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spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Dream top 3: Ginger, Katya and Alaska as Anna Wintour


spite house
Apr 28, 2009


Yeah, I don't like Kandy. I really like Katya so far but feel like I gotta root for Kennedy cause I'm a Dallas girl too. Also she seems pretty awesome :3:
Reports from the promo tour indicate that Kennedy absolutely killed it. She's a real pro, seems pretty unflappable, and I pity whoever has to lipsync against her. Potential sleeper.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

CaptainScraps posted:

gently caress it. Gonna buy the fast food date with Warner.
If you get to pick the Arby's, insist on the Gower Gulch Arby's. It's like an obligation.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Apparently, in a conversation with a fan, Katya strongly hinted that Trixie is brought back later in the season and it had better be true because that is some BULL. poo poo.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Katya is just such a gem. I want to be her best friend immediately and I'm doing the most rooting for her; my only minor beef is that it seems like she's showing up more in the werkroom and confessionals than in the challenges/on the runway. I don't know if it's the edit or if she's getting in her own way, but I want to see her break the gently caress out and it hasn't quite happened yet. C'mon, mom!

Stray, unrelated observation: why isn't Pearl getting dinged for that cadaveresque nose contour? It's so distracting and she doesn't even need it.

Oh yeah, I guess something happened with Max, huh.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

the escape goat posted:

untucked this week was rad, it was SO NICE to see more of Violet just chatting and being personable! her and Pearl are adorable together.
Living for how adorably giddy-relieved they were. That was a great Untucked (it also made me come back around to Kennedy.)

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Bina posted:

Also- I cannot make gifs of Mom crying. It breaks my heart. So I just made one of her happy, and laughing.

Oh, sweetheart. She is wonderful.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

That rumor apparently came from a source that correctly spoiled a bunch of stuff last season, but has been wrong on a couple of key points this season including the Snatch Game outcome.

So there's that at least

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Thank the LAWD mom is safe, that rumor had me entirely too worried that I'd have to break up with this show forever

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

caligulamprey posted:

(unrelated drag note: saw Christeene over the weekend and Goddrat. I was in the front row and I'm pretty sure I have pink eye now)
(Isn't she amazing?

My husband and I went to see her awhile back, and he said "This is fantastic. This is the worst thing I've ever seen. Please, please God, don't let her notice me."

We had a shot at the front row and emphatically did not take it. You're brave. )

spite house fucked around with this message at 09:26 on Apr 22, 2015

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Xibanya posted:

I know she's not too popular here but I love Ginger Minj right down to her bitter catty attitude.
I like her too. She's old-school in her bitter cattiness, she's really good at rising to the occasion, and she can paint for the gods.

She will probably win, but if mom doesn't make top 3 at least I am done. Officially.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

aDecentCupOfTea posted:

I have a question for you guys; out of all the queens you've seen live, who's impressed you most?
Oooh, good question.

My best one isn't a Drag Race girl and never will be -- Squeaky Blonde. She's terrifying and transgressive and sings like an angel and talks like the Devil, and every time I go to see her (which is often, because she lives in my neighborhood) guaranteed I'll be thinking about her performance for days afterward. Her drag daughter Fade-dra Phey is something else too. A good friend of mine knows both of them personally and well, and he says "Those people are dangerous. Like literally, don't ever get in a car with them dangerous." I like that in my drag.

#2 has gotta be Christeene Vale, who genuinely thinks she's a princess.

As for Drag Race girls, Raven is always wonderful even though she's soused half the time. Detox must be seen live to be believed, and is a genuine sweetheart. And I was completely unprepared for how supernaturally beautiful Jinkx Monsoon is in person. She's funny and nice and charismatic as hell, all expected per her season, but mostly she'll just eat your eyes up. Also she's enormous, and smells great.

spite house fucked around with this message at 22:32 on Apr 24, 2015

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

caligulamprey posted:

One day Raven's gonna roll through Portland and I'm gonna tell her we grew up in the same shithole town. I'll break out a high school yearbook and we'll burn it together.

