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Jul 26, 2001

'Cause we're the good guys.

lil poopendorfer posted:

Tbf a core temp of 95F or less is generally considered to be hypothermic :P

My standard reading on an oral thermometer is 96.5 and I don't get cold in the winter it's pretty awesome.

Summer loving suuuuuucks though.


Spergin Morlock
Aug 8, 2009

I just realized there are oral, anal and digital thermometers. lmao

Jul 12, 2009

Helith posted:

One group that Australian states are keen to get back however is international students as they bring a lot of money into the country and can be exploited as cheap labour in the service industry. NSW has approved a plan to let them back in and quarantine them in their student housing for 2 weeks before term starts this year. So Sydney will have lots of students around again soon.

lol are they going to alarm every doors to prevent movements of the students from infecting each other back and forth?

hope they dont have a shared bathroom like a dorm

Fluffy Bunnies
Jan 10, 2009

Spergin Morlock posted:

I just realized there are oral, anal and digital thermometers. lmao

there's aural and axillary ones, too. and just. so fuckin' many thermometers. and there's literally no proof of calibration on any of them or whatever.

Sep 25, 2003

Always Watching
Bread Liar

The Nastier Nate posted:

i have one and its garbage, the most use i got out of it was letting my 3 year old play doctor with it

i think you'd have to have a fever of 105 for to register anything

I periodically use the one I have on my kids and their temp is consistently “err” what’re you talking about

Apr 18, 2021

Smythe posted:

im tired of rona. im tired of it. all this bull poo poo. gently caress sakes. all it needed was a 2 week hard quarantine. have the national guard distribute rice and beans in burlap sacks. water comes out of the taps. gently caress sakes.

yeah but then we wouldn't have had 9 lucky pharma execs becoming freshly minted billionaires

or an overall increase of billionaire wealth by $1.62 trillion dollars

so you see, it's all been for the best :)

May 18, 2008

𒃻 𒌓ð’‰𒋫 𒆷ð’€𒅅𒆷
𒆠𒂖 𒌉 𒌫 ð’®𒈠𒈾𒅗 𒂉 𒉡𒌒𒂉𒊑

coke posted:


oh right forgot about the article stating the local tourism has been more profitable in general anyway

guess they can literally just be closed off to tourists forever and be just fine/better

They still have the aging boomer issue like North America though, which is why they clearly should give people like me who are already here citizenship.

Bob Socko
Feb 20, 2001

Spergin Morlock posted:

I just realized there are oral, anal and digital thermometers. lmao

With a little effort, all thermometers are anal.

May 18, 2008

𒃻 𒌓ð’‰𒋫 𒆷ð’€𒅅𒆷
𒆠𒂖 𒌉 𒌫 ð’®𒈠𒈾𒅗 𒂉 𒉡𒌒𒂉𒊑

Helith posted:

One group that Australian states are keen to get back however is international students as they bring a lot of money into the country and can be exploited as cheap labour in the service industry. NSW has approved a plan to let them back in and quarantine them in their student housing for 2 weeks before term starts this year. So Sydney will have lots of students around again soon.

Isn't that a federal government decision though? Not that Scomo would argue with Gladys on opening er up.

Dec 19, 2003

Will you stop going crazy in there?

Fluffy Bunnies posted:

are you in Georgia too

it's been like that here almost entirely since the cdc opened their mouths and went "well okay have fun kids"

Nope, up in CT. My buddy that works retail says he's been getting a lot of pressure from coworkers to ditch the mask, so I don't know if this is just becoming increasingly common or what's going on. It's really offputting though.

Jan 1, 1970

sorry about the dog

Cup Runneth Over
Aug 8, 2009

She said life's
Too short to worry
Life's too long to wait
It's too short
Not to love everybody
Life's too long to hate

I have a headache. Is my 16 month not-having-COVID streak over? Should I write my will before Delta puts me in the hospital?

Mar 3, 2007

We were somewhere around Manila when the drugs began to take hold

Cup Runneth Over posted:

I have a headache. Is my 16 month not-having-COVID streak over? Should I write my will before Delta puts me in the hospital?

no need just sign this sheet of paper and I’ll fill in the rest of the will for you

Oct 12, 2003

no meds = f4

osprey posted:

yeah but then we wouldn't have had 9 lucky pharma execs becoming freshly minted billionaires

or an overall increase of billionaire wealth by $1.62 trillion dollars

so you see, it's all been for the best :)

ah, yes. of course. thank you. you're right.

Cup Runneth Over
Aug 8, 2009

She said life's
Too short to worry
Life's too long to wait
It's too short
Not to love everybody
Life's too long to hate

what's the good test again? PCR?

Jul 9, 2001


Fun Shoe

Cup Runneth Over posted:

what's the good test again? PCR?

No, the Voight-Kampff test is the new standard. “You see a chud, lying on his back, baking in the sun. His mask has fallen well below his nose; it hangs off his chin. You do not help him with his mask. Why not?”

