We finally got tired of release candidates, so SABnzbd 0.6 Final is now out! And since we've got a new build, it's time for a new thread! Everybody loves threads!![]() ![]() =========================================================== What is Usenet, anyway? =========================================================== Usenet is the distant but common ancestor of every discussion forum on the internet. While today in THE WORLD OF TOMORROW most "discussion" happens on Twitter or in YouTube comments, back in the dark ages all we had was Usenet. We flamed idiots at 800 baud, uphill, both ways, through the snow, and we liked it. Usenet was invented back before we had these newfangled "graphical user interfaces". Or mice. Or much of anything. Think of it as massively multiplayer distributed e-mail. Like all good things on the internet, somewhere along the line some enterprising individuals developed a method to encode data into easy-to-assemble multi-part text files that could then be posted to Usenet just like normal articles. This permitted them to post binary data of arbitrary size to Usenet, and since the news feeds get mirrored worldwide, anyone with Usenet access could saunter in and download them. This is why you should care. =========================================================== What you'll need to get started =========================================================== Despite being around longer than many of us have been alive, Usenet still isn't really a fully integrated system. We sort of like it that way since it means there's no single point of failure. It also means that as newer, faster, better, cheaper solutions come up for each item in your toolchain, you can swap stuff out as you please. Here's the rundown: 1) A Usenet Provider - ISP-based access is almost universally gimped these days, so get ready to shell out around $10/mo for access. These are your best bets:
2) A Usenet Indexer - Usenet is huge. Most hosts these days give you access to several petabytes of data, so you're going to need some way to easily get around. nzbs.org and nzb.su are your best bets, but there are tons to pick from, which are listed over on The Wiki. 3) A Newsreader - The undisputed champion of nzb processing is SABnzbd. It's completely automated, handles all of your post-processing for you, it runs everywhere, it's remotely accessible, it's under constant development, has vibrant community, tons of add-ons, etc. Oh and it's free, open-source and developed by people who will answer your questions right here. You may also be interested in SABnzbd's good friends SickBeard and Couch Potato, which help with sourcing NZBs. 4) A Browser Extension - This is the glue between your indexing site(s) and SABnzbd. For Firefox there's duz' nzbdstatus which works with pretty much all major indexing sites, for Chrome there's SABConnect++. The One Line Walkthrough (Once you've got everything set up, obviously) Search for something on your index site of choice, click the little orange "Send to SABnzbd" arrow (or open the NZB with SABnzbd, or save the NZB to your watched directory), wait for SABnzbd to download, verify, repair, extract, and file away whatever it was you chose. =========================================================== The "Definitive" Guide to Usenet Providers (as of 4 MAY 2011) =========================================================== When it comes to hosts there are three main things you should care about : Price, Completion and Retention (and probably in that order). Price is an obvious concern, but nearly all plans are in the $10-$15 range, so it's pretty much a wash. Retention is a measure of how many days of content a host keeps on hand. It's also roughly the same wherever you go, and it's stupidly high these days, to the point that we should just cut to the chase and start measuring in years. Completion is the big deciding factor right now, as it's a measure of how reliable a host's news feed is. A host with lame completion will result in missing parts and you not being able to finish downloads. Only solution to this is to get a better host. There are only really a couple major news feeds out there:
With that said, here's the latest recommendations: Do you download less than 92Gb/mo? You want a block plan. Best deal for these is Blocknews which has a 200Gb block plan for $21.59. If you download less than 92Gb/mo these blocks come out cheaper than $10 per month, and the blocks won't expire. This is a also pretty decent way of testing if you really want to do this whole Usenet thing, especially since if you're really unsure you can pull it down as far as 5Gb for $2.75, and incredibly low barrier for entry. They also have even cheaper plans: 500Gb for $51.49 (10.29c/Gb) and 1Tb for $91.39 (9c/Gb). While these *are* cheaper per gig, I can't really endorse them. For it to be economical, the plan would have to last you 10-12 months, and that's a long rear end time in the Usenet industry. A lot of stuff can change in a year, so it's rarely a good idea to pay for that far into the future. Do you download more than that, but still want it as cheap as humanly possible? You'll be looking at one of the "limited time" special deals that have been running for ages.
