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Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

inklesspen posted:

Man, they sure are lucky the baddie bought his 3d printer from a shop, instead of printing it on someone's 3d printer.

No, that's exactly what happened. The acquaintance was the one who was on the list.


Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Mu Zeta posted:

Was murder really the only option? Why not go to the cops, and how exactly was the abuse going on?

Given that he didn't want to tell anyone about the abuse, what would he have told them?

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

I was really struck in this episode by how well Rhys Ifans managed to copy Sherlock's body language.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Jedit posted:

I also don't think Mycroft was talking to Moriarty. However, it's ambiguous as to whether Mycroft wants Holmes to work in London or doesn't want him to work in New York.
I had that thought as well. Moriarty (or another crime lord) would want Holmes out of New York. The British government would want him back in London.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Does it air early in Canada? It's not on for another 15 minutes on the east coast of the US.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

I am really bummed that there won't be another episode until the end of the month.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Given how many times I was side-eyeing the science, I'd hate to have more of a paleo background and watch this episode.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Other than the part where Sherlock happened to find the exact time that Aurelius was testing the fuses, I enjoyed the episode. I hope they find a reason to bring back Sean Pertwee for more.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

MrFlibble posted:

Surely there would be a way to search the data for abnormal spikes in temperature? Didn't seem too far-fetched for me, but then again I don't tend to think too critically about tv shows.
My father deals with satellite imagery, so I have some idea of the time you'd spend just processing the data. These files are massive, so it's not like you keep them all on hand.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

CuwiKhons posted:

When Lestrade was chugging brandy and starting to explain the situation, I thought he was going to admit that he had slept with the CEO in exchange for his job
I actually got that sense as well.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

pik_d posted:

After all my channels got changed (guessing due to TCW being bought by Comcast?) I noticed that the next Elementary is on Sunday night due to the NCAA Tournament in the listings. Stuff online still says 3/13 air date, are some people still getting it on Thursday?

Wikipedia still gives the air date as March 13, so I'd assume so.

Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

pik_d posted:

Shark shaped turtle cozies, new high for the show

I think they got them from here.


Maera Sior
Jan 5, 2012

Does anyone else think that's he's going to use MI6 to clean up Le Milieu for his brother? He was incredibly uncomfortable when he found out that Mycroft went back in to protect him, so I can't imagine the level of indebtedness he feels now.

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