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Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Carteret posted:

So if you weren't in the know, the first 4 episodes have been leaked. They are easily available if you look online!

I have no self control and watched all of them already. The end of episode 4 is preeeetty great.

ya 300mb poo poo quality versions


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
Sansha gunna shank a Bolton.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
he is the king the kingdom deserves for sure

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Mr. Nice! posted:

She's going to marry Hizdar, he's going to try to kill her, and she's going to flee on Drogon's back and go poo poo herself silly while covered in moon blood in the grasslands.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
Nearly all the women in the show are hot but Natalie just has something that gives her an edge over them all, and she has some weird tits.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Anita Dickinme posted:

Where is Bran? :mad:

he is busy being a tree

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
He boned her at least once to make the shadow thing.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
no no sir. it takes KINGS BLOOD/SEED to make special poo poo like that!

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
stanis is that rear end in a top hat who does every loving thing by the book and cannot accept anyone who does not do the same

dude would be modern day ISIS

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
I'm kinda glad there has been no north of the wall poo poo and they used the real sansa for the marriage. I really hope she gets married and murders ramsay in coitus then flays his father alive.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
Dwarf cocks are magic.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
it's not rape its just a regular old style wedding night

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

holocaust bloopers posted:

So what are the odds that everything backfires on Cersei?!

if everything goes right, she gets convicted by the holy court of smelly dudes and has to take a naked walk of shame back to the castle

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

holocaust bloopers posted:

Can we all agree everything in Dorne, and involving the Martells, is just outright boring?

That bitch was supposed to get her ear cut off. Would have made it a little better.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
the opening of residue has ramsay wearing a tiny party hat :lol:

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
well he certainly cured one thing about her


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

something i can get behind

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
quality tits. just be sure to remove the . in the link

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
well there has been a shot of her walking around with a bunch of mud on her so thats how they cover them.

also im kinda glad they didnt have the red woman MAGICALLY SAVE manse by making him switch faces with the lord of bones

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Kung Fu Fist gently caress posted:

i mean get the gently caress out that shes 18, she looks 12

makeup & costume

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

does not look 12

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Booblord Zagats posted:

Still looks like a High School Freshman, so nah dude. Nah

I said not 12, not that she doesn't look very young.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
stannis was a douche before. now hes a douche who torched his own daughter.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

MassivelyBuckNegro posted:

Jon Snow is the one story that doesn't suck.


until he gets news that stannis failed and was killed and he trys to take the nights watch to recover winterfell...and gets murdered for it

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

loving :lol:

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
the nights watch is a giant bunch of baby morons

all those dudes they saved they don't have to fight and are more men to guard the wall with

but nope jon has to die because gently caress you


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
lena headey has way better boobs than i thought she would

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Mr. Nice! posted:

Those weren't hers. She had to have a body double for that scene because she was pregnant during filming.

oh wow. some nice cg head placement then

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
I'm only mad that Stannis didn't get flayed.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
this season had one thing that owned

no bran


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
things i do not miss from the 90s

all of those god drat BIG JOHNSON shirts

i swear to god every enlisted motherfucker had like 8 of them

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