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Mar 28, 2016

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
IK edit: rules rules rules rules updates for Oct 2023

** Rule 2 will start to be enforced with instant bans and no tolerance from now on, so please check your tweets for NWS very carefully before posting **

1. No bloodlust or racism:

- Stuff that is actively racist or could be interpreted as racist will be annihilated.

- No saying that civilians dying is good or they deserve it or wishing for civilian death. "All settlers are combatants" as an argument is not a way to work around this. You can make this kind of argument as a politics point, but you can't then use it to be bloodlusty against people who are not acting as active combatants.

- DTI/DTA/generally saying Israel sucks and deserves to lose or even be dissolved as a state is ok. Actually Israel as a state is bad and should surrender.

2. No untagged violence/gore/death stuff

- Don't post gore images or videos. Even if it's not directly gory or graphic (like tanks getting blown up), don't treat this thread like r/combatfootage. This will be punished mercilessly and your complaints will fall on deaf ears. Textual descriptions of especially graphic content may fall under this rule as well.

- Don't center conversations around hosed up death/gore content you've watched offsite. It's not evidence for whatever point you think you're trying to make, it's just rotting your brain.

- Do not request or post about instructions on how to find gross content off-site either.

3. Don't drag stupid Ukraine thread drama into this thread. This will result in long probes and bans. This thread is not just a place for litigating your preexisting Ukraine thread slapfights or grudges, so don't do it. (That said it's not reasonable to expect zero cross-talk about one conflict in a thread about another...just be sure it's relevant to this thread and not forums war junk).

** SYQs and general complaining about d&d is not against thread rules yet, but it will be if people turn this thread into more of a d&d complaint zone than an IP discussion zone. Historically goons don't know where to draw the line on this so take care lest the rules be further modified.

4. No hamburger brained posting. This is tough to define but some examples would be: chat about nukes, invading Iran, chuds, trump, doing a draft, or other stuff that focuses more on american electoral junk than the ongoing plight of the Palestinian people. Anything that looks like burger people imagining ways the suffering of palestine will affect them personally will be annihilated.

Jackson Hinkle talk is being counted as hamburger posting. Posting his tweets is now playing russian roulette on how much you trust his information. Do not tell people about how much of a freakin chud he is, or defend him from accusations.

Things Worth Reading
Hamas' 2017 charter: Outlines the politics of Hamas.
Our Narrative ... Operation Al-Aqsa Flood: Hamas' account of the Al-Aqsa Flood.
A Textbook Case of Genocide (Segal, 2023): Israeli historian Raz Segal explaining why Israel's actions since Oct 7 2023 constitute genocide.
The Jewish State (Herzl, 1896): A brief paper on zionism published in 1896 by the creator of the zionist movement, with some valuable third person information by zionist organizations afterward.
Mondoweiss and Grayzone reports on how Israel themselves were responsible for many of the Israeli deaths on 07/10/2023.

Returning to Haifa (Kanafi, 2000): A novella and mediation on the hurt and pain held by a second generation Palestinian refugee returning to Israel to find his parent's home occupied by Israeli settlers.
The Hundred Years War on Palestine (Khalidi, 2020): A very good overview and introduction to the conflict. It's interesting to see the perspective of a trained historian who was also an active participant advising the PLO at times, weaving some of the more personal anecdotes like describing the experience of living in Beirut during the Israeli invasion into the more objective historical narrative.
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (Mearsheimer and Walt, 2007): Asks and answers the question, "Why does Israel receive both material support and political deference from the US that dwarfs any other foreign nation?" (Review by captainbananas).
The Jewish Question: A Marxist Interpretation (Leon, 1942): Cuts through religious mystification to get at the heart of the underlying material reasons for the growth of the diaspora, the entrenchment of Medieval antisemitism, the capitalist crises that drove the emergence of modern political antisemitism, and most importantly for this thread, a scathing critique of Zionism which presented Jewish nationalism as a remedy.

Interesting Studies and Data
Israeli Views of the Israel-Hamas War: Pew poll on how Israelis see the war.
IDF's comparative enlistment data for 2001 kids (2023): Compares IDF enlistment rates between different cities as well as stating the national stats. 68.9% of eligible men and 55.9% of eligible women enlist.
IDF comparative enlistment rates.


