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Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

I'm at work on this loving Sunday posting on the internet while letting you all know you can suck my dick from the back.


Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

Lol you guys are fat

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

Getting fat in Amurrica is actually easier than it sounds. Even with some exercise and an attempt at trying to lose weight can still lead to marginal increases in weight gain. We don't really "binge" on food every so often which leads to weight gain, but I think the last study showed we eat between 75-200 calories extra a day, which is half a can of coke to almost a 20 ounce bottle of coke.. So not really much at all, but over the time span of a year leads to 10 pound increases, add 2-3 years post military service and there's your 30-60 pounds.

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

Fortunately we still retain the title of fattest country in the world. That being said, just like the space race both Australia and the UK are clawing their way to fattest country in the world.

edit: I guess we can't even eat the best in the world anymore. Mexico has us beat.

Nice and hot piss fucked around with this message at 16:09 on Mar 3, 2015

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

The best way to get big calves is to get morbidly obese, walk around and live life, then drop an obscene amount of weight.

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

I'll be in Alaska during the latter portion of June myself. Wife says it's the best weather anyone can ever imagine.

Plans for me involve wrestling a moose to the ground, prospecting and getting on the show Alaska State Troopers.

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

Anyone here live in Minnesota? The Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN has a lot of Fellowships open for post doc working, was considering moving me and the wife up there once I'm finished with school in NM.

I have a ton of family up there and in the North Dakota area, and spent a lot of summers on farms in the Sauk Center area, and loved it. Are the winters seriously just the most brutal/uninhabitable things about the place? or is it more of a "yeah it sucks but you'll live" sort of ordeal?

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

this guy speaks to me

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

Some of the massive E.R troll's that walked into the E.R I worked with had lists longer than that.

During the Triage and they would hand me a shoe box full of meds, half being pain killers I usually just told them to give it to the doc.

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

they're on the cleaning persons feet.

Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

do a short vacation sat-weds then thurs-sun chill at home?


Nice and hot piss
Feb 1, 2004

I don't plan to ever have kids.

My BDU'S/ACU's/Class A uniform will ultimately end up on a homeless person.

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