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Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Christopher posted:

Gmork? Is that you?

It's a grue.


Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

ExtraNoise posted:

So I'm not sure if this counts because it's not really "paranormal" so much as spooky/weird, but I think it's an elaborate photoshop someone was playing on me. Before I was laid off, I worked for a newspaper and I was going through some of the archive negatives from the newspaper's past to do some promotional work on the website. I was going through some slides marked "circa 1920" and came across one that really freaked me out:

I think it speaks for itself. Sent shivers down my spine.

Oh my! The implications are unfathomable!

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

squid jerky posted:

Nice and subtle.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

ZombieScholar posted:

You are an amazing and terrible bastard, sir. Well played. Now to look over my shoulder every couple seconds for the rest of my day...

My God... This could be glorious in book form.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot


Interesting story, guys! So as you can see, this is a little street near my apartment. Everything seemed normal until people's pets started to go missing. My landlady found her cat dead in her back garden. It was terrible, she said. Her little Fluffy was all ripped and bloody. Then a little girl that lived in my building got attacked. When she came back from the hospital, her legs were covered in bandages. Her mother told me that the doctor said something had bitten huge chunks out of her flesh. She woke up every night screaming about something with red eyes.

When I went out at night, I started to have a feeling like something was watching me. My neighbors reported that sometimes they heard a deep, hoarse panting from alleyways when they walked by. Naturally, we were all very worried.

I was walking down the street one night when I heard a growling off to my left. I whipped out my camera phone and took a picture the best I could. The animal seen on the left then proceeded to run towards the man in front of me with fangs bared. I managed to scare it away by yelling and swinging my purse at it. It was the size of a dog but with larger teeth. It also smelled like rotting meat and its fur was patchy and diseased. It had horrible, glowing red eyes. It took a long look at me before it ran away.

Eh, that pic isn't so great, It took me a while to realize this black blob was the animal. Doesn't look like, well, anything.

Maybe add glowing red eyes?

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot
Slender Man would make a pretty nice horror novel in the lines of "House of Leaves".

Essentially, make the novel a collection of witness statements, newspaper clippings, pictures, drawings, articles discussing evidence for an against the slender man and, to tie it all neatly together, a few stories of people who want to track the slender man, unravel the mystery,

And the kicker would be the last 20 or so pages would be missing, with only scraps of paper left, arranged as logically as possible, just excerpts, words, rips, ink stains, etc.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

TrenchMaul posted:

That was awesome, victor. I hope you at least make it a short story or something.

When you posted the part about the chest injuries it reminded me of the Dyatlov Pass incident that was posted in the Unsolved Mysteries thread:

After looking a little further, I found this picture - taken a day before the incident.

:cry: What's he doing there? :cry:

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot
Say, Victor, have you ever played any of the Chzo mythos games? (5 days a stranger, 7 days a skeptic, Trillby's Notes and 6 days a sacrifice)

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

TrenchMaul posted:

In my opinion - this is the best so far.

I dunno, i don't like it, it seems way too obvious... the Slender man just doesn't blend well enough in the background, he's too obvious.

He doesn't like being seen, you shouldn't see him like that.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

LeechCode5 posted:

I'm suddenly imagining a Slender Man "documentary," done in a style similar to The Last Broadcast or that old Alien Abduction tv special. Interviews with witnesses of various encounters through the years, investigation into the different events brought up in this thread, and specialists analyzing photographs, intercut around home video footage taken by a missing family, showing them being picked off by the Slender Man. As we get further into the film, we also start to see behind the scenes footage of the making of the documentary, with crew members not showing for work and not answering calls, various production problems... then finally ending with a note that the director disappeared immediately after completion of the film.

Or, rather, the documentary ending on a less-than-satisfying note because the director disappeared.

EDIT: By the way, it "The Rake" real? Are there sites and junk about it? I never heard of it and searching "The Rake" doesn't really get me any paranormal-related hits.

EDIT to the Edit: real as in, do people believe in it or is this like the slender man, completely fictional?

21stCentury fucked around with this message at 01:46 on Jun 16, 2009

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot
Welp, that's great, for once I regret living in the woods...

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Wonder Bra posted:

It's because he lives in our primal, ancient, subconscious mind that he appears more often when people begin to think of him. He changes because he plays on our fears. He lives in a nebulous, timeless twilight that constantly shifts. And the more stories you post, the more images you find, the more you think about him, the more he feeds and the stronger he grows.

