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Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost

Download the latest version. Please be sure you are using the latest version before posting about any issues your having as it may already be fixed. Also make sure you have the highlighting options turn on in the Forums Control Panel (see the bottom of this post for the particulars). If you do not, we will laugh at you and call you names. You stupid doodie head.

If your menu has gone all empty, click here to restore it.

(oh, and here is a version for some browser called Opera or something)
If you want just the menu without all the cool features, that is over here

The brief history of SALR

Back in the old days, the forums didn't track what threads you read so biznatchio write a Firefox extension to do it for you. In time, biznatchio no longer had enough free time to keep the extension up to date with the forum changes so others took over. After some time, the extension was updated to use the Firefox 2.0 SQL engine for even better stability and thread tracking. Recently the forums have added read thread tracking rending much of what this extension does obsolete.

Is that the end of SALR?

Nope! SALR has also had other features in addition to read thread tracking and it will continue to do those.

In a totally non-leading question, what are those additional features?

Glad you asked! It does many other things like converting linked images to inline images, ignoring threads (sometimes not working), converting YouTube links into embedded players (also partially broken), mouse gestures, drop down forum menu, keyboard navigation and other stuff I've forgotten.
Here are some screen shots to show off what else it does:

Resizes obnoxious custom titles!

Adds scrollbars to wide titles/avatars, allows per user coloring of usernames and post backgrounds, add per user notes, adds a link to that specific post.

Sticks a quick jump paginator to the bottom corner of forums and long threads.

Allows adding gradients to the thread list as well as changing the `New Posts` & `Unread` icons and the background colors.

Instill fear and panic when the forums update and SALR stops working.

And my favorite feature, the quick quote window that, when clicking on the quick buttons (pictured below), allow you to quote several people, post a new thread, or edit your own post in a floating window to allow you to remain browsing the thread you're on.

More screenshots

Keyboard Navigation!
  • N - Next Post
  • P/M - Previous Post
  • J - Next Page
  • K/H - Previous Page
  • O - Reanchor thread
  • Q - Quick Quote current post
  • E - Quick Edit current post
  • R - Quick Reply current thread

I have a cool idea for SALR! or I found a bug, you people are jerks!

Our project is hosted on the goon run Bounty Source. If your bug/idea is not already on the list feel free to post in this thread to talk about it or even add it to the list.

I know the Javascripts! Can I submit a patch?

Sure thing, just register with Bounty Source and send me, duz, a PM so I can give you commit access. Just make sure your code's format is consistent with the rewritten sections of code.

I don't have plat, how else can I contact you?

I and some of the other developers can usually be found in #salr on

Make sure your forum side preferences are set to the below!

duz fucked around with this message at 18:32 on Mar 24, 2011


Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost

Known Issues

SALR starring a thread does not add a star
Scrolling down on pages with the paginator visible can make things really slow in Firefox 3, a fix is being worked on

The time stamp is a lie

duz fucked around with this message at 03:28 on Nov 2, 2008

Mar 31, 2001
Can't post for 6 hours!

I hereby endorse this product and/or service.

biznatchio fucked around with this message at 02:03 on Jul 27, 2007

Feb 18, 2003

No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are
yay a new OP!

Aug 21, 2002

by Duchess Gummybuns
so does SALR no longer tracks threads and replies?

May 1, 2002

The "Dell Dude"

duz posted:

Known Issues

Ignoring threads not working entirely right
Converting YouTube links to the embedded player not working entirely right
Forum view thread coloring not working

I'd like to add the favorite question from the old thread to your list.

r2tincan posted:

Is there a reason why, in image threads, replies quoting images don't show the images anymore?

Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost

ryanbruce posted:

I'd like to add the favorite question from the old thread to your list.

It should work fine now, I pushed out an update an hour or so ago.
Let me know if it is still broken.

nbv4 posted:

so does SALR no longer tracks threads and replies?

Nope. It should track which threads you've posted in but that might be broken, I havn't had a chance to double check. Forums track the last read count.

Hardcore Sax
Oct 11, 2004

i am incapable of conceiving infinity, and yet i do not accept finity
Any chance of adding an image transloader into the waffleimages buttons? That would make it infinitely more useful for me.

Also, spoiler tags in the vbcode.

Oct 11, 2002

duz posted:

It should work fine now, I pushed out an update an hour or so ago.
Let me know if it is still broken.
I just checked for an update and got nothing.

Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost

CygnusTM posted:

I just checked for an update and got nothing.

