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What is the most powerful flying bug?
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🦋 15 3.71%
🦇 115 28.47%
🪰 12 2.97%
🐦 67 16.58%
dragonfly 94 23.27%
🦟 14 3.47%
🐝 87 21.53%
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May 12, 2002

VoicesCanBe posted:

Assange is loving Australian lmao how is he a traitor to the US

Oh wait the west is all one system, of course.

Provincial subjects are still subjects


Homeless Friend
Jul 16, 2007


Testicular Torque Wrench
Apr 14, 2016


Officer Sandvich posted:

"I think that if I were North Korean military personnel management, I would be questioning my choices on sending my forces to be cannon fodder in an illegal war against Ukraine," Ryder said.

I love the concept of a war being illegal and its implications

Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

VoicesCanBe posted:

Assange is loving Australian lmao how is he a traitor to the US

Oh wait the west is all one system, of course.

Nov 8, 2019

Testicular Torque Wrench posted:

I love the concept of a war being illegal and its implications

It's legal when it benefits the US empire, illegal otherwise

Also known as the rules-based international order

Aug 31, 2004

Fittingly enough that man is Canadian.

Oct 1, 2008

Canada is america so it still works.

Nix Panicus
Feb 25, 2007


The other part of firing max charges all the time is this bizarre argument I've seen during the Ukraine War that somehow "outranging" enemy artillery matters? They will just move their guns closer to you. Maximum range and high velocity were used for division/corps level guns (not gun-howitzers) tasked to counter battery missions, like the 175mm guns, 4.5 Inch guns, but for general support, you need to place your field guns within a few km of the troops you are supporting (so, in danger) in order for them to have the best coverage and ability to respond to emerging situations.

I guess that means casualties, and we can't have that, so... lol I don't know how our military thought ended up in all of these dead ends.

Artillery projects a kill field that instantly destroys all enemy artillery inside its radius

May 3, 2009

its time to end finland

Aug 4, 2013

RIP polish osint news channel.

Nov 8, 2019

HallelujahLee posted:

its time to end finland

Spergin Morlock
Aug 8, 2009

V. Illych L. posted:

it just struck me that any weird right-wing terrorist activity in europe for the foreseeable future is going to be blamed on russia as a matter of course, even (or especially) if they end up using weapons sourced from western aid to ukraine

still curious how many of those weapons are making their way down to Hezbollah

fanfic insert
Nov 4, 2009

Palladium posted:

btw one chinese military vlogger i saw claimed ansahallah weaponry tech is sourced more from NK compared to iranian

i fuckin love the democratic peoples republic of korea

Spergin Morlock
Aug 8, 2009

Elon chimed in to say it's ok they posted a video of an Afghani child being raped and they'll be reinstated

Feb 1, 2024

Oh, well, if that's all they did, water under the bridge.

Jan 26, 2007

Elon is gross

Jul 31, 2022

ukraine is out of the euros lol

Jul 19, 2022

any post can be a kannapost
if you want it to be

tristeham posted:

ukraine is out of the euros lol

also lol at the nafo-ish guy in the match day thread

adebisi lives
Nov 11, 2009

Spergin Morlock posted:

still curious how many of those weapons are making their way down to Hezbollah

Not enough

Officer Sandvich
Feb 14, 2010

fanfic insert posted:

i fuckin love the democratic peoples republic of korea

R. Mute
Jul 27, 2011

a north korean soldier and a chechen soldier doing the predator handshake

which leads me to wonder what the chechens are up to. haven't heard of them in a while

May 21, 2019

It will be back

Jul 19, 2022

any post can be a kannapost
if you want it to be


those two sentences should not follow each other

Son of Thunderbeast
Sep 21, 2002

Megamissen posted:


those two sentences should not follow each other

It's not the first time he's reinstated an account that posted CSE material on main

Feb 1, 2024

They still posted child exploitation, so what's the argument here?


"I was shaking my head when I posted a child being sexually abused, and I want people to know it's bad"

Jul 19, 2022

any post can be a kannapost
if you want it to be

im just kinda stumped, like it doesnt compute in my head

its sickening

Jul 31, 2022


Sep 29, 2005
no you don't understand this child being sodomized with a stick is newsworthy and its important it is posted to twitter for all to see. i am an open source intelligence enjoyer

Spergin Morlock
Aug 8, 2009

Delta-Wye posted:

no you don't understand this child being sodomized with a stick is newsworthy and its important it is posted to twitter for all to see. i am an open source intelligence enjoyer

no its not for enjoyment its so people can "bear witness"

Jul 10, 2022

Megamissen posted:

im just kinda stumped, like it doesnt compute in my head

its sickening

complete desensitization
brain cooked off war snuff

Jul 10, 2022

+ trying to justify violence against muslims, "look at those savages"

Jul 10, 2022

i saw that os account justifying violence against gazans and saying pallywood stuff early on like in nov or dec, they're one of the worst ones of those that im aware of

Jun 19, 2004

VoicesCanBe posted:

Assange is loving Australian lmao how is he a traitor to the US

Oh wait the west is all one system, of course.

got to the end of the first sentence and was all ready to shoot when i saw the second.

Aug 23, 2007
I need to sleep

FirstnameLastname posted:

+ trying to justify violence against muslims, "look at those savages"

That's what I thought too

adebisi lives
Nov 11, 2009
How many Polish fascists does it take to operate a twitter account?

Aug 8, 2013

Black Thursday was a disaster, plain and simple.
We lost too many good people, too many planes.
We can't let that kind of tragedy happen again.


imo the Russians are too nice to liberals.

Fixed that for you.

Organ Fiend
May 21, 2007

custom title


imo the Russian Empire was too nice to Finnish liberals.

If the Russian Empire and Soviet Union weren't so loving kind, we wouldn't be having this war right now.

Cerebral Bore
Apr 21, 2010

Fun Shoe

Regarde Aduck posted:

ah gently caress i checked his twitter to see what he was all about and he's finnish, gently caress it i'm done

what the gently caress is wrong with that country

i've lived here all my life and i still don't know for sure

best theory i have is that some eldritch horrors are sleeping beneath the bogs and their unholy dreams are leaking into the malleable mind of the finn

Spergin Morlock
Aug 8, 2009

Cerebral Bore posted:

i've lived here all my life and i still don't know for sure

best theory i have is that some eldritch horrors are sleeping beneath the bogs and their unholy dreams are leaking into the malleable mind of the finn

there was a documentary about that poo poo called Rare Exports


Jul 29, 2003

This post is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan


The intercepts, which were passed on to the German government by an intelligence agency of a North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally, were first reported by the Bild newspaper in Germany.

now I think the sbu did it

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