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Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

To be fair with the whole lack of Pure Breed, considering that the Bone Gnawers are a hodge-podge of cast-offs and loose ends from other tribes, isn't the lack of a Bone Gnawer Platonic Ideal in and of itself a Bone Gnawer Platonic Ideal?


Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

Ratpick posted:

"also don't do it because you'll be a total Mary Sue."

And yet, the Kitsune persist in existing. :v:

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

Well of course they didn't claim Jesus was a werewolf, that would just be silly.

Besides, He's already a Lasombra, duh. :colbert:

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

Bieeardo posted:

Waaaait a minute. Wasn't there something, somewhere, about the loss of wolf bloodlines having a serious deleterious effect on Garou genetics?

Haven't you ever wondered just why the Children of Gaia, Bone Gnawers, and Glass Walkers are all hosed up? :science:

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

Actually, there are two such things:

Cult of the Dog is W:tF, and involves doggishness and a possibly deeply evil/eerie patron in the form of the spirit Sirius.

The Debased are OWoD weredogs created by, if I remember correctly, Glass Walker and Bone Gnawer geneticist-shamans looking for ways to swell their numbers:

Edit: NOT :filez:, as these are freely distributable fan supplements.
Double Edit: To keep this on-topic, would anyone be interested in a review of these books, short as they are?

Punting fucked around with this message at 05:54 on Jul 1, 2013

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

HitTheTargets posted:

Meet my new original character do not steal: The Reverend Soup-Salad-and-Breadsticks.

Sounds like a Bone Gnawer street preacher.

Also, totally voting Cyber-Papacy.

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

MrMenshevik posted:

Wait are those damage values right for the nuke? According to that, getting hit by four metal rods from a rail gun does the same damage as a tactical nuclear weapon. A nuclear weapon is roughly on par with a fancied up bullet.

No, those are the right damage values for nukes. Says a lot about the game really.

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

And there was also one that allowed for penguin as well, for some of the Antarctic expeditions. :D

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

Mr. Maltose posted:

loving Josephine Baker? Seriously? I don't know if I'm more angry about that or the woman literally named Witch but in a different language.

I would say the Josephine Baker thing. ForeignWord McLiteralName is a fairly old, very common, and relatively excusable bit of stupidity. Co-opting a figurehead of the civil rights movement for your pretend elfgame witchgame? That's skeevy.

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

As Kai Tave said up above, Mutants & Masterminds would do a pretty serviceable job of running Rifts. Everyone would be on or close to the same power level, but it's just crunchy enough to make differentiating the various flavors of crazy possible both mechanically and fluff-wise.

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

That is not at all what I expected Siembieda to look like.

Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

AccidentalHipster posted:

A kender DMPC being trap bait at his best is perfectly in keeping with RPG writers making kender awful. I may sound like a heretic for saying this, but kender can be played in nonawful ways. I actually played a fair number of kender when I first got in to roleplay, and the only person I annoyed was the DM when I mocked his mary sues. The secret is to be Pippen Took instead of a You Testament NPC. I can't understand why so many RPG writers don't get this.

On a happier note, my copy of Double Cross came in today (well, technically yesterday) and I'll begin writing part 2 of my Dungeons: the Dragoning write-up soon. Soon meaning "When I can be pried away from DX" If anyon still wants to suggest Dungeons: the Dragoning characters, go nuts.

Roll up a Dragonblooded, Heart-Aspected, Ork wizard of Malal.


Sep 9, 2007
I am very witty: nit-witty, dim-witty, and half-witty.

Kurieg posted:

WOTC's response to over templated character ridiculousness

Hey now, there was nothing whatsoever ridiculous about Gronk, he was the best half-dragon-dog mutant and I will not suffer such calumny and slander.

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