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Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
What's going on are we doing Elliot Rodger impressions


Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

Who the gently caress is Elliot Rodger and why do I care.

Odd lines of questioning given the thread we're in

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Perving Equality


Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.


Customers of Size Policy
Guidelines for Customers of Size
Customers who encroach upon any part of the neighboring seat(s) may proactively purchase the needed number of seats prior to travel in order to ensure the additional seat(s) is available. The armrest is considered to be the definitive boundary between seats; width between the armrests measures 17 inches. The purchase of additional seats serves as a notification to Southwest of a special seating need, and allows us to adequately plan for the number of seats that will be occupied on the aircraft. In turn, this helps to ensure we can accommodate all Customers on the flight/aircraft for which they purchased a ticket and avoid asking Customers to relinquish their seats for an unplanned accommodation. Most importantly, it ensures that all Customers onboard have access to safe and comfortable seating. You may contact us for a refund of the cost of additional seating after travel. Customers of size who prefer not to purchase an additional seat in advance have the option of purchasing just one seat and then discussing their seating needs with the Customer Service Agent at their departure gate. If it is determined that a second (or third) seat is needed, they will be accommodated with a complimentary additional seat(s).

For more information, please refer to our Customer of Size Policy Q&A.

If I need a seatbelt extension, do I need to have a second seat?
Our policy does not focus on weight, and the seatbelt extension is not the determining factor. We use the ability to lower the armrests as the gauge, as the armrests are truly the definitive boundary between each seat. Only one seatbelt extension may be used and only seatbelt extensions provided by Southwest Airlines are approved for use onboard our aircraft.

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

ugh my sister kept trying to set me up with horse gays

Cousins of the brony or...?

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
My cat is named Pluto :3:

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

What, he's correct

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
Darth Vader actor's original voice in Star Wars (david prowse)

Thank god for JEJ

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
Special mafia tags for the lurkers jumping on Biden please

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

dont look at it at work, I guess

from here

why isnt this an avatar yet

Zeris fucked around with this message at 14:44 on Aug 4, 2015

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Victor Vermis posted:

i don't like thing

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
As an android/windows to ios/osx convert:

Mr. Nice! posted:

Just get an iphone.

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
blackberries lol

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
iphone 6, not plus, apple leather case

sadly the iphone 6 screen is slightly convex at edges so my glass screen cover is not ideal, but a rubbery plastic one good to go

imessage like bbm but better

god i didnt realize what i was doing with my life before imessage

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
goons add me on snapchat username zeris

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

holocaust bloopers posted:

Giving out your snapchat in GiP is asking for trouble. Or N4I being all sly for dick pics.

why :( i just want to be everyone's friend

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
whatever, I had a great weekend in Vegas seeing my friends get married, and yeah I was naked for a lot of it who cares to look?

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
drunk thread, so use your impaired judgment wisely before clicking

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
and because google is disturbingly good at finding what i am looking for: severely nsfw

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
Outer space's best captain plays an alcoholic tranny-hooker-titty-sucking British Falklands war vet media anchor in Los Angeles.

First 2 episodes free on Starz, whatever that is. It's like Archer, Star Trek and GIP had a baby.


Stewart's character Blunt is a British ex-pat and Falklands War veteran who currently finds himself riding the tumultuous waves of American cable news. Through his show called Blunt Talk, he delivers hard-hitting truths to his American audience, while often struggling with his life behind the scenes. His only support is in the form of the heavily-drinking, devoted manservant he transplanted from the UK.

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

All I can think of is this:

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Mr. Nice! posted:

Wait until you have someone do that while they're riding you.

What is wrong with out, I have never been more terrified in my life than when experiencing this.

You have to limit range of motion and grab on them hips for dear life because it feels great for them and you're terrified of this (sfw) happening

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Mike-o posted:

Some interview she said she's an exhibitionist, and used to get naked all the loving time in college streaking and stuff :allears:

She needs to post butt naked pics right the gently caress now :jackbud:

She went to art school in California so

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Mike-o posted:

He flew too close to the sun, rip

More like he cartwheeled into a volcano. :mediocre:

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.


im starting to think that shim is actually the normalest dude in the entire world, house in the burbs, stay at home wife, a dog, two kids, white picket fence, the whole shebang

but every so often his facade starts to crack so he comes here and unleashes it all allowing him to return to his idillic WASPJ existance

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Considering what I remember of the ol horrible collegehumor dot com, their video poo poo is actually kinda decent and perhaps even clever

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.


