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Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
i'm tired of having a gut, yeah i got loving lazy as poo poo after getting out. gonna start going to the gym and peep butts while i get fit.


Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
it's my right as a veteran to be a lazy piece of poo poo, get fat, and live off government welfare


could be worse

we could still be in the military

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
it's me. i failed the intelligence test.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer

Painsaw posted:

Thank you wife, for managing to put windshield wiper fluid in the radiator and then destroy the clutch of the car we were about to sell. All in one day.

Anyone want to help me replace a Volkswagen clutch? I just need someone to support with additional poo poo talking, I don't think I've got enough profanity to cover it all by myself :suicide:

I've lived through some terrible poo poo, but this car is what's making me consider suck starting my sidearm (not really)

i'm sorry

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer

Nostalgia4Butts posted:

im glad im not a greasy ital

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
lol tacoma

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
at least we didn't get a degree in gender studies

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
i refuse to be called a loving millenial. that's my nephew's generation. i grew up in the 90's god drat it :bahgawd:

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
gently caress my life, I think all that dumb infantry poo poo has finally come back to haunt me. Lower back started hurting about a week ago and now I can barely stand. Pain in my lower back and the back of my left leg. One second Google search says sciatica. Awesome! Now to call the VA since it's finally Monday and see if they tell me to wait 4 months for an appointment so I can finally just use that loving card they sent to see a real god drat doctor.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
Closest one to me is all the way in Seattle, which is about an hour and a half drive. I've had kidney stones before, had back pain with that but this feels way different. Trying to call the VA right now so they can tell me to wait forever, then I'm doing that card right away.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
Laying on the floor in the situp position helps. I guess my back being hosed is important enough for the VA to get me an appointment, but not until loving thursday (with a different doc other than my usual one, who would have taken months). I'm gonna be watching a lot of episodes of X-Files on netflix.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
If I get a cane I'm gonna go all out and look like Dr House.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer

Fart Sandwiches posted:

Is this what wearing a ruck does to you? Navy was the right choice.

That and a little over a hundred pounds of armor, ammo, rifle, and kit while romping through Baghdad, Kandahar, and Helmand on foot patrols.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
Definitely gonna try some yoga and peep some butts.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
This is why I don't play flight sims with other people.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
There's people who incorporate the gayest parts of the army into their arma sessions. I saw a video where dudes were in a loving circle doing a god drat AAR while some shitheel did his best impression of a noble wasting everyone's time blathering on about TTPs.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
I've grown and shaved and regrown my beard a bunch so I'm past the give no fucks I'm out phase. Want my poo poo to look good now.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
I'm at the VA for my back right now and I just heard someone in here un-ironically say thanks Obama :allears:

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
If you guys get into a deliverance situation I hope Burt Reynolds comes out of nowhere to rescue you wearing a vest with bow and arrows.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer

USMC503 posted:

Idgi. So they were thanking Obama?

You expect people to thank Obama in the VA?

gently caress you I get what he's saying, I'm just being a dick

It was in regards to some poo poo playing on the TV in the waiting room. Just thought it was funny because I've never heard someone say that with no irony. Stop being a dick t:mad:

Also yeah I had a thought yesterday that the difference between a give no fucks beard and a groomed beard is being a hipster. I think I'll just stick to brushing.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
Another wrong opinion from holly bloops.

Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer
I don't even know wtf that is. Still love you holly :)


Dec 25, 2004

Now I'm in your room
And I'm in your bed

Grimey Drawer

Booblord Zagats posted:

Read it in Lionel Hutz's voice


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