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Apr 30, 2009

Creating paranormal images has been a hobby of mine for quite some time. Occasionally, I stumble upon odd web sites showcasing strange photos, and I always wondered if it were possible to get one of my own chops in a book, documentary, or web site just by casually leaking it out into the web -- whether they'd be supplements to bogus stories or not.

So, let's make a shitload?

Pro-tip 1: Before I export, I like to open my Levels panel, and slide my blacks and whites inward to lose true whites and true blacks. (Makes it look more legit, no?)

Pro-tip 2: Try exporting your image in a very low JPG quality at first. See if it works with the image, as well as hide minor flaws. After all, it can "add to the effect."

You don't have to post your source images, unless you want to of course.





Gerogerigegege fucked around with this message at 13:39 on Jun 8, 2009


Zero Star
Jan 22, 2006

Robit the paranoid blogger.
Good idea for a thread, but you should save the images as .PNG files instead of .JPG. That way, you won't get ugly artifacts all over the images.

Jul 21, 2001

Zero Star posted:

Good idea for a thread, but you should save the images as .PNG files instead of .JPG. That way, you won't get ugly artifacts all over the images.

the ugly artifacts are ghosts too

Apr 30, 2009

Zero Star posted:

Good idea for a thread, but you should save the images as .PNG files instead of .JPG. That way, you won't get ugly artifacts all over the images.

Artifacts are essential. Makes the images look older.

Edit: Artifacts also hide minor flaws you pick up on high quality renders.

Feb 7, 2004

I won't go into detail about
the :roboluv: dreams, but at
least they are not as scary.
Aww damnit, you stole my thread idea. Get out of my head! :tinfoil:

Guess I will have to post what I made for starter images when I get home then.

Are UFO's Paranomal enough?

Apr 30, 2009

guandi posted:

Aww damnit, you stole my thread idea. Get out of my head! :tinfoil:

Guess I will have to post what I made for starter images when I get home then.

Are UFO's Paranomal enough?

UFOs, most definitely. I'm actually looking for some good assets for extraterrestrial chops.

Feb 21, 2007

I am Nigeria's bitch.
I don't get what is paranormal about the doll but the piano girl is loving creepy!!

Apr 30, 2009

gingersmurf posted:

I don't get what is paranormal about the doll but the piano girl is loving creepy!!

In the OP I stated you could also create supplementary images for bogus stories.

Apr 30, 2009


Dr. Video Games 0032
Oct 4, 2006

Cool thread idea.

Feb 13, 2007

I AM smiling.
Are we doing something like this?

Edit: BTW, you have made some cool images...

Yabanjin fucked around with this message at 14:51 on Jun 8, 2009

PS1 Hagrid
Sep 17, 2007

I foresee many of these being posted on actual "check out this REAL ghost photo" websites.

Dec 18, 2003

Dr. Video Games 0032 posted:

Cool thread idea.

That flash probably really hosed up the kill for that cougar.

Porcupine Hunted
Sep 7, 2008


Apr 30, 2009


Hotdog Farmer
Sep 12, 2005

But seriously, grow some balls.

Gerogerigegege posted:

Artifacts are essential. Makes the images look older.

Edit: Artifacts also hide minor flaws you pick up on high quality renders.

JPEG artifacts do not in fact make images look older. Unless of course people saved their pictures as jpeg back in the 1920s?

Rattus Amicus
Mar 8, 2007

Made some mystical orb footage! :)

Source image:

Click here for the full 800x600 image.

(Desaturated, fixed perspective, added fish-eye lens effect, tv-scanlines, grain and gradients, then tinkered with levels. Added date to left corner and blurred the gently caress out of it. Duplicated frame 11 times, added unique grain to each frame, made a color-error scanline move downwards in each frame. Last, drew light orb and its floor reflection on top of each frame.)

Rattus Amicus fucked around with this message at 13:35 on Jun 8, 2009

Apr 30, 2009

^Over Edit: Excellent job on that dude.

Hotdog Farmer posted:

JPEG artifacts do not in fact make images look older. Unless of course people saved their pictures as jpeg back in the 1920s?

JPEG artifacts do make images look older, like they've been compressed in the 90s and sitting on some secluded seedy Angelfire web ring for the past 15 years.

Gerogerigegege fucked around with this message at 14:24 on Jun 8, 2009

Mar 23, 2009

Let another's wounds be your warning

Gerogerigegege posted:

JPEG artifacts do make images look older, like they've been compressed in the 90s and sitting on some secluded seedy Angelfire web ring for the past 15 years.

Doesnt make the picture look older, just makes it look like it's been badly compressed.

Adding filters / grain / coffee stains, torn edges and framed by a flatbed scanner make an image look old.

May 9, 2007


Hotdog Farmer posted:

JPEG artifacts do not in fact make images look older. Unless of course people saved their pictures as jpeg back in the 1920s?

They add to the effect when used in moderation. Nice work OP, I like it.

Dec 31, 2008
My clock has broken :(

guandi posted:

Aww damnit, you stole my thread idea. Get out of my head! :tinfoil:
Yeah me too, but mine was with UFOs also. Should have done it in a different form then fed them into that ghost pictures GBS thread here - that would have made for some fun.

Still awesome freaking thread idea. I'll contribute after my exams and spend like days on making something awesome or just cop out and not do poo poo.

Pahilla the Hun
Jul 24, 2007

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

Nov 28, 2007

Mar 23, 2009

Let another's wounds be your warning

Click here for the full 504x800 image.

Lord Dangleberry
Mar 29, 2007

um jist...ecstaticly happy

Fake back story...

We were out camping in Louisiana last summer, and kept hearing the nearby sounds of a child crying one night. Rather than assume there was a logical explanation for this, we decided that it must be a ghost, having previously been told that the bodies of murdered african americans from the slave era had been buried in the area. We were messing around, posing for photographs, and on one of them, we later spotted that our ghost had shown up! If you dont post this comment on 5 other videos this ghost child will come to ur house and kill u 2nite!!!

Jan 31, 2009

We were having a party and we kept hearing sounds of what could only be a giant. Later we found a pair of huge bright blue shoes in the backyard.

PS1 Hagrid
Sep 17, 2007

Complete with a caption! Away to!

PS1 Hagrid fucked around with this message at 14:53 on Jun 8, 2009

Mar 23, 2009

Let another's wounds be your warning

Click here for the full 700x1047 image.

Jul 13, 2006

Evil baby bunnies cannot be fed solid food until after the first week.

Dec 26, 2005

Jun 14, 2005

ChuckMaster posted:

C-3PO has fallen on bad times.

Big L
Oct 30, 2005

Fedora Emelianenko

Oct 21, 2008

May 29, 2006

ProfessorChaos posted:

Gmork? Is that you?

Jan 4, 2009

by angerbot

Christopher posted:

Gmork? Is that you?

It's a grue.

Nov 14, 2007

Sep 13, 2007

Soiled Meat

Obsoletely Fabulous
May 6, 2008

Who are you, and why should I care?

Source Images:

Obsoletely Fabulous fucked around with this message at 22:05 on Jun 8, 2009

Oct 29, 2007

How about the time I chipped my tooth on the urinal, what was so fucking comical about that?

ONITABAS posted:

We were having a party and we kept hearing sounds of what could only be a giant. Later we found a pair of huge bright blue shoes in the backyard.

Ryan Stiles in the window?


Jun 14, 2005

TheMadStork posted:

Ryan Stiles in the window?
I thought it looked a little like Conan O'Brien.