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Jan 5, 2006

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Boo This Man posted:

I'm willing to bet that the Duggars are involved in a child molestation ring.

Would certainly explain why they keep making more of them.


Jan 5, 2006

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Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Once you notice that Jim Bob (aka James Bobert) has real-life Lego hair, you can't unseen it.


Also, if your given names were James and Robert, why would you go by any single one or combination thereof other than "Jim Bob?" I mean, is he actively trying to project the image of being a backwoods, relative-loving hick? I would think even an extremely religious person would want some level of dignity. I mean, we had Pope John Paul, not Pope Jake Paulie.

Jan 5, 2006

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shiksa posted:

jack is a version of john not jake, jesus christ, the lgbt community really is trying to take jb down

Okay, Jack then. Who gives a gently caress?

Jan 5, 2006

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Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

False flag

There was a second molester

God knows with the number of sexually repressed lunatics in and around that household, there probably loving was :smith:

Jan 5, 2006

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The White Dragon posted:

the miscarried duggar was actually the oldest daughter's anencephalic incest baby :unsmigghh:

Either that or little Joshie went full-on Oedipus. I've seen less-likely things.

Jan 5, 2006

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Say Nothing posted:

Are you suggesting he actually hosed the baby's brains out?

No, just saying that Josh may have hosed and impregnated his mum, instead of the theory I quoted which is that he hosed and impregnated one of his sisters.

I bet there's all kind of poo poo going on in that house.

Jan 5, 2006

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Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

New Duggar defender, the father in law of one of the sisters Josh molested

"We're all sinners..."

Let he who hasn't finger-banged his underage sister cast the first stone, etc., etc.

I'd keep an eye on that guy, he sounds like a loving nonce.

Jan 5, 2006

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SocketWrench posted:

Dude, this show fired a gay guy because it would upset the Duggars, they wouldn't do any of that therapy/conditions bullshit either

The only thing that's funny instead of sad about that incident is how they didn't even realize the guy was gay until he told them. It's like something out of Borat.

Jan 5, 2006

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It creeps me out how all these people say poo poo like, "well, everyone would (be gay/molest children/kill people) if God weren't here to say no! We all have to fight the temptation!"

Well, no, we don't. If you're tempted to have sex with someone of your own gender, you're gay. If you're tempted to molest a child, you're a loving disgusting piece of poo poo pedophile, and if you're tempted to kill people, you're a psychopath. Normal people aren't tempted to gently caress children, you creepy bastards!

Jan 5, 2006

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happyhippy posted:

Dumb gently caress says that Josh should be punished by making him do what he was doing already.

Unless what he was already doing was dipping his cock and balls in a vat of acid, this is a wrong opinion.

Jan 5, 2006

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Lucy Heartfilia posted:

this reminds me of republican politicians condemning all the gays who then promptly get caught having gay sex.

Well, you can't fault them for their moment of weakness, when they gave into the intense, universal desire we all hold within us (according to them), to suck a stranger's cock in an airport toilet.

They're really sorry now and are right with Jayzus about it, what more do you want?

The most disturbing part of this is their view that everyone has the urge to molest children or have some glory-hole fun, and it's just our fear of punishment that's stopping us.

Jan 5, 2006

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Scathach posted:

So how long until Jim Bob's molestation of Josh is discovered?

Just show Josh a lineup of lego men and see if he gets nervous or anxious. If yes, molestation confirmed.

Jan 5, 2006

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Three Olives posted:

This is what the Duggers wear swimming:

No really.

Lol, one of my friends calls a bathing suit a "swimming costume" because he's weird like that, but that, my friends, is truly a swimming costume.

Jan 5, 2006

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Who would have thought the anti-incest, anti-molestation opinion would be so controversial for so many people?

Frankly, if you're a child molester or a child molestation apologist, you should probably just be eliminated.

Jan 5, 2006

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Jim Bob

Jan 5, 2006

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Jim Bob

Jan 5, 2006

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Darkman Fanpage posted:

which is worse? front hugging or sister touching? the answer may surprise you!

Teenage boy discovers one weird trick to avoid front-hugging! His sisters hate him!

Jan 5, 2006

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All the women have the same creepy look on their face that makes me feel depressed.

Jan 5, 2006

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Monkey Fracas posted:

God: OK, time to put a stop to this farce

*fertility doctors*

God: jesus christ lady come on

So birth control is wrong because God decides how many children you should have, but when God finally says "Enough! It's a pussy, not a clown car, bitch!" you go to doctors to try and disobey His will?

gently caress me, these people are out of their minds.

Jan 5, 2006

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Darkman Fanpage posted:

if the first story is true that kid sucks at cranking it. a few hours? what was he doing? tantric masturbation?

That was my first thought, too. If it's lasting hours, you're either really lovely at wanking, or doing it far, far too much.

But, yeah, I can't imagine not being allowed to jerk it as a teenager. I don't think I could've make it three days when I was 14, much less permanent.

Jan 5, 2006

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Can't rim job the jim bob

Jim bob

Jan 5, 2006

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Jom bib.

Bim job.

Jiiiiimm booooobb.

EDIT: Really want to hear Blackadder/Rowan Atkinson say Jim Bob.

Jan 5, 2006

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Toriori posted:

Some psych prof in tha US talked about how being a pedophile is a sexuality, so it's not a choice and that's why early intervention is so important. I personally don't give a poo poo what it is, if someone is a kid diddler I fully support providing them with an exhaust pipe to suck on.