...though my family relocated from L.A. to Victorville for work reasons when I was a kid, Raven was born in Victorville. That idea hurts my goddamn head.
Victorville is seriously a standout shithole, and since Raven is from there I do not blame her one second for her blood type being Sauza.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Great episode with another excellent Untucked. Pearl's delivery on "There's no way the bitch isn't lipsyncing tonight" laid me out for some reason.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

This is going to be such a hard decision, goddamn

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Bina posted:

Ran into a couple of queens at Torrid today-

One of them told me they already know who's going to win. I didn't ask.

My question is- Can people know the outcome of the actual crowned queen? Or should I go with my gut feeling, and call bullshit?
Unless this season is radically different from seasons past, it's bullshit. Nobody knows who wins (except Ru and I guess a few producers) until the reunion airs.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

I was all set to be bummed about Trixie leaving again, but she went out in kind of a nasty, petulant way so I'm not too upset and also have probably been manipulated by the edit. Oh well, that's what we sign up for with this show.

I legitimately like everyone who's left. This is going to get painful.

Legislacerator posted:

-Pearl is a drop dead gorgeous man and I regret being born a woman.
I haven't been feeling the hype about boy Pearl being so fine -- he's too transparent and wispy for my taste -- but with facial hair, hot drat. Not bad at all.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

I have no idea what Ru is thinking. Is he so over this show that he's basically shooting flaming arrows at the funeral barge? That's the only explanation that makes sense.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

CaptainScraps posted:

Who am I going to cheer for now?
Stuck on this question myself. Violet's perpetual cunty sideeye I guess?

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Watched it again because apparently I'm a goddamn masochist, and the really hosed-up thing is that Katya's lipsync was objectively so much better. More accurate, more song-appropriate -- she loving killed it.

So yeah, pretty much the worst thing ever to happen ever.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009


If someone would be willing to make an avatar size of Katya last week in the half/half drag I'd be forever grateful ::3:
Not ideal, but it's something.

Also, have my favorite Katya thing and maybe favorite lipsync ever. :nws: :nws:

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

DapperDinosaur posted:

I feel like the biggest problems this season have been the extremely obvious producer interference (Trixie, Max and Katya eliminations and Ginger's continued success) and the focus on the goddamn acting/scripted challenges.
The challenges just straight-up did not suit this slate of contestants AT ALL. I imagine that the production intentionally went after look queens this season after crowning quirky character girls three seasons in a row, but if you do get a bunch of look queens -- and good ones, it's hard to beat Violet and Fame on that front -- why the hell would you then march them through goofy performance challenge after goofy performance challenge?

I think this season would have been pretty fun with s3-style assignments. Instead we got a clumsy, tone-deaf debacle.

Once again I am ANGRY about reality television

BarbarousBertha posted:

The Bering Not so Straight

spite house
Apr 28, 2009


spite house fucked around with this message at 10:49 on May 15, 2015

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Per her AMA, Katya says her favorite novel is "The Master and Margarita".

1. She fuckin would. 2. That may be the best novel ever and it is a beast to get through, for anyone following along the Penguin translation is probably your best bet 3. oh my god her favorite book is "The Master and Margarita".

She deserves our adoration down to the ground.

spite house fucked around with this message at 15:56 on May 15, 2015

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

PostsYouCanDanceTo posted:

holy poo poo this book sounds amazing
It really, really is. It features the most dapper and charismatic Devil outside of Milton and a giant talking cowboy cat, what more do you want?

CaptainScraps posted:

Yup. Rewards going out already. DJ pastabody and I are trying to coordinate our arbys date.
If you leave me out of this I swear to God

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Have we started getting our surely-to-be-dashed hopes up about who we want to see on s8 yet, absent All-Stars with Katya and Alaska destroying everything in sight?

