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Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


On the other hand, Google deciding that the very specific word you searched for should actually be something else is infuriating. Suggest it by all means, don't tell me that you decided to search for a different phrase because you think you know best.


May 27, 2001

That was Gary Cooper, asshole.

Nap Ghost

Wibla posted:

Are you buying audiophile, gold-plated 10G SFP+ or something? :psyduck:

For whatever reason, they get weird about expenses, then a week later not worried.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


They do know you're only meant to buy enough vendor-approved SFPs to be able to swap in to fulfil a warranty claim, don't they?

May 27, 2001

That was Gary Cooper, asshole.

Nap Ghost

Thanks Ants posted:

They do know you're only meant to buy enough vendor-approved SFPs to be able to swap in to fulfil a warranty claim, don't they?

We kept a bunch on hand just for that back in the day for our gear. This other group only gets the vendor approved ones.
A coworker found a box with a bunch and I think we could plug them into the other gear in the HA pair and fail over.

This has been a useful thing, as we've basically gotten a free partial DR test today to see bottlenecks and where some problems are.

Mar 7, 2006


Thanks Ants posted:

On the other hand, Google deciding that the very specific word you searched for should actually be something else is infuriating. Suggest it by all means, don't tell me that you decided to search for a different phrase because you think you know best.

I’m a huge fan because my name is one letter off of a known athlete. If you type my name without quotes it disambiguates to the athlete, majorly polluting the results.

tango alpha delta
Sep 9, 2011

Ask me about my wealthy lifestyle and passive income! I love bragging about my wealth to my lessers! My opinions are more valid because I have more money than you! Stealing the fruits of the labor of the working class is okay, so long as you don't do it using crypto. More money = better than!
Lmao, my ideas guys is back with a special offer to ask me to do all the coding because he finally figured out that ChatGPT can’t build complex apps from a prompt.

I just responded with the “I really don’t know much about computers so I don’t see how I can help you” boilerplate response.

Jul 30, 2003


devmd01 posted:

I’m a huge fan because my name is one letter off of a known athlete. If you type my name without quotes it disambiguates to the athlete, majorly polluting the results.

O.J. Simpsen?

Phat Phingers
May 27, 2023

Ey Frito-Lay! FUH Q MANG!
can't make an account on anything without a phone number. I'm not a spammer, why do they insist on doing this crap? What about people without phones? I hate companies

22 Eargesplitten
Oct 10, 2010

Thanks Ants posted:

This makes a ton of sense in locations that might be dusty, dirty, really humid etc. because thermal doesn't like it, and thermal transfer (the superior type of thermal) really doesn't like it.

It's a real problem pretty much everywhere, some ad keywords shouldn't be able to be purchased:

That does make sense, I see it at my mechanic and I think sometimes at auto parts stores for online orders to be picked up in store. Half the year the mechanic has the doors open to the dirt lot because the metal warehouse-type building bakes like an oven in the summer.

Nov 8, 2007

i sometimes throw cables away

i mean straight into the bin without spending 10+ years in the box of might-come-in-handy-someday first

im a fucking monster

Phat Phingers posted:

can't make an account on anything without a phone number. I'm not a spammer, why do they insist on doing this crap? What about people without phones? I hate companies

And heaven forbid you ever lose that phone.

Can't log in without the phone for 2FA, but you don't have the phone. Online recovery leads you round in circles sending recovery emails to accounts you also can't log into without the phone. Eventually you call tech support and they say they'll sort it within 48 hours, and then they send you a one-off access code - to the phone you just repeatedly told them you don't have any more.

My bank asked a few security questions and it was sorted within 10 minutes.
Ebay took 5 days and multiple calls.

Sweevo fucked around with this message at 11:25 on Apr 14, 2024

Oct 17, 2003

Take care with that! We have not fully ascertained its function, and the ticking is accelerating.
[Researching a solution for a particular situation]

Comes across two products that look like they might work.

Website for product A: easy to navigate with readily downloadable data sheets and FAQ PDFs.

Web site for product B: hints at capabilities through marketing speak and vague “your product does everything I need it to!” testimonials while requiring a valid email address so they can send you a link to downloadable materials.

Without knowing anything about the products, I wonder which way I’m immediately going to be biased.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


I'm the same but with services that don't put the subscription price on the website. You could have a product that is half the price of a competitor but I'll never know if you insist on booking a sales call to talk about it.