He isn't coming. He is already here, and he always has been, and always will be.

No, no, no, you're all wrong.

The Slender man is an alien who crash landed thousands of years ago and lives underground, in the hollow core of the Earth.

Speaking of which, The slender man reminds me of something, now that i think about it...

This is the last panel from a popular horror Manga called Gyo. This is also the last panel in a story entitled "The Enigma of Amigara Fault". On one side, people see people-shaped holes, on the other side... well, the holes are shaped differently.

Perhaps this was inspired by the Slender Man, perhaps this is simply a way to explain the existence of a being like the Slender man...

(I'm not a photoshopping expert, but I live near the woods, I could borrow a camera and take a few pics tomorrow if anyone's willing to PS stuff in it...

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

TrenchMaul posted:

How about we just keep churning out pictures and stories and let the Slender Man evolve on his own.

That's not the slender man, that's the Business man, the murderous ghost of a disgruntled wallstreet day-trader who went crazy earlier this year. They say he doesn't only kill his victims, he also curses their stocks.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Volponi posted:

Photo from outside of the home:

I don't see anything...

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Sedagive posted:

That one's exceptionally creepy without needing to resort to tentacle/spider limbs/snaky arms

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Mogadishu posted:

What's with the two streaks and the big dot?

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Irisi posted:

Funny, I was just reading a Terry Pratchett book & he speculates on this very idea. That when there's enough belief in a thing - be it a god, or a demon or an an urban myth- that thing will come into being once the amount of belief hits a specific level. However he does say that to create something very powerful takes a great deal of belief; so as long as this Slender Man myth stays contained to one thread, we should be okay.

Honestly, unless we got a believable "cryptozoological" book out, a believable paranormal/conspiracy website up AND somehow got named on something that everyone watches (Talkshow? News?), this won't get enough people to believe in it.

So no worry at all.

Unless someone were to combine this with some sort of belief-canalizing tibetan sigil... Please no one use sigils or even attempt any form of magic. Let's just make fun of people who claim to know magic, let's keep the belief level low and the skepticism high.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

I posted:

Remember the statement I made earlier in the thread;


Not a joke. Thought alters reality and the shadows keep moving in my peripheral vision.

Now go watch Aphex Twin's 'Come To Daddy' video. Take careful note of the inhumanly tall, emaciated figure the children gather around.

Jebus christ.

Sounds to me like somehow... somehow we didn't "come up" with the Slender Man, we just gave him a suit and a name.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

ce gars posted:

Here's what I was talking about earlier. Plenty of tapes to go.

Shiver went down my spine. Oh gently caress... This is the genuine article all right.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

nopantsjack posted:

My slender man attempt

Stop it.

Please stop it, the more you think about him, the harder it is for us to forget him.

Don't give it ideas, don't give it shape. Don't make him more terrifying please.

I need sleep.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

pr0digal posted:

Knowing the slenderman...he wouldn't even strike for weeks, months, even years...he is just letting you know that your time is running out and that he is holding the hourglass

Did he even kill Alex? Was it mentioned if Alex is still alive?

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

TheOneOutside posted:

Not quite as tall as I imagined he'd be, but normally the pictures aren't quite so close, maybe the perspective is distorted...

Dude, these videos were taken on a period of months. Seems like in that entry, the Slender man was just showing himself as normally as possible. He was human enough to looks like a normal person, yet alien enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot
Alright, this is so we can get facts straight as much as possible.

This is an estimation of the Slenderman's "Cycle".

Step 1: Finds suitable target
Step 2: Exposes itself to target?
Step 3: Target is aware of Slender Man's Existance, Slenderman moves in for the kill
Step 4: Witnesses become immediate targets, this often includes secondary witnesses?
Step 5: ???????
Step ????: Reproduce? Change? Hibernate?

Now, as for the factors for a target, seems the Slenderman likes: Fear, mental illness, high levels of stress. Therefore, he often strikes children. Also seems to strike people who are enfeebled mentally/psychically/psychiatrically?

His appearance changes. Is it so he can better scare targets? Is it linked to his lifecycle?

(Crappy chart)

We need to find why it does that... Organ bagging/People impaling and we also need to know what he does between kills.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

TrenchMaul posted:

This is as straight as possible?

