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Jul 19, 2022

Mendrian posted:

I knew SC was expensive, but it appears to be the most expensive to make videogame of all time. Is that right?

If so we're completely in the stratosphere now about what we can expect. I had no idea there were so few competitors to SC's illustrious crown.

Crobberts and CIG have blown through 550,000,000 Dollars and have the current 3.17.5 to show for all that spent money and 11 years of "effort".

Star Citizen and Squander 42 are far far from finished.

How much more Money and Time do they need ?????

Squander 42, Erin says 2 more years, real time 4 years at least !!!!

Then focus back on Star Citizen, add another 6 years minimum.

10 more Years @ $110,000,000/year = ANOTHER $1,110,000,000

TOTAL $1,660,000,000 or 1.66 BILLION DOLLARS.

Im pretty sure it will eventually die, how much more backers fresh money will be wasted before it does die, is the sad question.


Aug 19, 2018

Dwesa posted:

they are always in the beginning stages of development, aren't they?

The "key resources" being limited does that! I Imagine™ that people responsible for implementing those systems are either out of their depth, receive no support to do their job, or they just leave.

Jun 21, 2005

Bushboy2000 posted:

11 years of "effort".

Didn't the pioneering ideas of constant development in offices spread into different time zones and cutting off all the red tape from publisher and their innovation stifling committees thanks crowd sourced business model mean that CIG is in actuality working twice as fast as ordinary fossilized game companies?

So in actuality they have put in 22 years of effort. Chris is always breaking new ground.

Facebook Aunt
Oct 4, 2008

wiggle wiggle

Foreverial beginning development and loving it.

Aug 18, 2003

Good day what ho cup of tea
I've worked at places a bit like CIG.

As a new employee you come in with ideas of how the work is supposed to get done, and then you see the horrible truth that while people are "doing work" every day 9 to 5, it's all being wasted because of stupid policies. You approach your boss with your suggestions to improve things, and they all get shot down in a variety of ways - turned down flat, escalated out of existence, sent to a bureaucratic black hole - and nothing improves. At that point you realise you only wasted your own time attempting to make the company run better, and you pop your head down, do exactly what you're asked to do regardless of whether it's worthwhile or not, and put in the minimum effort required to avoid being shouted at.

Jul 19, 2016

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun

Shine on you crazy diamond!
Yeah but soon the wizards will finish server meshing and the pipelines will burst wide open with features and content

Apr 17, 2018


Dwesa posted:

they are always in the beginning stages of development, aren't they?

And with the requisite reference to a movie they saw just as development started. This reference feels like it comes all the way from the top.

Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

Ship skeleton? “Blendspace tech”?

It's driving a canned animation or a parametric attachment of parts. This is a solved problem. Flight sims and driving sims (and open-world games and FPSes and RPGs and everything not done in rpgmaker). It's so solved, it was already in the engine when you bought it over a decade ago. Crysis vehicles already do what you're failing to do, you dumb fucks. No wonder there are bugs where the game gets confused whether it should apply character animations to the ships or vice versa.

Dec 16, 2005

Trilobite posted:

Yeah, I can't imagine anyone working in the trenches at CIG even wanting to poke their head up over the edge to try and figure out what exactly is going on with the game as a whole. They have to know that the little zone they're responsible for is hosed, and that their future depends on finding ways to distract or deflect the attention of anyone who could yell at them about it, and that's more than enough to worry about in any given week.

I do suspect that the various teams do talk to each other about how hosed their various corners of Star Citizen are, though. Possibly with the encouragement of their managers, since the best way to keep people on your team from trying to transfer to a different one would be to let them see that there's absolutely nowhere to go that isn't just as hopeless.

CIG has had lore writers on their staff full time for how long now? I've been under the impression that writing as a profession isn't easy to find full time work. Those writers must be so happy.

Feb 14, 2014

Tippis posted:

Ship skeleton? “Blendspace tech”?

It's driving a canned animation or a parametric attachment of parts. This is a solved problem. Flight sims and driving sims (and open-world games and FPSes and RPGs and everything not done in rpgmaker). It's so solved, it was already in the engine when you bought it over a decade ago. Crysis vehicles already do what you're failing to do, you dumb fucks. No wonder there are bugs where the game gets confused whether it should apply character animations to the ships or vice versa.

yeah and their flight model is magic anyway so its not like they need to be concerned about the direction of thrust.

so bad at this.

Jan 6, 2018

"You win by having fun"

Tippis posted:

Ship skeleton?