=========================================================== So what Amazing New Stuff is in SABnzbd 0.6? =========================================================== Another year's worth of features. Here are the heavy-hitters:
=========================================================== Legal Q&A =========================================================== Q: Usenet is safe, right? A: Yeah, Usenet is totally safe, unless you start posting stuff. For the big bad (RI|MP)AA to get at you, they'd have to know what you're downloading, and simply put they can't unless you like . . tell them or something. If you start posting, well, that's a whole other thing. Q: But wait, isn't Usenet like . . getting sued or something? A: That was Usenet.com, not actually "Usenet" as a whole. Usenet.com hosed up, hardcore. They were a lovely third-rate host, they specifically advertised "LOL DUDEZ C'MON DOWN FOR DA FILEZZZ! USENET IS TOTALLY THE BESTEST PLACE FOR DA FILEZ NOW THAT P2P IS GETTING SHUT DOWN LOLLLL!!!!!", they ATTEMPTED TO COVER THIS UP when they got sued, and as such they were violently raped by the RIAA. Sucks to be them. Luckily, none of the hosts anyone should care about have websites like that. Q: No seriously, I heard that like, the entire alt.* hierarchy was being removed. A: This is only true for ISP-run news servers which were notoriously poo poo in the first place. No harm, no foul, as far as I'm concerned. Q: Ok, what about Newzbin? I heard they were being sued too. Or something. A: Yes. They lost. They're back now as "Newzbin2" but it isn't worth paying for anymore. You'll probably want to find an alternative. Q: Help! My ISP hates me and my freedom, and is throttling all NNTP traffic down to unusable speeds! A: Use SSL to encrypt the traffic. Failing that, get a new ISP. =========================================================== AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SAFETY =========================================================== Usenet, due to the nature of its contents, is a touchy subject to talk about in an open forum that's being indexed by Google. Lets all be careful, ok? Try to follow these guidelines so the mods and admins don't freak out. Don't talk about the specific contents of specific newsgroups. Don't talk about things you want to download from Usenet, things you've already downloaded from Usenet, or ask for help with utilizing things you've downloaded from Usenet. Don't post direct links to NZBs, collections of NZBs, or Newzbin reports of copyrighted material. Don't post screenshots or logs that haven't been sanitized. Black bars, use them. Don't request invites to any invite-only sites. (modnote) Somebody fucked around with this message at 19:27 on Oct 3, 2012 |
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 03:05 |
Just want to say that this is consistently one of the best help threads with one of the best OPs on the forums. Nobody that I've showed this to has failed to grasp the concept, which is pretty remarkable considering my dumb-rear end friends. ![]() Thanks for the new thread inpheaux!
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este posted:Just want to say that this is consistently one of the best help threads with one of the best OPs on the forums. Nobody that I've showed this to has failed to grasp the concept, which is pretty remarkable considering my dumb-rear end friends. My coworker couldn't figure it out, he stuck with ninan even though I kept trying to tell him to use sabnzbd.
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Just upgraded to 0.6, love the new interface tweaks. Thanks for your hard work inpheaux and team!
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ohgod now I have to figure out how to upgrade my copy from source on FreeNAS and I remember this being a pain in the butt for some reason...
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oooh - I'll be upgrading shortly! Thanks for the work you do on this!
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Telex posted:ohgod now I have to figure out how to upgrade my copy from source on FreeNAS and I remember this being a pain in the butt for some reason...
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Awesome, thanks for the hard work.
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inpheaux posted:If you already have the dependencies, then upgrading shouldn't be too big of a deal. At most you'll just get the source build, untar it, and unzip cherrypy.zip. Done. Yeah, not so much. freenas:/home/sabuser# su - sabuser -c "/home/sabuser/SABnzbd-0.6.0/SABnzbd.py -d -f /home/sabuser/sabnzbd_config/sabnzbd.ini" /home/sabuser/SABnzbd-0.6.0/SABnzbd.py: not found it's like what the gently caress, that file is RIGHT THERE. I have no idea what is happening here. I can touch the file, I can chmod the file, I can't run the file.
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I've been using a usenet news block accounts, and they're fantastic. 200 gigs for $22, and a referral program so if you refer anyone, they get half as many gigs as you bought, up to 100 free gigs, so if we get a chain going it's 300 gigs for $22, a smoking deal. I don't know if we're allowed to do this here, but a link to the website with my referral ID is below. If that doesn't work, ref ID is 159835. http://usenet-news.net/?ref=159835
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I keep forgetting every time that FreeNAS keeps it's poo poo in /usr/local/bin and drat near everything assumes Python is in /usr/bin OH THE HUMANITY. (and in my fuckery I have screwed up my python install so I hate myself)
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http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/sabnzbd-as-a-windows-servicequote:Updating the service By 'updating' you guys mean 'upgrading' right? As in, you don't have to jump through hoops when a new version of sabnzbd comes out and just type out that command line?
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Telex posted:Yeah, not so much. Try running SABnzbd.py via python. Eg su - sabuser -c "/path/to/python /home/sabuser/SABnzbd-0.6.0/SABnzbd.py -d -f /home/sabuser/sabnzbd_config/sabnzbd.ini"
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vanilla slimfast posted:Try running SABnzbd.py via python. Eg yeah the problem is that on a FreeNAS, at least the way my ignorant self set it up perhaps, it reads the #/usr/bin/python at the head of SABnzbd.py and goes from there. Python can't be found, not the file in question. I'm pretty sure this means I did things wrong when installing python but that's where pkg_add dumps the files and I am not clued in enough to know where to put things (not to mention the practical reasons why) and forget where things have gone. It's kind of a lovely error for FreeBSD to imply that it can't find SABnzbd.py when it meant it can't find python at the path in line1 of SABnzbd.py but hey.
