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Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost
In with a :toxx: to redeem my poor little runaway baby self.


Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost
Hyena's Dinner (875 words)


Sun had finished his traveling for the day and was about to go in his home in Earth; when Hyena woke up and realized she was hungry. She was so hungry, her belly grumbled this-way and that-way, and she knew that she would have to go hunting soon or starve.

Now Hyena knew that Lion would soon be waking up too, and that his belly would grumble this-way and that-way and tell him how hungry he was. She also knew that Lion, he would go chasing after the first thing he saw and scare all the other food off so she wouldn't have any. Hyena sat, thinking up a plan, and laughed and laughed when thought up a plan so clever, it impressed herself.

Hyena found Lion in his den behind some rocks, just waking up from his sleep. He roared at her irritably.

“What do you want, Hyena? Make it quick or go away! I am so hungry I might just eat you.”

“Lion,” Hyena cackled, ”I can hear your belly from here. It’s grumbling this-way and that-way just like mine! Now, I have a plan where we can both get food, and all you have to do is sit here and wait for the food to come running to you and kill it. All I ask is that you save some for me since I’ll be doing most of the work.”

Lion wasn’t sure he trusted Hyena, but his belly grumbled him into it and he agreed to wait behind the rocks. Hyena went out into the plains and saw, some distance away, Springbok grazing with his family. She went over to where he stood, sat down and called out to him.

”What do you want, Hyena? Don’t come any closer or I’ll run away! I can run faster and jump higher than anyone!” Springbok stamped his hoof on the ground nervously, prepared to run to safety.

”You know, I was just talking to Gazelle about that and that’s why I’ve come. Gazelle wants to challenge you to a race. She said you couldn’t possibly be faster or jump better than her and will meet you behind those big rocks over there to race you to the top.”

Springbok looked at Sun going inside and pawed the ground nervously, ”It’s about to get dark. I don’t think I’ll race tonight.”

Hyena laughed and laughed at Springbok. ”I’ll tell Gazelle you’re too afraid. She knew it too, she says to me ‘Springbok knows I’m a better runner and leaper. He won’t race me because he’s too afraid to lose.’ I says back to her ‘I wouldn’t bet on it, Springbok is fast and brave. He won’t let anyone beat him so easily.’ It looks like I’ll have to go back and tell her she was right and brave Springbok isn’t as good as he says!”

Stung by Hyena’s laughter and scorn, Springbok leapt away from his family and ran behind the rocks to meet Gazelle. Hyena watched for a minute, and when she didn’t see him again she went to see Gazelle grazing far away with her family. Hyena sat down and called out to her.

”What do you want, Hyena?” Gazelle stomped her hoof impatiently, ”If you come after me I’ll run away! I can run further and leap better than anyone. Especially you.”

”You know, I was just talking to Springbok about that and that’s why I’ve come. Springbok wants to challenge you to a race. He said you couldn’t possibly be as graceful or run as fast as you claim, and that he wants a race to prove it. He says he will meet you behind those big rocks over there to race you to the top.”

Gazelle stamped her foot against the ground, ”No, it’s about to get dark and Cheetah will be hunting. We can race tomorrow.”

Hyena laughed and laughed at Gazelle, ”Springbok told me you wouldn’t do it, he says to me, ‘Gazelle knows I leap better and run faster than her. She won’t race me because she’s afraid to see someone faster than her!’ I says back to him, ‘I wouldn’t count on it. Gazelle is beautiful and fast, she would never let someone beat her so easily.’ It looks like I’ll have to go back and tell him he’s right and beautiful Gazelle isn’t as good as she says!”

Gazelle was insulted by Hyena’s laughter and scorn, and ran off behind the rocks to meet Springbok. Hyena watched for a minute, and when she didn’t see Gazelle come out again she laid in Sun’s light until he’d finished going inside. She then stood, going to meet Lion in his den behind the rocks. She looked around and saw Lion waiting for her, and Gazelle and Springbok dead.

”Lion! Didn’t you kill Zebra too?” Hyena exclaimed, pretending to be concerned.

”Zebra? He didn’t run by here!”

”You must have missed him! Quickly, go get him before he can tell everyone that you’re here and get them to run away!”

As Lion ran off after Zebra, Hyena gobbled up Gazelle and Springbok. S ran out of Lion’s den and headed home, her full belly dragging beneath her.

Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost
I'm IN, with a :toxx: contingent on making an actually interesting story.

Also: asking for a prompt and flash rule.

Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost

Flesnolk posted:

Maybe it means "ban me if the story sucks?"

Yup, that is exactly it

Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost

newtestleper posted:

An ape is a kind of monkey, though.

If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey.

Seriously, though, they're both primates and simians, but apes aren't thought of as monkeys.

