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Oct 9, 2012

What is Dragon Age 2?

Dragon Age II is an action role-playing video game developed by BioWare, and published by Electronic Arts. It is the second major game in the Dragon Age franchise. It is also known for repeatly using the same map for many different places.

How is this gonna work?

This is gonna be a VLP of the main game and all DLC. The thread Is gonna get to vote on the bigger things in the game when we get to them. I'm gonna try and update every other week but no promises about being on time.

Hasn't this been tried before?

Yes it has; by PoptartsNinja, Shadow Isaac, and Gharbad the Weak (Archives needed to view). Three brave souls that were unable to finish their works because they had better things to do.

What about spoilers?

You should know not to spoil thing until we've gotten to them in the LP, but if you can't hold back put spoiler tags so the people that don't want to see it can skip over it. Companions are fair game as we will be getting most of them early on. Don't care anymore.


Bonus 1: Secret Boss Fight In Full

Bonus 2: Class changing to Mage and it's effects

Garbonix fucked around with this message at 20:08 on Aug 29, 2016


Oct 5, 2011

Question... are we loading in with a Warden?

Waltzing Along
Jun 14, 2008

There's only one
Human race
Many faces
Everybody belongs here
Are you really trying to do this as a serious LP?

man nurse
Feb 18, 2014

This is bad.

Judge Tesla
Oct 29, 2011

Will the Dragon Age 2 curse also bring down this LP, stay tuned to find out!

Dec 2, 2008

The glow is a guide, my friend. Though it falls to you to avert catastrophe, you will never fight alone.
I hope the curse hits this one early. No offense... but I cannot see you maintaining this, especially in video format or in a serious tone.

Golden Goat
Aug 2, 2012

Looking forward to see how this game shits itself around every corner.

E: Ignore the "Curse" talk. The other LPs failed cause the LPers ran out of steam to make fun of the game anymore.

Golden Goat fucked around with this message at 12:27 on Apr 28, 2015

Oct 9, 2012

Calax posted:

Question... are we loading in with a Warden?

No we are not. I just couldn't get into Origins enough to beat it. Maybe on of these days.

Waltzing Along posted:

Are you really trying to do this as a serious LP?

Kind-of, more so for about the first about hour because the game sets everything up for setting and all before allowing you to be let free of the straight script.

Oct 21, 2010

I'm going against the grain and say that I think Dragon Age 2 is alright. Yeah the reused caves suck and the late game gets really bad, but I grew to understand and even like the characters.

Apr 25, 2011

SgtSteel91 posted:

I'm going against the grain and say that I think Dragon Age 2 is alright. Yeah the reused caves suck and the late game gets really bad, but I grew to understand and even like the characters.

You are one of a very small group in that case. I thought it had its moments, and being a smug shitlord was entertaining, but holy poo poo the lows are really low.

Aug 15, 2004
Watch out for Snakes!
I feel it's important to point out that despite what the OP said, Shadow Isaac at least was not "unable to finish" the lp. They were just unable to finish it here because trying to play this horrible wreck of a game while still maintaining some sanity and good humor got the thread gassed and Shadow Isaac banned (subsequent bans seem to be because Shadow Isaac is a creepy rear end in a top hat?). The LP still got finished though, just on Shadow Isaac`s blog instead of here. I`d suggest people check it out except that none of the pictures load anymore. :(

Waltzing Along
Jun 14, 2008

There's only one
Human race
Many faces
Everybody belongs here
I don't think this is a bad game at all. I don't think it is a good game. I feel it was a rushed game that need an extra year of dev time.

For a LP, I can't see it being enjoyable at all to watch unless it is a humorous one. Doing is seriously will likely be incredibly boring unless the OP is able, on his own, to make things interesting. Dynamism and a wealth of interesting information that the casual viewer wouldn't know could work. But as a straight LP, this is about as bad as you can get for subject matter.

Oct 9, 2012

We've past now what could be called the most polished part of the game.

Oct 5, 2011

I honestly, un-ironically enjoyed this game. Probably because I went into it like 4 years after it had been released and had REALLY low expectations.

