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Jun 7, 2013
Vasili back from the dead!


Jun 7, 2013
Philip and Elizabeth investigate Able Archer while dressed up as Han and Leia during Halloween. Their contact at a party is dressed like Chewbacca, but so is Stan.

Will they choose the right Wookie?

Jun 7, 2013
Philip driving the truck. Security guard not finding Elizabeth in the back of it.

Jun 7, 2013
Shady summer camp?

Jun 7, 2013

themrguy posted:

Also yea, Beecher SEAL is awesome, it's great that they finally have an antagonist just as competent and ruthless as they are.

As a tangent off your point, I'm not sure if this will ever be a straight seasonal "Big Bad" show. However, I think Larick and Oleg could each count as ones for this season for the Jennings and Stan respectively. Though if Oleg does end up being behind the other couple's murder he may be the big bad for the whole season. The real world events running parallel to a big bad is an interesting twist on the formula.

Jun 7, 2013

Hand of the King posted:

Why does it matter to him? I thought he went to Nicaragua to get away from all this.

Some people also have the theorized that one of the dead was his lover. Though nothing really supports it.

Jun 7, 2013
Jeez, their contact really gets around.

Jun 7, 2013
Wow, that terrible Fiat commercial just killed my desire to see Godzilla. Good job marketing.

Jun 7, 2013

td4guy posted:

Is anyone else upset that the murder mystery hasn't been worked on at all since, like, the fifth episode? It was just Claudia saying "oh it must've been this other guy who did it"... and then nothing else on the subject.

Not at all true, it's just that most of the evidence has been a line or two at most and it's all circumstantial.

The focus on Jared, Oleg being transferred in two weeks prior to the murders, the contacts gifts to Jared, Kate being undisguised around Jared. It's all pointing to a reveal in the finale. I'd written off Larrick as a red herring some time ago. His focus on Jared though changes that somewhat.

Jun 7, 2013
Man we never got an odds layout on who turns out to be responsible for the family murder. For the record my short list:

Fred the contact

Jun 7, 2013
poo poo this finale isn't playing around.

Jun 7, 2013
Season 3: When The Bullet Hits The Bone

Jun 7, 2013

JohnSherman posted:

How irresponsible do you have to be to get arrested while in charge of a group of kids? gently caress that guy.

:rip: bald guy

Philip referenced that as being his intention from the beginning.

Jun 7, 2013
Real teenagers make terrible television.

Jun 7, 2013
Martha's got a gun.

Jun 7, 2013
Good spies. Terrible liars.

Jun 7, 2013
Well, Larrick's dead. That gun focus sealed it.

Jun 7, 2013

CBJSprague24 posted:

The SEAL didn't pat down the teen?

Before terrorism. Didn't really consider it.

Jun 7, 2013
Kate told the kid about his family. He confronted his parents who didn't want him to follow in their footsteps. He killed his family.

Jun 7, 2013

beanieson posted:

So The Center has plans to recruit the 2nd generation of Illegal spy network? That's what he was blabbering about?

Unless Kate was completely off-book, yeah.

Jun 7, 2013

CBJSprague24 posted:

So Kate used her own form of propaganda on the son of the family who believed in the same propaganda, but despised the family who led him to lead that lifestyle because of propaganda and killed him to further The Cause in his own way.

e- "Tell Nina I'm sorry" :tviv:

Essentially yes. Bottom line: Kate's an idiot.

Nina's still got the bruise. Nice touch.

Jun 7, 2013

jscolon2.0 posted:


Yay, Paige-spy!

Yup, what I figured.

Jun 7, 2013
No credits. Is it still going?

Can never tell when shows go long. Guess it is over.

Jun 7, 2013
Maybe she just ends up hanging out with Vasili; working as an on call prostitute for expatriate scientists.


Jun 7, 2013


Also what was the point of showing that Martha got a gun? That she is finally starting to get a backbone?

Chekhov's Ladysmith.

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