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Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Don't eat Cici's pizza. /\

Mr. Nice! posted:

I'm at 150-155 right now which is lower than when I enlisted back in 06. I'm slowly withering away.

I'd ask about your workout routine but we all already know you got the gov issue belly bugs or whatever.

I'm a fat 210. Calves of steel though, even if one has wasted away a bit (gently caress nerve problems).


Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
What can I say, I don't really care for lifting things.

Did plenty of that fixing brass assholes trucks.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Or be raised on a farm.

Seriously had monster calves when I was a teenager. I was stacking the leg press machines at 15. The rest of me was fat though.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

Grem posted:

Sitting in my insomnia clinic and everyone else is talking about how we should nuke Iran, China, all of the middle east... Please don't engage me you loving loonies.

That's going to be you in 10 years.

I'm playing gently caress-gently caress waiting games at the VA. Couldn't find a goddamn parking spot so I moved poo poo around and parked on a sand mound after rolling around the lot for 45 loving minutes. Haven't been able to get a PCP appointment because "the operator was sending you to a phantom line" which is loving bullshit since I've been calling for two months and still managed to get my psych appointment rescheduled (because they cancelled it without calling me).

I had to drag into the patient advocates office and raise a bitchfit to get poo poo scheduled for a simple check-up and maybe some vaccines before I wander off for six months (also some mis-shapened moles). So a last minute appointment is scheduled.

So now I'm two hours early to my shrink appointment, because I got here early to find parking and bitch to PA.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Goddamnit this loving VA.

At least put the loving news on tv. not a loving soul in this waiting room gives a poo poo about some spear-chucker baby dna court poo poo.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

NoNostalgia4Grover posted:

hey maury is good comedy tv.

this wasn't maury.

Seems like every time I go to the VA they have man-bashing cuntflaps running their goddamn mouths on tv about how bad "they man is" and whatnot.

I would honestly prefer Fox News lying to me for the few hours I have to spend in that shithole once in a while.

motherfucking Paternity Court, that's what that lovely show was.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Goddamn. I've been really, really, really loving angry lately.

even the cats are leaving me alone, and they usually spend half the day tailing me.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
I only just got around to getting hangouts on my phone the other day. Turns out one of the folks from my old unit is making it reallllllly difficult to find her. Only reason I got curious was she had some family pop up in the obits up north (we're both from roughly the same shithole area of Illinois). No facebook or any other easy-ish way to track her down, but some lovely google-fu and I found her only social media-ish account on google, downloaded hangouts and sent her a message.

She just up and disappeared for a long time, bunch of the guys were getting worried, y'all know how it is. Turns out she's fine, married, and living not far from where I'd last known. Just glad she hadn't lost her poo poo and ate a bullet.

My anger today was primarily driven by the VA. After my last post at the hospital, my appointment was bumped up an hour and change and I managed to get a chance to redirect some anger at comcast for billing me for an HD box I didn't have, and providing less than acceptable speeds considering I'm paying for 50mb.

Oh, and I dropped off my revolver at the gunsmith. loving rear sight with it's busted-rear end screw. That's another $30-50 I shouldn't have to spend, especially since the loving thing was bought new.

And girlfriend's out of town. No regular pussy make me crazy rear end in a top hat.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

McNally posted:

Shouldn't that be under warranty?


However, it's a Rossi. Made by Taurus. I would rather pay a gunsmith up front than deal with their track record for warranty work timelines. 3-6 months is apparently "optimistic" at best.

the guy that checked it in at the shop laughed at the electrical tape that's been holding the rear sight on for the past month and two range trips. then said he'd have used duct tape. this is the pistol I shot for my carry permit, with ten rounds at 7 yards (farthest they care to test you here) left to shoot after the rear sight flew back and slapped across my face like the tiniest black metal brazilian made cock. still shot a 92.

