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  • Locked thread
Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Thanks to Suspicious Dish for the sweet banner, bomb icon, and character heads

What is Bomberman?
Bomberman is one of the oldest and longest-lasting gaming franchises out there, from its birth in 1983 to quietly dying under Konami in 2014. It started with a simple action puzzler by Hudson Soft wherein you play as a cute little robot guy, blow up bricks and balloon people, and make your way through nondescript grid-based worlds. As technology advanced, so too did the franchise, and Bomberman stretched his legs into many other fields: more widespread 3D action puzzlers, adventure RPGs, platformers, racing, minigame party games, and everything else Mario beat him to. The franchise is also synonymous with frenetic multiplayer, and frankly it seemed you could release any old poo poo as long as an old-school multiplayer mode is intact. But at his core (and core complacent fanbase), Bomberman was always that grid-based action hero.

So what's the point of the megathread?
Up until 2011, when I did my Bomberman Hero Let's Play, only two Bomberman LPs had ever been made on SA, both of which have long since been lost to the forum archives and the loss of videos on Daily Motion, Viddler, Blip, etc. I followed Hero with Bomberman Generation and Bomberman Jetters, but that still leaves dozens of Bomberman games un-LP'd. I give those previous three games a lot of poo poo, but I've yet to even touch the really good ones. This megathread is to kill those two birds with one stone.

What happened to the last megathread?
To those unaware, I originally tried this megathread at the end of 2012. Some people got into the idea, a few contributed LPs of their own, and I finished three LPs myself. However interest dried up quickly between possible LPers and my own teammates, and a year after I finished Super Bomberman I finally laid the megathread to rest.

I had no interest in doing any more Bomberman, but I left the possibility of doing more as a milestone goal for my personal Patreon. Welp, my patrons certainly wanted to see more Bomberman! I'll be playing Bomberman 64, Saturn Bomberman, Bomberman Fantasy Race, and the rest of the Super Bomberman series as thanks to them. To prevent the same thing from happening to this megathread as the last, I will be focusing it specifically on my seven LPs listed above, with other games possible for down the line either as full LPs or streams.

Will it just be your LPs?
The majority of the LPs will probably be mine, but additional LPers are welcome to tackle games I don't have, games they think they might be better at it than I would, or games I refuse to play (Second Attack). The current list of games for the megathread is further below. You're also welcome to show additional content or what-have-you for an already-LP'd game, but I'd prefer sticking to playing the ones that haven't been played yet. That's the point of this megathread, mind.

Since I'm running the thread, PM me any requests to contribute so that we can discuss how everything will go down/what it is you want to do exactly, and so that I can add your work to the respective posts.
Co-commentary is another matter. My LPs will have my own selection of guests; goons are welcome to leave their Skype if they wish to guest commentate, but I will not guarantee you a spot in a video. I like to work quickly, so I grab people to commentate based on who's online at the time and who I know would commentate best. If you wish to guest on an LP run by someone else, you should of course discuss it with them.

What will be the format for these LPs?
Since the length, difficulty, and gameplay change with each game (sometimes), the first video of each LP will usually explain how it will be laid out. If need be, the respective video's post will explain it.

For example - The very first Bomberman is basically one level repeated 50x with different enemies. As such I trim a lot of the fat down to the first many levels, then just the highlights, and finally the last level and ending.
On the other hand - Super Bomberman has different worlds with multiple levels, all of which are fairly short, so each world gets its own 5-15 minute video.

Will you be going in chronological order?
Aside from Super Bomberman 2-5, no, but the games I will be playing do not seem to follow a tight chronology or canon anyway. Bomberman's stories in-game and overall are kept loose from each other.

Will you be doing every Bomberman game?
Many, but not all. I'd like the grand majority to ultimately have completed LPs of their own, but Bomberman has a lot of games, many of which can't be easily found anymore, most of which are virtually identical from each other, and several of which nobody wants to LP.