Oct 28, 2007

Agrikk posted:

[Researching a solution for a particular situation]

Comes across two products that look like they might work.

Website for product A: easy to navigate with readily downloadable data sheets and FAQ PDFs.

Web site for product B: hints at capabilities through marketing speak and vague “your product does everything I need it to!” testimonials while requiring a valid email address so they can send you a link to downloadable materials.

Without knowing anything about the products, I wonder which way I’m immediately going to be biased.

This is my personal bugbear and I'm very glad that my current company doesn't gate any of this stuff (for the product line I deal with, anyways).

If anything, we go hard in the other direction. We even have public YouTube videos with people in the engineering division going way into the weeds on how stuff works under the covers.

Sep 21, 2004

sting like a byob
Marketing stuff is bad enough but some of the gatekeeping on technical poo poo is insane. Have you seen how hard Ciena locks down their documents? You gotta have an account... but you can't just sign up for an account if you don't do business with them.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Love to have someone using a legacy app that requires unconstrained kerberos delegation :shepicide:

Apr 30, 2006

Planet: Xeno Prime
Pissing me off today: I'm now potentially going to be Youtube famous (might be doxxing myself here but at this point in time I genuinely don't care).

We had an "auditor" turn up to our head office/warehouse today.
Not the financial type, the ones who film businesses from the public road/footpath, hoping to get a reaction from staff/security so they can do the whole "well actually I am legally allowed to do this" bit.

The whole "movement" seems to have started in a good place - highlighting the fact public photography and filming is legal, and that the police cannot tell you to stop just because of their lack of knowledge.
Now the police are more clued-up on this sort of thing, many of these people have started heading to private businesses hoping to find staff who do not know the laws and in some cases becoming quite rude and abusive, just to either do the "you can't stop me" as mentioned above or hoping a confrontation happens so they can go viral on social media.

Chap who turned up at ours was nice and polite (at least to me). I like to think I was told about him as I was the most senior member of staff in the office at the time, but I have a feeling it was because I am the biggest and meanest looking.

Went out and spoke to him, asked him to remain on the public areas, checked his drone was under 250 grams (doesn't require a license and can fly over commercial/industrial sites), all nice and polite. Asked for his Youtube channel but he wouldn't give it to me. Whatever.

Went back in to the office and told everyone who had now gathered at the window what the deal was. That he was legally allowed to do it as long as he stays on public property, just let him get on with it and he will go soon.

Someone says "You might want to let Dave know this then...". Turn around just in time to see our chief mechanic stride up to the guy, tear his drone controller out his hands and punch the guy in the face.

Auditor guy drops like a sack of poo poo as a few of us rush down the stairs and outside. Auditor is yelling how it was assault (it was) and he had it all on camera (he did). Our mechanic was yelling he didn't consent to be recorded (wasn't required) and he warned him once to delete the footage (wasn't required).

Police arrive as we are trying to calm the situation down - think someone had called them when I went out to speak to him the first time.

Mechanic is arrested, auditor gets taken away in an ambulance and now the company Directors are demanding I "email someone at Youtube to get the video taken down" despite it only happening a few hours ago and none of us knowing who he is or what his channel is called.

Feb 16, 2011

A classic OBE (overcome by events) after you did everything right :smith:

Mar 5, 2009

Added bonus is if they do find the video and make demands to take it down it's only going to blow up even more.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


The "I'm technically legally allowed to harass you" crowd are loving dickheads and YouTube is a curse

May 31, 2006

we periodically have waves of those liberty auditor type guys hassling the customer care line so we set up a special phone number for all First Amendment Matters that goes to a voice mailbox that nobody checks

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


I cannot imagine having so little going on that doing something like that made it to the top of the list

Jun 1, 2006

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first."

God Bless Margaret Thatcher
God Bless England
RIP My Iron Lady
It's very simple. Step 1 is doing that poo poo to everyone who knows you until they're sick of you and you have literally nobody in your life who isn't another isolated crank.

Feb 4, 2001

Godspeed, post
Fun Shoe
I’m seconded to a major initiative implementation team, mandated from the mothership, on top of my regular job and this week I’m in the unfortunate position of having to report back to the initiative team that have been unable to convince my boss to commit to the scope and urgency of this training regime we’re instituting and he’s going to get blasted from corporate.

