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Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Welcome to season two of Elementary! Yes, we know that Watson is a girl, and that the show takes place in New York as opposed to jolly old England. Let's meet our characters!

Sherlock Holmes (Jonny Lee Miller) is a recovering heroin addict who moved to New York after burning all his bridges behind him in London. Joan Watson (Lucy Liu) was hired to be his sober companion, and began coming along with him on his cases as he worked as a consulting detective with the NYPD. She enjoyed puzzling out cases with him, and when her time was up she decided to quit being a sober companion and to join Sherlock full time as a detective. He is trying to teach her everything he knows, which will take quite a long time.

Captain Tobias Gregson (Aidan Quinn) tolerates Sherlock's attitude and disruptive nature because he closes cases no one else can. He also tries to look out for Joan because Sherlock is apparently very cavalier about putting her in danger.

Detective Marcus Bell (Jon Michael Hill) begins season 1 very skeptical of Holmes and his abilities but at the end of the season he trusts Holmes and Watson and works with them to solve their cases. He works alongside Capt. Gregson.

Irene Adler/Moriarty (Natalie Dormer) seduced Sherlock in London when he was getting too close to her schemes, then faked her death to be rid of him. He crumbled in the aftermath, and ended up in New York. Once he got back on his feet she continued to keep an eye on him, as she judges that his intellect is the only one close to matching her own. Still, even though he gets close to taking her down after the reveal that she's alive and oh also his nemesis, Irene is ready to skip off into the sunset, getting away with her schemes. A shattered Sherlock ODs on heroin, causing her to visit him in the hospital because she actually cares for him, only to find out that it was a trap engineered by Watson and Holmes is perfectly healthy. The NYPD are waiting to take her into custody. We have no doubt not seen the last of the mysterious Moriarty.

Alfredo Llamosa (Ato Essandoh) is Sherlock's sponsor. He used to steal cars.
Ms. Hudson (Candis Cayne) used to be a client of Sherlock's, but now stops by to satiate her OCD by rearranging his bookshelves and keeping things neat.
S2 Casting:
Mycroft Holmes (Rhys Ifans) is Sherlock's brother who lives in London
Inspector Lestrade (Sean Pertwee) used to work with Holmes in London before Sherlock got heavily into heroin.

And we can't forget Clyde, the turtletortoise.

he's an ambulance! :3:

Sherlock often encourages Joan to learn how to protect herself and anticipate danger...

Season Two Episodes:
1. Step Nine
2. Solve for X
3. We Are Everyone
4. Poison Pen
5. Ancient History
6. An Unnatural Arrangement
7. The Marchioness
8. Blood is Thicker
9. On the Line
10. Tremors
11. Internal Audit
12. The Diabolical Kind
13. All in the Family
14. ?

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 22:13 on Jan 9, 2014


Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

You are absolutely right! Somehow I totally forgot at out the overdose fakeout in the last episode. Shame on me. :blush: I will edit the OP.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Mu Zeta posted:

There's a commercial that says the first episode takes place in London. It's going to be fun.

This is going to be so very good. :D

Slamhound posted:

Don't forget about Alfredo!

And possibly Ms. Hudson as she's a canon character.

I will add Alfredo and Ms. Hudson to the OP - I was going to say that I was only including regular characters, but I already put in Irene Adler so might as well just go for it. :shrug: To be honest, I was tempted to make the OP only about Clyde.

If anyone has anything else I should put into the OP (more gifs?) just let me know! It's my first TVIV thread (we aren't counting the one I made for the first season of Blue Bloods :lol: )

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Clyde is probably in a drawer with a whole head of lettuce. :ohdear:

eta: Okay, so I can't figure out how to hide an image with the spoiler tags, but I added some characters to the OP.

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 05:35 on Sep 26, 2013

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

VDay posted:

It's just the spoiler tags around the img tags.


Thanks - apparently it just doesn't like the [timg] tags, only worked when I changed them to [img].

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New episode tonight!

Step Nine

Sherlock is called to London to revisit an old case, where he is forced to face his older brother, Mycroft. Although the siblings suffered a drastic falling-out a few years earlier, Mycroft allows Sherlock and Joan to stay in his new home, 221B Baker Street. With Joan in the middle, the brothers are forced to confront their very complicated history.


(I don't have PMs so I can't ask the mods to stick the thread)
Edit: it's like magic!

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 19:21 on Sep 26, 2013

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

I love that Mycroft blew up his stuff. :3:

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Mycroft and Lestrade are classic Holmes story staples - I would love to see more of them. Lestrade as an addict needing his Sherlock fix so he can feel the success he had with Holmes again is an interesting way to look at the character. Certainly no story deals with what happens to Lestrade after Sherlock leaves him (watch, there is one and I just put my foot in my mouth), and I think Elementary dealt with it logically and it all fits.

Mycroft and Sherlock have a contentious relationship, but that's about all they left the same. He isn't in government, but the story doesn't take place in London so that doesn't matter. Mycroft isn't a main character of this story, he's a guest star (recurring I hope). They took the core of the Mycroft/Sherlock dynamic and made that the point, not Mycroft's connections.