Christopher Roberts built those ship skeletons with his bare thumbs

Jul 19, 2016

Maybe I'll go where I can see stars

Pixelate posted:

Christopher Roberts built those ship skeletons with his bare bear thumbs

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

can someone post a gif from way back when the Chris promised all the thrusters would be totally independent and have the ability to move to show what was happening behind the scenes?

I remember one video clip from early days when the thrusters on a ship were going absolutely bonkers spinning around like they were going to fly off the ship itself, and the ship was just sitting stationary doing nothing

Dr. Kyle Farnsworth
Apr 23, 2004

Thing about working in games is the hardest part is breaking in so just having a games job on your resume makes you much more likely to get a job on something else in games. Even if it's a job with a lovely scam company because basically everyone has worked at one of those because, well, see above.

When I washed out of games it was kind of a problem passing background checks and employment verification because it's like "the last few employers? Uh, 3 of those companies don't exist anymore, I can give you some personal cell phone numbers and email addresses?" (Which is another thing, it's less-hard for coders and poo poo to jump but when you've been doing weird poo poo for semi-shady companies it can be tricky to jump to, like, a bank that expects you to have...finished high school and gone to college and done an internship and worked as a junior and then a mid level and a senior at a succession of boring and still existing companies). I had a couple companies like "lol look man you seem great but our background check company can't verify anything." Where I'm at now I had to, like, huddle with the HR chick and cobble together enough references and verifications to pass the check, and I remain grateful to her for going that extra mile for me, and now my resume is much less shady. Also non-games companies don't understand the constant layoff cycles that game companies do, so "Yeah I got caught in the layoffs at this place then I got laid off here 6 months later then I got on at CIG then I jumped here" is normalish in vidya and makes you look like a lunatic in more normie circles.

The other thing is games is a super incestuous industry where it is very much about knowing people and networking and people hire their friends so your buddy from CIG jumps to EA or Activision or whatever then hits you up and you go with them and hey there's an opening for an animator and you know a guy trapped in animating the With Lust On His Mind game play loop so you ping him...

Lastly once you're off the metaphorical island it is super hard to get back on. Less hard for things always in demand like engine programmers but it is like joining a cult where they figure hmm, you probably got used to making a real salary and probably won't fall for poo poo like "actually it's cool we make you work 100 hour weeks because free snacks and soda and beer in the break room and look! Foosball tables! Technically no we didn't actually pay your health insurance premium this month but everyone thinks your job is cool and you can't put a price on that. Okay you can it's usually about 20% less than you make in a normal job". So it can be worth marking time at a lovely job at a lavishly funded company (I mean it's not like they don't have money) and polishing your resume and waiting for something else to come along.

Dr. Kyle Farnsworth fucked around with this message at 16:47 on Feb 27, 2023

Feb 29, 2016

Lol said the scorpion, lmao


These two baby turtles were born in October 2022 and the video was taken in December 2022. These two gorgeous baby turtles are from the same nest so are siblings.

These spa days or cleaning days are very important. It helps prevent and/or remove a build of algae and parasites. The turtle enjoy it and it is healthy for them and they swim better or easier after their spa days.

If I remember correctly The Ogasawara Marine Center have volunteers to help or carry out the turtle spa days. I would say that this is highly beneficial for all concerned and a great thing to see.

The Ogasawara Marine Center are an Environmental conservation organisation and do research and conservation of green sea turtles and humpback whales in Ogasawara.

The music is cheddariniii•Kokiri Forest Cover by David Erick Ramos but you may know it from The Legend of Zelda.

Sep 13, 2010



Mar 13, 2006

How can we lose so much more than we had before

Dwesa posted:

they are always in the beginning stages of development, aren't they?

Star Citizen: We are in the beginning stages of developing

Aug 15, 2001

phosdex posted:

CIG has had lore writers on their staff full time for how long now? I've been under the impression that writing as a profession isn't easy to find full time work. Those writers must be so happy.

God, I forgot about the Lore Team. You're right, they are maybe the only truly happy employees at CIG, because nobody pays attention to them, and nothing they do requires an actual game to ever exist.

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Trilobite posted:

God, I forgot about the Lore Team. You're right, they are maybe the only truly happy employees at CIG, because nobody pays attention to them, and nothing they do requires an actual game to ever exist.

I'm sure they are busy fielding constant emails from Ben about how they missed a detail on something

Jan 6, 2018

"You win by having fun"
Lore team is a thing of wonder

Popete posted:

How do you say "Where is ToW?" in Banu?

trucutru posted:

(great)battle (methaphorical)location is where

Oh, you think I am kidding, right? I assure you, I'm not.

Pixelate posted:


I wonder if Chris gets hate mail written in this stuff?