Sep 13, 2006

Louisgod posted:

I periodically use the one I have on my kids and their temp is consistently “err” what’re you talking about

Congratulations on your vampire kids.

Apr 18, 2021


“I can’t give them away,” Lindell told The Daily Beast in a phone interview this week. “I tried to. No one wants the things anymore.”

lol. the whole article is a real treat

Oct 3, 2004

Cup Runneth Over posted:

I have a headache. Is my 16 month not-having-COVID streak over? Should I write my will before Delta puts me in the hospital?

do you have any assets? If so, leave them to the covid thread in perpetuity

The Nastier Nate
May 22, 2005

All aboard the corona bus!


Yams Fan

hang on to them for a few more months until Delta mutates a few more times and we're back to square 1, then it's chud-masks time to shine

Jul 29, 2004
Can't post for 9 years!

people keep saying this guy is going to be president. he is too loving stupid, and that's saying something. just lie about the mask thing, idiot.

Feb 20, 2013

I like fish. I like to eat fish. I like to brush fish with a fish hairbrush. Do you like fish too?

Cup Runneth Over posted:

what's the good test again? PCR?

yeah, pcr. don’t do anything marketed as “rapid pcr” and don’t go to a test provider that has opened specifically to rake in covid cash bux

Nov 6, 2008
Can't post for 333 days!

Judakel posted:

people keep saying this guy is going to be president. he is too loving stupid, and that's saying something. just lie about the mask thing, idiot.

hahahah America will never elect a complete idiot president

U-DO Burger
Nov 12, 2007


Sep 29, 2005

Louisgod posted:

I periodically use the one I have on my kids and their temp is consistently “err” what’re you talking about

Oct 28, 2008

by vyelkin

Fluffy Bunnies posted:

Military bullshit. He got sent to WA in 2019 and I wasn't willing to sell my whole life again to go back to the state they'd promised we were staying in in 2015. We figured we could visit each other every 3-6 months and that'd be cool; we'd done poo poo like that before, no big deal.

Then covid hit.

Then he got sent to Afghanistan.

To Kabul

Where the outbreak has been. And then the dog we had for a decade together got sick as hell really fast and died. It's been a hell of a time as of late and it would be nice for covid to go away so I can at least remember he exists in person.

Also, those thermometers always read me at 95. I always ask people if I'm dead.

Sorry about the dog

I gotta ask, your posts have mentioned burying tons of people but also you're on a farm. What gives? Do you just know a shitload of old people? Or are you a grave digger

Samurai Sanders
Nov 4, 2003

My wife’s finally getting her first dose next week through her workplace, and even then she had to wade through some serious bullshit. No sign of when I can though; the city is still only handing out vaccination tickets to over 65s and people with verified pre-existing conditions. Way to go Japan. Clap clap clap.


this is a pretty good summary of all the Japanese discourse about the Olympics I’ve heard over the last several months.

Samurai Sanders has issued a correction as of 06:09 on Jun 20, 2021

Charles 2 of Spain
Nov 7, 2017

You live in Sendai right? It's literally on their website:

Jul 29, 2004
Can't post for 9 years!

tenderjerk posted:

hahahah America will never elect a complete idiot president

he is too stupid to lie. he will not be able to

Sudden Loud Noise
Feb 18, 2007

I just farted and it smelled bad. Delta probably.

Notorious R.I.M.
Jan 27, 2004

up to my ass in alligators

Sudden Loud Noise posted:

I just farted and it smelled bad. Delta probably.

Delta makes your farts smell like fresh donuts. That's why it's so transmissible.

Dec 15, 2006

Chronic Good Poster
lol gently caress is Eric an elder millennial

Dec 15, 2006

Chronic Good Poster
jfc mom, this apv full of engineers isn't going to protect itself. i need this god drat phone line

Dec 8, 2007

Mar 3, 2007

We were somewhere around Manila when the drugs began to take hold

Samurai Sanders
Nov 4, 2003


Charles 2 of Spain posted:

You live in Sendai right? It's literally on their website:
Not anymore. Where I live now is much less on top of things.

Steve Yun
Aug 7, 2003
I'm a parasitic landlord that needs to get a job instead of stealing worker's money. Make sure to remind me when I post.
Soiled Meat


Jun 16, 2010


Well I did it, I went to a get together tonight. Now to set the clock to see if I get sick in the next two weeks. Tick tock.

Happy Thread
Jul 10, 2005

by Fluffdaddy
Plaster Town Cop

Lacrosse posted:

Well I did it, I went to a get together tonight. Now to set the clock to see if I get sick in the next two weeks. Tick tock.

Any PPE?


Happy Thread
Jul 10, 2005

by Fluffdaddy
Plaster Town Cop
Start slamming down vitamin D pills now if you're worried about an exposure.

Vitamin D deficiency (Nature) -- 3% death rate without deficiency, 21% with

Take with fatty meal to ensure absorption:

Click through for more

lil poopendorfer posted:

Here's a collection of articles studying the effect of Vit D on COVID, go nuts:

Drawn from this long rear end video:

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