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Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Is F/HA even worth slogging through at this point? I've waited so long that I have a really hard time bringing myself to give a poo poo now that it's actually out. Read like 2 hours worth back when the partial patch was released and Bazett was cool but I stil don't know if I want to bother.


Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

I'm surprised we made it 3 pages before Mind of Steel chat.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Keska posted:

Eh, I guess the translation in the Fate anime was a little awkward, but it was on par for anime coming out at the time.

I was really puzzled when I found out the game it was based on wasn't a fighting game, tho.

Honestly, it's kind of like Higurashi, where if you haven't read the source material you won't understand why everyone thinks the adaptation is kind of rear end. I know plenty of people who thought the original Fate anime was pretty good, but none of them ever read the VN either, same with Higurashi.

As its own thing it's not terrible, it's just not good comparatively.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

I want a short story about his hosed up backstory.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

I thought he was sold to some assassin group as a kid or something, which seemed interesting. Could have sworn I read something to that effect on the wiki.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

Here's a list of some of the things I'm really looking forward to being animated:

- Unlimited Blade Works
- Archer and Shirou's duel
- Shirou's Unlimited Blade Works

in the HF movies

- Nine Bullet Revolver
- The sparks liner high OVA which they will make
- kotomine and shirou having a fist fight to the death while shirou turns into swords

some epic stuff ahead, fellow anime fans

I'm excited.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

shirou gets to go on a date with rin and doesn't even appreciate it...

hosed up

It makes me mad.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

BlitzBlast posted:

He just knows he can do better. :smug:

Uhhh...What the gently caress is this poo poo?

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Beef Waifu posted:

Rin is an ojousama and a tsundere she is the height of waifuability.

Yeah this.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Mederlock posted:

I'm not into waifu's/rapey stuff, purely romance-based stuff, or blatant fan-service/fan pandering kinda stuff at all. I mean, it's pretty much impossible to avoid when it comes to anything VN related, but the less I have to deal with, the better. As a result I have absolutely zero interest in Carnival Phantasm, but F/HA looks interesting enough so I'll check it out and maybe take a crack at Realta Nua after if I'm not Nasu'd out by then. Looks like Aprocrypha's translation is only finished up to Volume 2 chapter 2, is it even worth playing up till that point?

I don't think you actually know what Carnival Phantasm is.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

the grail gameshow joke alone justifies carnival phantasm's existence

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

im downloading carnival phantasm right now

before you get on my case for not having watched it before, let it be known that i was watching other anime and playing jrpgs instead


Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Did Apocrypha even end up being good?

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

I vaguely remembet seeing a fate comic that was a parody of the kelly comics for the onion. I think it had saber as the statue of liberty that shows up in all of them. Does this actually exist, and if so could someone post it

I saw one of these but didn't save it. Sorry.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Oh yeah it was that. It's good.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

TheLovablePlutonis posted:

Gilgamesh is ftw but I'm not watching the show made for pedophiles. Cheers.

Epic this.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

It'd be worth it to see all the insanely funny burns the Let's Play Userbase would make on the first couple pages.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Endorph posted:

insanely funny burns like 'ground floor' and 'why would you let's play a visual novel' - guy with dangan ronpa avatar

The boys over at LP are nothin to gently caress with.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009


Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Endorph posted:

please don't give the mind of steel cult any validation

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Endorph posted:

yeah, or you can have the ending where everyone is happy, because you aren't a mentally hosed up manchild who posts on 4chan about how sakura is a slut

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Namtab posted:

So what's the diff between this thread and ubw thread anyway

pretty sure this thread was explicitly created because retards couldn't stop talking about spoilers in the season 1 ubw thread. smh.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

I'm sure both sides of whatever argument spawned were level-headed and not at all insufferable.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

GhostStalker posted:

Apparently, that was after 20 pages of comments (at like 15 comments a page) of people arguing back and forth about whether the anime was sexist over one weekend after the review was posted, which is kinda insane... The reviewer for ANN is a film studies major, so she approaches it in a way that pisses off many Fate fans who have their already clearly formed opinions.

For some reason, I decided to get in on the arguing this weekend after a whole thing where the reviewer panned this latest episode and people were going nuts about it. She's clearly skeeved out by a lot of the rabid fanbase Fate has, and really dislikes the way the Shinji attacking Rin scene was done this past episode, calling it titillating fanservice.

Also, the assistant editor of ANN, JesuOtaku, is RGD Internet Critic Discussion thread regular Jay O, and she pretty much hates this show. She and the ANN Executive Editor just put out a 2 and a half hour podcast with a guest Fate fan earlier this week that is pretty negative about Fate/Zero, as well as the fanbase of the show as well. It explains why she never comes by ADTRW though, I guess...

Biggest problem seems to be that the ANN crew have Doylist (as in the out of universe explanation and what led the author to write a story the way he did, aka what Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is thinking when he writes the Sherlock Holmes stories) takes on the show, while Fate fans seem to prefer Watsonian (as in the material provided in universe for explanation, aka what James Watson explains to a reader in Sherlock Holmes stories) interpretations...

It's bad

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

Hmm I see, very interesting

I love ANN

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Rodyle posted:

Poking around her later reviews, there's the confusing statement "I really liked Caster in the game but hope they don't keep the" scorned woman" part of her in the show." Which... makes me feel like she doesn't know who Medea is?


Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

I don't care

I care, deeply.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Hey lady....if you're reading this...gently caress YOU!!!


Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Someone show me a good Bazett avatar and i'll buy it, tia.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Find me a good Bazett avatar, instead of talking about ANN again, please.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

i looked and there isn't any good bazett fanart

Thank you for trying.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Pony tail saber is good. I want an av of her instead of bazett now.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Move over Rin...

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

TheLovablePlutonis posted:

Someone posted Astolfo?

If only.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

The Good End was poo poo from an rear end!!!

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

LORD OF BUTT posted:

the difference between the two is incredibly minor and the good end is more fun, don't be a sperglord

It isn't, actually.

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Cake Attack posted:

prism illya is garbage

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

The Epic Pedo Spinoff Manga

Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

I'm getting angry that you fools don't realize that the true pairing is FeMC and Archer...Christ.


Ibram Gaunt
Jul 22, 2009

Paracelsus posted:

Worst production for the worst heroine. :colbert:

Prepare to be slaughtered

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