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Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse
Naaaw, you're making GBS threads me. some fucker in a family of wackos turns out to be a wacko...really?

Whoever didn't see that coming should be beaten with a lead pipe


Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

eric posted:

I wonder if they feel the same way about urban teen murderers?

I wouldn't want to be judged on what I did as a teen either, but i wasn't molesting my sister.
When it came to puberty and sex my mother gave me a book on it and my dad gave me a porno with the advice "you'll figure it out".

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

XMNN posted:

im gonna leave em with huckabee and jim bob obv because the atheist might teach them about (actual) communism and (that) homosexuality (is a natural thing and not the evil of satan)

happyhippy posted:

Huckabee's FB page is in damage control mode.
They cant delete the posts so are commenting and liking on well wisher ones so they replace the recent most posts.

Who knew a vagina fondling years ago would have killed a presidential nomination.

Never gets old how the religious party has all the immoral scandals come out

Casimir Radon posted:

Apparently god has forgiven JOsh. Whoever has the "God" Facebook account needs to go in there and be all "Who says I've forgiven him? That guy is a total oval office."

You know the only way either of them is gonna get hosed is by raping or paying for it. they've got plenty of money to pay, so it'll likely be rape

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 17:47 on May 25, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Top City Homo posted:

i never knew exactly how bad the fundie problem is in the US

i mean i know there are hardcore christians in the sense they follow the complete opposite of the moral teachings the bible has but i didn't know that there is literally a fascist theocratic undercurrent in the US that actively teaches children to be drones

what is the percentage of this Jack Chick like cult activity that consists of christianity?

Are you kidding? This is the country that has a creation museum and a state governor that wanted to fund a theme park featuring a full size replica of Noah's Ark including the animals.
This is the country that deems it perfectly legal to picket outside abortion doctor offices and berate already upset women that go there.
This is the same country that put restrictions on stem cells because they "destroy babies".
This is the same country where morons can get voted into the highest office in the world and shout about god commanding them to wipe out whatever nation/people are the latest in the hate list and NOT be tossed for it.
this is the same country where people exist that want to rewrite their own religious book to suit their desires because there's too much "liberal bias", also the same excuse for starting a conservative version of wikipedia

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 18:10 on May 25, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Confounding Factor posted:

Yes I think the Duggars are weird, creepy, tacky and kitschy. I just find progressive sanctimony on this issue particularly nauseating. The same reason I don't like the Roman Catholics much but find the leftist obsession with priestly abuse (as opposed to say, sexual abuse in the entertainment industry) vomit-inducing.

drat that librul media! :argh:

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Confounding Factor posted:

I find sanctimony in general very irritating. This means lots of religious conservatives rub me the wrong way, too. It's just with the religious right, that's kind of the point, whereas you'd think leftists would show a little more worldly sophistication. Instead, they're often the most pompous and self-righteous of all, viz. UVA rape hoax, Trayvon, global warming mania, etc etc.

Yeah, that tends to happen after the other side berates them for decades about morals, god, and goodness only to be some of the lowest scum out there

But no, it's that damned liebrul media :argh:

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

PT6A posted:

"We're all sinners..."

Let he who hasn't finger-banged his underage sister cast the first stone, etc., etc.

I'd keep an eye on that guy, he sounds like a loving nonce.

If anything that excuse sounds vaguely familiar to the old "if god doesn't exist there's nothing to stop me from killing people" bullshit

"Well guys, we're all sinners, so lets go a rapin' and a murdrin' because we're sinners and will be forgiven"

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Nah, more like the elephant squeezing under the hurdle

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Pook Good Mook posted:

The hosed up thing about Conservatives'/Christian zealots' persecution complexes is they don't realize that in reality the hurdle (though they're drawing a high jump?) is the same height for everyone. Christians pretend they jump 10 feet higher than that hurdle and when some of their number only manage to get 2 inches off the ground of course we point it out. They're the ones who've spent the last few decades criticizing how high the rest of us jump.

Well, not just that, but the the very people that set that hurdle and bitched that's the hurtle height are the ones that fail to get over it. It's not just some of their number, but the very mouthpieces that bitch and set the rules.
In this case it was the uber christian morals/abstinence/bible learning that tumbled over the same hurdle they set and continued to set for 12 years after

21st Cherry boy posted:

I mentioned this to my mom and she said they shouldn't have cancelled the show, which made me a bit... concerned. But then she said that since those people are such idiots TLC should have kept their show on, with the requirement that Josh and all the victims get heavy therapy and have the show talk about hotlines and resources for victims to come forward. Since obviously now none of them are going to get treatment and they're just gonna double down on the crazy.

