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Jun 4, 2005

Check to induce a ban

The main problem I have with Sakura, and HF in general, is that it just feels like a completely different story than the first two routes. I like the story that HF tells, but it just feels so disconnected from the rest of the VN. When I read the final route in Rewrite I felt the same way.

HF seems like a psychological story that focuses on the effects of sexual abuse with the fantasy aspects being used to support that story. Fate and UBW seem like they are telling a fantasy story first and foremost, with the exploration of Shirou's psyche being used as part of his character arc inside a fantasy story. When you hit what you expect to be the climax of a fantasy story, you suddenly find yourself reading a completely different genre. It's jarring and makes it harder to appreciate the story.

Also loving cooking scenes.


Jun 4, 2005

Check to induce a ban

Shinji is pretty transparently just a plot device, not an actual character. Literally the only reason he is in the story is because somebody had to rape Sakura. Trying to do anything with him would basically involve creating a new character from scratch.

edit: for the first two routes everytime he was on the screen I was just baffled with why there was this cardboard cutout of a character in the story, when basically every other character was a believable human being

Xyven fucked around with this message at 20:32 on Oct 14, 2014

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