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Telex posted:yeah the problem is that on a FreeNAS, at least the way my ignorant self set it up perhaps, it reads the #/usr/bin/python at the head of SABnzbd.py and goes from there. Python can't be found, not the file in question. If you're trying to make it execute python using a shebang you have it formatted wrong. Should be #!/usr/bin/python Just a hashmark by itself is interpreted as a comment Using the shebang or explicitly calling python from the command line are equally valid approaches and should both work fine.
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vanilla slimfast posted:Should be #!/usr/bin/python if I wasn't a typo machine, that is what I would have said before. the end result is that #!/usr/local/bin/python is correct for my particular FreeNAS installation, the default that's in the first line of the file does not work and produces a confusing error message for the barely unix-literate like myself.
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A week on, and my combination of Newshosting (Highwinds) and BlockNews still doesn't seem to be giving me much luck in backfilling. I've used about 2GB of the blocknews account so hopefully it has worked on occasion, but still hitting unfixable filesets at around the 500d mark. I knew NH had reliability problems with some files at this stage of history, but presumed BN wouldn't. Is it possible that SAB is grabbing damaged data from NH without checking it and retrying it with BN perhaps? I am running an older version of SAB (0.5.5 I believe, I'm remote at the moment and can't update it from here), so maybe there's been enhancements made in this area in the meantime?
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Welp, upgrading to 0.6.0 broke it. I have a NAS device that I use for all my storage. I mount it on drive N:, and my Completed Download folder and Watched folders used to be: N:\Downloads\Complete and N:\Downloads\NZB Now when I try to use those directories I get: quote:Incorrect parameter
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Since the last few releases of SABnzbd, I've found it can sometimes be really slow to look at different pages such as the config page or to view warnings etc, looking at the logs, it seems this is happening an awful lot: 2011-05-07 16:31:42,487::INFO::[database:91] Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "sabnzbd\database.pyo", line 82, in execute OperationalError: database is locked 2011-05-07 16:31:44,809::ERROR::[database:89] SQL Command Failed, see log 2011-05-07 16:31:44,809::INFO::[database:91] Traceback: Traceback (most recent call last): File "sabnzbd\database.pyo", line 82, in execute OperationalError: database is locked Any idea why this would be happening so often and how to fix it? Is it just the database is hosed? I've no problem with losing my history if there is a way to get SABnzbd to purge it and start afresh. (I upgraded to latest version but has been doing it a month or two now). Edit: Did a bit of googling the SABnzbd forums, deleted history1.db and everything now loads instantly. Lord Dekks fucked around with this message at 15:50 on May 7, 2011 |
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Pfhreak posted:Welp, upgrading to 0.6.0 broke it. I have a NAS device that I use for all my storage. I mount it on drive N:, and my Completed Download folder and Watched folders used to be: Ok, so I figured out that I had to use the fully expanded URL to the network storage device. That works for the complete and watch folders, but it doesn't work for the temporary folder. I've got an SSD on this machine with limited space. I'd really like to download directly to the NAS, but when I put in "\\NETWORK STORAGE\Volume_1\Downloads\Incomplete" for the temporary folder I get: quote:"\\NETWORK STORAGE\Volume_1\Downloads" is not accepted here.
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I struggled with the directions to install as a Windows service for a bit. It says: quote:SABnzbd-service.exe -f <path> install The directions could be a little more clear that <path> is the path to your sickbeard.ini file. I signed up for the wiki to edit this myself, but don't seem to have the ability... Other than a little trouble getting it going the service seems to be working great!
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I've quickly scanned the sickbeard forums but haven't found any information on migrated from windows to unix. I'm experienced with SQL but am I going to waste a lot of time trying to get the sickbeard.db from my windows installation updated to work on a newly installed linux installation? One problematic area is the windows install hasn't been updated for a few months.
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Why do you care if the database gets ported over? Can't you just tell it to scan the media directories and rebuild the index of shows?
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lilbean posted:Why do you care if the database gets ported over? Can't you just tell it to scan the media directories and rebuild the index of shows? Mostly to keep the details of the episodes I'd tagged and I also have vague memories of the initial scan not being perfect and having to spend some time manually sorting some directories out. Prefer not to do that again. The DB changes seem pretty minor, location in tv_shows and tv_episodes. Although not quite sure what to do with the resource column in the history table.
