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Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Clyde's a tortoise :colbert:.


Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I am loving psyched for this new season though ahhhhhhh!

That said, I hope we start with some more general episodes, then move back to wider arcs.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I thought the episode was honestly kind of weak, but I have hopes it'll improve.

The nail doesn't make much sense (why not flush it, or even just wipe it off), and it'd take far longer than they think to dissolve anything like that in acetone. Acetone does dissolve plastic, but not at superhuman speed.

Also, without observing the milk, they shouldn't have known whether it was cow milk or almond/rice milk, which wouldn't have been suspicious because it would have been lactose free and vegan (drinkable by either). If they had observed the milk, they'd have smelled the acetone.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I did like that aspect. "We have a nail :geno:."

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I think having it set after his London heyday was inspired. We get to see new versions of characters as per the show, but we also see how they've changed over time. Double the money!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I thought it was a nice, solid episode. Also math, whee!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Thanks, that's really useful!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

Sophia posted:

I kind of liked that P=NP was the solution as it was possibly a (weak) reference to the fact that a few Conan Doyle stories are literally impossible given what we know of science now, even though at the time I'm sure they would have seemed plausible to people reading. Conan Doyle himself probably knew better - the Adventure of the Creeping Man being a good example here - but if it was a sort of purposeful wink to his small dalliances into fringe science solutions, I'm a fan.

I think that's a good example of why following ACD's work exactly would be pretty silly. It's better that the references are just flavor.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
It's pointed out in an earlier episode that he can't drink right now as part of his process.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Even their "moments" on the show somehow never feel romantic. They're moments, between people, not SHAG MEEEEE communicated in eyetalk.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Time for people to argue about the internet being referenced in real life.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
It does seem like a thing he'd do.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
It's also okay for things to be simple sometimes. You don't want to go all CSI.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Something complicated is in the works, I think...

I'm betting Abigail told Graham and maybe the mom how to do it, maybe together. Let's see!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

VDay posted:

I really liked that episode, although the fact that the one dude from the victim's company apparently got a slap on the wrist for dressing up a dead body in a latex suit was kind of weird. That seems like it'd be pretty drat illegal, especially considering he didn't report it and just went home.

He didn't even have to, loving your stepson is certainly going to violate that morals clause anyway!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I laughed at the ending :buddy:.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I thought she was just saying that so he'd shut up?

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Geez, dude is not attractive :psyduck:. Or at least I'm not seeing it.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

pik_d posted:

Have you never wanted to sleep with your roommates ugly brother to piss him off? C'mon.

No, only my friend's more attractive brother :colbert:.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

Rabbit Hill posted:

But that mustache. :dawkins101:

Ugh, I know, it's terrible!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Mycroft is ugly, he needs to go away a while

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

ashpanash posted:

But wait, Sherlock found out Joan wasn't his sober companion in the first season after talking to his father!

Mycroft said "spoken directly".

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
A Crime!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

pentyne posted:

The whole "I'm a seriously bad person who will hurt someone the moment it gives me an advantage" seemed a little trite. The more they try to emphasize Sherlock's dark side without him doing anything seriously dark the less I believe his claims of being some monster. Outside of him torturing the man he thought killed Irene Sherlock hasn't done anything shocking or repulsive that would make Watson wary of him.

Having him abduct and stab a man is way more payoff than you see with the average "dark" character, and I don't think you're supposed to see Sherlock as seriously dark, just dangerously gray.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Gregson is great casting, somehow he seems approachable and nice but still when he needs that hard edge it's like BAM!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

Platystemon posted:

Sherlock’s new protégé gives off a “mole” vibe to me.

I thought that too!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

Mu Zeta posted:

I actively dislike Sherlock.

edit: The BBC show.

People were hee-hawing about Elementary being a rip-off of Sherlock, but honestly Elementary seems like the kind of show you'd make if you didn't like Sherlock.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

johntfs posted:

I've seen very little of the BBC Sherlock, but it seems to be something where the leads and set could be transported whole back to the 19th century with no real impact to the show.

Elementary is a show that is very much in and of the 21st century.

I recall someone saying that Johnny Lee Miller's Sherlock was like an eager puppy dog while Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock was more like an imperious cat. Well, maybe. That said, I believe that if angered, Cumberbatch's Sherlock might hiss and spit at you, while Johnny Lee Miller's Sherlock would rip out your throat.

Well, he'd certainly stab you with an ice pick!

In my mind, the biggest difference is Sherlock is House-like in its "well, he's smart, so he gets to be an utter poo poo to everyone since, let's face it, he's basically a superior human" when Elementary explicitly rejects that idea.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
They never learn!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Whaaat! A mom!

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
They have embraced the fan-love of Clyde whole hog.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Everyone loves dinosaurs. They know this.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Mneeeh this episode had a poor understanding of how fossils work. But oh well.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Also, I've never heard dead clade walking in reference to dinosaurs, and normally it's just people arguing over timeline revisions. Even with the meteor strike no one thinks all dinosaurs died that week.

Anyway, the bone fragments with the matrix is just as good, you definitely don't need a complete skeleton when you're just confirming age, but even if it were required they have evidence in the form of the scan from earlier combined with the rubble.

Pick fucked around with this message at 05:20 on Jan 31, 2014

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Yeah, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter, and I was madder about the bee hybridization anyway :colbert:.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost

Jorghnassen posted:

OK, maybe I've seen too many ballet recitals, but those dancers look way too heavy for pros. Ballet girls are really skinny (and generally boob-less).

ETA: come to think of it, it's probably because the guest star would really look out of place as a prima ballerina if they picked the right body type for the rest.

That's funny, I've also seen quite a few ballets and they felt about right. They're perhaps a little heavier than normal, but ballerinas are not waifs at all. They look like athletes, which they are.

Pick fucked around with this message at 01:24 on Feb 8, 2014

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
Yeah, the Olympics always messes this up. However, it seems it extends to things it shouldn't. I think part of it is just an excuse to show reruns and make the "season" last longer. "Olympics!"

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
So many animals at the house now.

Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
I actually guessed this one ahead of time. Famous mouse in biology.


Jul 19, 2009
Nap Ghost
It is ridiculous how much the fans have latched onto the animals that show up but I am absolutely not complaining. It is really funny to me that Elementary's fanservice is not T&A, but instead a tortoise.

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