DreamingofRoses fucked around with this message at 03:08 on Jan 16, 2015

Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost
The Farewell (1,000 words)

God's Venomous Bitter Dragonflame
Flash Rule: a florist's shop must play a key role

”Your Holiness,” a young woman dressed in formal breeches and livery of gold and red approached the steps to God-Empress Jaya’s black iron throne. ”Master Florian has arrived.”

Jaya looked up from the glowing tablet in her hands to the woman and smiled in obvious delight, ”Let him through then, Gwyn.”

The woman bowed hurriedly and wen to relay the message to the door wardens. The doors to the long throne room opened to reveal an old man, well but simply dressed, clutching a garland of flowers in his hands.

His face was intimately familiar to her, despite his age. Ian, the florists’ son, had been one of her closest friends as a child, growing up with her in the same small city. He was the first outside of her family to learn of the godmark, a dragon which twined around her neck whose head sat just under her jaw, and the first to bend his knee to her as rightful ruler because of it. It was at his parents flower shop that she had received the first ultimatum of many: serve at the feet of so and so or die, and it was similarly at his parent’s flower shop that she had declared her intent to not give in to them, and begin to assemble the followers who would eventually grow to become her Holy Army.

He had grown older, along with her original followers. She did not, and her forces had grown again in size with the sons of sons and daughters of daughters of her original followers, although there were none from Ian, who remained in his florist’s shop at her request. His old, unbent frame slowly ascended the stairs to the black iron throne on which she sat, the familiar garland of red Dragonflame and golden God’s Breath held tightly. She stayed sitting but gestured to her guards to help him up. He waved off their interference and made it the rest of the way, pausing to catch his breath and bow.

”Empress, I have a request of you. I do not come empty-handed. I have no crown of gold metal and red gems for you, Highness, so I have brought you one I have crafted.” It was an old ritual, one that had been between them since the beginning. It had started when she was meeting him in his parent’s shop for the last time before her first campaign. He had spoken similar words then, the many-hued gathering around them nodding in the breeze at the gesture and witnessing that she had agreed to come back safely in return for the crown. It was since then oft-repeated, once before each new campaign of which there were many. They had grown from resistance to expansion and conquest.

”Thank you, Ian, it is fairer than one any smith could make, if more fragile,” she bent her head to him, allowing him to place the ‘crown’ on her head. If she touched it with her bare hands, it would wither to the cold poison of her divinity.

He did so, and then knelt at her feet, looking up into her face earnestly. ”It is my final request, Jaya.” A thundering silence filled her heart and mind for a moment. She opened her mouth to protest, and he raised his hand against it. ”It is all I ever wanted from you, and it is time for me.”

A moment half a century ago rose to mind, his hands and lips on her bare skin. Following that was the weeks of worry when he had grown deathly ill from her touch. She knew he had gotten better when he joked that if he was ever about to die anyway, his last request would be a kiss.

”Why?” Was all she could manage to say without choking up or cursing.

”Because I still love you.”

”You know that is not what I mean,” she glared at him. It was a look that had made strong men quail and kings abdicate their thrones, but he merely smiled and did not answer. ”You would leave me?”

He looked stricken at the accusation. ”Not willingly, but mortals die and it is my time.”

Relenting, Jaya stood and held out her hands, pulling him up to his feet, her icy divinity beginning to seep into his skin. He put his hands, old and calloused, against her still-young face and wiped the beginnings of tears forming at the corners of her eyes. He brought his face close to hers, ”Goddesses shouldn’t cry, Jaya.” It was a soft whisper, warm breath tickling her ear.

It took a moment to steel her will before she kissed him fully, deeply for the first and last time, and the bitter cold flowed from her in a torrent. His lips became motionless against hers, and his hands fell from her face and she could not bear to open her eyes to that beloved face empty of any spirit. She parted her lips against his and exhaled a red-orange gout of flame in a long sigh. The godmark glowed with its use, the dragon’s jaws opening visibly. The fire consumed the body in seconds, leaving his shape in ashes for precious few seconds.

His ashes scattered into her hands and at her feet at her touch. Jaya reached up to remove the garland he had placed on her head, and found the flowers withered. Carefully she placed the garland on top of the ashes, and sat bowing her head in silence, tearless.

”Empress?” Gwyn was the only one who dared approach the still, glowing figure of the God-Empress at the top of the daďs. Her guards were looking at her in concern, as were her councillors and several of the diplomats who were there for negotiations.

Her godmark burned. She was the dragon. She was God and she would not forget her people or her responsibility, not even for Florian. Jaya dusted off her hands delicately and turned back to her business.

Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost
In! :toxx:


Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost
I'm going to have to eat my Toxx. I'm not going to be able to post today.


Jun 27, 2013
Nap Ghost
As penance for my sins of terrible writing and toxxing myself I will do line crits on any story requested for the next 5 people who ask.

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