Will there be multiplayer/tournaments?
Many of the games can't have multiplayer/tournaments among goons, due to there not being any simple ways of connecting players (though videos may show the multiplayer for the sake of completion). If anyone knows how to set something up for multiplayer/tournament's sake, feel free to share and we'll see if we can work something out.

  • Spoilers aren't a problem. Just remember to use the [spoiler] tags.
  • DO NOT POST LINKS TO DOWNLOAD COMMERCIALLY-AVAILABLE GAMES OR SOUNDTRACKS. You may post links to proven abandonware (E.G. Atomic Bomberman) or to an official stream of the music (E.G. composer June Chikuma's official SoundCloud), but no ROMs or ripped soundtracks if the game/disc can still be purchased. The point: we'd prefer it if you actually supported the franchise, and that means paying for your poo poo. Plus it's a legal grey area anyway.
  • Leave a positive comment on June Chikuma's page about how awesome the Super Bomberman 3 and Saturn Bomberman soundtracks are, or of how much you like "Redial". :v:
  • Fanart or anything Bomberman/thread-related is always welcome to be posted.

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 02:19 on Dec 16, 2016


Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Links go to their respective post/LP Archive page. LPs are by ThornBrain unless listed otherwise. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(By Mezurya)

(By Amazing-Bucket, Tumblr)

(By RasterPunk)

(By Douloug)
Bomberman Has No Soul

(By ElTipejoLoco)

(By TheFattestPat)

(By ChibiWisdom)

Bomberman 93 Platypus
(Original by FreezingIceKirby, YouTube)

(Transparent, exploitable version)

(By Janderbuilt)

(By Kurieg)

(By Ometeotl)

(By BigTUnit1)

(By Catsworth)

(By TenaCrane)

(By Melaneus)

(By pichupal)

  • June Chikuma @ SoundCloud - Longtime composer for the Bomberman franchise. Features soundtracks for Bomberman II, Super Bomberman 3, Bomberman B-Daman, Bomberman Hero, and Saturn Bomberman among others. Go to "Playlists" to see the tracks together by game.

  • INDIEACHIVEMENT's reel of practically every Bomberman game in release order. Gives you an idea of the scope of the little bomber's life:

  • Apparently a music video:

  • Commercial for Bomberman 64:

  • Tool-Assisted Speedrun of Bomberman 64 by zvsp on TASVideos:

  • LateToTheParty fills us in on the original MSX Bomberman, AKA Eric and the Floaters:

    LateToTheParty posted:

    The first but yet not Bomberman game for the MSX brought up at the beginning of the video is indeed weird. It was also released on several obscure computers of the 1980s such as the NEC PC-8801, NEC PC-6001, Sharp MZ-700, FM-7, and ZX Spectrum. The ZX Spectrum version of Bomberman actually got released in Europe under the titles of Eric and The Floaters (For English speakers) and Don Pepe Y Los Globos (For Spanish speakers).

    Here is the summary of Eric and The Floaters from the IGN database.


    Bomberman precursor from Hudson starring an Indiana Jones-type dynamite expert. Buried treasure and a silent, floating menace await Eric in the Brick Lanes.

    Here is the actual game itself.

    Finally here is the box art of Don Pepe Y Los Globos.

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 00:32 on Dec 12, 2016

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

---The Game---
Bomberman 64 is the bomber's first foray into 3D gameplay and an early Nintendo 64 title. It's generally agreed to be one of the failed attempts to bring a 2D franchise into the 3D gaming generation - controls are finicky, level design and location of secrets often clash with the controls, physics are wildly inconsistent, bomb stairs are loving stupid. However the nostalgia factor also tends to be high with the game for those who played it in their youth, particularly with the soundtrack. Ultimately, it's a game with interesting ideas but poor execution, and the franchise would be better served by its later 3D installments.