So far, yes.

Can you simplify it?

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

nopantsjack posted:

Every time you close your eyes just know that the Slender man could be in front of you, waiting for you to open your eyes.

Don't look at him.

First doctor Who makes me scared of Blinking.

Now Slender man makes me glad i learned not to blink.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Soakie posted:

The Slender Man needs some weakness, some way to defend against him. An all-powerful creature leaves no hope, gives you no reason to even try to escape. If this loving thing materializes, I want to know how to fight it or even defeat it.

I'm thinking fire. It's man's primordial achievement, and casts shadows of its own. Maybe the shadows from the fire can fight him. Maybe humans discovered fire because of him, the embodiment of darkness and fear.

I don't know, but this thing has got to have a weakness.

His weakness is that he has no weakness, raising the amount of fear, raising the amount of potential targets. Therefore, there are TOO MANY PEOPLE he can kill to be able to kill them all.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

TrenchMaul posted:

I'm sure he intends to test that theory.

Tell me, then, if the Slender Man can kill as many people as there are people afraid of him, how can you explain humanity? It's been shown even primitive man was aware of it. It would have been a snap to kill destroy humanity right then and there.

No, the truth is, there will never be enough Slender man to kill everyone who know of him. That's his weakness and his strength, there will always be someone to spread fear of the Slender Man, yet always too many people for the Slender Man to exterminate them all.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Mr. 47 posted:

I was kind of trying to suggest that with the newspaper article I wrote about the two girls. He took the one, and wanted the other one to come outside, but something kept him from taking the older one. I made a point to avoid being specific about how he worked and what he did. That makes him scarier, I think, if he exists in the unknown.

After all, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

No, the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he DID exist.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Rambowjo posted:

This is obviously Slenderman's peanut selling cousin.

Maybe the peanuts are made out of human bodyparts, and Slenderman is actually the one who supplies this nice fellow with wares?

Of course!

What does the slender man do? Disembowel, bag the organs, re-embowel and hang people on trees. What are peanuts? Small dry fruit in a shell that grows on plants. The Slenderman is making giant peanuts and this weird peanut salesman (who can obviously control trees) uses his strange powers to transmogrify those trees into peanut plants! the bodies become pods, the organs become peas!

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

50 Foot Ant posted:

The Slender Man, or something else? You decide...

So, in Iraq, an entire squad (is that the term?) went missing, evidence of fighting against an enemy that destroyed a humvee without using explosives are found, a big blast door is found near the area, under a building...

I dunno, the damage and aftermath seems to work for the slenderman (lots of dismemberment, cutting, cable-like damage), but what was him MO? What was he doing there? WHAT WAS BEHIND THE BLAST DOOR?


21stCentury fucked around with this message at 05:44 on Jun 22, 2009

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Crispy_Rapcakes posted:

My house has stairs, yes. I have no loving clue why or where they go though.

Don't you see anything wrong with this House?

For one, you can see this is the outer wall. That door should lead, well, outside... Yet it leads... well, somewhere.

That house gives me the creeps.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Blaster of Justice posted:

Get over it already. Alex just transferred. There is no tall slim man. Not at all. Period. Forget those videos, they prove nothing.

Entry Number 1 proves there is a man.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

ce gars posted:

A lot of stuff going on in this clip I just uncovered.

So, what are you selling with that Argh?

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Doedipus posted:

Slender Man now has a post on the "mythical creatures & beasts wiki."

Did you write it up?

I don't like the references to Doc Ock and Mr. Fantastic. Just makes it seem much more ridiculous.

Otherwise, good job.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Nadie posted:

If anyone considers shooting a Slender Man movie, Javier Botet ([REC]) is their man:

That guy could play the Slender man AND his victim, from what I can see in this pic.

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Mr. 47 posted:

I think he looks way too nice to be Slenderman... or is that part of the act?

He's not slender man. He's an actor.

Besides, Slenderman doesn't have eyes, is as white as ivory and might even be completely black under the neck.


Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

BooDoug187 posted:

I got a picture in my head of a Slender-Man action figure with a bottle of booze in one hand and a lamp shade on its head.

People who meet him go catatonic and say/write/draw "HE LOVES ME, MAN! HE LOVES ME, MAN!"