Mar 17, 2007

rizzen posted:

You are one of a very small group in that case. I thought it had its moments, and being a smug shitlord was entertaining, but holy poo poo the lows are really low.
I think I'm part of that small group. Well, it certainly has lows and problems and dumb parts but overall I did enjoy it. :shobon:
An example of one thing I liked (minor side quest spoiler that doesn't touch anything plot related):
There's a side quest to play match maker between two people and at the conclusion Hawke's facial expression will differ noticeably depending on if you have flirted with one of them previously or not. I thought that was a nice detail.

But the first game was a lot better.

Oct 9, 2012

Joining me as we explore Kirkwall today is SubponticatePoster, who is currently LPing Dragon Age: Inquisition you should check it out. It's pretty good.

May 15, 2011

I'm gay
in re very small groups:

I think this game is better than the Witcher 1.

Waltzing Along
Jun 14, 2008

There's only one
Human race
Many faces
Everybody belongs here

insanityv2 posted:

in re very small groups:

I think this game is better than the Witcher 1.

Is Witcher 1 that bad?

Digital Jello
Nov 2, 2012

Now I have a machine gun. Ho! Ho! Ho!
I persevered through the consistently reused landscapes and utter lack of music. The real problem I had with this game was the fact that its story lacked any epic-ness whatsoever. From start to finish, it felt more like a giant sidequest than anything (I might expand on this later, as details are fairly spoiler-y). Otherwise, it's certainly not the worst out there.

Oct 5, 2011

You are INCORRECT Mr Player.

If Alister is a Warden, he shows up very late in the game with a group of Wardens who are in the area during some of the various unpleasantness in the game. If He's king he shows up earlier, and if you disgraced him and he ran off before the final battle in DA1, he'd show up at the bar as a drunk.

I think one of the other problems with the game is that you don't get an actual map. You get something heavily stylized, but it doesn't tell you where things are in comparison to each other.

Aug 1, 2014
Soiled Meat

Calax posted:

... if you disgraced him and he ran off before the final battle in DA1, he'd show up at the bar as a drunk.

For a disgraced drunkard, Alistair sure gets around in the world of Thedas.

Dec 14, 2009

Status: Ravenously Rambunctious

Waltzing Along posted:

Is Witcher 1 that bad?

It is badly paced, its translation was lovely, the VA work almost had no direction sometimes, grindy as all hell with lots of forced backtracking, it used an engine not designed for its level of detail and which before a patch could take forever to load new areas upon transition, which you did often. It had fiddly controls, badly balanced gameplay and repetitive sound effects.

I still sort of liked it, mostly since I wanted to know where the story was going and seeing how different choices lead to different outcomes, but I never finished it, while I finished 2 thrice.

hard counter
Jan 2, 2015

drkeiscool posted:

For a disgraced drunkard, Alistair sure gets around in the world of Thedas.

It's like the one time an origins epilogue slide was half-accurate tho- in the slide it says Alistair bails out on a ship to the free marches and after a few years he's probably the local drunk at nearby starkhaven or some such.

Death Zebra
May 14, 2014

evilmiera posted:

[Witcher 1] used an engine not designed for its level of detail and which before a patch could take forever to load new areas upon transition, which you did often.

Wonder if it's why the dice game made my CPU almost overheat.

Back on topic: I played the demo of DA2 and liked it enough to buy DA1. I didn't get DA2 until 2 years later and then hated it. Weird.

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Calax posted:

I think one of the other problems with the game is that you don't get an actual map. You get something heavily stylized, but it doesn't tell you where things are in comparison to each other.

Yeah, exactly this. There's next to no indication that, for instance, half the city of Kirkwall is actually built inside the cliffs that extend around and beyond the harbour, or -- more amazingly -- that parts of the city are build under the water, in order to connect the central prison island with the mainland.

The only indication of this is in the comparison of various views of the city, or one comment by Aveline (I think it's optional too) towards the end of the game's second act.

Otherwise, it's very easy to go through the game assuming that Kirkwall is designed just around a curving bay structure.

Not only didn't they finish building many dungeons, but they never finished building the city itself.

Mar 17, 2007

Open Source Idiom posted:

Yeah, exactly this. There's next to no indication that, for instance, half the city of Kirkwall is actually built inside the cliffs that extend around and beyond the harbour, or -- more amazingly -- that parts of the city are build under the water, in order to connect the central prison island with the mainland.

