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  • Locked thread
Sep 10, 2013


Super Godzilla is a game where you "control" a person "controlling" a "controller" that "controls" Godzilla. sometimes
I really recommend you try the game yourself at least a little bit at first on your own, but don't look at a FAQ.
It's really weird

Also the music is bad, like incredibly bad, like pushing the outer limits of the SNES soundchip's ability to make fart trumpets.

(inside spoiler tags below)

So know that you completely understand Super Godzilla, what is this business about it being the

Well as discussed above, the sounds and music in this game are a hot mess, so I've taken it upon myself to do some very slight improvement and restoration.
If you've never played the game before you might not even notice! I also have added a few minor changes here and there to visuals, to help improve on some of the small issues, and add a little bit to the experience.


Every so often, I will post an e-mail address with a very basic description of something for you at home to send in if you'd like, they'll be very small things, such as a 3-7 second video for example.
:siren::siren::siren::siren:These assignments are top secret do not tell anyone what your mission was:siren::siren::siren::siren:

TieTuesday fucked around with this message at 05:17 on Oct 9, 2015


Sep 10, 2013

Reserved for announcements and poo poo or whatever

TieTuesday fucked around with this message at 05:53 on Aug 26, 2015

Lynx Winters
May 1, 2003

Borderlawns: The Treehouse of Pandora
loving hell yes

Jul 9, 2012

I look forward to seeing game mechanics explained in further detail.

Mar 17, 2011
I saw this on Twitter and I have no loving clue what's happening so starred and rated 5.

Feb 14, 2013

I'm sure it'll go away
I would like to buy 10 special editions, please ship directly to my SNES

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

Sure, why not.

Aug 14, 2013

Bears from Space
I never would have assumed the sound was changed if you hadn't told us. It feels like a proper SNES Godzilla game.

Jun 3, 2013

The musical fruit
The more you eat
The more you hoot

Awesome! When does Gamera show up?

Feb 17, 2014

A happy chappy

Man, Gidorah's head got mad ups

Combat Lobster
Feb 18, 2013

Neurion posted:

Awesome! When does Gamera show up?

When there are children to save.

I've only played this game for a little bit before going, "gently caress this!" but I wished there was an option to do this.

Also, I'm rating this thread 5 right now for using the Samurai Champloo OST. :hfive:

Combat Lobster fucked around with this message at 15:17 on Apr 11, 2015

Sep 10, 2013


Combat Lobster posted:

I've only played this game for a little bit before going, "gently caress this!" but I wished there was an option to do this.

The pixel artist for the SNES had a terrible fear of drawing the bottom of Godzilla's feet or else this would have definitely been added.

Oct 9, 2012

Jokatgulm is tedium.
Jokatgulm is pain.
Jokatgulm is suffering.

So is this the spiritual predeccessor to Robot Alchemic Drive?

Dirty Deeds Done
Apr 8, 2009

Godzilla is the strongest, thus this thread is the strongest, rated 5.

Dec 9, 2009

Sweet tricks, mom.
Hey Tie, re: Japanomonstercentrism, the idea that Japan is always the only/first nation to be attacked by powerful forces beyond anyone's control is actually an important element of the Kaiju genre. It hearkens back to the idea born in the Meiji Revolution that Japan is a special nation state with a special destiny, which was used in the early- to mid-1900s to justify the nation's expansionist policies (and ultimately the many assassinations and massacres committed in search of empire). The joke of the whole thing, if anyone's laughing, is that this "special destiny" only brought the Japanese people devastation and ruin, be it from a giant lizard, three headed hydra, or an American atomic bomb

anyway video games are art and this one is most certainly art

Jan 2, 2014
I'm waiting for JET JAGUAR.

Mar 20, 2014
Regarding Godzilla as a hero, it was mostly dependent on who he was fighting any given movie. When pitted against monsters like King Ghidorah, Hedorah, Biollante, and the MUTO, he was an anti-hero while being the villain when pitted against monster like Mothra and King Kong though one movie did have Godzilla as the villain while Ghidorah was one of the heroes.

