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Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
i hate the jackass at redhat that decided to remove ddate from default builds of util-linux


Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Boner Slam posted:

Like if you have the audacity to set python3 as default then half the poo poo doesn't work anymore. Good!

good man :patriot:

i opt out of python 2 stuff too

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

bobbilljim posted:

REISUB is pretty cool too does that still work

/etc/sysctl.d/10-magic-sysrq.conf posted:

# The magic SysRq key enables certain keyboard combinations to be
# interpreted by the kernel to help with debugging. The kernel will respond
# to these keys regardless of the current running applications.
# In general, the magic SysRq key is not needed for the average Ubuntu
# system, and having it enabled by default can lead to security issues on
# the console such as being able to dump memory or to kill arbitrary
# processes including the running screen lock.
# Here is the list of possible values:
# 0 - disable sysrq completely
# 1 - enable all functions of sysrq
# >1 - enable certain functions by adding up the following values:
# 2 - enable control of console logging level
# 4 - enable control of keyboard (SAK, unraw)
# 8 - enable debugging dumps of processes etc.
# 16 - enable sync command
# 32 - enable remount read-only
# 64 - enable signalling of processes (term, kill, oom-kill)
# 128 - allow reboot/poweroff
# 256 - allow nicing of all RT tasks
# For example, to enable both control of console logging level and
# debugging dumps of processes: kernel.sysrq = 10

default value is 176 = allow reboot/poweroff + enable remount read-only + enable sync command

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
this is a very exciting time to linux.

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Symbolic Butt posted:

you can play ftl on linux

gently caress you if you need any game in your life other than ftl

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
gnome 3 would be nice but it's completely unfuckingusable. you cant set the background of a terminal to be partially transparent. end of story.

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
kubuntu 15.04 is going to come with plasma 5, which looks fantastic and is pretty stable/usable now

it doesnt run very well on my 1.6GHz core 2 duo thinkpad though :(

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Palace of Hate posted:

also all my windows had a robot tit on them and so I had to dig through 3 different included config apps to remove the tit.

the purpose of the tit was apparently to make the window persist across multiple desktops but i'm not ready for the future i just plug in more monitors

idk i barely ever noticed that but it was easy to remove

k menu -> system settings -> workspace apperance -> window decorations -> oxygen is selected since that's what i'm using -> configure buttons -> check box for use custom titlebar positions, drag that button out of the titlebar mockup

the only thing i don't think is ideal there is the term "workspace appearance" calling the title bars and stuff part of a "workspace"

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
i like amarok :3:

it works perfectly to play music and copy it to a ipod nano and it looks great

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

ZShakespeare posted:

lol at linux users buying things

$ du -sh .local/share/Steam/
105G .local/share/Steam/

also an extra 20G or so for the gog version of witcher 2 in ~/Games

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
yeah i hit install and steam puts its steam stuff in its steam place and i hit play and it works, its p nice

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
i just tried out fedora 21 in a VM and it was surprisingly usable: it's easy to enable transparent backgrounds in the terminal

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
they're actually transparent, like the KDE terminals have been for years

gnome ones very well may have been this way for years too, but i know this functionality was removed in early gnome 3 and just now felt motivated to try out some fedora

a tiny bit of transparency is nice when you have a ton of terminal windows open, i keep them opaque enough that it isnt distracting at all but i can still see whats behind the terminal if i want to

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
looks like i'll be giving away/setting up another linux desktop for family

futurewife's little brother can really use a computer

i happen to have a old dell: pentium 4? but can run a 64-bit OS, that is perfectly fine hardware-wise but cannot run any supported version of windows since win7+ drivers do not exist for its hardware, runs kubuntu 14.04 x64 very well though

i can either do nothing and not help at all, or i can give away a linux desktop computer that works very well for everything but netflix (afaik) and windows-only games

2015 YOLOTD looking good so far

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

keyvin posted:

Vista has two more years of extended support :getin:

yeah i have a spare win7 license that im comfortable giving away but i don't have any vista install media and i strongly suspect that "no drivers for win7" really means "no drivers for anything past xp"

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

The_Franz posted:

doesn't netflix work in chrome now?

sure that would be nice but i dont netflix so i'll take you word for it

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

eschaton posted:

put Haiku on it and watch it fly

if i wanted to give something away completely useless in its current state i'd just zero the disk first