Dude, this show fired a gay guy because it would upset the Duggars, they wouldn't do any of that therapy/conditions bullshit either

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

PT6A posted:

It creeps me out how all these people say poo poo like, "well, everyone would (be gay/molest children/kill people) if God weren't here to say no! We all have to fight the temptation!"

Well, no, we don't. If you're tempted to have sex with someone of your own gender, you're gay. If you're tempted to molest a child, you're a loving disgusting piece of poo poo pedophile, and if you're tempted to kill people, you're a psychopath. Normal people aren't tempted to gently caress children, you creepy bastards!

Well, we've already seen the Christian excuse "God forgives me", which is basically the same thing as "If god didn't exist, people would X"

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Ways back, and i haven't checked the thread in a few days...buuuuuut

Bobby, your god says raping women is ok. Rape, pay a small fine, you now have a new wife, IF you're caught, that is.

Many couples do want to adopt, including gay couples which would really, really improve the situation. But you hate them gays, so that axes that

The destruction of an innocent child is kinda sketchy since your bible has multiple instances of God being ok with that, and that your bible says a baby isn't a baby for some time after it's born.

Rape and incest are like the base of mankind, according to your religion and both seem to be pretty ok with your God

The last point is the only sane one you've had. Though i suspect by the time you would choose to go that way would be well after too late because you wanted that baby born

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse
Given how much poo poo he's swept under the rug or spouted without any basis of reality, you really think that wouldn't bee something he'd do?

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

BrigadierSensible posted:

Serious question: what do the Quiverfull and associated fundies think of black/hispanic people?

Obviously they hate brown people as filthy unclean heathen muslim/hindu/buddhists, but what do they think about black Christians?

Obviously as rednecks they hate them, but I am curious as to how they justify it biblically. Do they use the Mormon "their skin is darkened because they are sinners" poo poo?

They only count when the numbers are needed.

Like when they make a popularity call, suddenly everyone they hate other times as not real Christians become Christian.

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

rich white faglord posted:

I'm not saying not to shun the Duggar boy I guess so much as why dont you take a look at todays society and how a liberal womyn is forgiven and defended for commiting the same crime as a conservative man who is vilified

Yeah, entirely same situation because the conservative one and his family have repeatedly beaten everyone over the head with their religion and held the moral bar while found to be skirting under it.

Aren't you the same shill from a few hundred posts back that was chased out for trying to defend the Duggars by crying "librul media"?

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Code Jockey posted:

I can hear this perfectly in my head and it rules thank you

From one of his stand up shows it would sound great, can just imagine it right as he says "Jim" sort of normal and then drops down a few octaves to kinda slur "bob" through a few notes

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Like the showman he is, Jimmy bob is gonna milk this poo poo for all it's worth while playing that they're tired of all the attention

ElwoodCuse posted:

Can't wait to hear about how Josh is the real victim here and it's all because of the liberal media

Why wait? was already done in this thread earlier

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 21:01 on May 30, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

PK loving SUBBAN posted:

God. Support. Family.

Liberal and Lena Dunham/Bill Clinton

Darth123123 posted:

Really you could mine that posts comments for weeks. I'd like to see how grandma and momma Christian would deal with their kid being 'not raped' just fingered repeatedly.

i'll bet 20 bucks if any of these people were alive in the 90's they were demanding clinton be impeached for getting a BJ
it's only right when we do it and all
Best part is most don't have a clue what people are actually jumping on this for.
it's not because "we all sin", it's because after hearing for a decade how those of us not like this upstanding family are going to burn forever it turns out all the poo poo they attributed to everyone else is rife in their own family they set as the example

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 21:10 on May 30, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Obstacle2 posted:

Why are so many people so eager to jump out and defend these total strangers that have committed or covered up an awful crime?
What the gently caress is wrong with the religious right?

Multiple reasons, really.
First and foremost the duggars are like the number one family to point to when it comes to "good Christian morals". Second, in their minds there is a war, and ongoing battle between them and everyone else trying to oppress poor Christianity despite having like one of the largest religions in the world that isn't even close to the slightest smidgen of persecution in the West. Third, lots don't understand what's going on because they listen to their authority, i.e. their pastor or the duggars themselves. Fourth, because god is somehow involved in this whole scandal, and outside of this one fuckup (that we know of), they won't cast this family off and instead dig in their heels and defend them. Fifth, I'm rather certain many don't view this as something that would scar the girls at all because it was a family thing and they've (been conditioned to) forgiven him.

They're all tramps displaying ankles like that

put some damned clothes on, you harlots. Preferably something long that covers from head to ground and drapes out to prevent any hint of body shape. try to block out the face too. Dirty sinning devil spawn!

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 23:53 on May 30, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Say Nothing posted:

The longer you stare at these faces, the more hosed up they become. It's like a bad acid trip.