Wizard of the Deep
Sep 25, 2005

Another productive workday
This morning, I got pulled in to help another team troubleshoot an issue they were having on a Windows server.

It's not an app I normally support any more, but I still know the system better than most of the team responsible (which is its own problem that management is aware of), and I'm a general Windows Server SME. Which is a generally useful skillset in corporate America.

They were seeing some really weird behavior. They were having trouble logging in with domain accounts, certain things weren't communicating out like they should, and the necessary services weren't starting and/or continuing to run. It was one of the first 2016 servers we built in our environment.

Nobody had checked for anything interesting in the Event Logs. They did report trying an emergency reboot on the server.

I was the fifth engineer the team pulled in to figure out what was going on.

Once the admin piloting the remote session shared their screen, I saw the problem immediately.

The server was stuck in Safe Mode. Even after a reboot.

An hour later they had it rebuilt from scratch and working about as expected.

Mar 5, 2009

I kinda get it. Obviously harassing businesses to try and provoke a reaction for internet clicks is obviously total bullshit but there is a very real problem in the US with people being locked out of land they should have access to. Look up the lawsuit around Elk Mountain in Wyoming for example. People are getting blocked from accessing public lands because some rich idiot bought the neighboring land and throws a fit every time someone corner cuts his turf. It's probably going to end up in the supreme court because rich prick keeps losing trials and bumps it up the chain.

So I guess the moral of the story is both sides are technically right but they should stop being assholes so we should chill out and meet somewhere in the middle.

Jun 1, 2006

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first."

God Bless Margaret Thatcher
God Bless England
RIP My Iron Lady
I believe it started off with cops telling people to stop filming and people starting to film them just to get the cops to break the law, but the end result is the cops have learned to not rise to the bait and the people who got e-famous off the gimmick need to keep chasing the high of internet dipshit approval.

Dec 27, 2007

He has come home, where he belongs. The Ancient Mariner returns to lead his first team to glory, forever and ever. Amen!

Got an email today asking if I was interested in their AI tooling for T1/T2 but the email was addressed to someone else completely. My email is my and this name was no where close. I really wanted to reply with something smartass like "Does your AI also handle your cold sales emails" but I just deleted it...

Silly Newbie
Jul 25, 2007
How do I?
I get those all day every day, and it's really hard not to reply to them. I just remind myself that I'm not talking to a real person, it's just some bulk mail service fishing for leads, and delete. Objectively correct but so unsatisfying.

Sep 25, 2011

i wake up at night
night action madness nightmares
maybe i am scum

Cpig Haiku contest 2020 winner
Yeah the personalisation / fake sadness at lack of responses falls flat very quickly when you are getting forwarded former staff emails and see the same pretend conversation being targetted at 3 different people.

Apr 30, 2006

Planet: Xeno Prime

Arquinsiel posted:

I believe it started off with cops telling people to stop filming and people starting to film them just to get the cops to break the law, but the end result is the cops have learned to not rise to the bait and the people who got e-famous off the gimmick need to keep chasing the high of internet dipshit approval.

Yeah that was what I gathered from the brief research I did. It does seem like it started (in the US and trickled over here to the UK) with good intentions - making the public aware that the police cannot just do something without the appropriate law to back them up. That turned in to purposely antagonising the police - turning up at stations and lurking around the gates with a camera, flying a drone over crime scenes etc.

One of the bigger UK ones got in to some trouble for loving around and recording police as they pulled the body of a missing woman out of a river.

Now police are aware of it and do not engage (for the most part), these youtubers need something else to get the clicks, so they head to private businesses in the hope they can find a security guard or member of staff that doesn't know every obscure filming or drone aviation law. Some are just evasive know-it-alls but are for the most part harmless, others I've seen are basically just using it as an excuse to threaten people. Or in the case of the chaps who go round filming the "illegal migrant hotels", incredibly loving racist.

The youtube community is also completely toxic too - fans of these channels review-bomb the businesses featured in the videos on Google, tie up the reception phone lines or end up turning up and harrasing staff themselves.

It seems like it is the "grown up" version of sticking your hand an inch in front of your sibling's face and saying "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you, this is free airspace, you can't get mad!". The guy I mentioned earlier has a side channel where he goes round to car dealers to do his "audits". He has over 700 videos of him doing this.