Mar 8, 2004

But I remember the fella who told me. Big lad. Arms as thick as oak trees, a stunning collection of scars, nice eye patch. A REAL therapist he was. Er wait. Maybe it was rapist?

that's extremely star wars prequels sounding alien garbage

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Sankis posted:

that's extremely star wars prequels sounding alien garbage

i hope that man that created that language lives forever off the royalties afforded him when the entire earth's population starts using Banu language like they do Klingon

Jack-Off Lantern
Mar 2, 2012

Lore Team -" Let's call the Aliens the Vanduul and the Xi'an."

Also Lore Team - *eats glue*

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Jack-Off Lantern posted:

Lore Team -" Let's call the Aliens the Vanduul and the Xi'an."

Also Lore Team - *eats glue*

to be fair to them, chris first came up with 'vanduul' back in the wing commander days

the rest im sure is his genius brain child too

Apr 17, 2018

No one else could come up with such creativity as "apply offensive racial stereotypes in an over the top way to alien species which are also named incredibly unoriginally and also wow coincidentally none of the racial stereotypes are based on white people"

Feb 14, 2014

Fidelitious posted:

No one else could come up with such creativity as "apply offensive racial stereotypes in an over the top way to alien species which are also named incredibly unoriginally and also wow coincidentally none of the racial stereotypes are based on white people"

??? have you seen the UEE, the We're Not An Empire We Swear Empire with a culture based on space cars and food courts?

Blue On Blue
Nov 14, 2012

Fidelitious posted:

No one else could come up with such creativity as "apply offensive racial stereotypes in an over the top way to alien species which are also named incredibly unoriginally and also wow coincidentally none of the racial stereotypes are based on white people"

TheDeadlyShoe posted:

??? have you seen the UEE, the We're Not An Empire We Swear Empire with a culture based on space cars and food courts?

yeah for real of course white people are based on stereotypes, all the white people in the UEE are either rich with massive space yachts, own business empires, or are running for senate

they're also all handsome and ripped with 6 packs

obviously chris' stereotype of white people is based on his own image

Jul 19, 2016

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun

Shine on you crazy diamond!
To be honest every SC person has the same shape because they are incapable of creating variety

All resources are busy in the ship pipeline

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

Jun 30, 2018

TheDeadlyShoe posted:

??? have you seen the UEE, the We're Not An Empire We Swear Empire with a culture based on space cars and food courts?

I love everything about the non-creativity of the UEE, especially its diet-fascism.

Chris wants that unironic Starship Troopers US vs. THEM, but is just self aware enough to know that straight up Nazis as protagonists may not fly in TYOOL 2023. So he squirms out of it with the conceit that the big militaristic human space empire is sort of a democracy… somehow… don’t ask any questions, just buy spaceships.

colonelwest fucked around with this message at 18:26 on Feb 28, 2023

I said come in!
Jun 22, 2004

I am so inspired by generic fantasy ruins!

Rotten Red Rod
Mar 5, 2002

MMOs already wouldn't exist without "the cloud" (aka a loving server).

Sep 4, 2011

Rotten Red Rod posted:

MMOs already wouldn't exist without "the cloud" (aka a loving server).

Every time I see someone talk about "the cloud", I just hear it like the Toy Story aliens say "The Claw".

Jul 19, 2016

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun

Shine on you crazy diamond!


Operating from studios in Helsinki, Reykjavik and Paris.

I wonder if they will go full CI and take 8 years to build and furnish their offices

Oct 29, 2004

Kings need not raise their voices to be heard

Randalor posted:

Every time I see someone talk about "the cloud", I just hear it like the Toy Story aliens say "The Claw".

May 2, 2019

Dancing is forbidden
Somebody better let Mainframe Industries know that Lethality is excited for their game before it's too late

Rotten Red Rod
Mar 5, 2002

After reading a bunch of articles on their website I finally discovered "cloud-native" just means graphical streaming ala Stadia or GeForce now. Why exactly is that so exciting...?

Feb 25, 2016

Rotten Red Rod posted:

After reading a bunch of articles on their website I finally discovered "cloud-native" just means graphical streaming ala Stadia or GeForce now. Why exactly is that so exciting...?

3rd time´s a charm?

Dec 16, 2005

holtemon posted:

Somebody better let Mainframe Industries know that Lethality is excited for their game before it's too late

If you're the social media manager for a game and Lethality starts posting about it, do you tell your bosses or just start looking for a new job?


Mar 21, 2008

It's yet another day in the wasteland.

phosdex posted:

If you're the social media manager for a game and Lethality starts posting about it, do you tell your bosses or just start looking for a new job?

One does not preclude the other. That's probably the safer bet.

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