No Clyde, however, so I have to give this episode a C-. :colbert:

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Mu Zeta posted:

I also didn't like how Lestrade introduced himself as Lestrade to people that already knew him in the opening.

I see that as him going "don't you know who I am? I'm Lestrade! THE Lestrade." He's gotten all the acclaim and praise for the cases he solved with Holmes' help and the episode pretty well painted a picture of a man desperate to achieve more of that. He was slipping into obscurity as a has-been, and was betting it all on this case.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

We could assume she's carrying it legally, with the proper license.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New episode tonight!

Solve for X

When a well-respected mathematician is found dead, Holmes and Watson set out to solve a murder and the purpose of the highly guarded equation he was trying to decipher. Meanwhile, Watson is conflicted when the son of a former patient approaches her for a loan.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Finally watched the episode - I liked the additional backstory on Joan, and Sherlock helping her out and bonding with her in a way there at the end. The p=np stuff I knew nothing about so they could have made that whole thing up and I'd never know. :)

I liked Watson catching the happy hour drinks clue, too. She's getting pretty sharp!

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Stabbey_the_Clown posted:

That's giving credit in the wrong place. Certainly, Sherlock observed that the beers were being sold for $2.50, and used that for his calculations, but I don't think that he knew the significance of them being $2.50. There's no reason why he should know the price of typical beer in U.S. bars, and several good reasons why he shouldn't know that.

Sherlock made the observation, but it was Joan who realized the importance of it.

Yes, that's how I remembered it. He did the maths after she observed the four beers for $10.

MATHS. :eng101:

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Jedit posted:

That's precisely backwards. Holmes says that Watson is not going to take his advice about giving the money to the son. He adds that there are better ways to spend $22,000, such as buying 8800 beers. Watson takes it as a joke at first, but then works out that this comes to only $2.50 a beer; Holmes then tells her about the four beers for $10. Watson says that would only happen during happy hour, but the timestamp isn't right for that, and Holmes points out that it's a digital timestamp.

So no, Watson doesn't spot it for herself. She just draws all the right conclusions as Holmes nudges her through it.

Darn it, all the numbers makes my brain glaze over. :argh:

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Sophia posted:

The reason I know that Lucy Liu and Johnny Lee Miller are good actors is that it should be impossible for two people that hot to have no sexual tension with each other. But they do it and I'm glad. It's always one of the first points I make when recommending the show to people.

I really hope some of the non-Clyde tertiary characters are making some appearances soon though, like Mrs. Hudson and Alfonso. I've liked the backstory deep-dives but I'm missing that world-building ensemble feel a little.

Mrs. Hudson - she isn't listed for any episodes other than the one she's already been in in Season 1. :( So she isn't back in the first seven episodes.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Oh crap, I forgot it was Thursday. :cripes:

We Are Everyone

When Holmes and Watson set out to track down a civil contractor who leaked classified information, their lives are disrupted when they are targeted by the group of cyber-activists protecting him. Meanwhile, Joan takes the advice of a friend and signs up for an online dating service.

It's on right now! :supaburn:

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New episode tonight!

Poison Pen

When the CEO of a financial consulting company is poisoned to death, Holmes and Watson are called upon to track down the killer. Meanwhile, a woman from Sherlock's past emerges as a possible suspect.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

I'm trying to imagine how stuffing a dead guy into a latex suit is somehow worth any amount of money. How difficult would that be?! And gross.

I sort of love the ridiculous alibis people were coming up with. "Well, yes, I was committing a crime technically, therefore I could not have murdered him!" The stepmom's alibi was the best. :lol:

I liked the moment there at the end with Sherlock reaching out to the son.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

ashpanash posted:

I don't know, I can totally see some douchebag wall street rear end in a top hat stuffing a dead guy into a suit if he thought it would get him that $10 million bonus.

It seems like it would have taken a long time/be impossible. Especially with no talcum powder. :lol: You're right, for ten millions probably a lot of people would do it, or at least attempt it.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New episode tonight (sorry guys I'm on the west coast plus I always seem to forget its Thursday!)

Ancient History

Holmes and Watson find themselves digging through the dark world of the mob to find a killer when they discover the body of a former assassin. Meanwhile, Watson helps a close friend track down a mystery man who swept her off her feet.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Finally found time to watch the newest episode - I like how they are exploring the relationship between Holmes and Watson. I hope the chest of cold cases comes up again.

Next week we get more Mycroft which looks like a load of fun. :3:

Edit: probably the best line was from Sherlock, looking at Capt. Gregson's computer - "He seems to have a surprising tolerance for videos of mischievous kittens." :lol:

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 20:11 on Nov 4, 2013

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New episode tonight!

The Marchioness

Sherlock's brother, Mycroft, arrives in New York and enlists Holmes and Watson to help solve a case involving his former fiancée. Meanwhile, Sherlock has a difficult time accepting Mycroft and Joan's relationship.

Spoilers for this week and next week, episode 9 - Mycroft is on next week, too!

