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Red Ryder
Apr 20, 2006

oh dang
I will take any opportunity possible to talk about Brian Jonestown Massacre so here go:

They released their second album in 1995, called Methodrone

It's definitely my favorite shoegaze album. It's got some standard (but great) shoegaze type stuff like this:

Wisdom -
Wasted -
Everyone Says -

As well as some really cool more experimental stuff like this:

Crushed -
Hyperventilation -

And then there's this which is just phenomenal (listen to this if none of the others):

She's Gone -

Unfortunately after this album they never quite returned to the shoegaze sound; settling on a more psychedelic, space-y Rolling Stones type thing. All their stuff is great though and worth checking out.


Beary Wholesome
Apr 12, 2006

fo sparta

Koholint posted:

The band Belong put out a really good album earlier this year, maybe some of my favorite shoegaze type stuff besides MBV or JAMC.

I haven't listened to much of their earlier music, but from what I have heard it's more ambient with less (or no?) drums.

Different Heart is my jam.

Belong is phenomenal. This new direction they're going in is right up my alley, but their older work is what really got me hooked. Check out October Language. It's like ambient/shoegaze/genre/whatever but it's got some great tones and textures.

Feb 20, 2005

While not strictly shoegaze, Yo La Tengo's 1993 album, Painful, might fit the bill if you're looking for something similar to My Bloody Valentine.

Try this one out: From a Motel 6

Jun 28, 2008

I posted about it before but Big Troubles finally released their second album. It's less overtly shoegazy than their first but it's great indie/alt rock anyway.

Stream the whole album here.

Apr 22, 2010
Would anyone consider The Chameleons to be Dream Pop? They're one of my favorite bands. If anyone hasn't heard of them, they were an english Post Punk band from the early to mid 80s that released a few albums before disbanding due to the death of their manager in 1985. They have some great guitar work and melodies, and their 3 main albums are consistently good. They aren't really shoegazey, but they could still fit in the thread.

suntory time
Apr 1, 2005

X23 posted:

Would anyone consider The Chameleons to be Dream Pop? They're one of my favorite bands. If anyone hasn't heard of them, they were an english Post Punk band from the early to mid 80s that released a few albums before disbanding due to the death of their manager in 1985. They have some great guitar work and melodies, and their 3 main albums are consistently good. They aren't really shoegazey, but they could still fit in the thread.

I think they belong. View From A Hill, the closing track from their first album:

reminds me of early Cocteau Twins in a lot of ways:

Nov 19, 2008

by Pragmatica
Not sure why no one mentionned this band !

LSD and the search of God

They just have a 5 tracks EP out and its pretty unclear if they're still playing, but that EP is really good. I'd put them near MBV, they're that good !

Here's some youtube :

May 17, 2004

Going to see The Pains of Being Pure at Heart on Friday. I heard somewhere that they're not particularly good live. I hope this is not the case. :ohdear:

edit: I went to a pretty lame Radio Dept. show at Bowery Ballroom last year. They kinda just phoned in the show. Went on stage 30 minutes late, played for 50-ish minutes, and didn't even give an encore.

drainpipe fucked around with this message at 08:17 on Oct 4, 2011

Apr 22, 2010

drainpipe posted:

Going to see The Pains of Being Pure at Heart on Friday. I heard somewhere that they're not particularly good live. I hope this is not the case. :ohdear:

edit: I went to a pretty lame Radio Dept. show at Bowery Ballroom last year. They kinda just phoned in the show. Went on stage 30 minutes late, played for 50-ish minutes, and didn't even give an encore.

I've seen them two times so far, and I think they are good live. Music sounds especially great, and vocals are usually pretty consistent. They seemed like cool people and put effort into both shows as well.

Ras Het
May 23, 2007

when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child - but now I am a man.

drainpipe posted:

Going to see The Pains of Being Pure at Heart on Friday. I heard somewhere that they're not particularly good live. I hope this is not the case. :ohdear:

They're pretty good, I liked their live show a lot better than their recordings (particularly that abysmal new album, thankfully I saw them before it came out).

Dec 31, 2008

I think
your hair
looks much
over to
one side
Broken Little Sister put out a pretty good shoegaze album last year

also shoegaze/hip hop? better than you might think!

The Black Stones
May 7, 2007


Paperhouse posted:

Broken Little Sister put out a pretty good shoegaze album last year

Thanks for this link! Really like this. Now I'll have to go through the trouble of tracking down a CD which is going to be a little tougher than usual.

Jul 1, 2007

In 1985 Dr. Strange makes a rap album.

WhiteHowler posted:

Are there any currently-active bands with the same sort of sound?

I don't know quite how close it'd be for you but there's a Japanese dream pop/shoegaze band called Luminous Orange (which is pretty much just Rie Takeuchi and then rotating musicians) that's really, really awesome. Drop You Vivid Colours especially is a really good album.

Give a Hint

Sun Ray



Every Single Child

Bonus: Icicles and Every Single Child both have former Number Girl member Ahito Inazawa on drums which is great because he's a pretty awesome drummer.