D'oh. Forgot to update the file that says there's a new version. I really need to script that.

Sep 11, 2003

godzirra will trample your scrotum
oh man that replies with images thing was driving me nuts!

Thanks for the update

Mar 12, 2005

Protect Ya Neck, Kid
(from crowbars)
Latest Firefox and latest SALR, the option to show the "Go to Last Post" icon even when there's no new post isn't working for me.

Nov 25, 2005

Awesome I was waiting for this update. Everything is working great!

Jun 21, 2005

by Lowtax
What preferences can I not see here?

Edit: Removed picture since updating fixed it>

Edit Nevermind I updated and all is well.

MyDogIsBeano fucked around with this message at 18:23 on Jul 26, 2007

Jun 21, 2005

by Lowtax
Also as a user wandering over from Opera, I am wondering about two things the Opera SALR had:

1. Moving read posts up to the top of the page.

2. Colorizing the OP's post and any posts that quote me.

Are these available in SALR Firefox?

EDIT: I hereby respectfully request the coloring of posts that quote me, and the moving of threads I have read to the top of the page. I have added them to the approval queue at BOuntySource

MyDogIsBeano fucked around with this message at 18:35 on Jul 26, 2007

Demented Footstool
Jan 3, 2007

Do Not Summon The Fire

MyDogIsBeano posted:

Also as a user wandering over from Opera, I am wondering about two things the Opera SALR had:

1. Moving read posts up to the top of the page.

2. Colorizing the OP's post and any posts that quote me.

Are these available in SALR Firefox?

SALR for Firefox can colorize the OP's post, but not any posts that quote you (although I'd love to see that feature.)

Oct 11, 2002

MyDogIsBeano posted:

What preferences can I not see here?

First, you should be able to resize the preferences window.

Second, the preferences window in the latest version looks nothing like that. You need to upgrade.

Jun 21, 2005

by Lowtax

CygnusTM posted:

First, you should be able to resize the preferences window.

Second, the preferences window in the latest version looks nothing like that. You need to upgrade.

I have just figured out I was using an old version. (I could not resize it but it does not matter now.) Thanks.

Jun 21, 2005

by Lowtax
Is there some trick to getting a username added to the list of interesting users, or is it just broken now?

Jul 11, 2005

Come on Ilhan, lets go bag us a shitpost

MyDogIsBeano posted:

Is there some trick to getting a username added to the list of interesting users, or is it just broken now?

Below each post is a Add Coloring/Note link, click that to add them to the list. Right click a name in the list to change the coloring/note.

Dec 21, 2006

Day man,
Fighter of the Night Man
Are there any plans to implement any other major functions into SALR? (like how thread tracking was major) or will it now just be a making-the-forums-generally-better-plugin?

Edit: thirding the colouring of posts quoting you that sounds awesome

desy fucked around with this message at 18:58 on Jul 26, 2007

Demented Footstool
Jan 3, 2007

Do Not Summon The Fire

Hardcore Sax posted:

Also, spoiler tags in the vbcode.

I added this to SALR on my end and sent a message to duz via PM. Hopefully it will be integrated soon.

May 18, 2005


duz posted:

converting YouTube links into embedded players (also partially broken)

biznatchio wrote a Greasemonkey script to do this before SALR had it as an option; I've been using it since then, and I've had no issues whatsoever. I'd link it if I could find the link.

Sep 11, 2001

When I roll, baby I roll DEEP
Can someone tell me what color the forums use for highlighting the op? I want to use that same color in SALR.

Jun 21, 2005

by Lowtax

duz posted:

Below each post is a Add Coloring/Note link, click that to add them to the list. Right click a name in the list to change the coloring/note.

So you cannot do it from the preferences interface? I did get it to work the way you suggested, but clicking on the Add User in the preference seemingly does nothing.

BTW THank you very much I am bright pink now.

MyDogIsBeano fucked around with this message at 19:34 on Jul 26, 2007

Jun 13, 2001

CygnusTM posted:

First, you should be able to resize the preferences window.

i'm running 1.99.070725.

i've never been able to resize the window, ever since the original SALR came out.

there use to be options that got cut off for me, but luckily things changed with later versions re-designs.

edit, the current preferences window opens to 577x566, static size.

Xenomorph fucked around with this message at 19:33 on Jul 26, 2007

Mar 9, 2002

Marty, here's your keys. You're all waxed up, ready for tonight.

m2pt5 posted:

biznatchio wrote a Greasemonkey script to do this before SALR had it as an option; I've been using it since then, and I've had no issues whatsoever. I'd link it if I could find the link. :v:

I've also been using this since I found it with no problems what-so-ever.