Update to the story though:

Found the guy's youtube channel. Thankfully only 3 videos and a handful of subscribers. Looks like he had only started out, so either this interaction will make him reconsider the whole thing or he will upload it, get picked up by one of the bigger channels and go viral.
No word on the head mechanic - he starts the same time as me and isn't in yet, if he will come in at all.

Jun 1, 2006

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first."

God Bless Margaret Thatcher
God Bless England
RIP My Iron Lady
Currently pissing me off: sending everything as flattened PDFs via a single docusign link so everything is a mess. Maybe I want to Ctrl + F through your health insurance benefits so I can work out of the things I've got are covered or not? Why is this even hidden after the contract and background check in a single giant scrollbar? gently caress sake.

Aug 30, 2006

Wizard of the Deep posted:

The server was stuck in Safe Mode. Even after a reboot.

An hour later they had it rebuilt from scratch and working about as expected.

This honestly sounds like someone forgot they left the "Safe Boot" option checked in system config

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Or some poo poo-tier RMM agent that once was told to reboot the server in safe mode and hasn't let go of that setting.

Oct 10, 2006

Na na na na na na na na Batman!
Whelp, today I might get to watch a car crash happen in slow motion.

Been working diligently on the IT-side of a project despite being two people down rn and completely ticket swamped and then I was told for the first time yesterday that the project needed to be completed by today and everything isn't in place yet. Right now we're waiting on a vendor to do something so its out of my hands.

Oct 10, 2006

Na na na na na na na na Batman!
"Hey M365 support, why does this user still see defunct calendars of departed employees in their Outlook?"

M365 Support: "This is a design limitation."

May 8, 2008


BOOTY-ADE posted:

This honestly sounds like someone forgot they left the "Safe Boot" option checked in system config

ehhh I had some patches last month gently caress up one of my secondary DCs (which is 2016), but it was easy to remove and get back into working order and then tell the other DCs not to patch it; saw a bunch of reddit posts and possibly some info on the microsoft patch info page about it.

Thanks Ants
May 21, 2004


Currently dealing with a client that just doesn't seem to read anything they are sent, but agrees with it all anyway. It's causing my PM no end of hassle when they've produced a full schedule of works including points where the client gives a go/no-go decision, have been passing over example end user facing documentation for them to brand as required before distributing to their own users etc. only for our helpdesk to get blown up by people calling in with no idea that anything was changing.

We're all just drawing blanks with how to handle this because nobody has ever before been told by their contact at a client that they are ready to go and all the internal comms have been complete when nothing had actually been done, we're used to clients at least giving half a poo poo about making a success of the thing they are paying a lot of money to have done.

Oct 28, 2007

Thanks Ants posted:

Currently dealing with a client that just doesn't seem to read anything they are sent, but agrees with it all anyway. It's causing my PM no end of hassle when they've produced a full schedule of works including points where the client gives a go/no-go decision, have been passing over example end user facing documentation for them to brand as required before distributing to their own users etc. only for our helpdesk to get blown up by people calling in with no idea that anything was changing.

We're all just drawing blanks with how to handle this because nobody has ever before been told by their contact at a client that they are ready to go and all the internal comms have been complete when nothing had actually been done, we're used to clients at least giving half a poo poo about making a success of the thing they are paying a lot of money to have done.

If this is unusual to you, you are spoiled with amazing clients.

Aug 11, 2007
Yeah, that's standard both internally and externally.

sfwarlock posted:

Nobody reads emails.

At 11 am Thursday: "Hi all, we have discovered a critical issue on server Butterscotch. We are overnighting parts, server will be shut down at 8 pm Friday, expect reactivation at 8 am Monday."

At 1 pm Friday: "Hi all, parts for Butterscotch have arrived, we will be taking down the server at 8 pm TONIGHT!!"

At 7.30 pm Friday: "Hi all, Butterscotch is being turned off AT 8 PM! for hardware repair. Expected to be back by 8 am Monday."

At 11 am Saturday: "I can't connect to anything over the VPN, please fix it this time!" (Read: can't connect to guess which server.)


Jun 1, 2006

"There is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first."

God Bless Margaret Thatcher
God Bless England
RIP My Iron Lady
Misread. Nevermind.

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