Dec 12, 2008

Quick to Anger

FlapWrap posted:

Man, Gidorah's head got mad ups

Again, that event wasn't scripted.

What you're seeing is the central puppeteer triggering the escape system and storming off the set.

Sep 8, 2011

I'm so depressed, I can't even blink.
I'm looking at the Godzilla wiki and it is apparently canon that Godzilla's mother is named Mazilla and his father is Pazilla.

Jan 6, 2011

With our special guest star, RUSH! YAYYYYYYYYY

Aw, this doesn't include the lyrics. Let's fix that, so we can all YAHMMMAAHOAAHOAAAUGH! together:

Mar 20, 2014
Fun fact: In Godzilla Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, the move that made Ghidorah a hero while Godzilla was a villain, Ghidorah is actually said to be underdeveloped Yamata no Orochi who was awakened from hibernation before it could grow all eight of its heads.

V Edit: Baragon was the third guardian in that movie.

Chimera-gui fucked around with this message at 18:58 on Apr 11, 2015

Aug 30, 2012

So the mystic script says.

Chimera-gui posted:

Fun fact: In Godzilla Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, the move that made Ghidorah a hero while Godzilla was a villain, Ghidorah is actually said to be underdeveloped Yamata no Orochi who was awakened from hibernation before it could grow all eight of its heads.
It was actually a super-cool loving awesome movie that was purely a What-If, that basically Godzilla was a beast that became possessed by all the souls of the dead from WWII's Pacific Theatre culminating in one violent ball of hatred, to destroy Japan in vengeance for the war. Mothra, Ghidorah as well as one other I forget (Baragon maybe?) are the heroes who must try to destroy Godzilla and his possessed evil incarnate.
It was, totes great and I definitely recommend anyone to watch it as my personal favourite of the Godzilla series :allears:

\/ Edit: you can really go no wrong picking one movie unless it's UNIVERSALLY called terrible, I wasn't a Godzilla fan at all until like a year ago, then my boyfriend who's a SUPER-BIG Kaiju addict made me watch whatever movie he was able to find on Youtube and slowly I got into them. Now I'm a full-on kaiju addict too, and I've even gotten into Gamera stuff despite being a completely different studio.

Not Ultraman though, can't really get into him at all but he's not Godzilla so I don't care.

FinalGamer fucked around with this message at 18:34 on Apr 11, 2015

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??
Godzilla is one of those things I kind of always wanted to get into, but there's just so MUCH of it that it seemed like I'd have to spend half my life just to get started.

With that said, I can respect almost anything involving giant monsters fighting each other.

e: I feel the same way about Jojo, since that's kinda relevant too.

Danaru fucked around with this message at 18:48 on Apr 11, 2015

Tin Tim
Jun 4, 2012

Live by the pun - Die by the pun

That's some good zilla you got there, Tie

Smash Daisaku
Jul 12, 2008

Last Bet $15 on Player 1
Odds 807.1:1 ($1)
When will we see Godzuki?

Section Z
Oct 1, 2008

Wait, this is the Moon.
How did I even get here?

This is the best possible way to experience Super Godzilla.

I know it's not one of the better ones, but Godzilla Vs. Megalon is basically a lever you pull for instant nostalgia to me because it was the very first Godzilla movie I ever saw, at grandma's house, while playing with a proper "All the lions combine" Voltron.

a cartoon duck
Sep 5, 2011

Good to see you're properly emphasising Godzilla's hip-hop samurai influences.

Oct 9, 2007

CHK Instruction

TieTuesday posted:

Also the music is bad, like incredibly bad, like pushing the outer limits of the SNES soundchip's ability to make fart trumpets.

I started playing that before beginning to read the thread, and about a minute in began wondering why I suddenly felt bad, then realizing that horrible monstrosity was still blasting away in the background.

Rated five.

Feb 17, 2014

A happy chappy

A_Raving_Loon posted:

Again, that event wasn't scripted.

What you're seeing is the central puppeteer triggering the escape system and storming off the set.