The only indication of this is in the comparison of various views of the city, or one comment by Aveline (I think it's optional too) towards the end of the game's second act.

Otherwise, it's very easy to go through the game assuming that Kirkwall is designed just around a curving bay structure.

Not only didn't they finish building many dungeons, but they never finished building the city itself.
Wait, what? I had no idea. :stare:

Open Source Idiom
Jan 4, 2013

Poil posted:

Wait, what? I had no idea. :stare:

Yeah, Kirkwall's actually a really interesting city, theoretically. It's just there aren't enough assets for the game to depict the sheer size of the place, and the mini-map does a really shittty job indicating just how far you're travelling, and how you're doing it. Have a look:

1. Lowtown. Rather than just being a lower area of the city, it's also a completely separate island around which the waters of the city bend. I'd love to think that it's named not just because it's physically (and metaphorically) lower than the rest of the city, but because the area is more likely to be victim to flooding. Either way, it'd probably stink to high heaven, which explains why none of the nobles would be seen dead there.

2. Darktown. You can see from the map that parts of it are built onto the cliff walls, but wandering around the place itself you're entirely underground. If you stand next to the clinic, you can see one of the statues, so presumably a vast part of Darktown is built into the cliff walls itself, hence the name.

Notably, Darktown has no night / day cycle so if you look outside, its still daylight.

3. The Gallows. It's difficult to tell, because the perspective on the map is kinda funky here, but this isn't just meant to be a symbolic structure. It's a completely separate island in the middle of the estuary, and the furthest point from Kirkwall proper. It's used as a customs and immigration centre, and it houses the mages away from the rest of the city. I think it's probably also where they control the chains and therefore the flow of traffic in and out of the bay, since it's also the Templar base and all.

The only way on or off the island seems to be via boat, which explains both why the Templar leader isn't up in the Vicount's grill all the time, and why you have to fight your way to the Docks in the final act, in order to get to the Gallows, instead of just walking there by foot.

Check out this concept art for what I mean:

Yeah, the concept art doesn't match up with the art that well, but you can see what they were going for. The island on the left is the Gallows, Hightown is on top of those cliffs, and the docks the party is always visiting is between the statues on the left hand cliff face, and the red glow you can see to the right, obscured by the right statue's legs, are the lights of Lowtown.

Regarding the underwater tunnels, they're a bit harder to prove, but you can access one of them from the Docks, and when you get ambushed by Qunari towards the end of Act 2, you get ambushed when you're travelling in another one of these, when you're travelling from Hightown to the Docks. Plus, it makes sense that, in a city this size, you'd have to have faster ways to travel from place to place, and Kirkwall doesn't look like it has any bridges.

Open Source Idiom fucked around with this message at 10:09 on May 13, 2015

Oct 9, 2012

SubponticatePoster is still with me as we go on to get our most :black101: companion, Fenris.

Fenris is an escaped slave of Tevinter who had some pretty sweet magic tattoos put on him. Being as he escaped and not freed it means he is hunted by his former master...shouldn't be any more trouble then any of our other companions we get.

Oct 9, 2012

Helping out cleaning up the city and the problems Aveline has dug up.

Oct 11, 2012

Cheating at a raffle? I sentence you to 1 year in jail! No! Two years! Three! Four! Five years! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Somebody call for an ant?

You know, I would have thought the mage hater would have had more to say about the quest heavily involving people illegally helping mages. I mean sure, it was a side quest, but still.

Oct 9, 2012

Today we get Anders a former Grey Warden Mage that is possessed by a spirit. He says everything is ok and that it isn't a demon, but spirits and demons in the Dragon Age universe are one and the same.

Oct 21, 2010

Oh boy, Anders! Nice to see him running a free health clinic for the refugees. You certainly don't see any Chantry folk there trying to help.

Something interesting you can do in the fight with the Templars when Justice 'takes over' (maybe spoilers) is to loot one of the dead Templars before the fight ends. Doing so nets you a letter from a Templar named Ser Alrik threatening a Templar apparently having a crisis of conscience over making Karl a tranquil; which since he has passed his Harrowing is technically illegal. This isn't the first or the last time the Rite of Tranquility is going to be illegally used.

