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posting smiling
talk about the video game you're playing and post pictures in this thread

grow home is about doing sick rock climbing moves while hunting for gems

you have a jet pack

you can barely walk

infinifactory is a game about conveyor belts

i have a copy of their last game spacechem that i'll give you on steam if you can prove that you're smart


Al Borland

by XyloJW

Classicist posted:

i have a copy of their last game spacechem that i'll give you on steam if you can prove that you're smart

Space chem is supposedly a really good game to play and chill to.

it has eggs in it, like this one

Somebody fucked around with this message at 14:23 on Apr 5, 2015

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

posting smiling

Al Borland posted:

Space chem is supposedly a really good game to play and chill to.

it's good, and educational.

Miss Psychosis

I have a copy of call of duty 3 and I'll give it to the first yobber who can prove they have a soul and xpost the proof to the philosophy thread.

Al Borland

by XyloJW

Miss Psychosis posted:

I have a copy of call of duty 3 and I'll give it to the first yobber who can prove they have a soul and xpost the proof to the philosophy thread.

Give em a copy of Bad Rats too while they're at it.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Miss Psychosis

Al Borland posted:

Give em a copy of Bad Rats too while they're at it.


Miss Psychosis

Anyone else have sick power fantasies where you add your enemies on steam then send them a bad video game owning them in a way they can never recover from?

Miss Psychosis

Chaz: Yeah... I knew her before the trial. I hear she sent Bad Rats to four different people before they found her. I never knew she was evil.


Miss Psychosis posted:

Chaz: Yeah... I knew her before the trial. I hear she sent Bad Rats to four different people before they found her. I never knew she was evil.

posting smiling

Miss Psychosis posted:

Anyone else have sick power fantasies where you add your enemies on steam then send them a bad video game owning them in a way they can never recover from?

i'm going to start a steam curator page and only recommend bad games... somebody's going to get owned big time by this.

tao of lmao

I've been juggling Mario Kart, Monster Hunter 3, and Binding of Isaac lately. Really, really interested in Darkest Dungeon too but I don't want to buy early access anymore.

Senior Management

Garbage Person posted:

I've been juggling Mario Kart, Monster Hunter 3, and Binding of Isaac lately. Really, really interested in Darkest Dungeon too but I don't want to buy early access anymore.

Same I want the Darkest Dungeon but so many early access games are never finished or end up poorly. At best it comes out but you played it at it's worst. Still sometimes the game is worth it and Darkest Dungeon might be one of those times.

To tide myself over I just purchased Sunless Sea which seems pretty cool but requires many readings and I don't know how to read.


Al Borland

by XyloJW

Miss Psychosis posted:

Anyone else have sick power fantasies where you add your enemies on steam then send them a bad video game owning them in a way they can never recover from?


This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

dogcrash truther

Al Borland posted:

Space chem is supposedly a really good game to play and chill to.

spacechem is one of the best games of the last 5 years, imo


i will play tf2 with ppl tomorrow
ty cat dynamite

dogcrash truther
I got darkest dungeon and so far there's no evidence that it's early access at all: everything seems polished, balanced, and ready to go. It's pretty fun though I'm just near the beginning of the game.

dogcrash truther

Salmiakki posted:

i will play tf2 with ppl tomorrow

i cant believe tf2 is still a thing

Al Borland

by XyloJW

dogcrash truther posted:

I got darkest dungeon and so far there's no evidence that it's early access at all: everything seems polished, balanced, and ready to go. It's pretty fun though I'm just near the beginning of the game.

the game is only 50% finished.

SO yteah its going to be GOTY

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

dogcrash truther

dogcrash truther posted:

spacechem is one of the best games of the last 5 years, imo

as a puzzle game it's one of the best ever. maybe the best ever. i'm ho


dogcrash truther posted:

i cant believe tf2 is still a thing

do not shoot me
ty cat dynamite

posting smiling

Garbage Person posted:

I've been juggling Mario Kart, Monster Hunter 3, and Binding of Isaac lately. Really, really interested in Darkest Dungeon too but I don't want to buy early access anymore.

nice. i just remembered that i had binding of isaac through ps plus, so i'm going to try that. i never got very far in the original though.

dogcrash truther

Al Borland posted:

the game is only 50% finished.

SO yteah its going to be GOTY

I dont think it'll be goty unless there's something significant about it that I don't know. the battles which are the meat of the game are pretty fun but everything else is a lil perfunctory. there's not much of a sense of exploration or learning new things. it's just the same thing at a more and more complex level. I think it's a B, B+, which for 15 bucks is fine

posting smiling

dogcrash truther posted:

as a puzzle game it's one of the best ever. maybe the best ever. i'm ho


I've been playing through Persona 2: Innocent Sin,, and sometimes if I'm studying and I need a break I play Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max for a little bit.


by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

e: trade?

Yobgoblin fucked around with this message at 22:32 on Feb 7, 2015

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Al Borland

by XyloJW
Fable 1 here.

I was enjoying itb ut it ends so quickly. Also it feels liek they had a lot of cool stuff in the game but it never really gives you time or reason to do it.

Like house renting. Each city has one house you can rent. It talks about owning shops etc too but that never happens.

Unless you murder everyone...

I'm doing that currently. I'm getting into realty by murdering townfolk in the night and buying up their vacant homes and shops.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Gone Fashing

darkest dungeon looks pretty good i watched a stream of it for a little while. ive been playing isaac like evryone else

Grass Effect
any other isaac folks have real platinum god (like me :smuggo:)?

Al Borland

by XyloJW
Gonna play some Fable now. I did my good hero. Good is a joke in that game, like literally just by going through it you're good even if you do evil things. You have to physically try to get evil.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

Gone Fashing

remember black & white

Al Borland

by XyloJW

Brillo_Pad posted:

remember black & white



Fable 3 I felt was a lot more flushed out than one if I'm being honest. I like the stat system and RPG style of Fable 1 better but 3 definitely feels like theres more to do.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!



grow home looks pretty dece. its kinda like my life with the climbing and i can relate to the daily struggle of searching for gems

tao of lmao

Salmiakki posted:

i will play tf2 with ppl tomorrow

don't shoot me i'm dancin

Al Borland

by XyloJW

GoodbyeTurtles posted:

grow home looks pretty dece. its kinda like my life with the climbing and i can relate to the daily struggle of searching for gems

is that actually a game?

It sounds like a parody of gone home where you grow homebrew weed.

Garbage Person posted:

don't shoot me i'm dancin

we got an IPAD DJ in the house.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!



Al Borland posted:

is that actually a game?

It sounds like a parody of gone home where you grow homebrew weed.

al borelant its in the op........


Garbage Person posted:

don't shoot me i'm dancin
ty cat dynamite



Garbage Person posted:

don't shoot me i'm dancin

please don't shoot me

Al Borland

by XyloJW

GoodbyeTurtles posted:

al borelant its in the op........

I can't read I only recognize brand symbols.

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!

heard u like girls

spacechem is really cool but im realllly terrible at it

also the red thingy starts like a nanosecond earlier than the blue one and its super weird

This thread brought to you by a tremendous dickhead!


killer crane


dogcrash truther posted:

i cant believe tf2 is still a thing

more like tame fortress 2 these days.

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