And as far as space rock goes, I guess Avengers in Sci-Fi (although they venture into more poppy stuff at times) would fit there? They're one of my current favorite bands.


Lovers on Mars

Space Diamond (S.O.S. from Sci Fi)

Jul 15, 2006

crossposting here from the recommendation thread based on wpc's advice:

Hooplah posted:

Recommend me something that sounds like any of these:
My Dead Girlfriend
125, Rue Montmartre
True Widow
Tropic of Cancer

Also, does Mew belong in this thread? Cuz they're great.

Dec 31, 2008

I think
your hair
looks much
over to
one side
the My Dead Girlfriend track reminds me a bit of Clams, similar Japanese female vocals and the overall sound isn't too distant

Aug 26, 2005

by Y Kant Ozma Post
Some bands I dig that I don't think have been mentioned yet:

Fleeting Joys

The Breakup

Morphine Drip


Complete and utter MBV circa Loveless "ripoff"/homage, but I rather like them!


Today Forever


Strangers When We Meet

A dream poppy/shoegaze group from Japan. Some of their stuff is pretty poppy. Some borders on post-rock. The vocals are all in Japanese, but due to the obscured nature of most of these genres, it really doesn't matter.





These guys are also pretty cool. A bit more minimalist.

C.C.C.P. fucked around with this message at 08:56 on Oct 16, 2011

doug fuckey
Jun 7, 2007

hella greenbacks

C.C.C.P. posted:

Some bands I dig that I don't think have been mentioned yet:





These guys are also pretty cool. A bit more minimalist.

Thrushes are pretty neat, though I've only heard a bit of their stuff.

doug fuckey fucked around with this message at 02:27 on Oct 19, 2011

Jan 14, 2011

what up meat puck
Pretty sure Crocodiles are a good fit for the noise pop category, I keep forgetting about them and then returning and remembering how good they are. Seeing them tomorrow with Dum Dum Girls in Boston!

Jan 1, 2011

So, M83's new album finally came out today. It owns. I've been a big fan of his work for a while now, but this far surpasses anything he's done in the past. It feels like one big dream.

Scipio Africanus
Dec 4, 2005

Enslave the Elephants!

lycheeee posted:

Pretty sure Crocodiles are a good fit for the noise pop category, I keep forgetting about them and then returning and remembering how good they are. Seeing them tomorrow with Dum Dum Girls in Boston!

drat, I'm moving back to Boston two months too late to go see this. I really like the new Dum Dum Girls album, Only in Dreams. Many excellent fuzzy songs, especially Bedroom Eyes, Coming Down and Hold Your Hand. They're definitely moving more towards garage rock and away from noise pop, but it's a great sound.

Sep 20, 2001
Some things maybe not mentioned that I like:

Me You Us Them is sort of a MBV noise rock kind of thing, but its a good album they threw together, theres an older EP that has some good stuff on it.



The Twilight Sad, a great scottish gaze band with an awful name. Have two brilliant albums out with a bunch of Eps, theres a new album due out early next year thats apparently going to be quite different from their last few albums, and it's got me nervous.

Khonnor lives right down the road from me. People maybe heard him since he had a good album out a few years back.

edit: fixed some wonky links

hobb fucked around with this message at 03:55 on Oct 19, 2011

Nov 28, 2009
M83's new album is, as mentioned above, absolutely incredible. Songs like Raconte-Moi Une Histoire put a nice smile on your face when you listen to them :)

Jan 1, 2011

Valex posted:

M83's new album is, as mentioned above, absolutely incredible. Songs like Raconte-Moi Une Histoire put a nice smile on your face when you listen to them :)

I took a walk tonight while listening to this, and I was grinning cheek to cheek the entire time. :allears:

Menstrual Show
Jun 3, 2004

hobb posted:

Me You Us Them is sort of a MBV noise rock kind of thing, but its a good album they threw together, theres an older EP that has some good stuff on it.

Was just about to post this. They're pretty great live as well and, according to their Facebook, should be recording another album soon.

May 31, 2005

Old Town Road to EGOT

I figured you all would want to hear about this band if you hadn't already:


Their debut album just came out a couple days ago, but aside from the production values, it sounds like it could've been made in the late 80s / early 90s. Amazing stuff.

Oct 15, 2005

X23 posted:

Would anyone consider The Chameleons to be Dream Pop? They're one of my favorite bands. If anyone hasn't heard of them, they were an english Post Punk band from the early to mid 80s that released a few albums before disbanding due to the death of their manager in 1985. They have some great guitar work and melodies, and their 3 main albums are consistently good. They aren't really shoegazey, but they could still fit in the thread.

You guys should all check the Chameleons out. The song Paradisio (, Swamp Thing, and Up the Down Escalator are especially bitchin songs but don't let that take anything away from the rest of their library.

texting my ex
Nov 15, 2008

I am no one
I cannot squat
It's in my blood

Valex posted:

M83's new album is, as mentioned above, absolutely incredible. Songs like Raconte-Moi Une Histoire put a nice smile on your face when you listen to them :)

Well, opinions differ, I think that song may be the absolute worst travesty to music ever. It's so bad I can't stand thinking about it.