SgtSteel91 fucked around with this message at 08:44 on May 27, 2015

Oct 11, 2012

Cheating at a raffle? I sentence you to 1 year in jail! No! Two years! Three! Four! Five years! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!
Somebody call for an ant?

Man, Anders sure got angry since awakening. He was a light hearted goofball back then. Back before the wardens took Ser Pounce-A-Lot away from him and doomed kirkwall.
Looks like justice handled being in a dead body than a live one too. Poor guy seems brain damaged.

FoolyCharged fucked around with this message at 03:38 on May 28, 2015

Oct 21, 2010

FoolyCharged posted:

Man, Anders sure got angry since awakening. He was a light hearted goofball back then. Back before the wardens took Ser Pounce-A-Lot away from him and doomed kirkwall.
Looks like justice handled being in a dead body than a live one too. Poor guy seems brain damaged.

I'd argue Anders was always angry but he hide it with humor.

Oct 29, 2011

I'm as confused as you are.
Is it just me or do the angry responses make Hawke sound like she has mood swings?
:confused: "So you have a spirit in your head? ...Don't waste my time talking about the spirit in your head; just give me the maps!" :argh:

Jun 23, 2011
It's not just you. The dialogue doesn't really flow if you pick side choices (which probe for more info usually) unless you follow them up with the nice guy options. The Whedonesque snark options and romance things are just as bad as the rage stuff. It got mentioned in the video.

On the other hand it's usually not as bad if you never touch the left side of the wheel, the game locks you into a personality type and makes your Hawke bitchy automatically, which is nice, if underutilized. I can only think of a couple times for sure it comes up.

May 28, 2015

Ain't Misbehavin'
The companion approval system in DA II is pretty goofy, and I love it. Generally, it doesn't matter how much a companion likes or dislikes what you do as long as they end up really approving or disapproving of you entirely at some point, and by then it definitely doesn't matter how they feel because they're locked into an opinion of you.

Oct 5, 2011

The Manhandler posted:

The companion approval system in DA II is pretty goofy, and I love it. Generally, it doesn't matter how much a companion likes or dislikes what you do as long as they end up really approving or disapproving of you entirely at some point, and by then it definitely doesn't matter how they feel because they're locked into an opinion of you.

I think it's less that they're approving or disproving of you but rather if your friendship is cordial or constantly trying to prove who's better.

Don't most of the characters issues only get resolved if you're a rival with them? because you force them to deal with poo poo instead of just patting them on the back and walking away

Oct 21, 2010

Calax posted:

I think it's less that they're approving or disproving of you but rather if your friendship is cordial or constantly trying to prove who's better.

Don't most of the characters issues only get resolved if you're a rival with them? because you force them to deal with poo poo instead of just patting them on the back and walking away

Their issues get resolved in either path, but they may come to different conclusions if your were supportive or not. And it changes little come Inquisition.

SgtSteel91 fucked around with this message at 00:33 on May 30, 2015


May 28, 2015

Ain't Misbehavin'

Calax posted:

I think it's less that they're approving or disproving of you but rather if your friendship is cordial or constantly trying to prove who's better.

That's right, in that, as a rival, they disprove of your actions or how you conduct yourself due to a difference of opinion. Although, since some of the characters were written with some really strong opinions, it's strange that they would stick around at all with some of the things you can make Hawke say.

I mean, the only way you can cut Fenris from your party before the endgame decides for you is to outright sell him back into slavery, even if you openly supported slavery in dialogue options during his companion mission in Act 2

In DA: Origins companions leave because they lose faith in you/outright can't stand you, even despite the whole "Archdemon imminently approaching with goblin hordes intent on setting the world ablaze" thing. You'd think if people would leave even with that in mind, what's the point of sticking with Hawke if they act like a total rear end in a top hat. Sure, Kirkwall has no end of problems, but it's no Blight.

It's like, once you accept them to the party, they're all chained to him/her by nigh inescapable plot points of varying significance to the story as a whole.

Ragthyme fucked around with this message at 02:52 on May 30, 2015

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