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What is the most powerful flying bug?
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🦋 15 3.71%
🦇 115 28.47%
🪰 12 2.97%
🐦 67 16.58%
dragonfly 94 23.27%
🦟 14 3.47%
🐝 87 21.53%
Total: 404 votes
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Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy


Aug 4, 2007

Egg Moron posted:

It’s an entirely updated package

Like putting a spoiler on your trebuchet in 1480

Wiki: “Trebuchets were still used both at the siege of Burgos (1475–1476) and siege of Rhodes (1480). One of the last recorded military uses was by Hernán Cortés, at the 1521 siege of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán. Accounts of the attack note that its use was motivated by the limited supply of gunpowder. The attempt was reportedly unsuccessful: the first projectile landed on the trebuchet itself, destroying it.”

Nov 5, 2016
North Korea is a better military ally than all of Europe lol

Speaking of which, did the shells the Czech president promised arrived yet?

Sep 29, 2007

This is what happens when you disrespect Cam Neely

samogonka posted:

North Korea is a better military ally than all of Europe lol

Speaking of which, did the shells the Czech president promised arrived yet?

I've noticed that the delivery date keeps getting moved back, the shells keep becoming more expensive to buy and the amount promised gets smaller over time.

Egg Moron
Jul 21, 2003

the dreams of the delighting void

Starsfan posted:

I've noticed that the delivery date keeps getting moved back, the shells keep becoming more expensive to buy and the amount promised gets smaller over time.


Nov 5, 2004


euphronius posted:

isn’t inntalling panels a blue collar job

did Zelensky get rid of unions??


sum posted:

Dunno if this was posted, but the Z man signed the law abolishing labor unions for like 90% of Ukrainian workers. Maybe this will convince Europe to keep paying out the aid?

but who wanted them to do it?

Frosted Flake posted:

Article Here

In order to increase the probability of adopting a certain bill in Ukraine, it is accompanied by an Explanatory Note. The main reasons given in the Explanatory Note of bill 5371, which could be written by a graduate of the 2-week business course, are the following:

The current legislation is outdated. This despite the fact that legislation was supplemented and updated almost every year from 1991 to 2022.

Labour legislation is extremely Soviet and bureaucratic. But modernising the legislation by proposing to repeal the ILO Recommendations and Conventions, to violate the articles of the European Social Charter and the Association Agreements with the EU, looks more like the authors of the bill prefer the tsarist era.

The difficulty of complying with the labour law stimulates "shadow employment". But simply- proposing to legalize the illegal forms of human exploitation cannot be the answer.

It is proposed to overcome the reduction of employment by expanding the grounds for dismissal of employees by the employer.

This bill was part of a package of legislation introduced in autumn last year that led to widespread protests from the Ukrainian trade union movement. The measures were then postponed, following a scandal, revealed by EPSU, over the British government's promotion of these anti-union and anti-labour reforms.

Holy poo poo.

Jul 31, 2022

euphronius posted:

for our Nazi continent friends :


May 8, 2012

Very Good

Some Guy TT posted:

cant wait to start hearing about how trumps going to start world war three because he believes in making peace with both russia and north korea

Lmfao thinking germany is still high tech in 2024

Sep 29, 2005

euphronius posted:

for our Nazi continent friends :

Dokapon Findom posted:

lol at Kim's posture while driving. Swag levels off the charts

sippin on that gin and juche

laaaaaid back

Oct 29, 2011

samogonka posted:

North Korea is a better military ally than all of Europe lol

Speaking of which, did the shells the Czech president promised arrived yet?

Yes sir, the check is in the mail

Jul 31, 2022

Delta-Wye posted:

sippin on that gin and juche

laaaaaid back


Dec 14, 2008

Regarde Aduck posted:

I'm not allowed to see any of this

:same: but if you're willing to go through the trouble you can use e.g. to download the video unencumbered.

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy

Hey who were the last guys to pull off a "blitzkrieg"?

Homeless Friend
Jul 16, 2007


euphronius posted:

for our Nazi continent friends :

lmao that he lost weight then put it back on. dudes rock

Jel Shaker
Apr 19, 2003

gradenko_2000 posted:

Hey who were the last guys to pull off a "blitzkrieg"?

they’re the good guys now, please keep up

Mar 15, 2006

gradenko_2000 posted:

Hey who were the last guys to pull off a "blitzkrieg"?

Oct 1, 2021
hey given that we discuss funny eastern european brainrot check this out.
All the criticism is by one polish person from a book named "hollywood's war with poland."

Tankbuster has issued a correction as of 07:03 on Jun 21, 2024

Jan 2, 2020

That looks so much more fun than the vroomy peace summit and stupid Hollywood movie about Kim Jung En.

They should do donuts in front of North Korea's version Red Square, whatever it's called.

Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe

Egg Moron posted:


ukraine finally gets their long-awaited shipment from the czechs, but as the artillery crews eagerly break open the boxes it turns out that they're filled with vintage mauser rifle cartridges

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy

Cerebral Bore posted:

ukraine finally gets their long-awaited shipment from the czechs, but as the artillery crews eagerly break open the boxes it turns out that they're filled with vintage mauser rifle cartridges

it would be pretty funny if the boxes of 155mm shells are opened up only for the troops to find that they're actually 149mm shells

May 18, 2010

That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even anime may die

Ukraine will surely triumph with this fresh shipment of (checks box)... Panzer 38(t)s!

