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Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

Let's Play Adam's Venture Chronicles

Adam's Venture is a Christian-themed puzzle/adventure title. There aren't many religious games, and Adam's Venture has the distinction of actually being pretty decent, gameplay-wise. It's got an Uncharted-esque adventure feeling, but mostly revolves around logic/math puzzles. It was originally released as three separate episodes, but I'm playing the collected version because it's both cheaper and available on the PS3. I felt compelled to share this game primarily because it's strange, so although it isn't awful, I wouldn't place your hopes too high. It's still pretty mediocre by all traditional standards.

So, let's go on a friendly play-date with god. Just don't spoil anything.

1. The Search Begins
2. Leap of Faith
3. Hold On Tight
4. Eden

1. Airport Escape
2. Temple Mount
3. Excavation Site
4. Down The Well
5. Solomon's Throne Room

1. Two Years Ago
2. Into The Depths
3. Luz, France
4. The End?

Character Bios:

GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 12:25 on Feb 5, 2016


Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
In this video, we solve bible quotes, and pseudo-bible quotes.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
This time we hang from ledges a whole lot. Would you believe we're almost done with the first act?

Apr 23, 2011
The guy on the title pic is so thinly-disguised it might as well be Nathan Drake doing a favor for some priest.

Jul 12, 2010
I do have to say, for being both a religious game and having a small team, it does seem is competently made. Not great, but far from the worst.

And if you hadn't spoiled it, I would have guessed the black cloud to be either a generic demon, Satan (him/her/it)self, or Lilith.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

Gideon020 posted:

The guy on the title pic is so thinly-disguised it might as well be Nathan Drake doing a favor for some priest.

It's not exactly subtle about its inspiration, but at least the gameplay is different.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

KnT posted:

I do have to say, for being both a religious game and having a small team, it does seem is competently made. Not great, but far from the worst.

And if you hadn't spoiled it, I would have guessed the black cloud to be either a generic demon, Satan (him/her/it)self, or Lilith.

I do say in the last video of this act that I think it may be Satan, but I don't have enough to go on.

Apr 23, 2011
Probably is Satan. I've played a few games like this (although the FPS where you played an Angel I think wasn't actually a Christian game...) and Satan is always the one who opposes you. Such is the way of things.

Sep 6, 2009


I assumed Adam's Torch is his Faith. It goes out in water because that's what he figures torches do, and it doesn't burn all of those ropes because he didn't think about it. That, and I thought the entire room would be about keeping it lit as a puzzle during the clambering about.

e: And I like the hat-touching.

Polyseme fucked around with this message at 02:46 on Jan 19, 2016

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
The last video of the incredibly short first act.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
We begin Act Two with a..., well, we steal a car.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
This time we meet some dangerous villagers.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
In this video, we learn that Adam might be a tiny bit unstable.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
What a peculiar wishing well

Jul 28, 2008

A little EQ, a touch of reverb, slap on some compression and there. That'll get your dickbutt jiggling.

Man you are NOT pacing yourself here. Digging the couple I saw so far though!

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

JossiRossi posted:

Man you are NOT pacing yourself here. Digging the couple I saw so far though!

I'm an upload-it-when-it's-done kinda guy. And people can always watch it when the thread's done, right? It's not like it goes away.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
Hey look, Solomon's Throne Room

Nov 10, 2012
Evelyn's last Appleby?

I love it. Oh my goodness I love it.

I'm a little disappointed the game isn't laughably bad, but there's still enough jank for it to be charming. From the game's insufferable characters to its clunky acting, there's magic.

Also, it appears that Adam's Venture Chronicles is on sale on Steam. Less than ten bucks! Now THAT's a treasure!!! There's even a page for the upcoming "Adam's Venture: Origins" that promises a "next-gen" experience.


Adam’s Venture Origins is a reimagining of the Adam’s Venture franchise. Streamlined and replotted to forge an engaging narrative, Adam’s Venture: Origins reimagines the events of the first exploits of Adam Venture.

GOTY 2016 can't wait

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!

LoseHound posted:

Evelyn's last Appleby?

I love it. Oh my goodness I love it.

I'm a little disappointed the game isn't laughably bad, but there's still enough jank for it to be charming. From the game's insufferable characters to its clunky acting, there's magic.

Also, it appears that Adam's Venture Chronicles is on sale on Steam. Less than ten bucks! Now THAT's a treasure!!! There's even a page for the upcoming "Adam's Venture: Origins" that promises a "next-gen" experience.

GOTY 2016 can't wait

Yeah, it's even coming out for Xbox One and PS4.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
We start the final act with a look into the past.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
In this adventure, we break more priceless ancient poo poo.

Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
France is beautiful and full of windmills.


Jan 3, 2014

Oh, whoa! Check out the Viewing Globe, shorty!
It's time for the final confrontation, wherein we save the world. No, really.

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