The story is such:
An evil invader named Altair uses the power of the Omni Cube to steal energy from planets. When he and his minions are done with a planet, they steal a chunk of it, lock it to their fortress, and fly off to their next invasion. Our hero Bomberman witnesses Altair's fortress land on Planet Bomber and attack it, and he is tasked by a mysterious stranger, Sirius, with stopping Altair and saving Planet Bomber.

---The LP---
I will be collecting the 100 gold cards required to unlock the final world. However I will not necessarily collect the custom parts, nor will I worry about the gold cards in the final level or the unlockable time-limit costumes.

World 1 - Green Garden

World 2 - Blue Resort

World 3 - Red Mountain

World 4 - White Glacier

World 5 - Black Fortress

World 6 - Rainbow Palace


The Corrector
  • World 1 - Green Garden

    frozentreasure posted:

    You definitely weren't supposed to use the ghetto bomb jump to get up that staircase in the first level to get the ultra bomb; the actual solution is about as stupid. You need to create a series of bombs of various sizes that let you bounce bombs over to the pillars and drop the grating, then use the staircase as your way out after getting there.
  • World 3 - Red Mountain

    frozentreasure posted:

    You can hit Orion in the robot with a regular bomb and it won't kill him, I'm pretty sure. I recall getting that card before the card for the robot's hat, at least.
  • World 5 - Black Fortress

    frozentreasure posted:

    The final gold card against Altair is for beating him without throwing him off the edge.

    Thorn, you know you can stop bomb kicks by pressing R, right? A lot of the throws you do to set up bomb hops I found simpler by just using kicks. Granted, throws mean you don't have to wonder whether you'll bounce far enough.

  • World 6 - Rainbow Palace

    Augus posted:

    I get that Thorn was burnt out on the game by now, but there's a lot of stuff you glossed over with the Rainbow stages.

    Rainbow 1's mandatory bomb puzzle is easily solved using the same 2-bomb system that you use in Rainbow 3. Rainbow 1 is actually the shortest level in the game once you realize that.
    The other 2 Gold cards on the other hand...well they're special. I'll let this video running the game on a crappy PC speak for itself
    Yeah that's some hot bullshit right there. A long chain of elaborate bomb puzzles over bottomless pits. If you gently caress up once you're dead and if you die 3 times you need to start over completely. In comparison the custom parts for that level are pretty tame, for a change.

    Rainbow 2's boss has a ton of stuff going on, and the Gold Cards are pretty involved.
    • Gold Card 1 is the freebie you get at the beginning of the fight. You lose it if you take any of the items he gives you though, so getting the Gold Cards means fighting him the old fashioned way with no remote bombs.
    • Card 2 involves blowing a big bomb in his head. You need to throw a bomb through his cape, which will make him disappear, retreat across the room, and poke his head out of the ground. After a few seconds he'll dash away from you. You need to throw a big bomb at the ground and then kinda trick him into running into it. It's not very easy.
    • Card 3 requires you to wait for him to use the attack where he tries to grab you with a shadowy hand. You need to drop a bomb and trick him into grabbing it so it explodes. There's a fair bit of RNG involved in him using the attack in the first place, so this can be a pain in the rear end.
    • Card 4 requires you to burn his cape. Pretty sure you just do this the same way as Card 2, it's kinda weird.
    • Card 5 requires you to do all of the above under the target time, and that's terrible.

    On the bright side, the actual hitbox for Spellmaker is his shadow, not the body itself. So actually killing him is easier than it seems at first by just manipulating his habit of running away whenever you get close.
    Here's a video of some dude doing this
    I like this fight for how many attacks the dude has, but getting the Gold Cards just involves a ton of trial and error that isn't very fun

    Rainbow 3 you already showed off pretty much everything. The custom parts are annoying to get and not worth anybody's time. I'm pretty sure there's an easier way to get to the switches on the left side of the room but whatever. :effort:

    Sirius's Gold Cards are as follows
    • Card 1 you need to beat his first form in the target time. You can beat this phase with regular bombs but he he spends so much time flying and shooting lasers that the only real way to beat him in the time limit is to knock him off the stage like Thorn did. The rest of the cards are all in his second form
    • Card 2, just bounce a pumped up bomb off his head. It's easy to do this if you just catch him after his laser attack
    • Card 3 Catch him in pumped up explosion. Standard stuff
    • Card 4 is keeping Regulus alive. Toss him a heart every now and then and it shouldn't be hard to do this
    • Card 5 is target time as usual

    I actually really like this boss fight just for how chaotic it is. You've got Regulus and Sirius spamming bombs everywhere, blowing themselves up, Sirius dashing around and shooting lasers, the AI freaking out and running back and forth, the system chugging and struggling to process all the explosions all over the place, hearts flying everywhere as everybody takes damage constantly. It's really fun in a mindless way. Also the music is rad as gently caress

    Anyway, your reward for getting all 120 Gold Cards is Full Power mode, which lets you start every level with maxed out remote hyper bombs. It's fun to mess around with, but probably not worth the effort of getting those last 20 cards. I'lll maintain though that these were way better prizes for getting all of the collectibles than any of Bomberman Hero's unlockable bullshit and way less stupid to get.
    Oh yeah you also unlock 4 new multiplayer stages, which is cool.

    Word on the Wind posted:

    Also, when you unlock rainbow palace and Sirius make his betrayal, if you go back to all of the stages that he gave you advice (And the duel against him in 1-2) he's apparently replaced himself with robotic duplicates that mock you and say strange things.

    Augus posted:

    On top of that, he won't appear to give you remote bombs for the boss battles if you go back to them, they'll just be sitting there in a cone that you break open with a bomb. He won't save you during the giant spider boss either, so refighting that boss after beating the game is a bit harder.

  • Frozentreasure's Post-LP Roundup

(By RasterPunk)

(By pichupal)

(By Douloug)

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Sep 30, 2015

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

benjoyce posted:

Does Dyna Blaster count as a separate game (I recall it being from Hudson Soft, too), or is it a reskin/repackaging of these games (because the gameplay seems remarkably similar)?

It's basically the European name for Bomberman 1 and 2 and Atomic Punk (also just another name for Bomberman).

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 2 - Blue Resort

For a resort, you do not want to go here for a vacation.

This is as good a time as any to mention the update schedule. I'm uploading a part every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There's six worlds in 64, so it'll be a quick two-week LP in total. Later LPs will probably be updated similarly if not the same.

This is also as good a time as any to let slip that one of our fans has offered to record all of The Second Attack for us to commentate over. More on that as it develops.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 3 - Red Mountain

The peaks and troughs of the game get less distinct.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 4 - White Glacier

Wind walls, slippery ice physics, and giant spiders. This world should be worse than it is.

Also the Second Attack footage donation fell through, so that's still open for anyone else to record themselves or take up the LP mantle.

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 08:52 on Aug 24, 2015

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Robert Denby posted:

I remember this commercial getting quite a bit of airplay when the game came out in 1997, and I think I posted it in the last megathread.

I like that the lyrics are less clunky than the original.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 5 - Black Fortress

Not a terrible set of levels in hindsight maybe, but a motherfucker pair of bosses. See what happens when 100 gold cards are acquired.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

frozentreasure posted:

Also, Thorn, you know you can stop bomb kicks by pressing R, right? A lot of the throws you do to set up bomb hops I found simpler by just using kicks. Granted, throws mean you don't have to wonder whether you'll bounce far enough.

Yeah I found throwing the bombs gives me a more tactile idea of where the bombs will go and where I'll bounce.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 6 - Rainbow Palace

The secret final world of Bomberman 64.