I can't even imagine being so broken as to be able to rape or molest a child, even if I were turned on by idea in theory. That's a really big step to take. That's like going from thinking "wow, that chick is pretty hot," to, "'I'm going to rape her!" Only a broken, hosed up person would actually rape or molest anyone. How could you not be revolted by yourself?

If you're so hosed up that you've actually sexually abused a minor, and especially if you've done it on more than one occasion, I'm fairly okay with you being put down.

Jan 5, 2006

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babypolis posted:

well imagine never being able to act on your sexual desires, that poo poo can drive a man crazy.

This is assuming that all pedophiles are exclusively attracted to children, which isn't true. It's a bit worrying, too, that this attitude covers people like Elliot Rodgers, who feel like they're owed sex and go crazy as a result. You can beat off to whatever sick fantasies you want, as far as I'm concerned, as long as no one is harmed in the process.

EDIT: I don't think shaming the desire itself is a good thing, as presumably it's not something any person would actually choose, but I don't have a problem with saying, "if you ever actually touch a kid, we'll off you." That's where the line is drawn.

Jan 5, 2006

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babypolis posted:

i thinks its pretty clear cut that you should shame the desire because it is hosed up and wrong but not the individual because a person has no control over their sexual orientation. but i guess actually making that distinction is harder than it sounds

You should shame the idea doing anything based on the desire, not the desire itself. The desire itself is not harming anyone; the person who chooses to gently caress a child or view child pornography is the one doing or contributing to the harm. Wanting to kill someone is not a crime, it's actually trying and/or succeeding that's the crime.

EDIT: Obviously, it's not the issue here, because Josh Duggar very much did act on his desire, which makes him a huge loving piece of poo poo and a criminal.

Jan 5, 2006

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Mr. Pumroy posted:

do not sexually touch a child. don't sexually touch an adult either unless you have their permission.

Jan 5, 2006

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I still want to know why Jim Bob and the family didn't take Josh out and execute him, as they had earlier said should be done to child molesters. Time's wasting, JimmyBob.

Jan 5, 2006

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ElwoodCuse posted:

One of those "ok you're married now get busy" wacky fundie books literally says the wife is supposed to have sex whenever the husband wants, even if she doesn't

If MRA-types were sane, they'd all turn into whacko fundie Christians. Heavy pressure for the women to get married off, and then heavy pressure for them to have sex with their husband, no matter what sort of disgusting, fat, child-molesting gently caress he his. Whining about the "sexual marketplace" is clearly useless compared to getting your rear end to some crazy-as-gently caress church.

Jan 5, 2006

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Jim Bob

Jan 5, 2006

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Think about it: if no one in that family can have a tug or get laid, including Jim Bob* after a child is born, imagine all the ruined sheets.

* Jim Bob

Jan 5, 2006

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Armani posted:

No, and it is worse than that: not only are you taught women have -no- sexual drive, but that they are resistant to sex, so you need to be a willful patriarch on her female need to fight your sexual advances. It's a textbook for raping your wife.

Do the women ever figure out for themselves that they're horny? I mean, I feel like it would be pretty obvious after a certain point.

Jan 5, 2006

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Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

Those dern liberal media and their attack of a 14 year old who molested a 5 yo


Yes, but Clinton got a BJ at one point, and isn't that the real crime?

Jan 5, 2006

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Of course Jim Bob doesn't have to whack it, he can just ask his wife for sex and she has to give it to him, because that's the hosed up poo poo they believe.

I'm guessing he's not a particularly considerate lover, either.

Jan 5, 2006

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Casimir Radon posted:

If they go a library they might learn something that conflicts with their biblical worldview, then it's all over.

Goon project: Seed the Duggar Compound with smut. Just like what South Korean activists do with Best Korea. I'm thinking Ipads that randomly show Bill Nye and hardcore porn.

What if some wires got crossed and the kids started getting aroused by Bill Nye? No man or woman, gay or straight, deserves that.

Jan 5, 2006

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He's a molester! He's a CHIIIILD MOLESTER!!

Jim Bob

Jan 5, 2006

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BrigadierSensible posted:

How come only the boys get hyphenated names like Jim-Bob?

Where are the Betty-Sues? The Jamie-Lynns? (that last one even starts with a J, so it's suitable for Michelle "eyes as crazy as my vagina is distended" Duggar

According to wikipedia, there's Joy-Anna and Jordyn-Grace.

Jan 5, 2006

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Jizm Bob.

Jan 5, 2006

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you irl posted:

this gay guy is courting some chick fyi, but his countenance says "id rather be in an anus"

I can see the future of their marriage...

"You're Dad's been in the bathroom an awful long time... our flight's about to leave!"

Jan 5, 2006

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Jim Bob is one weird looking motherdaughterfucker.


Jan 5, 2006

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Drunk Nerds posted:

Well, now, let's not write off the older boy duggars yet.
As I learned it, the "gay" gene has survived despite not reproducing by correlating with the "hyperovulate"' gene. So therefore, birth order doesn't matter- someone is more likely to be gay the more siblings they have, period.

I think, either way, there's probably at least 3 and likely as many as 5 queer Duggars (male and female combined, and I'm including the possibility of a bisexual Duggar). And won't it be funny (and probably a bit tragic, given the sort of drama that's likely to go on) when they finally come out of the closet, or alternatively get caught sucking cocks/muff-diving.

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