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Oct 12, 2003

gnome3 ftw but on my ultimate pos work cimputer i use xubuntu because it doesnt lag so bad am i doing this right?

Smythe fucked around with this message at 17:23 on Mar 27, 2014


Oct 12, 2003

Suspicious Dish posted:

This is a Correct Opinion FYI

man up you chump stop being a pussy and call this shitloard a fag and be bold. Linux Owns

Oct 12, 2003

scroogle nmaps posted:

he said, in yospos

yea, unironically

Oct 12, 2003


Written by Andrew | Date: Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pipelight is project that brings Silverlight to any Linux browser that supports the Netscape Plugin API. Using it, you can use services that require Silverlight, such as Netflix, in native Linux web browsers like Firefox, Chrome or Midori.

Netflix Google Chrome Linux

Pipelight combines the effort by Erich E. Hoover (the Netflix Desktop developer) with a new browser plugin which - unlike Netflix Desktop which requires a Windows version of Firefox to run under Wine -, lets you access services that require Microsoft Silverlight using native Linux web browsers.

This solution isn't Wine-free because the browser plugin continues to use Wine however, this shouldn't have a big impact on performance:

"Pipelight consists out of two parts: A Linux library which is loaded into the browser and a Windows program started in Wine. The Windows program, called pluginloader.exe, simply simulates a browser and loads the Silverlight DLLs. When you open a page with a Silverlight application the library will send all commands from the browser through a pipe to the Windows process and act like a bridge between your browser and Silverlight. The used pipes do not have any big impact on the speed of the rendered video since all the video and audio data is not send through the pipe. Only the initialization parameters and (sometimes) the network traffic is send through them."

According to the Pipelight website, the plugin has been confirmed to work "almost perfectly" using Microsoft Silverlight 5 for the following websites: Maxdome, Netflix and Sumo 2.

I've tested Pipelight with Netflix, under Chrome (Ubuntu 13.10) and I can confirm it works (and the playback was smooth!), as you can see in the screenshots in this article. Update: I've also tested it with Firefox and it works, but sometimes the browser freezes, something which doesn't happen with Chrome so I recommend using Chrome / Chromium with Pipelight.

Install Pipelight in Ubuntu

Microsoft Silverlight Google Chrome Linux

Before proceeding, it's strongly recommended to close your web browser. Without doing this, the plugin may fail to install or crash the browser (you can copy the instructions below to a text editor).

1. If you've installed the old Pipelight version, remove it before proceeding:
sudo apt-get remove pipelight

To add the Pipelight stable and Compholio PPAs and install Pipelight in Ubuntu, use the following commands:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:pipelight/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pipelight-multi

Then, you can install the Silverlight plugin using the following command:
- system-wide:
sudo pipelight-plugin --enable silverlight
- for your user only:
pipelight-plugin --enable silverlight

By default, this will install Silverlight 5.1, but you can install a different version, for instane 5.0, by using this command instead (don't use "sudo" if you don't want to install it system-wide):
sudo pipelight-plugin --disable silverlight --enable silverlight5.0

Once installed, start your browser and try THIS test Silverlight applet. If it doesn't work, check if Silverlight is available in your browser plugin list (e.g.: you can type "about :plugins" in the address bar).

i did it. now i can use the d&d character builder for me elite sesh 2nit. peep the stream if u dare

Oct 12, 2003

i like to use gnome 3, a lot.

Oct 12, 2003

Wats ur night job ?

Oct 12, 2003

i love gnome 3

Oct 12, 2003

whats up with the netflix man. i did all that pipelight stuff, changed browser UA, no worko. IDK brosephiroth. do i need make a VM ?

Oct 12, 2003

IPvSH6T posted:

works for me natively in chrome with the changed ua.

edit: dev chrome iirc

pseudorandom name posted:

it works in normal chrome with no extensions or UA hackery or any effort whatsoever

hmm. thnx

Oct 12, 2003

ubuntu works fine and comes w/ all the software a normal person needs. its a good ting to have on earth. also gnome 3 ftw meine freunds or w.e u say my friends in german

Oct 12, 2003

after using unbonito at work a lot (IT budget == 0 dollhairs) its wierd that on Windows

1) its got no pakcage manager

2) notepad has no tabs

3) file manager has got no tabs... (wtf is the deal with this)

4) its not to spotlight thing.. on gnome u press the windpow key and type and things come up, files, programs, etc...)

5) no unfiied settings place

6) its wierd that windows didnt ship w/ office.... wtf?!!!

