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It's even worse, because you could tame wild animals in both Origins and Odyssey. I loved rolling around Egypt with my fancy crocodile buddy.


Prof. Alligator

Philippe posted:

It's even worse, because you could tame wild animals in both Origins and Odyssey. I loved rolling around Egypt with my fancy crocodile buddy.


sb hermit

Philippe posted:

It's even worse, because you could tame wild animals in both Origins and Odyssey. I loved rolling around Egypt with my fancy crocodile buddy.

kinda makes me want to pick it up now!


Origins is a wonderful AssCreed and a great depiction of a rarely seen environment, Ptolemaic Egypt. The sight seeing mode really puts their sources out on front street, though I wish there was a bibliography.

Because it's the fourth last AssCreed game, it's also often fairly cheap.

Rockman Reserve

"Carbons? Purge? What are you talking about?!"

posting about this because it’s p freakin rad and I’d never heard of it until Tuesday when it went free on ps+

but immortals of aveum is fun

Finger Prince

What if there was a bladder mod for FPS games? Like your bladder gradually fills up during the game (maybe not all in one match, if you're playing short matches, thought that would be funny), and beyond a certain point it starts effecting your aim. Then you have to find cover and drain the lizard or drop trou and squat, depending on your avatar, leaving you vulnerable for 15-30 seconds or so. The longer you leave it, the longer it takes to empty. This would fit best in a survival shooter like Tarkov, or Battlefield conquest maps, but would be funny to implement in short deathmatch maps too. Forcing snipers to get up and piss behind a tree once in a while would be good too.

Bobby Deluxe

death stranding has a piss mechanic because of course it does

Finger Prince

Bobby Deluxe posted:

death stranding has a piss mechanic because of course it does

I forgot about that! You fill up piss bottles and throw them at the bad ghosts to drive them off or something.


the best thing about death stranding's piss mechanic is that you can't look at sam's junk while he pees

he always turns to face away from the camera and you can't open photo mode while pissing

Finger Prince

Death Stranding is just Amazon Delivery Simulator, so it makes sense that there'd be a piss mechanic.
In my naivety, I thought it would be funny in an FPS if you had to duck behind a bush before assaulting an objective or whatever. Of course now it occurs to me that this would add a whole new dimension to teabagging, and people would use this exclusively to piss on the corpses of defeated enemies.


Finger Prince posted:

Of course now it occurs to me that this would add a whole new dimension to teabagging, and people would use this exclusively to piss on the corpses of defeated enemies.

postal 2

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Bobby Deluxe

death stranding only really clicked with me halfway through the second area when some of the highway was built by other friendly internet ghosts and i realised it was truckin simulator and not really survival horror

that and fighting through the forest full of ghosts and thinking i cant be arsed with this, then getting the sweat/pee/poop grenades from the wind farm so you can clear them on the way back

other games with pee and poop mechanics:

conkers bad fur day (boss)

elden ring (entire questline and ending)

there are others?


Bobby Deluxe posted:

death stranding only really clicked with me halfway through the second area when some of the highway was built by other friendly internet ghosts and i realised it was truckin simulator and not really survival horror

that and fighting through the forest full of ghosts and thinking i cant be arsed with this, then getting the sweat/pee/poop grenades from the wind farm so you can clear them on the way back

other games with pee and poop mechanics:

conkers bad fur day (boss)

elden ring (entire questline and ending)

there are others?

The Ship had needs like hunger etc. If you didn't use the bathroom regularly enough you'd soil yourself, which would instantly fill your hygene bar and cover you in flies. You'd die shortly if you didn't get clean.

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Bobby Deluxe

oh yeah, on that note the sims obviously


Sims aren't people. They produce the same kind of blue liquid you see in tampon commercials.

Finger Prince

Duke nukem 3d I think you could piss in the urinals.


Finger Prince posted:

Duke nukem 3d I think you could piss in the urinals.

and it healed you
forever let you control it a little I think

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Bobby Deluxe

i tried finding a list of video games with peeing but ended up at a kotakuinaction post about a slate article where it looks like they got some kind of legal threat from nintendo about super mario 2

Finger Prince

RDR2 has both human and horse toileting content, but I think it's more just there for flavour than as a necessary action.

Bobby Deluxe

there are a ton of games that have toilets in them but few brave enough to feature actual peeing

Finger Prince

I wonder if anyone has made a pee mod for skyrim...

Finger Prince

Pee mod for Skyrim VR that's so immersive you'll actually piss yourself.


the piss mod is real :tinfoil:


the only good part of postal 3 is that when you use the pee button and try to look at your dick, the word CensoreD is formatted to be in the shape of a dick as a censored sign

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Dr. Yinz Ljubljana

Finger Prince posted:

RDR2 has both human and horse toileting content, but I think it's more just there for flavour than as a necessary action.

You could make the horse take a dump on command in MGS V and it would cause vehicles (even tanks) to slip around on the doodoo


There he go

Bobby Deluxe posted:

ended up at a kotakuinaction post


Been playing MGSV and having some fun! I like that you can pet D-Dog whenever you want and Snake will actually reach over and pet him in a dynamic animation :3:

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!


Sarah Cenia posted:


Cindy is so cool :allears:

Finger Prince

I'm like level 38 in FFXVI, and I've been playing with the auto attack ring (ring of timely strikes), because I really can't be assed with this game. It's pretty funny to come across some bandits robbing someone and rushing to their aid, then unleashing an apocalyptic cluster gently caress of explosions and meteor strikes and tornados, and just completely obliterating the bandits. Then the dude you rescued is like "thank goodness you came along when you did! Well, must be running along!", and just not acknowledging at all, the war crime he just witnessed you commit on those bandits.

Finger Prince

This game is so chaste, lmao.
They kissed! They finally kissed!

Finger Prince

Especially compare to BG3 which is just like hey so I know I've only said 3 words to you all game, but wanna gently caress?

Bobby Deluxe

i think bg3 has broken me because i was playing final fantasy 12 before that and the story was pretty linear, so the first time bg3 made me choose not just goblin camp or druid grove, but making me make that choice after talking to a camp full of silly little murderers who liked my songs & a grove of super serious racists who did not i spent about 2 hours saving and reloading

i have just found bill withers and the knowledge that i can respec is going to in-game bankrupt me

Finger Prince

deep dish peat moss

I'm playing Unicorn Overlord and it's cool as hell. It's about time someone made a new Ogre Battle


yeah Unicorn Overlord is great. when you put together that team that can blender just about anything it feels real good

Prof. Alligator

powerful grundleblast

Emo Szyslak

fallout show good so I’m playing New Vegas again and maybe I’ll beat it instead of getting gripped by indecision and loving off to get stuck in the sierra madre

Bobby Deluxe

i just hope the renewed interest in the ip convinces them to remake new vegas in a more recent engine

i know its not that simple but i feel like i never really gave it a chance because i played it after playing 3 to death


There he go
I would not trust Bethesda to make a grocery list without loving up, let alone a remake of a game that was leagues better than the ones they made



The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

Farecoal posted:

I would not trust Bethesda to make a grocery list without loving up, let alone a remake of a game that was leagues better than the ones they made
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

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