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Mar 3, 2014
I know it's dumb to sign my posts, but I can't stop no matter how many times I'm told, because I'm really stupid and I want to make sure that shines through in everything I do and say, forever.

Best Regards,
The book is overrated and yet there it was on the bestseller list.

Did you know that,
"By issuing warnings based on vulnerability --that is, subtractive prophecy-- we are closer to the original role of the prophet: to warn, not necessarily to predict, and to predict calaities if people don't listen."

"Soul in the Game
There is a class of people who escape bureucrato-journalistic "tawk": those who have more than their skin in the game. They have their soul in the game."

"I also learned something quite amusing from the episode. My book was mistekenly submitted to four referees, all four of them academic financial economists instead of "quants" (quantitative analysts who work in finance using mathematical models). The person who made the submissions wasn't quite aware of the difference. The four academics rejected my book, interestingly, for four sets of completely different reasons, with absolutely no intersection in their arguments. We practitioners and quants aren't too fazed by remarks on the part of academics -- it would be like protitutes listening to technical commentary by nuns."

So what?

Best Regards,


Electric Charity
Mar 22, 2009
Have you also read black swan or fooled by randomness?

i liked fooled by randomness, i ended up reading his book on exotic/vanilla options after

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