Oct 12, 2003

windows leaves a lot 2 be desired but its got good drivers.. rly good. my videos render a LOT faster on windows. works with CUDA... (pagancow thigns...) also video games. its also got a lot of cool programs and it runs OLD programs which is cool in my book. overall ida thot that WIndows would add normal OS things i listed above and it would be mega ownage. wtf

Oct 12, 2003

overall windows has the best programs but the worst usability.. if they could fix the window manager it would mega own. and add a package manager ffs wtf dl some hosed up exe from jons software site, lmfao

Oct 12, 2003

GNOME 3 is the best window manager there is, bar none. :smuggo:

Oct 12, 2003

also a cool thing abhout windows is remembeer the old "theres an app for that" ad compaign apple did, well its true but NOT on the iphone it but its INSTEAD on WINDOWS. thers a Porgram for everything. bulk renamer, video transcoder, file encrypter, xlx -> doc converter, idk man. evoltional pixel tester.... monitor spazz doer, keylogger, NETBUS ... hosed up cloud jnotepad gfrontend.. ANCIENT GAME, Indi Game, hosed up Strange Tool.. Joes Cool Gif Animator, etc etc ... all thes cool wierd 1-use programs on WINDOWS ONLY. sometimes when im on OSX im like "i need a program to do this wierd thing" and it doesnt exist, or, some gently caress lord was $9.99 for Bulk File Zip Password Setter program. another cool thjigms thats only on Windows

Oct 12, 2003

Mr Dog posted:

symthe i think u need to work on meeting your typo quota, you're in danger of people thinking you're not enough of a tryhard.

Sorry, is this better? I just like to type stream of consciousness, and I'm a horrible typist who epically failed mavis beacon class.

Oct 12, 2003

Suspicious Dish posted:

What one thing does Linux do, and what does it do well?

crashes xDDD

Oct 12, 2003

ya mine doesnt rly crash either xcept firefox blows up a lot idk i use chrome mostly i wa sjust trying 2 razz sum linux ppl hehe :razz: :iamafag:

Oct 12, 2003

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

creates jobs for bearded sadists


Oct 12, 2003

keyvin posted:

Look at thos fuking UPS pilot clowns. Pilot? more like Long haul truckers of the sky.

last place I worked was a consultancy with profit sharing that enabled me to earn an ungodly amount of money. We took turns cleaning the office restroom and one guy had the messiest shits. Who cares if you are scrubbing the poo poo off a toilet or the poo poo bits off a server as long as you make enough to let you do what you want outside of work.

drat u r seriously cool as hell. :drat:

Oct 12, 2003

gnome 3 is epically ftw

Oct 12, 2003

i download the lts ubuntus and they are need suiting

Oct 12, 2003

eschaton posted:

I'm the key nobody has on their keyboards

don't get me wrong, I love me a lisp machine, but "super"?


Oct 12, 2003

rly good joke. sorry i missed it the 1st time. bravo :bravo: *standing o*

Oct 12, 2003

it would be cool if u could game good on linux but i tried and got bad fps and also it looked bad like low settings when on windows i get uber fps and max settings (talking baout DOTA here)

Oct 12, 2003

Shinku ABOOKEN posted:

Dead Of The Aids

thats me!!

Oct 12, 2003

i learned a new word 2day

Oct 12, 2003

gnome 3 is rly good

Oct 12, 2003

i do all of our small biz computers on ubunto gnome except for the bookkeeper she needed winders for real excel and quickbooks

Oct 12, 2003

i prefer Puffs brand facial tissue anyways

Oct 12, 2003

r u telling me gnome isnt pronounced gnome? wtf is going on here

Oct 12, 2003

rms has some brain problems

Oct 12, 2003

Sniep posted:

i was under the impression it was supposed to be said "guh-nome" which is on my "wont do" list

lol whacky comp[uter words

Oct 12, 2003

keyvin posted:

It was also the only game anyone had ever heard of on Linux until battle of wesnoth took off.

savage 2 and HoN had native linux clients

Oct 12, 2003

i think starcraft 2 has a native linux client also? and all source engine games? right?

Oct 12, 2003

Silver Alicorn posted:

also I got dota 2 to work alright by turning all the graphics settings down, apparently it has really bad memory management on linux

yea it doesnt work good on linux which was a bummer. but then again i had ati drivers and i thnk gaben and his hatchet crew only made it work good on nvidia linux

Oct 12, 2003

pram posted:

osx nas a native client for those things

doe sthis thread have the name bsd on the desktop ??

Oct 12, 2003

i remember the hon osx client was alright, bad lag on my old core2 mbp. but even with that mouse fixer program the mouse speeds were always hosed up so i just did bootcamp winders for jaming. linux mouse feels ok tho. idk.

Oct 12, 2003

*clears throat* I never liked TF2, and preferred Fortress Forever.


Oct 12, 2003

appears that deja dup (backups) just plain doesnt work on 14.10 ubuntu gnome

extremely cool... for me.... piss

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