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Finger Prince

Bobby Deluxe posted:

i just hope the renewed interest in the ip convinces them to remake new vegas in a more recent engine

i know its not that simple but i feel like i never really gave it a chance because i played it after playing 3 to death

It's seems like it's more for the benefit of 76.


Emo Szyslak

starfield??? more like starfailed

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Scuba Trooper posted:

starfield??? more like starfailed

Dr. Yinz Ljubljana

Jedi Survivor was half off and I still feel like I overpaid a bit - there's some improvements on systems that worked well enough already - the story is kinda flat for a long intro sequence and some of the early saber battles feel like i'm on baby mode. But introducing a more open structure to planets and having more interesting side quests than Fallen Over works so far. (I'm only on the second planet).

I'm still slowly going through Like A Dragon : Infinite Wealth and I really like how much they've changed and how much they've kept the same since Yakuza : Like A Dragon


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust
i decided to abandon modern gaming and downloaded all these emulators, roms, and isos

i’m now playing dragon quest vii on the ps1, and it’s pretty awesome


Scuba Trooper posted:

starfield??? more like starfailed

what if they spend the next six years patching it to suck less, like the video FP posted about Fallout 76 suggests they are capable of?

Emo Szyslak

we can only hope. my man complaint is that it doesnt really have a personality


DoomCroissant posted:

i decided to abandon modern gaming and downloaded all these emulators, roms, and isos

i’m now playing dragon quest vii on the ps1, and it’s pretty awesome

same, it owns.


Scuba Trooper posted:

we can only hope. my man complaint is that it doesnt really have a personality

contrary to my last post: that's your only complaint??

Emo Szyslak

main, not only, but i'll confess i don't remember what else bugged me about it. been a while



rear end-penny posted:

what if they spend the next six years patching it to suck less, like the video FP posted about Fallout 76 suggests they are capable of?

I don't think we're getting a cyberpunk-esque success story out of starfield

Finger Prince

Philippe posted:

I don't think we're getting a cyberpunk-esque success story out of starfield

Did they completely rewrite the story and all the characters and hire devs who've actually worked on a half decent driving game and have them completely redesign the driving from scratch or something?


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

Philippe posted:

I don't think we're getting a cyberpunk-esque success story out of starfield

the thing that people don't seem to realize about cyberpunk is that it was a good game that just got released prematurely and needed more work to iron things out. it wasn't a bad game that got good after some updates, the vast majority of the poo poo that people love about that game was there from the start it was just overshadowed by the problems.

for starfield to have such a renaissance it would need several fundamental aspects to be completely rebuilt
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

sb hermit

watho posted:

the thing that people don't seem to realize about cyberpunk is that it was a good game that just got released prematurely and needed more work to iron things out. it wasn't a bad game that got good after some updates, the vast majority of the poo poo that people love about that game was there from the start it was just overshadowed by the problems.

for starfield to have such a renaissance it would need several fundamental aspects to be completely rebuilt

sb hermit

I haven’t played cyberpunk but I’m about to finish a newish pc build that might be able to run it

finally I can play modern fps games with a mouse and keyboard again


Yeah, Cyberpunk was always good at the core. The characters, story, and quest design are all excellent, and improving the gameplay to match makes them shine even more.

Then the anime, fantastic DLC, consistent patching, and added romantic interactions just added to it.

I don't get that feeling from Bethesda at all.

Prof. Crocodile

Todd. Todd never changes.


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

picked up El Paso, Elsewhere on sale the other day and i'm loving it from the three levels i played before making dinner. an extremely solid horror themed max payne clone. i do mean max payne clone with adoration and the inspirations are worn on the sleeve. down to the philosophical musings asking you if you want to exit to desktop or not. highly recommend checking it out
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Finger Prince

Philippe posted:

Yeah, Cyberpunk was always good at the core. The characters, story, and quest design are all excellent, and improving the gameplay to match makes them shine even more.

Then the anime, fantastic DLC, consistent patching, and added romantic interactions just added to it.

I don't get that feeling from Bethesda at all.

I've talked about this before, but I guess my issues with cyberpunk aren't about how well the story is told or how well the characters are written, it's how it's told and how it's written.

I don't like how, at every turn, it tries to force you accept merging your brain with a gaslighting narcissist who literally tried to force himself on you when first introduced, and when you resist is all "Hey baby, don't be like that, you need me." and then at the end, when you are finally given the option to free yourself of him, the ending you get is "you die alone in space. The end."

Also, Panam's dialog isn't different whether you're a male or female, and since she's written as a romanceable character, it leads you in that direction, until you get to the point where you can make a move, and she's all "eww gross I don't like girls". But will still text you after like "hey bb I miss you, BTW can you help me move a fridge?"

baka of lathspell

jet set radio

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)


I only have canyoneyes for you
all I play anymore is Balatro this game is so good


I'm maxed out on Balatro, too, and throwing in some Grand Theft Lego and some Tetris and some Slice and Dice. Haven't even touched the new Stardew Valley update yet, but that's waiting in the wings.