I feel for all the cylinder blocks that will be destroyed in the process of that family gnawing to keep their teeth the right length

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

There's a couple rape faces

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

bonestructure posted:

No doubt for similar underlying reasons.

There's actually some pretty compelling evidence that most egregious quotes attributed to Paul regarding women and sexuality in his letters (including Duggar favorite 1 Corinthians 14:34) were forgeries added after Paul's death by a backlash movement toward conservatism within the early Christian church, one that wanted to walk back the enormous challenges that Jesus' teachings posed to the social status quo. Those bits do certainly directly conflict with other Pauline writings like Galatians 3:28 ("There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus") enough for it be a believable supposition. Turns out that telling rich people that they ought to share their wealth with poor people, men that they ought to treat women like equals, and high-status people that they ought to be friends with slaves, whores, and beggars is not a good way to be generally popular! :shrug: At least not unless you present all that poo poo as strictly optional compared to regular church attendance and tithing, which is what Christian fundamentalism has done. It's amazing seeing someone re-interpret "not through works alone" as "gently caress you, got mine" with a perfectly straight face.

But what you're suggesting sounds dangerously like socialism, and if there's anything the old conservatives left over from the Red Scare of the cold war have taught me, it's that socialism is communism and communism is evil

Lord of Pie posted:

Boba Jim is gonna have to go full fundie Mormon if he wants to have enough kids to vote him into public office.

I mean, he might as well, they're already halfway there with the welfare queening and the child molestation.

e: Also, the governor before Huckabee was Jim Guy Tucker so I guess people at the time they were born were obsessed somehow with Jim *** names

Well, when you live in an area where :banjo: is a thing, yeah, Jim X names will be rife

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 03:09 on Jun 1, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

TNG posted:

But really, what sort of future are they setting their children up for? The education they push only teaches things like proper victim behaviors, any sort of scientific progress made in the last 300 years is all lies and devilry, what sort of clothing on women is sinful, and that any critical thinking and opposition to the head of the family will cause you to go to hell. I don't see any development of life or job skills, encouragement to go into fields not related to spreading of their particular brand of ignorance, or generally anything of the sort that would make any of them employable or otherwise useful outside the compound.

Even with the gutting of our education system, the Duggars and their ilk are more so disadvantaged since anything involving not being a professional politician, a brood mare, a used car salesman, or physical laborer is not even on the menu. Jim Bob is going to die, and gormless emotional cripple Josh is going to take over and what then? I highly doubt that the Duggar boys are going to start or be involved in any career that would pay a decent wage. Trying to take over Arkansas, Tennessee, and Colorado are nice and everything, but the real world has technical and professional obstacles that their educations will not prepare them for in the slightest.

I think part of that is that many of these fuckwits that are deeply religious in the christian faith believe that the world will end in their lifetime. Thus there's no real reason to worry about a future, especially one built on facts from a godless reality.
I honestly believe that they figure the whole family can just continue growing and living off the same poo poo they have because thanks to a world where people are obsessed over poo poo storms like the Duggars, they'll always have support to encourage them rather than have reality come knocking and show them that raising an army of retarded, socially inept, inbred, unprepared for life kids is simply impossible to sustain.

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Goobish posted:

Didn't it say somewhere that they're taught that dinosaurs were the "dragons" in the Bible? I don't know I didn't read the whole loving Bible.

That and the monster described earlier on with a tail like a tree and all that poo poo. It's their excuse to claim dinosaurs existed with man, hence you get this bullshit;

And all the facts, evidence and science that says that's bullshit is just made up lies and satan's influence/god planting tests to lead the weak astray. You know, because an all powerful super deity that created you to be and act a certain way doesn't know how you act or what you know, aside from giving a poo poo what a bunch of peons think of him at all times.

I actually joked with a friend once that someday far in the future if creationism doesn't survive the times, people are gonna find some holed up copy of it from our time along with a copy of Jurassic Park somewhere and think "Look what these dumb fucks believed"

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 05:40 on Jun 1, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Ripoff posted:

I wonder how pissed off the Honey Boo Boo woman is about this right now. I mean, she hangs out with a child molester and her show gets pulled and she becomes a social pariah. The Duggers have a child molester in the family and they get interviews and people defending them for doing morally reprehensible poo poo like covering it up and making the sisters live with their abuser.

Well, in fairness to everyone that never gave Mama June and her fatspring attention, no one really gives a poo poo whereas the duggars, they're like the conservative/religious family of families

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Darth123123 posted:

What does that even mean? "Well yeah, he's a pedo/rapist, but only I can call him that"?


Oh good, so I can molest people and as long as I confess to them it's all good. Thanks for that. Woulda loved to see the spiraling poo poo storm had someone presented them with JB's own words about killing molesters

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Darkman Fanpage posted:

the females must be defended from their male siblings lest they breed

I'm pretty sure the only reason Michelle or JB feel this way is because it would be political suicide to endorse incest.