I'm glad Tie brought you in, your expert knowledge on the inner workings of Godzilla will greatly educate us all

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty
:krakken: As a real Kaiju EXPERT* there is so much here that I could talk about, but I won't bore you much. However, it should be noted that this game was made in the middle of the Heisei era of films (the second cycle of Godzilla movies. The first was the Showa. Both named after the emperors of Japan at the time) and I have a personal theory that this game was intended to be an adaptation of the film that would eventually go through many changes and become Godzilla vs Space Godzilla. That film features the good guys attempting to use an implant and control the Big G like in this game, but the final boss in the game is someone completely different that was almost used but scrapped last second to the point where Toho actually has his suit on display at the studio. Space Godzilla does not appear in the game. Also, in many ways, the earlier stages of the game borrow heavily from the Heisei era, with who they choose to have fight Goji, and certain plot contrivances. The spaceship that picks up King Ghidorah is not used by aliens in the film, but time travelers. What they do with the monster's body I'll save for later. Also, if you play the Japanese version of the game, the next boss is mostly very different :ssh:

*These claims made by Choco's 8 year old son, and are not meant to reflect any official documentation.

Aug 2, 2009

Combat Lobster posted:

I've only played this game for a little bit before going, "gently caress this!" but I wished there was an option to do this.

Edit: Used to play this game as a kid, but I never got around to beating it. The fights get really luck based later on. I think I only got to level 4/5 before I stopped.

RickDaedalus fucked around with this message at 22:26 on Apr 11, 2015

Jun 5, 2012

何 ??

Combat Lobster posted:

I've only played this game for a little bit before going, "gently caress this!" but I wished there was an option to do this.

:allears: :allears: :allears:

Feb 22, 2013

I fell in love with a Video Nasty

RickDaedalus posted:

Edit: Used to play this game as a kid, but I never got around to beating it. The fights get really luck based later on. I think I only got to level 4/5 before I stopped.

Flash Fact: Director of Godzilla vs Hedorah, Yoshimitsu Banno, got blacklisted from directing in Japan because of this scene. Apparently up until this point, the executive producer of the series through all the first two cycles, Tomoyuki Tanaka, would often oversee the films with an iron fist, making rather draconian decisions regarding what could and couldn't be done in a Godzilla film (including how many toes they could put on his costume. really.) and Tanaka ended up in the hospital mid-way through making this one, so Banno said he could handle things. When Tanaka got out and watched the film, including the "flying" scene, he said "You've ruined my Godzilla." What's odd is for decades Banno continued to try to make a new Godzilla film with his own money, and never getting anywhere. I think these efforts had a hand in the recent American Godzilla film, which at least explains why he gets a producer credit on the film.

Feb 17, 2014

A happy chappy

Just because you can destroy Tokyo doesn't mean you can do the same for physics Godzilla

Sep 10, 2013


Vicas posted:


Choco1980 posted:

THE GOOD poo poo

Whoa, really awesome discussion so far, didn't expect such a good response.

OK so for thread submission #1 I will be needing a 3-5 second video clip (should require 0 editing)
E-mail me at TieTuesdaySA via gmail for more information if you'd like to get involved for a future episode.

Dec 12, 2008

Quick to Anger

FlapWrap posted:

Just because you can destroy Tokyo doesn't mean you can do the same for physics Godzilla

You would think this, and be wrong.

Sep 11, 2007

Godzilla is a franchise I find fascinating, but I never really got into it because I never know when to start. I do like looking at descrpictions of all the various monsters and such though.

Also, good lord that original soundtrack. Were they using Otamatones or something?

Dec 12, 2008

Quick to Anger
Start with anything just called Godzilla, attach at most a number.

Sep 10, 2013


A_Raving_Loon posted:

Start with anything just called Godzilla, attach at most a number.

Godzilla 2000 is basically the best because it fulfills this criteria and also the number is the biggest making him the fastest godzilla.


Feb 7, 2012

Taking the term "Koopaling" to a whole new level since 2016.
Holy crap, this is amazing. I've played this game before, but you've already gone further than I ever did.

I also approve of the duck sirens.

  • Locked thread