CRUSTY MINGE fucked around with this message at 08:21 on Mar 4, 2015

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
if dude doesn't take the fatty, I will

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

gonna be a loving kite in the wind with this goddamn tent strapped to my back. small price to pay to just flop the bastard down and crawl in 30 seconds later.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

Painsaw posted:

Thanks to meds I'm not whacko, but man, this flattened emotional thing kinda sucks. Don't feel mad, or sad, or anything at all. Like I'm just lying here wasting the day away.

what do they have you on? I was more or less like that when I was only on zoloft years back. with wellbutrin and zoloft, I was a lot better.

buspar did gently caress all but make me really queasy regardless of my stomach contents, finally off it as of yesterday according to the doc, but I haven't taken it in a while anyhow.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
never been on citalopram so I couldn't tell ya anything about it.

krispykremessuck posted:

that pack is gonna hurt after a couple hundred miles

gonna have to do for a couple thousand. I have some hosed up hard-on for my old alice pack.

besides, that's what the sleeping pad is for, when properly folded and strapped onto the back of the frame. it's stuffed in the pack in that picture.

just ordered Frank's sleeping pad, rain coat, a new collar, and my rain suit (my set now is basically the old goretex parka and pants set the army didn't want back after deployment). had to order a wheel cover for the rucksack cover with that big loving circle of a tent. first aid kit, boots, and other miscellaneous poo poo are on the way already. got a 15600mAh battery pack for the phone and kindle. without food, it looks like I'll be in the 25 pound range. Frank's getting 2 - two quart canteens to carry on his vest, so about 8 pounds.

unconventional, at best, is going to be the description of my hike.

CRUSTY MINGE fucked around with this message at 01:30 on Mar 5, 2015

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
yeah, moleskin is gonna be high on the list of poo poo to keep on hand. right up there with permethrin and a citronella candle to coat my balls with wax to keep the ticks off.

I'm not that retarded. wait, maybe.

I'll upgrade from alice someday, just want to hump her up this trail. cost effective, 3~ pounds, durable. obviously a nice pack isn't tremendously expensive, but I'll look into it for next season.

CRUSTY MINGE fucked around with this message at 02:37 on Mar 5, 2015

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
I never bothered looking into the ILBE because this pack was already laying around in the garage.

Nostalgia4Dicks posted:

you can also check out benzoin tincture

you can be all special forces and poo poo and inject it into your blisters

no thanks. I'll stick to the moleskin. besides, the boots shouldn't be a real issue once they're soaked, stressed and waterproofed. with any luck I shouldn't need socks in them, and they'll be like wearing buttery soft and smooth baby skins.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

krispykremessuck posted:

lots of deet or if you're a pussy you can use eucalyptus oil. good luck on your trip and I think if nothing else when you pick up a new pack you'll really appreciate it after you and shim's appalachian sweathog adventure

thanks man.

it's going to be interesting. after this, we'll see what's next and what gear I'll be down to keeping for the next trip.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

krispykremessuck posted:

thanks for the heads up, maybe I'll profit off of some idiot buying mountaineering boots looking for new hiking boots again

unless you've been hiking like that a lot recently and have built up callouses where your blisters were, I'd highly suggest extra thick wool socks, dude

I have massive callouses. I almost never wear socks.

oddly, the last blister I got was while wearing thick wool socks. I still have two pairs packed for the trip.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

Booblord Zagats posted:

Woot almost always seems to have really good hiking poo poo on the cheap lately. I got one of those survival straw water filters for like $40 and a really good 5L (I think) hydration bladder with a 10L bag for like $19

those life straw filters are $20 on amazon. I got a water bottle with one in it for $30. good for 1000L (264 gallons) through a 0.2 micron filter. it should last the entire trip.

Genocide Tendency posted:

So this hiking trip is really going to happen?

I'm sure there will be an occasional update or three, but I plan to try to cut off entirely from internet poo poo out there. my S4mini and kindle are the only electronics I plan to carry. phone is loaded with music, kindle is loaded with everything by mark twain and some earth sciences textbooks. so expect radio silence on my end except the occasional Frank picture and rambling tangent. maybe a beard update, since I only plan to trim enough back to eat without munching on the flavor saver.

go3 posted:

how much weed are you taking

all the weed

actually going to use this time on the trail to try to dry out a bit. ideally I'd like to make an eighth stretch at least a few weeks out there, but we'll see. besides, it's not like weed is impossible to find.