EgoEgress posted:

how does tlc manage to keep getting hit shows with child molester skeletons in the closet

It's not like TLC has some bar they hold up when choosing shows. I mean who didn't see something hosed up out of a show about families that gently caress like rabbits and basically control their kids lives like a cult, or a show about some butter troll kid that does pageants with a mother as ugly as she is fat with a sugar daddy she leaches off of?

If you seriously thought neither of these shows were going to end with some hosed up poo poo from a closet, you must live under a rock
Kinda like watching Cops and being surprised they arrested a black man or some shitstain of a human redneck for domestic disputes

Holy gently more coffee for you...goddamn, she's like the real life version of :stare:

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 11:18 on Jun 7, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

katlington posted:

witcher 3 dlc: into the duggarsden

Would it be like Five Nights at Freddy's? You spend the whole game fending off the duggar boys at night with a combination of bibles and trucker awake pills to stave off sleep?

Accretionist posted:

Sarah Palin: There’s Nothing Wrong With Sibling Molestation


Edit: If this were the media making a mountain out of a mole hill then I'd actually give her kudos for the saying the uncomfortable thing (as I've read siblings ding donging around is borderline normal) but god drat if this isn't just minimization and an attempt to sideline the real story of the parents and the confluence of religion, conservatism and creepy sex poo poo

Lol, yeah, but at no time did my mind ever wander to "I should touch my sister/mother". It always seemed to center around wanting to gently caress those underwear models in magazines or that big titted girl in band class

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 11:38 on Jun 7, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Portals posted:

that's a really cynical view of teachers, daycare workers, and pediatricians

Since when do teachers and daycare workers and pediatricians make 7 figures?

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Portals posted:

he said "or willfully spends times with children that aren't their own", not "and willfully spends times with children that aren't their own"

When do teachers, daycare workers, or pediatricians willingly spend time with kids not their own? Hint; There's a reason they're called jobs

Blue Train posted:

'We don't let boys babysit,' Michelle said. 'They don't play hide and seek together. Little ones don't sit on big boys' lap, people we don't know, or even family members, unless it's your daddy.'

"We don't let the kids be kids, this surely won't mean we're raising hosed up kids"

SocketWrench fucked around with this message at 03:05 on Jun 8, 2015

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

BrigadierSensible posted:

This is a while back, and was old news to most people but the "Nike" stuff was something I didn't know about.

And it is just so horrifyingly misogynistic, even by JimBob standards.

The women, who are forbidden to work and told how to dress and coif their hair, and are considered either baby machines or flithy tempting whores, (even at 5 years old), are required to be the guardians of men's virtue by telling them to avert their eyes whenever they may encounter a *gasp* woman in the wild.

So not only are women to blame, and carry teh sin for causing male lust, no matter how inadvertently they do it, they also have to police that lust and are probably found sinful and lacking if they fail.

"It's not my fault I molested my 5 year old sister. It is your fault for not telling me to look down when I saw that sexy bitches sexy ankles in the street yesterday. And it is my sisters fault for being so alluring. Shame on you."

gently caress you Jim Bob. gently caress you and all who think like you.

I'm pretty sure this is like the same thing they do in mideastern culture where the women are tempting whores unless fully covered. Now it would work just fine, except our culture doesn't give a gently caress, so women dress temptingly beyond their control which means the guys need a way to avoid without looking. It's not so much as the women being responsible for the virtue of men (Though i've no doubt they'd blame the women if they didn't say nike soon enough) but that they really have no other way to handle the know except be human and control yourself

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

You Are A Elf posted:

Pretty sure I first heard this phrase in high school circa 1994, long before Family Guy. It's probably older than that, like that one stylized pointy S everyone remembers drawing in their Trapper Keeper.

My old man used to say it from time to time back when I was like mid 80's or so. i never understood it till i got into middle school and was like "Ooooooh, guess i was a big baby"

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

The Bible posted:

Ah, Apologetics. The Bible means what it says except when it says something horrible or totally bonkers.

Well, except me. I'm the real deal.

I think that's not simplified enough for apologetics. It's more like "The bible means what it says and is completely right and inerrant unless it says something I don't like" since you'll see that it's not always bonkers or horrible things that draw the apologetics crowds

Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse

Zamboni_Rodeo posted:

Suffer the little children to come unto me.

Yeah, but here he'd be coming onto the children


Jul 8, 2012

by Fritz the Horse
^ Gee, that face doesn't shout "RAPIST!"

hemophilia posted:

like, the opposite. Blood runs really deep, i don't understand any degree of cousin loving.

Nice enough body and I would...but none in my family are nice looking

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