Trump is on a fun journey learning about The Holy Land but continues to act thoughtlessly :jerry:

Here is a good article I'd like to share:

"this website" posted:

Though Trump’s announcement did not explicitly recognize Israel’s annexation of occupied East Jerusalem, the Israelis have long insisted that recognizing Jerusalem as its capital means recognizing the entire city under their exclusive control.

No government outside Israel recognizes this illegal annexation or supports the idea of a Jerusalem united under exclusive Israeli sovereignty. Until now.


The near-universal opposition to Trump’s decision by much of the military, intelligence, and foreign policy establishment is not out of concern for the fate of the Palestinians or international law. Rather, they fear that effectively recognizing exclusive Israel control over the third holiest city in Islam will provoke a backlash throughout the Islamic world. Reactionary clerics and other Islamist extremists, building on centuries of resentment going back to the Jerusalem’s conquest by the Crusaders nearly a millennium ago, will likely take advantage of popular outrage over the decision to encourage violent attacks, including terrorism, targeting U.S. interests.

In fact, Trump may be seeking just such an outcome.
Since launching his presidential campaign, he has gone to great lengths to stoke bigotry and fear against Muslims, as exemplified in his recent decision to retweet misleading anti-Muslim videos compiled by a British neo-fascist group. Any rioting and acts of terrorism by Muslims in reaction to Trump’s decision would only reinforce his narrative and his agenda for restricting immigration and bombing Muslim countries.


In the 2016 platform, nominee Hillary Clinton—an advocate of moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem—successfully pushed for language declaring that Jerusalem “should remain the capital of Israel” while again saying nothing of Palestinian concerns.

MOd approved Toxxing allowed: how long you think until the IDF does this again to gaza for no reason?

which i think still looks like this because the red cross stole all the money or something
probably Summer 2018 i think :toxx:

would'nt it be cool if there were a new intifada
PS Lowtax asked me to tell you to please only make good posts in this thread, Thanks.:slick:

Somebody has issued a correction as of 09:29 on Jun 4, 2024


Bip Roberts
Mar 29, 2005

Best Bi Geek Squid
Mar 25, 2016
i think that there is only the trump thread in cspam, op

Fallen Hamprince
Nov 12, 2016

it's good that trump is lighting the peace process on fire because it owns the dems - extremely liberal man glenn greenwald

Sep 13, 2005

The Mote in God's Eye

I'm sorry, this thread is mine now

I mean I know I started it, but I've already unpacked my stuff, this thread is all about deconstructing Children's TV shows

I mean, you can talk about Palestine, but only every third post, and sometimes I'll call mine and you don't get that either

Don't make me try to starve you out (too late I've already started)

Oct 1, 2015

You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
Free Palestine imo

Jun 26, 2013

There’s never been a Palestine thread OP.

TheTrump thread however has existed in some form for 20,000 years.

Nov 15, 2003
This should really be part of the israel thread.

a primate
Jun 2, 2010

a fat old man lost his dentures
in a faraway land
the middle-east is full of hummus
pee pee poo poo he is a bad president

Oct 26, 2014

i think the pisstape israel thread was only named that b/c for 2000 years we have awaited the arrival of the holy piss tape, because we (((goons))) are the chosen people who would sacrifice our failsons for it, op

Algund Eenboom
May 4, 2014

Fallen Hamprince posted:

it's good that trump is lighting the peace process on fire because it owns the dems - extremely liberal man glenn greenwald

the op clearly said only good posts are allowed, please respect him

Aug 19, 2008

I lost to you once, monster. I shall not lose again! Die now, that our future can live!

Algund Eenboom posted:

the op clearly said only good posts are allowed

much like your posting


Mar 28, 2016

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Algund Eenboom posted:

the op clearly said only good posts are allowed, please respect him

thank you poster

Jan 24, 2009

by Nyc_Tattoo

LegoPirateNinja posted:

This should really be part of the israel thread.

Thems fighting words you little gently caress

Autism Sneaks
Nov 21, 2016
in I/P, only death is certain

Jan 24, 2009

by Nyc_Tattoo
Netanyahu sighs as he draws his white phosphorous.

