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Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Let's Play Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures

You're probably at least aware of the semi-new Pac-Man television series, and may also be aware of the accompanying jingle and slogan. Regardless of whether that's your thing, the games might be! The two 3d platformers based on the show are actually fairly well designed, and I think they go beyond what most would expect from a tie-in product. They're colorful, unique, and just plain fun.

This is the first game in the series, and it's structured more or less like a traditional 3d platformer. I say more or less because there are no real collectibles, in spite of the game having a lot of optional areas to visit. The combat is more difficult than its sequel, due to the different enemy design, placement, and the lesser range of Pac's chomp. As it's impossible to 100% the game in any meaningful sense, we'll just be going through all the levels like any old chump. The game is really short, too, so although it technically has one more world than its sequel, don't expect a very long ride.

Thank you all for watching!

GamesAreSupernice fucked around with this message at 08:27 on Feb 23, 2016


Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Alexeythegreat posted:

Why does Pac burp every time he picks something up and why didn't they record a proper burping sound for that

*speaks at you in belches*

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Chimera-gui posted:

First and formost, thanks for LP Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2.

Secondly, I love that there are multiple tube transitions so you can have Pac either come out of the tubes with style or just land on his head like a dumbass.

Also, I'm glad I'm not the only goon who remembers Cubix: Robots for Everyone.

I'm also a poor sap who played the Cubix videogames.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

In World Two, we fight our first boss, The Egg Golem

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Alexeythegreat posted:

That maze is great

The one at the end of the world?

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Alexeythegreat posted:

No, I meant the one in the middle of the video. I posted before I finished the video :v:

Ah yeah, I really dig that.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.
Before anyone gets their hopes up, I am not recording the arcade mini-games. They are boring and depressing and I can't even bring myself to play them.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

It's a nice day to go to hell.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Looks like Betrayus is giving us the Cold Shoulder

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Here is fan-art that a friend made for the thread. He thinks Pac-Man looks a lot like the devil.

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Memes are the DNA of the soul

Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

And thus we reach the end of our very short adventures. I hope you've enjoyed your time with Pacster and his well-designed but short-lived game series.


Jan 3, 2014

In a world of fear and loathing, fight for love and mercy.

Zanzibar Ham posted:

Oh wow, a YGO reference in the year 2013? At least the reference also works for the game.

e: oh, and also thanks for the LP, was a fun watch :v:

A what reference?

And sure, no problem. It wasn't all that hard and I would feel weird recording one and not the other.

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