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 09:37 on Nov 7, 2013

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

The bit with all three in the car when Holmes was grilling them on each other's sexual prowess was really funny to me. Joan and Mycroft were just :geno: throughout, with Sherlock playing the petulant child in the backseat.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

I didn't mind the Joan/Mycroft thing because it's been established she's not seeing anyone, hasn't for a long time, and Holmes often encourages her to go out and have sex. Just because you might not think that Mycroft is a catch doesn't mean that he isn't exactly Joan's type. Not that I think he is, I think it was more like what she said it was. She had been on her guard and he won her over by being nice and concerned about Sherlock (and the brush with death/leukemia) and she was in London for the first time and leaving soon and wouldn't be seeing him again. Add a couple glasses of wine and an accent, Mycroft basically would have to be a moron not to score with Joan.

So yeah. Didn't bother me. And Rhys Ifrans or whatever his name is isn't that bad looking.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New episode tonight!

Blood is Thicker
When a beautiful young woman is murdered, Holmes and Watson investigate her ties to a billionaire CEO. Meanwhile, Mycroft makes a case for Sherlock to move back to London.

Crossing my fingers for a Clyde cameo!

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

I would wager either Mycroft doesn't know, or the phone call they did have falls into the period between "ages" of non-speaking. It is true that barring an extreme emergency Sherlock will not directly contact his family.

Mysterious phone call is mysterious! Mycroft is up to something.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New Episode tonight!

On The Line

Holmes and Watson uncover the identity of a serial killer whose case has gone cold and find themselves butting heads with the NYPD.

No new episode next week due to Thanksgiving.

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 18:39 on Nov 21, 2013

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

:lol: I don't know, but it's technically a spoiler even if the description is "A Crime happens, Holmes and Watson will solve it. OR WILL THEY." I will err on the side of caution.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Mu Zeta posted:

The writers revealed there are two different Clyde actors. Spoilers.

Does one do the close ups and the other the stunts?

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Thought this deserved a link from here - a tumblr devoted to Joan Watson's wardrobe! I just love her clothes.

Unfortunately it appears that she saved a lot of money from her doctoring days, as most of her pieces are out of my price range (that range being "on sale at Old Navy"). :lol:

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New Episode tonight! (in a few hours East coast)


When an investigation goes horribly wrong, Sherlock must testify in an official police inquiry which jeopardizes his and Watson's future with the NYPD.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Regy Rusty posted:

I'm enjoying the framing device for this episode so far.

I liked it too. And of course the addition of Clyde made it a four star episode.

I don't know how I feel about the relationship between Bell and Holmes being damaged. Bell convinces the Comissioner to keep Holmes and Watson on but doesn't want to see Holmes again. Eh, I guess I understand it, I just don't like it.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Very true - Holmes is being battered by the consequences of his actions. I'm hoping he'll have some emotional growth.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean


Looks like the Jan 2nd episode will have a special guest star: It's Moriarty :swoon:

Awesome! :D

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

Regy Rusty posted:

I think it's just marvelous that we're able to have these two utterly different modern takes on the same characters. Seriously how remarkable is it that we have these two shows, who by their very definition are derivative, and yet both manage to be fresh and interesting? I love them both.

I am with you on this, I think it's great. And I love that we can talk about both shows without the thread dissolving into TVIV Terribleness. :D

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean


New episode tonight with a special guest star / returning char: Moriarty

Thanks for posting this, I'm pretty good at forgetting when it's Thursday. I'm really glad the show is back on already, I need me some Sherlock Holmes. And Clyde.

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

I would think they would have Mycroft be working against whoever Moriarty's boss is, not knowing that's what he's doing. Or perhaps unwittingly working for him/her, but I don't like that one as much.

Moriarty's obsession with Watson is great. I loved Watson's reaction to the giant painting of her in Moriarty's "cell."

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

New episode tonight!

All in the Family

When a body is found in a barrel, Holmes and Watson launch an investigation into the mafia's ties to the murder. Meanwhile, Sherlock attempts to make amends with Detective Bell.

No idea what episode this gif is from

edit: Did anyone else notice that they very quickly changed Sherlock's wardrobe from band t-shirts under a jacket or other shirt to the very uptight button-up shirts buttoned all the way to the top? Is this supposed to show his change from being recently out of rehab to his current stage of recovery? Or did they just decide arbitrarily he needed to look more like Monk?

hollylolly fucked around with this message at 22:21 on Jan 9, 2014

Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

"We spend the afternoon talking to mobsters, and you order Italian. Is a Godfather marathon far behind?" :lol:

I was certain for a few minutes there that the pizza box was going to end up being a bomb or something, I know, I'm weird. I am glad that Bell is back and he and Sherlock got their issues yelled out at each other. I forgot that he didn't know about Sherlock's addict past, so it was nice that Sherlock chose to expose that to him.

Perhaps the show could have drawn out the "resolution" of the Bell/Sherlock thing more, but a couple episodes of Sherlock being majorly annoyed at the inferior detectives he is forced to work with would have been worse, in my opinion.


Jun 5, 2009

Do you like superheroes? Check out my CYOA Mutants: Uprising

How about weird historical fiction? Try Vampires of the Caribbean

They should have ended the scene with him opening up the box and pulling out a slice. I guess sometimes a pizza is just a pizza!

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