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Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

China has the right idea with having a cap on how many kids people can have. You don't really need to have more then 2-3 kids unless you're running some sort of eugenics breeding program and/or pedophile fertility cult.


Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

wisdomHNOX posted:

I know I should be appalled at people supporting this family and their rapist sun but I can't help but laugh at loving Christian side hugs.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

skaboomizzy posted:

TLC producers should've added some more original music to the show

also this:

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Top City Homo posted:

i have murdered and dismembered a hobo and diddled my toddler child and you have dishonored your family by buggering a twink in the bathroom stall

we are all sinners

and equal before the lord

but you deserve to be stoned to death and JAYZUS told me that he forgives me

god bles

I've cheated on my wife with venal harlots but God forgave me!

I've tormented my children and viciously beaten my wife but God forgave me!

I've gotten dead drunk every day for weeks on end but God forgave me!

I've stolen and cheated and lied but God forgave me!

and I will continue to steal and fornicate and lie and beat my wife because God will forgive me!

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Jim Bob is basically a real life version of Walder Frey only somehow less pleasant.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

etalian posted:

the closest real world thing you can get from the creepy inbred Frey family in Game of Thrones.

Dibs on killing three of Jim Bob's sons and serving them to him in pies.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Edit: ^^^ :argh:

Stands for All Day I Dream About Sports. Or Sex, if you asked Korn.

It actually short for "Adolf Dassler" who founded the company and was really really into Nazism. His brother Rudolf, who was also big on Nazism, founded Puma.

Neither of them diddled kids though. As far as I know.

Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

There is no god but Mammon and Reagan is his prophet.

*beheads the working class*


Apr 12, 2010

Shooting and Fucking
are the same thing!

James Robert Duggar.

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