceful" western society is. Just because the boot on your neck is not physically manifest does not mean that violence is not being done day in day out.
Thus a great many westerners are insanely receptive to violent imagery, fantasies and of course propagandist narratives about the enemy being even more so.

Centrist Committee
Aug 6, 2019

Dreylad posted:

there's also the sleight of hand where you start the tally of wrongs at october 7th and not before.

or after

Clip-On Fedora
Feb 20, 2011

Man I can't believe all those atrocities Russia committed in Germany during the 1945 offensive plz ignore everything that happened before that thx

May 1, 2013

I don't like this war at all. It's like Armageddon and I'm praying God will save my soul before the bitter end of the world.


Pener Kropoopkin
Jan 30, 2013

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Spacegrass posted:

I don't like this war at all. It's like Armageddon and I'm praying God will save my soul before the bitter end of the world.

chill out, dude. Hamas is gonna win.

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy

Sherbert Hoover posted:

i feel like cspam has been ironically saying "critical support" for so long that people forgot that the "critical" part is real and good. you really don't have to fanatically support hamas in order to back them against israel. i feel like people are concerned that anything less than 100% support for their actions is giving power in some way to the other side, but it's actually a lot more hurtful to the palestinian cause to publicly state that any atrocity is justified.

"critical support" as in "this load-bearing wall is critical to the structural integrity of the house"

Sep 25, 2009

I honestly I have no idea who cannibal[SIC] is and I do not know why I should know.

syq dude, just syq!
Critical support in terms of nuclear reactions

Jan 20, 2005

Buy some freaking medicine.

Spacegrass posted:

I don't like this war at all. It's like Armageddon and I'm praying God will save my soul before the bitter end of the world.

im gonna shine a flashlight up into my face and tell you scary stories about the Samson Option by the campfire dude

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy
The PFLP has literally said that posting is essential to the cause, and Nasrallah has often talked about the "battle of awareness" or "battle of consciousness" in his speeches, where it is necessary to make people believe that winning is even possible, because Israel's goal is to spread despair.

Jan 6, 2005

Pork Pro

Ytlaya posted:

edit: Basically it just bugs me that Israel absolutely killed most of those people, and it will probably never receive mainstream acknowledgement, even among the pro-Palestinian side

this has been rattling around in my head and we will never know for sure but I suspect you're right


VomitOnLino posted:

I am uncritically supporting Hamas now. Eat my dick

Oct 3, 2012

The Hague
tryna get me
for these glutes

How am I not surprised that the Israeli cargo ship was full of BMW's destined for Israel's richest

I mean isn't that a little too on the nose?

Nov 5, 2004


really queer Christmas posted:

drat, should have kept reading cuz this post is much worse.

also sorry kingfish i blasted too soon, you get one bad post get out of jail free from me

nah both should have been blasted

Nov 11, 2023
Looks like our boys won’t blow up the ship after all…..

….or will they?

Honestly compared to Iraq and Hezbollah they are the wildcards of the group.

Standby while I make a quick a Gif:

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Jan 6, 2005

Pork Pro
a hyper militarized apartheid state hearing about Hamas at a rave would 100% panic and go loving frank 'i just started shooting' into a crowd, I don't find that hard to believe at all.

it makes a lot of sense especially with what we have heard about officers getting got during this time (obviously don't know if this was happening simultaneously but seems likely to me) and the shattering of an idea of invulnerability that's held on for decades.

it would be shocking to me if the IDF isn't exactly what happened to most of the 400. sort of a bush did 9/11 thing again, everything old is new again

e: I'm just some loving idiot so idk maybe there's some Hamas super grenade supply truck they had that would make more sense

Second Hand Meat Mouth
Sep 12, 2001

i fanatically support hamas

May 8, 2012

Very Good


How am I not surprised that the Israeli cargo ship was full of BMW's destined for Israel's richest

I mean isn't that a little too on the nose?

why are these BMWs even crossing the suez when germany is north of it

Oct 31, 2003


Nov 11, 2023

Palladium posted:

why are these BMWs even crossing the suez when germany is north of it

Apparently it was heading from Turkey to India

Aug 10, 2016

financial, material support to hamas

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy
the rave was supposed to end on the 6th, but the IDF gave them permission to continue on through the weekend

if you place civilians in the line of fire, and then fail to protect them, it's your fault that they died - it doesn't even matter whether or not friendly-fire was involved. Israeli settlers getting killed on the 7th is no more Hamas's fault than it's Russia's fault when Ukraine refused to evacuate its cities and towns because they needed the PR effect of babushkas picking up AKs and molotovs

May 12, 2002
It would actually be pretty stupid for Hamas to spend a bunch of time and ammo actively hunting down civilians in a time operation, especially when they probably prefer to take hostages anyway. Civilians were obviously in the crossfire, but the Israelis have already essentially admitted they had helicopters go in to try to "clean up" the situation Hannibal style. It wasn't an isolated case either. In addition, most of the names had military names attached, and while arguably some were off-study reservists, it could be very well be they were just killing a lot of active duty service personnel and doing a much of damage to the Israelis in a way they still don't want to admit.

The beheaded babies and all the other stuff they have tried have been a cynical smoke screen.


They want to get rid of Hamas because it is the only force willing and capable of defending the Palestinian people inside Palestine itself.

Ardennes has issued a correction as of 03:01 on Nov 21, 2023

The Voice of Labor
Apr 8, 2020

RealityWarCriminal posted:

financial, material support to hamas

ekkunnn got perma'd for suggesting that

Feb 12, 2009
Western media is so goddamn stupid and does zero research exhibit 9,000^9,000

Nov 5, 2004

what was the story with the attack helicopter at the rave? and wasn't there literally a survivor who said on Israeli state radio that the IDF security forces fired without regard and definitely killed some of the hostages?

idk why we are still having a struggle session about this

crepeface has issued a correction as of 04:02 on Nov 21, 2023

May 3, 2009

FlapYoJacks posted:

Western media is so goddamn stupid and does zero research exhibit 9,000^9,000

this is willful stupidity, western shitrags dont care and only serve as cover for israel

Feb 12, 2009

crepeface posted:

what was the story with the attack helicopter at the rave? and wasn't there literally a survivor who said on Israeli state radio that the IDF security forces fired with regard and definitely killed some of the hostages?

The rave was IDF soldiers tripping on MDMA next to the world’s largest concentration camp, that’s why there were tanks and attack helicopters there. None of them deserve sympathy and it was a legitimate military target.


Oct 3, 2012

The Hague
tryna get me
for these glutes

Palladium posted:

why are these BMWs even crossing the suez when germany is north of it

They were rerouted from Argentina

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