Communist Thoughts
Jan 7, 2008

Our war against free speech cannot end until we silence this bronze beast!

paul_soccer10 posted:

MOd approved Toxxing allowed: how long you think until the IDF does this again to gaza for no reason?

which i think still looks like this because the red cross stole all the money or something
probably Summer 2018 i think :toxx:

tbf the IDF never does it for "no reason" they just need an incredibly flimsly pretext

like if they did something really inflammatory and offensive and were attacked for it, that would probably do it

although i dont actually know if they need to bombard gaza any more, isn't it basically dying anyway? the last few massacres the IDF also took the opportunity to destroy all their infrastructure and the gazans are basically banned from rebuilding the place under the "agreements" afaik

gaza is so hosed up, you've basically got this situation:
IDF: "Leave our land or die,"
Gazan: "Okay, I will leave,"
IDF: "Thats illegal,"

the bitcoin of weed
Nov 1, 2014

israel is bad and palestine is good

Nov 15, 2003

Frijolero posted:

Thems fighting words you little gently caress

We need to be grownups here and accept that a two thread solution is simply unfeasible at this point.

To be fair, all palestine posters will be able to post in the israel thread but they will not be israel thread posters.

Fat-Lip-Sum-41.mp3 has issued a correction as of 17:15 on Dec 8, 2017

Oct 23, 2010

Nap Ghost
So does Palestine exist or not? I am confused.

the bitcoin of weed
Nov 1, 2014

Zeroisanumber posted:

So does Palestine exist or not? I am confused.

as with most things, it depends on if you ask a white person

Mar 20, 2006

Mar 28, 2016

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Bear Retrieval Unit
Nov 5, 2009

Mudslide Experiment
The true home of Palestine threads is D&D.

Main Paineframe
Oct 27, 2010

paul_soccer10 posted:

MOd approved Toxxing allowed: how long you think until the IDF does this again to gaza for no reason?

which i think still looks like this because the red cross stole all the money or something
probably Summer 2018 i think :toxx:

whenever Netanyahu needs a bump in the polls

that's why they do it: to boost the popularity of Bibi the Mighty, Protector of Israel

Oct 1, 2015

You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.

This episode is actually the extent of my Palestinian Knowledge

But I know they have hot women, and by God they deserve liberation

some plague rats
Jun 5, 2012

by Fluffdaddy

Zeroisanumber posted:

So does Palestine exist or not? I am confused.

It does but I'm refreshing the news every five minutes to see if that's changed yet

Dr. Gibletron
Oct 27, 2010

dprk is ovjectively the better k

Average Bear
Apr 4, 2010
70% of this thread is now the Israel thread.

Pener Kropoopkin
Jan 30, 2013

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Oct 23, 2010

Nap Ghost

Crane Fist posted:

It does but I'm refreshing the news every five minutes to see if that's changed yet

It seems like more of a state of mind than an actual place.

Lawman 0
Aug 17, 2010


Arcteryx Anarchist
Sep 15, 2007

Fun Shoe

Dreddout posted:

But I know they have hot women, and by God they deserve liberation

I think you’ll find that what you actually believe is that Armenian women are hot

Horseshoe theory
Mar 7, 2005

Crusader Kings 3 demo looking pretty good.

Nov 4, 2014
Can't post for 10 years!
let's go go crusader

fabergay egg
Mar 1, 2012

it's not a rhetorical question, for politely saying 'you are an idiot, you don't know what you are talking about'

Israeli women are also hot. Peace must be achieved, so that we may all live and gently caress in harmony.

Oct 23, 2010

Nap Ghost

Best Giraffe posted:

Israeli women are also hot. Peace must be achieved, so that we may all live and gently caress in harmony.

Nov 4, 2014
Can't post for 10 years!

Best Giraffe posted:

Israeli women are also hot. Peace must be achieved, so that we may all live and gently caress in harmony.

but then who would we bomb?

Oct 23, 2010

Nap Ghost

lollontee posted:

but then who would we bomb?

People say that there's this place where we don't bomb anybody.


fabergay egg
Mar 1, 2012

it's not a rhetorical question, for politely saying 'you are an idiot, you don't know what you are talking about'

lollontee posted:

but then who would we bomb?

We can bomb the British, they're all ugly. No one would miss them and the Irish would send us thank you cards.

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