Stay tuned for Saturn Bomberman, my personal favourite of the franchise.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Augus posted:

Anyway, as a final detox for Bomberman 64 here's a TAS that breaks the game over its knee in a hilarious way. Some really silly things can be done with bomb jumping when you have the help of frame-perfect inputs. it's an entertaining watch when you have the time

After the frustration and exhaustion this game gave me, seeing this is ridiculously satisfying. And seeing them doing those insane bomb stairs almost makes me feel vindicated, like the game's logic isn't that of a better-thought out game.

For the record, everyone's corrections and post-level advice has been quoted and added to the game's post for the sake of completion and accuracy that I don't have to actually go back and show.

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 20:20 on Aug 28, 2015

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

TheFattestPat posted:

I wish this LP had been started about a month earlier because then I could have recorded footage of the second game for you guys to comment on. It has more Bomberman Gundams than you could ever hope for.

Playing Second Attack myself is the only thing I don't want to do. If anyone else wants to record the footage for us, we'll commentate it no problem.

Also loving your art RasterPunk.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Mr Phillby posted:

I did an LP of Bomberman Tournament during the last thread, but stopped at Part 6, a mere three videos from the end for no reason at all.

I would like to say that seeing this thread return has motivated me to complete the LP I abandoned more than 2 years ago, but in what I can only describe as a weird coincidence I actually uploaded Part 7 to my youtube channel a week before this thread went up.

Part 7: Desert Zone NEW!

That's some amazing timing then. Glad to see this back as well! This is an entertaining LP and I recommend it to anyone following the megathread who hasn't watched it yet.

If you want I can recover the game/LP description from the old thread so you can use this post as the general hub for your LP. That way if you want to archive it when it's done, you can link Baldurk the single post and not have to find all the individual updates.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Mr Phillby posted:

Thanks for the kind words and the offer, but I don't think there was much of value in my old update posts, and the self-hosted links no longer work. I'll just spruce up my last post and update it as I finish the last two videos for archiving purposes.

Yeah that's what I asked. I just meant if you didn't want to rewrite the game description I can get it from the SA archive.


The tournament of the title refers to the game's standard link-cable multiplayer. The single player 'Quest' however, plays like a mash up of Bomberman and Zelda with a sprinkle of Pokemon. It's sort of a spiritual successor to Bomberman Quest for the GBC and predecessor to Bomberman Story for the DS.

It's also the second game to feature Max (the first being Bomberman Max red/blue for the GBC). Tournament follows Bomberman's search for the mysterious cyborg after he disappeared while investigating meteors on Planet Phantarion. Along the way Bomberman will meet and recruit Pokemon Charaboms, this time spelt Karabons. The game's setting, planet Phantarion, draws heavily from Neutopia, an early Zelda-alike developed by Hudson.

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 06:06 on Aug 31, 2015

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
I've got Saturn and Fantasy Race ready to commentate. The guys are just busy with school and work, so we haven't been able to record anything all month.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

---The Game---
Super Bomberman 2 is the 1994 sequel to Super Bomberman. It undoes many of the changes that made the original so easy and refocuses it into a deceptively challenging game: death means a level restart, there's almost no invincibility at all, and you can kill yourself with just the stage design in many places. However that also means the game is repetitive and clearly meant for its multiplayer, not for its story mode. Still, it's a decent way to kill an hour and a half.

The Story is Such:
According to Wikipedia, because there's no other way to find a story for this game:
"Five evil cyborgs, called the "Five Dastardly Bombers" are bent on taking over the universe. At the planet Earth, they capture the original Bomberman, and he is placed in a prison cell in their base. He awakens in the dungeon of Magnet Bomber and must fight his way to a final showdown with the Magnet Bomber himself. In the following four levels, Bomberman will challenge Golem Bomber, Pretty Bomber, Brain Bomber, and their leader, Plasma Bomber in an effort to free the Earth of these alien invaders as well as save himself."
If you can gather that from just the game, well done.

---The LP---
This is a very quick LP in the same vein as the LP of the original: there are five worlds, each with their own 10-18 minute video, and the whole LP will be around an hour in length total. My co-commentators are BigTUnit1, Highwang, and Word on the Wind.

