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Jun 21, 2010

klosterdev posted:

*replies to user in ticket*
*user emails a reply to my direct email*

What email? You didn't see any email hit your inbox.


Mr. Fix It
Oct 26, 2000


DelphiAegis posted:

What email? You didn't see any email hit your inbox.

nah, just paste their email into your next reply on the ticket with "you seem to have mistakenly emailed me instead of replying on the ticket". maybe attach the eml file too.

Mar 5, 2009

We recently had cut and paste in office apps disabled because some genius pasted PII to a public web server.

An org of 1000 people and maybe a couple percent of them touch sensitive info resulted all the tech people being unable to share anything in a useful format. Hell yeah.

Apr 24, 2004

That is delightfully chaotic.

Jun 1, 2006

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first."

God Bless Margaret Thatcher
God Bless England
RIP My Iron Lady
Just unzip the files and edit the XML directly. Super easy, right?

Potato Salad
Oct 23, 2014

nobody cares

Thanks Ants posted:

I'm glad the courts smacked that one down because it's a ridiculous position to take. "This entity that we present as an agent of the company gave you bad information but we shouldn't be liable". What next, car companies avoiding liability for safety failings because they outsourced the manufacture of a particular assembly?

You know our courts are absolutely going that direction.

Potato Salad
Oct 23, 2014

nobody cares

xzzy posted:

We recently had cut and paste in office apps disabled because some genius pasted PII to a public web server.

An org of 1000 people and maybe a couple percent of them touch sensitive info resulted all the tech people being unable to share anything in a useful format. Hell yeah.

lol whose idea was it to mend the problem in a way that doesn't actually mend the problem?

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Removing copy and paste is a "down tools, get back to us when you're allowing us to actually do the work" level of stupid

Dec 22, 2006

Who nico nico needs anyone else

xzzy posted:

We recently had cut and paste in office apps disabled because some genius pasted PII to a public web server.

An org of 1000 people and maybe a couple percent of them touch sensitive info resulted all the tech people being unable to share anything in a useful format. Hell yeah.

I fail to see how anyone would approve this when it does not even remotely address the issue that caused the reaction? Perhaps I still harbor too much faith in humanity.

Internet Explorer
Jun 1, 2005

Up next, remove the ability to enter text into text fields. We're saving "click buttons" in reserve for when we need the big guns.

Oct 28, 2007

Internet Explorer posted:

Up next, remove the ability to enter text into text fields. We're saving "click buttons" in reserve for when we need the big guns.

All operations will now be done by asking Copilot for Windows to do them for you, and all of them will be screened for suspicious activity.

Internet Explorer
Jun 1, 2005

a.k.a. "code buddy"

SyNack Sassimov
May 4, 2006

Let the robot win.
            --Captain James T. Vader

Internet Explorer posted:

a.k.a. "code buddy"

"it looks like you're trying to write a command line python script - would you like some help?" - CLI-py

Mar 5, 2009

Python is such a clusterfuck these days I'm not sure AI generating the code would be a downgrade.

Jun 1, 2006

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first."

God Bless Margaret Thatcher
God Bless England
RIP My Iron Lady

xzzy posted:

Python is such a clusterfuck these days I'm not sure AI generating the code would be a downgrade.
Regretfully, I can tell you from experience that it is.

May 27, 2001

That was Gary Cooper, asshole.

Nap Ghost
We deal with some company that does some webthing for us, the only interaction I generally have them is DNS, some certs and occasionally sitting on a call going "Yes the VPN is up, no i don't know why your side can't see it, you should try to restart the session as that has worked everytime in the past."

Today though I get a email flagged high importance from the manager of the team that deals with them, they need us to re-issue every single cert we have with them, and they need it by next Friday. Apparently, they host on some CDN and they are telling us that they won't be able to manage things on this CDN until June of next year. That is right, they won't be able to do anything on these for a YEAR. I have no loving clue what their issue is, but the response from our side should have been "No problem, I'm sure we can find a different provider in six months."
The person in their team who normally does this is out this week, and no one else there knows certs, so I guess I get to do this.

Heran Bago
Aug 18, 2006

Wife's mobile ISP switched to a 5G network that her Huawei P10 is too old to support. They say the 4G connection should still work but it doesn't. Not sure what to even do on the phone - 4G toggle is on. Customer service giving the runaround.

Aug 14, 2017

Heran Bago posted:

Wife's mobile ISP switched to a 5G network that her Huawei P10 is too old to support. They say the 4G connection should still work but it doesn't. Not sure what to even do on the phone - 4G toggle is on. Customer service giving the runaround.

That device stopped receiving security updates in 2021 and feature/bugfix in 2020, get her a new phone.

Heran Bago
Aug 18, 2006

SlowBloke posted:

That device stopped receiving security updates in 2021 and feature/bugfix in 2020, get her a new phone.

Oh drat time for a new phone then.

Thanks, good looking out.

22 Eargesplitten
Oct 10, 2010

Okay, this isn't at work, but at school. I had to reset my password because I couldn't remember what it was (I stay logged in on the school website generally). They do not say what the complexity requirements are, but are happy to say when a password doesn't meet them.

Jun 15, 2021

22 Eargesplitten posted:

Okay, this isn't at work, but at school. I had to reset my password because I couldn't remember what it was (I stay logged in on the school website generally). They do not say what the complexity requirements are, but are happy to say when a password doesn't meet them.