CRUSTY MINGE fucked around with this message at 20:34 on Mar 5, 2015

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
I'm going to take the usual suspects of protein bars, nuts, jerky, rice, and just whatever seems right when we're in town and milling through the grocery stores. Probably get some produce every town stop to eat the first couple days back on trail.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
I was planning on beers already. Obviously not a lot or very far past town. Also some stuff that can pack a day in a small cooler bag, like eggs, cheese, and a small amount of butter. Frank gets an 8 pound bag of food, should last 5-7 days, plus scraps. Gotta have a bit of fat to push that dry poo poo food out.

Those Knorr rice sides are going to be a staple. A buck apiece, 800~ calories a bag, two cups of water and you're good. The rotation is going to get stale, but I'm not paying through the nose for special trail food.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
$1200 is pretty reasonable for a clutch, but it's a Volkswagen so they'll find something else broken that's twice as expensive.

Just push it off a cliff. Even if insurance didn't pay out you're already ahead.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Women. And the uninformed.

Anyone without enough sense to do the slightest bit of research deserves what they get.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
I had a Baja. Turbo 5 speed. Goddamn best car I ever owned and I hate myself a little more each day for ever getting rid of it.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
/\ that's kinda impressive.

Anything chrysler during the cerberus years is a giant poo poo pile. The 4.0L straight 6 got axed in 2005, meaning there hasn't been a wrangler worth owning in at least a decade. Fiat has apparently made good changes, but their still poo poo cars in my mind.

I have nothing but loathing hatred for GM after their 90s shitbox festival and then bailout money. At least Ford kept their poo poo together.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
The new aluminum f150 is going to be interesting.

Toyota will sell you a manual trans tacoma. Nissan will with the frontier. Dodge who cares. Stupid ford, killing the manual. Sometimes a man just has to grasp a stick and slam through the gears. The gently caress ever happened to tbat Mahindra truck that was supposed to be cheap as sand in the desert.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

Cole posted:

light skinned black people are whiter than dark skinned black people

Even if they're white as paper, 1/16 black = black. Come on guys, there were rules about this poo poo once, look them up.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

LeoMarr posted:

Okcupid has resulted in me getting a pot card and two dates lined up so Im sticking with that

Okcupid got me the current girlfriend. 8 years younger than me, 6 younger than the ex-wife. Trading in for a newer model was a good decision.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

NoNostalgia4Grover posted:

as long as you don't grant power of attorney to the current girlfriend while on the AT, it's all good spongebob.

Nah. Giving my mother a special PoA.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
PoF is a wasteland of single mothers trying to keep their kids out of frame and the least attractive whores outside of Hooker Hill in Seoul.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Spinal bifida inoccua is the hosed up kind. Spinal bifida occulta is the kind that lets you wander around like a normal person until you get x-rays one day and the tech breaks it down for you hooked on phonics style that you have a mostly harmless birth defect.

I'd gently caress occulta chicks.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
we're all loving retarded and our enlistment contracts were the burden of proof

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

Don't mind me, just carrying a UFO around.

that's a 15 pound cat, for comparison.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
ah yes, my favorite decade

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
the '00s were largely my 20s so yeah, fun times a lot of those years. bunch of lovely ones too, but still, 20s.

I grew up in the 90s but don't really give a gently caress about its' culture.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
that's for after business hours...

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
terrorist hot dog vendors and cabbies with zippos and orders from GW Bush some poo poo-sucking camelfucker.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
Remember when I said my boots were going to be like wearing buttery smooth brown baby skins?

Well, cow skins.

Now I get to spend the next week showering in them so they shrink up a bit, then waterproofing. Ticks and slightly deeper than ankle high stream crossings be damned.

They're so loving comfortable even with socks.


Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

well, I refuse to buy one. if I find one in a shop along the way I'll pause for a picture wearing one and the UFO pack.

Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur
at some point I'll probably be walking with a 12 pack box for a hat

unconventional at best


Mar 30, 2011

Peggy Hill
Foot Connoisseur

SumYungGui posted:

So how is the rest of your renaissance faire outfit looking?

they wore moccasins in renaissance europe?

LeoMarr posted:

Please go to a fur-convention wearing solely leather clothing and only speak in Buffalo Bill quotes.

now this is an idea I can get behind

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