It's a good time.

Stuck working on green stake rn. Assuming I should work with a funky deck, because the plain decks are getting really tricky.


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

hell yeah
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust
dragon quest vii update: a wolf who was turned into a human joined my party and he just beats the poo poo out of enemies

also i like how the world map gets bigger as you save the past :3


I gotta get around to bomb rush cyberfunk

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Dr. Yinz Ljubljana

Dr. Yinz Ljubljana posted:

Jedi Survivor was half off and I still feel like I overpaid a bit - there's some improvements on systems that worked well enough already - the story is kinda flat for a long intro sequence and some of the early saber battles feel like i'm on baby mode. But introducing a more open structure to planets and having more interesting side quests than Fallen Over works so far. (I'm only on the second planet).

I'm still slowly going through Like A Dragon : Infinite Wealth and I really like how much they've changed and how much they've kept the same since Yakuza : Like A Dragon

Jedi Survivor's hub world of Kobohl is probably the best part of the game and if that's all it was - a bar that gets more populated as you do quests for locals and earn a reputation, I think that'd be a mighty fine game indeed. But instead we have to go on a nebulous quest for a McGuffin that's gonna do... something... to the Empire, but not anything huge because we're in prequel territory and can't mess with the Sacred OT timeline. The existence of the Night Sister Merrin in this game is already pretty lore-breaking, since there's a whole race of space witches that apparently don't do anything to help all these systems that are under the heel of the Empire but are also OP in a big way. They keep trying to tie this game back to the prequels and do little nods to the OT and it just takes you out of the experience because you know how this story ends and it's not good for the Jedi. Every second boss is a bounty hunter with a lightsaber and you start to wonder who is just handing this out to the raider clans and their middle management. Silly inconsequential stuff but it just irks me. We could have had so much better than this. Also - for a game called Jedi Survivor, there's like 4 Jedi in it who survived Order 66, but only one is out there doing the work, the rest are just sitting in the basement in the desert reading old rear end books


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

RavenousScoot posted:

I gotta get around to bomb rush cyberfunk

thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Bobby Deluxe

this will be my fourth attempt at the nere / duergar fight in bg3 because i keep getting mind controlled and kicked into the bastard lava

Finger Prince

Bobby Deluxe posted:

this will be my fourth attempt at the nere / duergar fight in bg3 because i keep getting mind controlled and kicked into the bastard lava

Haha I cheesed the hell out of that one. Got everyone on the gallery that overlooks the area, took one guy down to initiate dialog and misty stepped back up there, then just controlled the fight with the ladder choke point and focusing on their archers. Used crowd control spells to slow the advance of their tough guys. You can retreat a couple of steps back out of LOS with your squishies after they drop a payload below to keep them safe. Sometimes (especially later in the fight) a baddie can pathfind his way up the ramp to you, but you can guard that effectively with your melee guys.

Finger Prince fucked around with this message at 21:33 on Apr 23, 2024

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
just finished tears of the kingdom. best zelder ever best game ever 💯💯💯

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

Areola Grande posted:

just finished tears of the kingdom. best zelder ever best game ever 💯💯💯

hmmm yeah but have you considered the wind wanker
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


There he go
wind waker (for g-g-g-girls???)


I only have canyoneyes for you

watho posted:

hmmm yeah but have you considered the wind wanker

i guess that's why they named him Tingle


Bobby Deluxe posted:

this will be my fourth attempt at the nere / duergar fight in bg3 because i keep getting mind controlled and kicked into the bastard lava

good luck, Bobby. that fight is a bit of a pain! you need to put the hurt out fast, and have good rolls on those saves. whenever I got stuck on a fight in that game I'd use of the the potions of speed, which effectively hastes your character, giving you two actions and additional movement. of course, being hasted doesn't mean poo poo if you get mind controlled...

I took a break from BG3 for a minute and picked it up again recently. I'm past that fight already, but dang I cannot remember the details of how it shook out at all. I think I was drinking.

I should actually put the work in to beat the boss in Cult of the Lamb. It is the only new to me game I've played this year, and I kind of put it down after losing my first attempt against the boss.

Bobby Deluxe

i did actually manage to get through on attempt 3 but then afterwards i fudged the dialogue check with the dudes who helped me and they said they were leaving with the gnomes as slaves and i could not do that to my friend barcus wroot

Emo Szyslak

oh cute


that's an extremely BG3 turn of events.

Emo Szyslak

just discovered theres a moonlight app on xbox so maybe i can go beyond my old steam link device (or move that bad boy elsewhere)????

Finger Prince

This big death scene in FF16 is so OTT omg this voice acting.


sb hermit

maybe this will get me to actually play through wind waker

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