My favorite is when they have some arbitrary password length that they don't tell you about when you create the password. So your 64 character, randomly generated password saved in your password manager gets truncated down to 20 characters and of course does not work when copy/pasting from the password manager.

Aug 6, 2019

Adding a special character that is accepted but then not escaped when you try enter it so you don't know why it's failing until you escape it yourself.

Arsenic Lupin
Apr 12, 2012

This particularly rapid💨 unintelligible 😖patter💁 isn't generally heard🧏‍♂️, and if it is🤔, it doesn't matter💁.

sporkstand posted:

My favorite is when they have some arbitrary password length that they don't tell you about when you create the password. So your 64 character, randomly generated password saved in your password manager gets truncated down to 20 characters and of course does not work when copy/pasting from the password manager.

Yes. God, I hate that, and it's so hard to diagnose.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


I can't believe there are companies popping up that are building products aimed at commercial customers and are rolling their own authentication still. "Hi would you like to try our range of cloud managed network devices?" "Can I authenticate using SAML or OAuth?" "No sorry" "lol".

I'm not in the business of creating additional work, why would I deploy something that gives people another credential to manage.

Aug 14, 2017

Thanks Ants posted:

I can't believe there are companies popping up that are building products aimed at commercial customers and are rolling their own authentication still. "Hi would you like to try our range of cloud managed network devices?" "Can I authenticate using SAML or OAuth?" "No sorry" "lol".

I'm not in the business of creating additional work, why would I deploy something that gives people another credential to manage.

There are a lot of firms that do SAML while completely duplicating the user management side with SCIM (Adobe or Apple for instance) and I have even stronger feelings about those than rolling their own idp.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


SCIM does make sense though because it allows for deprovisioning of accounts. You can create accounts just-in-time without it but the application has no way to differentiate between an account that hasn't been used in two months because the person is away, or an account that hasn't been used in two months because that person has left the company. Closing old accounts and expiring the data is a good thing to do.

If the issue is that they don't support SAML roles and make you configure access levels in the SP itself then yeah that's dumb, but I'll take SSO existing before I get onto things that are really nice to have.

Aug 14, 2017

Thanks Ants posted:

SCIM does make sense though because it allows for deprovisioning of accounts. You can create accounts just-in-time without it but the application has no way to differentiate between an account that hasn't been used in two months because the person is away, or an account that hasn't been used in two months because that person has left the company. Closing old accounts and expiring the data is a good thing to do.

If the issue is that they don't support SAML roles and make you configure access levels in the SP itself then yeah that's dumb, but I'll take SSO existing before I get onto things that are really nice to have.

Adobe and apple do require for you to set up permissions/enablements on their portals, not using entra session claims, and also in apple case it doesn't deprovision. It drives me bonkers.

Mar 7, 2006

For the smaller departmental apps where the app admins manage user access and SCIM isn’t an option, I automatically send an email to them upon a user termination to remind them to also delete the account in the app.

SyNack Sassimov
May 4, 2006

Let the robot win.
            --Captain James T. Vader

devmd01 posted:

For the smaller departmental apps where the app admins manage user access and SCIM isn’t an option, I automatically send an email to them upon a user termination to remind them to also delete the account in the app.

This works great as long as you are also not the app admin.


Sep 21, 2005

Throw this in a pot, add some broth, a potato? Baby you got a stew going!

SyNack Sassimov posted:

This works great as long as you are also not the app admin.


omg this brings back terrible memories... "why would we create dynamic groups? we have this excel file of every (past and present) employee and what access they had!"

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


"We have an exception to this dynamic group"

No you don't

Jul 30, 2006

it means nothing, but says everything!

Thanks Ants posted:

"We have an exception to this dynamic group"

No you don't

Oh god, the dumbest thing I ever did was try to explain dynamic groups to a user who wanted a distribution list. Should have just given them a manual list and made them the list owner.

The Fool
Oct 16, 2003

why am I doing an ldap integration in tyol 2024

SyNack Sassimov
May 4, 2006

Let the robot win.
            --Captain James T. Vader

The Fool posted:

why am I doing an ldap integration in tyol 2024


Mar 7, 2006

We have a single hosted application that still uses ldap for user sync, the only options are ldap or manual bulk file upload.

It’s literally the only reason I have a limited scope replica ADAM instance still in use and I hate it so much.

The servicenow mid servers just talk to AD ldap directly, that doesn’t really count.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


We have clients where AD and all the requirements that follow from that (servers, backups, CALs) only exist for one or two legacy applications, including one that signed a contract for :yaycloud: software after telling the sales rep they had no servers and then were asked to set up a VPN tunnel and AD trust.

Feb 4, 2001

Godspeed, post
Fun Shoe
Sigh, why am I having to explain that asking your female coworkers if they ‘have mastered the hawk tuah’ is unacceptable

loving gorillas

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


I think I’m just about insulated enough from America and Americans to fortunately have no idea what that’s about

Gucci Loafers
May 20, 2006

Ask yourself, do you really want to talk to pair of really nice gaudy shoes?

tactlessbastard posted:

Sigh, why am I having to explain that asking your female coworkers if they ‘have mastered the hawk tuah’ is unacceptable

Ever since 2016, I have been continuously reminded that some of my coworkers really, really need to touch some grass. :smith:


Sep 21, 2004

sting like a byob
I only heard (well, saw) that for the first time recently. If you are wondering, if I understood it correctly, it is supposed to be the sound of spitting, for exactly the reason you are imagining.

I am not sure I think second chances are appropriate for someone who thinks that is an acceptable thing to say at work. It's not borderline.

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