(By RasterPunk)

(By Douloug)
Bomberman Has No Soul

(By ElTipejoLoco)

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 02:07 on Oct 12, 2015

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

I forgot to render the first part at 720p so that YouTube will play it at 60fps. I've fixed that for the rest of the LP.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

The fastest, and probably the funniest, of the five worlds. I already know what I'm using as the thumbnail when I submit this to the LPArchive.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

LP finishes tomorrow. 2D Bomberman games are short.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

And there you have it. Hopefully Saturn Bomberman doesn't take too long before we can commentate it. After that I'll probably do Super 3, followed by Fantasy Race, and then Super 4 and 5. Additional suggested games or LPers doing other games are welcome.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Due to work and school, Yoshi and Travis were unavailable to record for all of December. But it's a new year, and we have recordings a plenty on the way. Saturn Bomberman has been fully commentated and will come next week, with one part a day starting on Monday. Fantasy Race will be right behind it.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

---The Game---
Saturn Bomberman is the 1997 installment in the classic formula for the ill-fated Sega Saturn. Which sucks, because this is easily one of the best games in the franchise. The levels are highly detailed, the music is creative and fantastic, the voice acting isn't abysmal, and it's a short but sweet campaign with an old-school game option thrown in for kicks. It also happens to allow for up to 16 players for online multiplayer - because online play is direct connection, you can still play online if you have the modem! And, you know, a Saturn.
Also this game introduces Mujoe and the Hige Hige Bandits to the franchise, which is always good eats. (Granted they have stupider names...)
Not the most difficult of Bomberman games, but the one worth coming back to the most.

The Story is Such:
The evil Mr. Meanie (yes really) and the evil-er Dr. Mechado, heads of the Meanie Group (AKA: Mujoe, Mechadoc, and the Hige Hige Bandits) revive the evil monster Crator and unleash him to cause destruction throughout time. It is up to Bomberman, Black Bomber, and their weird dust bunny thing to travel through time, kill as many unsuspecting creatures as possible, collect the crystals needed to stop Crator, and put an end to Mr. Meanie's evil plan. With bitching music!

---The LP---
This is a very quick LP in the same vein as the Super Bomberman LPs: there are five worlds, each with their own 20-25 minute video. My co-commentators are BigTUnit1 and Mugiwara Yoshi.

World 1 - Higeland:

World 2 - Samurai World

World 3 - Wild West World

World 4 - Dino World

World 5 - Mr. Meanie's Future World

Extra - A Quick Look at Master Game


Purple Dinosaur: This dinosaur emits ultrasonic waves to explode bombs and reveal the contents of soft (bombable) blocks. His ultrasonic waves grow as he grows bigger.
Blue Dinosaur: This dinosaur can kick bombs over objects. His kicking ability grows as he grows bigger.
Green Dinosaur: This dinosaur sprints down the line until stopped by an obstacle. As he gets bigger, he becomes faster and gains the ability to stop running and make turns while running.
Yellow Dinosaur: This dinosaur can stop your opponents in their tracks with his roar. His roar range grows as he grows. His roar causes other players to drop powerups
Pink Dinosaur: This dinosaur can jump over soft blocks. When grown, he can also jump over hard blocks, and jump further distances.

(By RasterPunk)

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 06:37 on Jan 21, 2016

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 2 - Samurai World

This world is a goddamn lie.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
It's the game. I actually bought a Saturn and a copy of the game and recorded the LP from there.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 3 - Wild West World

Nothing says "the Wild West" like... pajama witches and lumberjacks.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 4 - Dino World

We get a bit of a changeup in the world structure this time. We have to fight two bosses now!

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Digital Jello posted:

One of the later Super Bombermans did time travel too (I wanna say 5...). The Saturn version does it a lot "better" if that makes any sense. It also seems more enjoyable.