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Haven't used Usenet since the '90s and this thread made me curious. Signed up for a 10 gb block account, got SABnzbd and it seems to be working pretty well. Does anyone actually use Usenet as a message board anymore? I browsed a few groups via Opera and it was all just spam.
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Thauros posted:Haven't used Usenet since the '90s and this thread made me curious. Signed up for a 10 gb block account, got SABnzbd and it seems to be working pretty well. Most people use the google groups interface now and with that much of the active discussions are in the company specific groups/branches since GG lets you create groups easier.
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So is SABnzbd still an awful client that leeches off your web browser or does it have a standalone interface now? Also, does it still fail at unrar'ing archives with long file names? And where is the love for UseNetNow in the OP? $48/6 months = $8/month = not too shabby. Plus they have retention on par with Giganews and 50 connections instead of Astra's 20. You also need to update this: quote:Q: But wait, isn't Usenet like . . getting sued or something? http://www.slyck.com/story2176_Perfect_10_Sues_Giganews_for_Copyright_Infringement Perfect 10 is suing Giganews and if they win (read: get a corrupt judge which shouldn't be too hard to come by in America) this could have alarming repercussions. Sly Pistachio fucked around with this message at 18:59 on May 8, 2011 |
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Sly Pistachio posted:So is SABnzbd still an awful client that leeches off your web browser or does it have a standalone interface now? ... I don't even know what to say to this, other than that if you want a "standalone interface" SABnzbd isn't for you.
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Sly Pistachio posted:So is SABnzbd still an awful client that leeches off your web browser or does it have a standalone interface now? you're such a goon
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Nitr0 posted:you're such a goon says the dude posting in a thread dedicated to an ancient messaging system that less than 1% of the population have ever heard of a messaging system that has now been adapted into a bizarre massive ftp cluster
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Sly Pistachio posted:says the dude posting in a thread dedicated to an ancient messaging system that less than 1% of the population have ever heard of Says the dude complaining that a lightweight service designed to automatically grab posts from said ancient messaging system doesn't have a superfluous standalone interface because he can't bookmark localhost:8080 and accept that a web interface is perfectly fine. It's because you used the phrase "leeches off your web browser" which is completely meaningless and somehow used this as justification for it being "awful," hth.
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Is there an easy way to just browse usenet? I remember that 10 years ago you would just look through it like forums or something. Does that still exist?
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demonachizer posted:Is there an easy way to just browse usenet? I remember that 10 years ago you would just look through it like forums or something. Does that still exist? Google Groups is basically a frontend to usenet.
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demonachizer posted:Is there an easy way to just browse usenet? I remember that 10 years ago you would just look through it like forums or something. Does that still exist? As for the dude rambling about "leeching off your browser", I can only assume you have no understanding of how SABnzbd works. Our web interface has always been a feature, as its more flexible than a native ui. Plus it means we only have to develop *once* and it runs everywhere. If we had to maintain native clients for windows, osx, gnome, kde, phones, etc. But hey, if you *really* want to, the api would let you build a native ui.
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Sly Pistachio posted:says the dude posting in a thread dedicated to an ancient messaging system that less than 1% of the population have ever heard of sick burn bro
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I'm still mulling over the idea of switching from an unlimited plan to a block-based plan, given the 150GB cap AT&T has pushed on their DSL subscribers. I guess I'll have to stick with SuperNews for a couple months and see if I stay under under that 92GB limit.
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Shroomie posted:I'm still mulling over the idea of switching from an unlimited plan to a block-based plan, given the 150GB cap AT&T has pushed on their DSL subscribers. I guess I'll have to stick with SuperNews for a couple months and see if I stay under under that 92GB limit. ...And you're continuing to reward this greedy rear end corporation determined to take Internet access in the United States back to the stone ages instead of canceling and going to the competition because... ? I don't know of any other industry where a company can reduce the amount of service they are providing you to a mere 3% of what it was the month before and keep prices the same. Yet I continue to see people lower their quality of life and conform their habits to these greedy ISPs instead of just telling them to stick it where the sun don't shine.
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Sly Pistachio posted:...And you're continuing to reward this greedy rear end corporation determined to take Internet access in the United States back to the stone ages instead of canceling and going to the competition because... ? Because there is no competition. I have no access to cable at my house and AT&T is the only company offering DSL.
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You can't get DSLExtreme? They're supposed to be available wherever AT&T is available.
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# ? Feb 9, 2025 03:05 |
Sly Pistachio posted:...And you're continuing to reward this greedy rear end corporation determined to take Internet access in the United States back to the stone ages instead of canceling and going to the competition because... ? :o You are hilarious. I'd say it's because you, personally, have allowed broadband monopolies and duopolies to form. And yes, if you live in the US, I do mean specifically you. Enjoy the bed you've made Sly Pistachio ![]()
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