Jan 10, 2005

Someday soon
When I edit a post and decide to quote someone that wasn't in the post originally, when I submit the edit, it becomes a new reply. I can see the logic in that (clicking quote makes it a new post, not an edit), but is it something that is possible to be fixed?

That may not even be the case, it might be my impatience when I am downloading stuff and the quote takes a while to show up (the [[please wait]] shows). I delete that and either click quote again, or start typing instead.

So is it me loving the functionality of quick edit, or is it the quick edit + quick quote = new reply to blame?

Oct 11, 2002

Xenomorph posted:

i'm running 1.99.070725.

i've never been able to resize the window, ever since the original SALR came out.

there use to be options that got cut off for me, but luckily things changed with later versions re-designs.

edit, the current preferences window opens to 577x566, static size.
I found the difference. If you open the options windows via the Add-ons panel, it's static. If you open it via the SA menu, it's resizeable.

Jan 14, 2005

"fuck you and die"
Hey, is there a way to choose a default thread tag when you post a thread? Right now it just chooses the first available icon.

I think you'd have to implement some sort of try/catch because each forum has different tags. If the catch comes up, it could just default back to the first icon in the list.

Apr 24, 2003

Superman Don't Need No Seat Belt
Since bookmarking threads is now becoming a big deal, is there a way to make a floating button or something that will automatically take us back to the bookmarked page thread? Having to scroll all the way up to click user control panel is way to tough :)

Drowning Rabbit
Oct 28, 2003

Maybe it's an easy change to set up myself, but I'm not very adept with XML or any kind of web language at all. I was just curious how hard it would be to simply link the mouse gesture up to User Control Panel instead of the thread listing for the forum the current thread is in.

I don't really read the thread listing page all that much, and generally keep up with threads via the Control Panel.

Oct 6, 2004

Alfalfa posted:

Since bookmarking threads is now becoming a big deal, is there a way to make a floating button or something that will automatically take us back to the bookmarked page thread? Having to scroll all the way up to click user control panel is way to tough :)

You can use the SA menu. Have to move the mouse but don't have to scroll

Aug 19, 2004

I'm not Chemmy

poopiehead posted:

You can use the SA menu. Have to move the mouse but don't have to scroll

That sounds really hard :) I just added bookmarks to my SA menu as a link.

Demented Footstool
Jan 3, 2007

Do Not Summon The Fire

Alfalfa posted:

Since bookmarking threads is now becoming a big deal, is there a way to make a floating button or something that will automatically take us back to the bookmarked page thread? Having to scroll all the way up to click user control panel is way to tough :)

Wouldn't the home key work almost as well? (Top of page, then user control panel.)

Oct 6, 2004

||||||| posted:

That sounds really hard :) I just added bookmarks to my SA menu as a link.

Just curious because I haven't seen a difference. Is there any difference between User Control Panel and Bookmarks other than one having private messages and one being a bit wider.?

Aug 19, 2004

I'm not Chemmy

poopiehead posted:

Just curious because I haven't seen a difference. Is there any difference between User Control Panel and Bookmarks other than one having private messages and one being a bit wider.?

That's pretty much it.

Jun 21, 2005

by Lowtax
Am I an idiot (Answer Yes I am), or is there no way to un-read a thread? (There is in SALR Opera, but if there is in SALR Firefox I cannot find it.)

Aug 19, 2004

I'm not Chemmy

MyDogIsBeano posted:

Am I an idiot (Answer Yes I am), or is there no way to un-read a thread? (There is in SALR Opera, but if there is in SALR Firefox I cannot find it.)

Begin FAQ



Nov 6, 2005

Seeing a new update makes me happy that people are still committed to working on this.

I tried browsing without SALR for a couple days, and I couldn't believe how hard it was without the menu! And looking at the options after the new update lead me to find the feature to add URLs to the menu (I probably just didn't notice it before). So I added my own profile - handy because there's no preview on the edit page. Maybe I'll add the SAclopedia too, or AwfulYearbook, who knows?

I still prefer starred threads, mainly because they're displayed in the precious, precious menu. But! And! Threads can be starred via the context menu in the thread list OR anywhere inside the thread! Because anything else would be, you know, :effort: .

Still waiting on the ignored threads to be fixed though, jerks.

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