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Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
So Eberron basically allows me to play as fantasy versions of the ABC Warriors? Okay, I'm interested. :allears:


Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
That horse's legs are giving me a serious MC Escher vibe.

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
The best ToH story was when someone came up with a way to instakill Acerak using his own magic items, and the DM couldn't believe it could be that easy. Gygax happened to be at the tournament, so the DM asked him if was a legit kill; his response was pretty much "Yup, I didn't think of that, so it's cool."

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
Briarios, noooo! :ohdear:

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

Alien Rope Burn posted:

It's funny because I just saw the other day that Flint Henry had worked on the last Judge Dredd event... and it turns out that after Wormwood, Flint Henry went on to do work for 2000 A.D., where he has worked near-exclusively since (most notably on Judge Dredd). Of course, most of the art there in that post is Roger Petersen (miscredited as "Roger Peterson") who would go on to draw things like Predator and Swamp Thing comix.
Flint Henry and Henry Flint are two different artists. :eng101:

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!
I've probably missed something out of the 3000 Rifts splats featured in F&F, but is there a reason why Glitter Boys are called Glitter Boys? It's such a ridiculous name! Considering that the anime/manga the artwork plunders has things called Gundams, landmates, mecha, mobile suits, Valkyries, hardsuits, Metal Gears, battlemovers, labors and buster machines, why the hell did they go for a name that sounds like a camp 1970s glam-rock act?

Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

FMguru posted:

There were multiple NPCs in 7S which were explicitly tagged as "Nope, your players can't kill them or defeat them or get the better of them, no matter how clever they are or how high they roll". There's the not-Rasputin in not-Russia, the not-Merlin and not-Cuchulein in not-Britain, etc.
I've honestly never understood the appeal of this kind of "If you want to play in our world, you can't ever mess with our precious Mary Sues vital-to-the-setting characters no matter how hard you try" metaplotting. It's in 7S, it's in Five Rings, Rifts, the White Wolf titles... funnily enough, a lot of games that have featured prominently in F&F. It's just a slightly less overtly obnoxious form of railroading.


Small Strange Bird
Sep 22, 2006

Merci, chaton!

unseenlibrarian posted:

Truils are cannibal, mammoth riding, drug-crazed, werewolf barbarians.
I keep reading that as Trullis:

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