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
btrfs is great, i use it on everything, having boot-time snapshots of everything has come in handy more than once

software raid is great for single-machine filers, i really like the idea of rebuilding the data after a disk is replaced instead of rebuilding the entire block device containing a filesystem that might only be 30% used

srs question: bit flips in reading data are rare but can and do happen, what do you do with a RAID 1 where the two copies disagree? i assume most RAID 1 implementations just read one of the two copies to give any data the OS asks for but if you do a consistency check or something, what happens

with btrfs or zfs the answer is "the copy with the correct checksum is used to repair the other one" which is neato

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Tankakern posted:

btrfs is worth it

unfortunately you have to janitor it still. e.g. that freespace issue, and balancing, and scrubbing...

to be fair, scrubbing is just to detect hardware failures (e.g. unreadable sectors, sectors with bad checksums due to a flipped bit) earlier than you otherwise would

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
kind-of equivalent to 'echo check >> /sys/block/mdN/md/sync_action'

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
Zettabyte File System

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
what the gently caress is fedora server

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
not convinced by that fedora server = rhel

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
good thing you have everything saved by a recent btrfs snapshot, right?

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

pram posted:

kde/qt is literal garbage and i am deeply surprised its still used/developed

same but windows

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
though i guess windoiws 10 is taking care of that

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

pram posted:

whats yr guys favorite kernel process.ext4-rsv-conver, or maybe xfs_mru_cache?? or ksoftirqd, a classic

i like btrfs-worker and kcryptd

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
i dislike gnome for multiple reasons (kde 5 lookin reallly good by the way) but lack of a minimize button is not one of them

it has probably been years since i minimized a window, if i dont need it i dont need to have the program open, if i don't need it now and its getting in my way i move it to another desktop

desktops which are arranged in a rectangular grid by the way, as god intended :patriot:

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
theres a "netbook" kde spin that uses a interface thats a bit better for touch than the full desktop, and i think it's automatically chosen if your vertical screen resolution is <= something like 600px

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
and i read a bunch of kde mailing lists/newsgroups and nobody else has ever seemed to give a gently caress about BSD

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
i just installed gentoo in a new VM and configured it to use systemd to see what the fuss and blog posts and wailing and gnashing of teeth is about

works pretty well for the most part, minus my current unfamiliarity with how to manage a systemd machine and ~15 years of inertia with using gentoo's previous init system (OpenRC isnt that old but it mimics the interface/configuration style of stuff that existed in 2000 or so)

only thing i didnt manage to figure out was auto-mounting NFS filesystems in a working way, and that would have probably taken a few more minutes that i didnt have before leaving home this morning

some things were a bit weird like one of the NFS client things failing to start because one of its prerequisites wasn't enabled, but idk whether that's my fault for not knowing the terminology, i.e. does "disabled" mean "doesn't start at boot automatically" or "prevented from starting even if a prerequisite of something else", or whether its gentoo's fault for not having all of the service definitions systemd-ized yet

even still i would think that id get a message like "can't start rpc-statd or whatever since prereq rpc-something-else is disabled", instead of "can't start rpc-statd or whatever, good luck figuring out why"

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
install a daily build of kubuntu 15.04, it has kde 5 (which owns and is a hell of a lot better than gnome 3) and systemd as of a few days ago and it works really well

prerelease versions sometimes break stuff during updates but that doesnt happen much a month or so before release

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
aaah hahaha thats great

i can definitely see that slipping through a ton of testing, i dont think i have ever let a shutdown timer like that display for more than 3 seconds or so

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Cocoa Crispies posted:

so, three linux users

yeah my point was that even with a lot of testing (which i think kde 5 as a whole is doing pretty okay with), this is the kind of thing that could easily be overlooked by everyone

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
‘Goodbye Photoshop’ and ‘Hello Krita’ at University Paris 8

good, gently caress you adobe

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
i mean i can see some systemd developers having public git repos linux for any kernel tweaks to better support some of systemd's features, like improving the cgroups abi or whatever idk, and i can also see a jackass publishing this as "the systemd project includes their own kernel fork now too!"

this is clearly a guy who made a fake github account "systemdaemon", made a systemd repo containing linux without even bothering to make it look remotely real (by starting with the real systemd history instead of extracting a source tarball and git committing that, for one), making a few inflammatory comments and getting it posted on distrowatch

yeah it would be funny two days from now

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Celexi posted:

i tried opensuse on a VM and the yast control panel is quite interesting and sort of polished.

kde right? kde's control panel is pretty comprehensive, except for the redone regional settings in kde 5

Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.

Captain Pike posted:

Can't you guys just hire a "theme maker" kid from DeviantArt for a summer?

that pretty much what they did with kde 5


Jul 26, 2002

John Diefenbaker is a madman who thinks he's John Diefenbaker.
starting version 219

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