Dec 26, 2012

Still think the Czechs fell for a Nigerian e-mail

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy
Ukraine is writing Czechs their allies can't cash :v:

corona familiar
Aug 13, 2021

each shell is filled with 95% cellulose to cut costs

legally they're required to be labeled highly explosive-flavored artillery shells

Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe
:actually: it's only artillery if it comes from the artillerie region of france, otherwise they're just sparkling big guns

Punkin Spunkin
Jan 1, 2010

Some Guy TT posted:

cant wait to start hearing about how trumps going to start world war three because he believes in making peace with both russia and north korea
didnt he say he would've bombed Moscow

Nov 5, 2004



In February, Berlin's Junge Welt revealed how Ukrainian Centuria cemented itself in six cities across Germany and is seeking to expand its activities across Europe, influencing populations and governments to adopt their horrendous worldview. Did British Intel Create the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Militia?

not too much new here but lol that rutte is giving out funds to far right groups that his own government calls nazi

Dec 31, 2000

crepeface posted:

not too much new here but lol that rutte is giving out funds to far right groups that his own government calls nazi

And that's why he'll be replacing Stoltenberg.

May 18, 2010

That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even anime may die

crepeface posted:


In February, Berlin's Junge Welt revealed how Ukrainian Centuria cemented itself in six cities across Germany and is seeking to expand its activities across Europe, influencing populations and governments to adopt their horrendous worldview. Did British Intel Create the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Militia?

That's Gladio, baybeeee

Oct 5, 2010

Lipstick Apathy

Feb 1, 2024


corona familiar posted:

each shell is filled with 95% cellulose to cut costs

legally they're required to be labeled highly explosive-flavored artillery shells

That would be guncotton, and would be more useful than nothing.

May 12, 2002
Yeah supposedly the Ukrainians are looking to push a major assault north of Kharkov, considering how little the Russians put into the offensive initially and they don’t have a lot of troops there even now, it seemed to be a worthy investment.

Otherwise, there was a statement by a former PM of Ukraine that Ukraine has lost 500k+ already and they can’t sustain more than a million casualties and continue. This is somewhat arguable but looking at the current demographics of Ukraine and the current burn rate, there is certainly an argument to be made.

There is also the question of where the tipping point is. Arguably the Russians want a 3 to point advantage to finish the war, and while they have an advantage currently it is probably something more around 1.5x. So it is a question of both the Ukrainian burn rate and conscription ability but exactly how large of a force the Russians are putting together in the background. They have made some claims of potential and there is obviously a reserve force out there but it is unclear how big.

Also FAB 3000 glide kits are being used, and the damage created is as expected.

Ardennes has issued a correction as of 12:50 on Jun 21, 2024

Oct 29, 2011

Endman posted:

Ukraine will surely triumph with this fresh shipment of (checks box)... Panzer 38(t)s!

They'd probably be ecstatic

Horseshoe theory
Mar 7, 2005

gradenko_2000 posted:

Hey who were the last guys to pull off a "blitzkrieg"?

The Ramones? :thunk:

Feb 1, 2024


Ardennes posted:

Yeah supposedly the Ukrainians are looking to push a major assault north of Kharkov, considering how little the Russians put into the offensive initially and they don’t have a lot of troops there even now, it seemed to be a worthy investment.

Otherwise, there was a statement by a former PM of Ukraine that Ukraine has lost 500k+ already and they can’t sustain more than a million casualties and continue. This is somewhat arguable but looking at the current demographics of Ukraine and the current burn rate, there is certainly an argument to be made.

There is also the question of where the tipping point is. Arguably the Russians want a 3 to point advantage to finish the war, and while they have an advantage currently it is probably something more around 1.5x. So it is a question of both the Ukrainian burn rate and conscription ability but exactly how large of a force the Russians are putting together in the background. They have made some claims of potential and there is obviously a reserve force out there but it is unclear how big.

Also FAB 3000 glide kits are being used, and the damage created is as expected.

Attacking into the teeth of the enemy with my 40 year olds who received 2 weeks training.

Orange Devil
Oct 1, 2010

Wullie's reign cannae smother the flames o' equality!


Attacking into the teeth of the enemy with my 40 year olds who received 2 weeks training.

It's brilliant because they'd never expect it, and achieving strategic surprise is half the battle.

May 12, 2002


Attacking into the teeth of the enemy with my 40 year olds who received 2 weeks training.

I honestly think there will be at least talk of another major conscription bill by the end of the year, the burn rate is too high.

Feb 1, 2024

Well yeah, because you don't half rear end conscription if you're really fighting a total war against a genocidal enemy.

The Ukrainian framing of the war has never made sense. loving tax credits? More privatization of essential industry?

May 12, 2002


Well yeah, because you don't half rear end conscription if you're really fighting a total war against a genocidal enemy.

The Ukrainian framing of the war has never made sense. loving tax credits? More privatization of essential industry?

It makes complete sense in terms of liberalism. I would say the issue for the Ukrainians is when you run out of the poor and old, and have to actually start going after people with some money and connections. There are obviously still dudes at night clubs and working jobs but it is going to have to start digging into people who “matter.”


Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe
the yawning gulf between rhetoric and action among shitlibs has been very obvious for a while now, yes

every enemy is literally hitler and the way we'll beat him is by doing epic clapbacks and engaging in conspicuous consumption of the right media and brands

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