While in the USAF I routinely signed up people for Ashley Maddison and other even less reputable sites using their .mil anytime I found a workstation unlocked or someone bragged about their CAC pin of 1234 or whatever.

I bet I signed up ~50 accounts in one 45 day inspection tour alone when I played IG.

Usually I would sign dudes up for all kinds of gay poo poo too like Rentboy when that had free accounts.

If there is a huge witch hunt for adulterers and or gay johns in the USAF Intel community, particularly amongst weapons officers (:v:) in the near future then I'm confident I played more than a small role in that and seriously: :lol:

I always did my best to leave those kinda turds someone was gonna polish to a high shine one day. If a bunch of Intel patches are getting sweated by AFOSI this week I'm gonna call this a good week.



Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
An unhealthy obsession with customer service and portion sizes that every American secretly misses when they go abroad

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Rad Lieutenant posted:

A pretty good read listing all the horrible things from the Star Wars expanded universe:

Luke and Mara develop a strong bond in Zahn's The Hand of Thrawn Duology; he proposes marriage, and the two wed in Michael A. Stackpole's graphic novel Union. She delivers a son, Ben, during The New Jedi Order series. In the Legacy of the Force series, Mara becomes suspicious of her nephew, Jacen Solo, when he sends Ben on several ethically dubious missions. Upon learning that Jacen has become a Sith apprentice, Mara vows to kill him, but Jacen ultimately kills her in Sacrifice. She later appears as a Force ghost, first to Ben and then to Luke, in Revelation. She also appears as a Force ghost to Cade Skywalker in the Legacy comics, set more than a century after the Star Wars films.

This only shows females. I'm not saying show man-boobs (eugh) but guys have reverse sexual dimorphism in this respect. Nipples and... whatever you call the rest of the chest. It has absolutely no mention of this fact and seems a bit less than informative. FOr my own personal dignity, and because I'd outright delete the main image (still recovering from blindness from it), I won't put this info in. Just thought I'd mention it.The Wise One. The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. 18:11, January 3, 2012 (UTC) PS: Yes, I am back.

A) Who is back, Gnost? You didn't sign. B) Oho, I see all those stories my parents told me about how "you'll go blind if you do that," were true. C) Be BOLD and add stuff about male breasts. SinisterSamurai 14:57, January 2, 2012 (UTC)
There, I tried to include the few things that could be said into the body (the body of the article, of course). LelalMekha 16:26, January 3, 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, sorry. Out of practice :)The Wise One. The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. 18:12, January 3, 2012 (UTC)

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
Deathy is the best vet drinking buddy and v v handsome

You guys don't even know

Just say wow I'm jealous

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Deathy McDeath posted:

GOD I told you to keep it cool!! Why can;t you loving keep it cool??!?!

can we go shopping

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Two Finger posted:

lmao structural steel melt
pity it doesn't come with jet fuel sauce

Dude, they started using it again after their scoville measurement lab tests shot down all the customer lawsuits over burned mouths and proved there was no way it could get as hot as we were led to believe

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Dead Reckoning posted:

That sucks, but participating drunk in a state funeral is one of those things you're probably only going to do once in your life.

fixed that for ya

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Godholio posted:

Plus nobody really cares about Carter enough to get worked up one way or the other.

I hope the swamp rabbit attends

DownByTheWooter posted:

it would be truly moving to see a soldier going through one of those crazy emotional rollercoaster lonely benders military servicemembers are so prone to, stumbling around, tears and snot dripping onto his immaculately arranged ceremonial dress, reeling from grief and or booze right there at President Carter's graveside. Western funerals don't have nearly enough wailing.

imagine all the memes about heroes you'd be pictured in.

military funerals are the worst :(

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.
uhh where do I even start


Apr 15, 2003

Quality posting direct from my brain to your face holes.

Mr. Nice! posted:

I stole this from yospos who stole it from 4chan but still :lol:

Khalid Al-Midhar, Majed Moqed, Nawaq Alhamzi, Salem Alhamzi, Hani Hanjour, Satam Al Suqami, Waleed M. Alshehri, Wail Alshehri, Mohamed Atta, Abdulaziz Alomari, Marwan Al-Shehhi, Fayez Ahmed, Ahmed Alghamdi, Hamza Alghamdi, Mohald Alshehri, Saeed Alghamdi, Ahmed Alhaznawi, Ahmed Alnami, Ziad Jarrahi

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