It's 4. 5 does more of a Super Bomberman series singularity thing, throwing all of the stages from 1-4 together. Saturn does it better purely by actually showing you time travelling. SB4 I want to say you just show up in new places.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
World 5 - Mr. Meanie's Future World

Final world of the game with an inexplicable marathon level at the end.

One more video tomorrow of the Master Game.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Extra - A Quick Look at Master Game

Thus concludes Saturn Bomberman. Fantasy Race will follow most likely next week.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

---The Game---
Bomberman Fantasy Race: It's kart racing, but with our Louie and Tirra friends! Grab items to fling at your opponents, jump around and off the walls, give your bunny friend a hemorrhage in order to make that last lap, and try not to fall into the water and bottomless pits. It's wacky, it's compressed to hell, and it's hard to control, but somehow it's one of the most fun recording experiences I've had in an LP. Music's pretty fun too.

Join me with Mugiwara Yoshi, BigTUnit1 and Jiggly Jacob as we see how far the Hige bandit YEEEH can go with just the starter Louie.

:frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren:

:frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren: :frogsiren:

Cheez posted:

It's called black louie. You're thinking of king tirra instead. Also, according to this guide here while I was looking up some info about stuff you hadn't covered, the prices for the unlockable characters are far higher in the English version than in the original Japanese release! Because why not! Like, black louie is 100,000 instead of 10,000, hopping louie is 1000 instead of 100... In other words you're getting super hosed over and Japanese people didn't have to grind for money.

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 19:03 on Jan 22, 2016

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

With the mechanics of the game sorted, it's time to get down to some fun but challenging levels. And beat them all the exact same ways.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Last batch of levels before the hardest and most soul-crushing.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

All of the bad design and control decisions come to a head in Bomber Castle. Baby Louie is no longer viable, and we must trade up in order to beat this godawful final level.

Travis was unavailable for this and the final part.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Know your limits.

That's everything for Fantasy Race! We don't currently have Super Bomberman 3-5 commentated, but those are all pretty quick, so we should start seeing those in February at the latest.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Derek Barona posted:

So, dunno if Thorn or anyone else is much on emulation and such anymore, but last month the translation for Bomberman Wars for the PSX was completed. Perhaps someone may be up for showing that off for a video?

If anyone can get it to work, that'd be very cool to see. I tried it but couldn't get the patch to work and the ROM to run.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
Glad you came back to it! If you want, you can add those links to this first post you made and that can be the main post for your LP. Then you can submit it to the archive or leave it, it's up to you.

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

---The Game---
Super Bomberman 3 is the 1995 sequel to both Super Bomberman 2 and Bomberman '94. It's the first of the Supers to not to be released in America, which is a shame, because it's as solid and fun as the previous ones, coupled with one of June Chikuma's best set of mixes.

The Story is Such:
Bagular, fresh from you kicking his rear end in Bomberman '94, finds and resurrects the corpses of the Five Dastardly Bombers, rotting from you kicking their asses in Super Bomberman 2. They invade five single-biome planets and steal power chips of some kind, like you do. Bomberman, with the help of his Louie friends, sets out to stop them.

---The LP---
Quick run through, like my previous LPs. My co-commentators for this LP are Heavy Sigh and SorataYuy.

ThornBrain fucked around with this message at 09:50 on Apr 3, 2016

Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.
They do stack. Seems the only abilities that don't for these earlier games are the bomb types (remote, spike, jelly, etc).


Jan 25, 2011

Hi. I forgot your name. Whatever.
My... point is...
Hi. Your head's on fire.

Best song in the game after the title theme. And one of the more hilarious bosses.

Digital Jello posted:

This game confuses me; why are the graphics to its predecessor all cartoony and...well, better than SB3 here? It's like SB3 went a step down in aesthetics.

We talk about that a bit in later parts. This game's a direct sequel to Bomberman '94, and it seems to just take the art style from it. B'94 was on the Turbografx-16. :downs:

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