Reddit likes Kim Chi, who is pretty goddamn exemplary, but my vote's with Evah Destruction. Please. PLEASE, drag gods.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Dr. Video Games 0097 posted:

Evah Destruction is a force of nature, every performance she does is just phenomenal. Her "We Both Reached For The Gun" is great, and this is a better version of That Laughing Track.
My God she is just killingly good, isn't she? Here she is kinda owning The Winnah, just to tie it all in.


Kim Chi is auditioning, and as far as I know, Evah has been auditioning too.
I heard that this go-round is the first time Kim's auditioned. Don't know about Evah. But seriously.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Met Willam (and Warner!) today. Captain Scraps called picture-posting privs, so stay tuned.

Willam is such a nice man. Excellent at putting folks at ease, generous and engaged. I was out my drat mind on industrial-strength painkillers and probably came off dumb and surly as all hell, and he was still just so sweet -- despite being in the middle of a work-marathon that was exhausting just to hear about. Yes, meet your heroes if they are Willam.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Capsaicin posted:

but tell us more about warner
Warner silvered in slobbering at Sochi, and pulled a bronze in shedding. He is also a Very Good Boy. Lovely manners.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

CaptainScraps posted:

Pastabody (his PA) was there too. Total sweetheart, very quiet.
afaict Pastabody's job is taking care of Willam, being extremely pretty and cleaning up St Bernard drool, and he is great at all these things. When it works, it works.

(I'm the snarly-lookin bitch in black on Scraps' left in the picture there. God, what a great day.)

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Chad Sell! Yeah, he's the jam. If you're not reading his blog you're srs missing out.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

CaptainScraps posted:

I'm not going to lie, he started to talk about drag race with me and I kind of stopped him and told him that I didn't want to talk about TV with someone who travels around the world and sees the craziest sort of poo poo for a living. He seemed very pleased with that.
He was VERY relieved at not having to talk about a game show. VERY. Was, however, p indignant about how poorly said game show has treated its folks. His conversation with Violet, as recounted by him to us, was heartbreaking.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Are y'all seriously not talking about the s8 roster?


Bob should just win.

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Shangela is on tonight's episode of the new-look X-Files, which has been a snooze so far but tonight was good. One Of The Funny Ones, predictably given Shangela.

spite house fucked around with this message at 06:46 on Feb 6, 2016

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Cyn-tia is great. She has the telenovela thing absolutely dialed, she's funny and winsome, and that mug, Jesus.

I also like Laila McQueen's herd of lesbians and shy hilarity (it took me a couple of viewings to catch on, but bitch is a lowkey riot.) I hope she doesn't choke.

graynull posted:

Also Dax strikes me as oddly passable without being excessively fishy. I feel like I know or have seen women who look and act and sound like her (and were actually women).

I was trying so hard to figure out who she reminded me of, thinking of celebrities, like ya do, and drawing a blank. Turns out I fuckin know her. Not *her* her obviously, and a biological woman, and an ex-girlfriend of one of my best friends, but she's Dax down to the ground. Look, speech patterns, expressions, the whole nine. Crazy. I like her too. (Dax, and my friend's ex.)

spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Illuen posted:

I know a lot of fans don't like her, but I'd say Ginger Minj. Didn't it come out that despite her protestations that she couldn't sew or dance she was a costume designer and choreographer? She was just about one of the most well rounded Queens we've had on the show, and I honestly believe that if it wasn't for the fact that a large portion of the fandom disliked her so heavily, she was meant to be the first "Big Girl" winner.
A little bird told me that this is absolutely, objectively, irl true. She would've had it in the bag if not for her disgraceful showing on Untucked.


spite house
Apr 28, 2009

Supertrailer's here!

I think they're setting Derrick up as the goat.

I think Acid Betty sticks around longer than I would've expected given her MTQ.

I think both Cyn-tia and Laila are not long for this world. :(

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