Still going to see him in February, maybe he'll play some older tracks.

9-Volt Assault
Jan 27, 2007

Beter twee tetten in de hand dan tien op de vlucht.
Yeah, that M83 track is terrible. But i hate everything that has children's voices in it, so. :shobon:

The rest of the album is pretty decent though.

Jun 24, 2011
is that the track where the kid is talking about frogs over an irritating repetitive piano line? that song sucks but steve mcqueen makes up for it.

Angular Landbury
Oct 24, 2011

You guys might really enjoy my band, Golden Gardens:

We're pretty dreampop, but we add in other elements like old goth rock, trip hop, and in some rare cases lounge and post-rock. We're pretty influenced by Angelo Badalamenti soundtracks as well.

Jan 14, 2011

what up meat puck
Have you guys heard of The December Sound? I accidentally saw them at a little bar nearby last night and really enjoyed it, but it might partly be because it's been so long since I've been to a shoegaze show and damnnn, I forgot how much that reverb gets to me. They have about 15k listeners on which is pretty high for a smallish band, I'm wondering if their recordings are worth looking into?

Jun 24, 2011

lycheeee posted:

Have you guys heard of The December Sound? I accidentally saw them at a little bar nearby last night and really enjoyed it, but it might partly be because it's been so long since I've been to a shoegaze show and damnnn, I forgot how much that reverb gets to me. They have about 15k listeners on which is pretty high for a smallish band, I'm wondering if their recordings are worth looking into?

That was the second (possibly third) time I saw them. I think it was kind of rough going after Ghost Box though...

I really dug that venue - I didn't know it was re-opened and I kind of want to book there.

Jan 14, 2011

what up meat puck

origami posted:

That was the second (possibly third) time I saw them. I think it was kind of rough going after Ghost Box though...

I really dug that venue - I didn't know it was re-opened and I kind of want to book there.

Boston goon! Yeah, I've really enjoyed it so far, I've gone 1-2 times a weekend since it reopened because I'm really enjoying the scene, it's really near my apartment, and they seem to book decent stuff (and I'm not very into seeing random live bands at bars because if they suck, you're stuck in a bar unable to hear your friends and listening to a lovely band). I think I actually liked December Sound more than Ghost Box Orchestra but I seem to be in the minority there, my friends also preferred Ghost Box and I ended up staying alone for the end of December Sound. I just love loud, dark, almost-painful reverb so much. It reminded me a bit of A Place to Bury Strangers or The Telescopes or Disappears or something, a pretty heavy blend of shoegaze/psych rock/space rock.

I just realized is having a 3-day freeleech extravaganza so I guess I can grab all these recordings to try at no loss to myself :)

Sep 20, 2001
I've had december sounds silver album for a while, and its a good noisy mess. I like it quite a bit.

Sgt. Politeness
Sep 29, 2003

I've seen shit you people wouldn't believe. Cop cars on fire off the shoulder of I-94. I watched search lights glitter in the dark near the Ambassador Bridge. All those moments will be lost in time, like piss in the drain. Time to retch.

I like your band

Very Julee Cruise

Apr 3, 2001

Astreal is a female-fronted shoegaze/dream-pop band from Singapore with a neat electronic sound. I haven't seen them mentioned in the thread yet, and I really like what I've heard so far.

"Fragments of the Same Dead Star" album on Spotify

YouTube: (probably their most "dreamy" sounding song, not all of it is this mellow)

WhiteHowler fucked around with this message at 20:03 on Nov 10, 2011

Jun 7, 2010

Like a television
tuned to a dead channel.

origami posted:

is that the track where the kid is talking about frogs over an irritating repetitive piano line? that song sucks but steve mcqueen makes up for it.

You monsters have no heart.

global tetrahedron
Jun 24, 2009

Dunno if this would be better in the post-rock thread but these guys have a good 80s shoegaze thing going, they remind me of A Place To Bury Strangers but better:

Edit: Ha, listening to the full album, the rest is a lot more of a noise punk kinda thing, lots of shouted vocals. Good stuff nonetheless, not at all like that first track however.

global tetrahedron fucked around with this message at 16:36 on Nov 14, 2011

doug fuckey
Jun 7, 2007

hella greenbacks

global tetrahedron posted:

Dunno if this would be better in the post-rock thread but these guys have a good 80s shoegaze thing going, they remind me of A Place To Bury Strangers but better:

if they'd cut out that incredibly uninteresting meandering in the beginning that'd be a lot better. Sounds okay after that though


the Bunt
Sep 24, 2007


WhiteHowler posted:

Astreal is a female-fronted shoegaze/dream-pop band from Singapore with a neat electronic sound. I haven't seen them mentioned in the thread yet, and I really like what I've heard so far.

"Fragments of the Same Dead Star" album on Spotify

YouTube: (probably their most "dreamy" sounding song, not all of it is this mellow)

I am head over heels for this band/album. I'd love to hear more groups like this. I particularly love female-centric groups in this genre like Slowdive and Astreal.

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