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nesaM killed Masen

Escape From Noise posted:





please send your :wom:s to Wumbus today. yesterday afternoon when I fed her she didn't eat, in fact I only saw her start to eat shortly before I went to bed. she didn't finish that dish of food. I gave her a new bowl of kibble this am before work. I hope she has eaten some before I get home. normally she eats the entire bowl within 10 minutes of getting it. hoping it was just some illness that her immune system can handle in the next day or two.

thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut


nesaM killed Masen

drat!! Planet Zoo ultimate edition is like 200 bucks worth of stuff. I'm gonna drop 4 on the Arctic pack, We deffo want some chill in our zoo. I've worked on the settings a bit already. Animals can't die, are always happy and fed. They are allowed to fight, because some need a good go once in awhile to stay in a nice mood. Our employees, which I suppose ends up being us, won't get tired or unhappy, while still being allowed to quit, but not able to run away from the animals(not sure if staff can be eaten by the animals so that might be a later thing to deal with).
Cool beans, now i just have to learn how to build a zoo.


:tfrxmas: Heck yeah, libraries ftw.


Dr. Honked posted:

the junk, rather than the trunk
Bright Bart

False. There is only one electron and it has never stopped
I've read more than one article complaining about people responding to the 'How are you?' and the British 'Are you alright?' form of greeting with an honest answer.

One phrased is using hyperbole about how it's non-consensual trauma dumping and they feel triggered. Which is a misuse of both terms. The others were just saying it shows a lack of social awareness, and that it's annoying.

Too bad. If you ask me I'll tell you. Maybe that'll teach you to just say 'Hi' if you don't want me to tell you it's not going so great my stepdad is in the hospital.


nesaM killed Masen

Bright Bart posted:

I've read more than one article complaining about people responding to the 'How are you?' and the British 'Are you alright?' form of greeting with an honest answer.

One phrased is using hyperbole about how it's non-consensual trauma dumping and they feel triggered. Which is a misuse of both terms. The others were just saying it shows a lack of social awareness, and that it's annoying.

Too bad. If you ask me I'll tell you. Maybe that'll teach you to just say 'Hi' if you don't want me to tell you it's not going so great my stepdad is in the hospital.

This all day.
It's easier to say hi, there is no need to ask how someone is and the point that you do you are setting yourself up for it. I get the idea of it just being a casual pretending of interest, but gently caress that. If I see someone and ask how they are I'm ok with a spectrum of 'fine' to 'let me tell you what's wrong'.
If one sees a person on the ground and asks if they are okay, are they then going to complain about this whiny bastard whinging about their problems while lying in a pool of blood? Madness.
Wie geht's? Mir geht's nicht so gut.(I maybe got that right) is an example of just saying it's not going well. It's the Deutsch equivalent, I dunno what this has to do with the point.
I'd rather have someone 'trauma dump' on me and I try to help or make them feel better than them just go through bad poo poo and not talk to anyone.

not sure if you used that as an example, but if you're stepdad is in hospital then I hope it gets sorted.

BONUS:what the gently caress is with people saying dumb poo poo like non-consensual for things that it's just making poo poo sound worse, but with no actual point? I got a non-consensual D on my homework.

B33rChiller posted:

:tfrxmas: Heck yeah, libraries ftw.

Libraries are dope and underutilized.


Bright Bart posted:

I've read more than one article complaining about people responding to the 'How are you?' and the British 'Are you alright?' form of greeting with an honest answer.

One phrased is using hyperbole about how it's non-consensual trauma dumping and they feel triggered. Which is a misuse of both terms. The others were just saying it shows a lack of social awareness, and that it's annoying.

Too bad. If you ask me I'll tell you. Maybe that'll teach you to just say 'Hi' if you don't want me to tell you it's not going so great my stepdad is in the hospital.

alternatively make up some dumb implausible poo poo like that you're being gangstalked by real garden gnomes hiding among the ornamental ones on peoples' lawns and wonder what the best means of managing said pests is

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Finger Prince

drat dude, that sucks. Well, I can really recommend the chicken soup. The special is a Korean fried chicken sandwich with sweet potato fries, but it's a bit heavy and it sounds like you probably don't need anything heavy right now, so maybe the caprese salad with garlic crostini? With a glass of bubbly? Treat yourself, you deserve it.

Bright Bart

False. There is only one electron and it has never stopped
I'm hungry but it's too late to eat. And for some reason your sandwich descriptor is reminding me of this bánh mì place in Oslo. They use pâté and everything and add just enough cilantro.

It's memorable because it tastes even more delicious because I only have it if I've been walking around the city the whole day and go there because it's the only food I can afford in Norway other than than this pizza place close to where I stay that has personal pizzas for $5 which is cheaper than over here in Poland actually.


Bright Bart posted:

I've read more than one article complaining about people responding to the 'How are you?' and the British 'Are you alright?' form of greeting with an honest answer.

One phrased is using hyperbole about how it's non-consensual trauma dumping and they feel triggered. Which is a misuse of both terms. The others were just saying it shows a lack of social awareness, and that it's annoying.

Too bad. If you ask me I'll tell you. Maybe that'll teach you to just say 'Hi' if you don't want me to tell you it's not going so great my stepdad is in the hospital.

Hot take: gently caress articles. The goal these days is to come up with a salacious title that gets you to open the article: that counts for say 10 newspaper points. Then, if they can get you to read the entire thing to the end, that counts for, oh, 50 newspaper points. There are lots of ways to accumulate these points, you don't even need to have a news desk, you can just create "content" like this. The goal is getting as many points as possible.

I have sometimes responded to this question honestly, and in 50 trips around the sun, I have not had a single person get upset about it. It's not that difficult to read their reaction and either cut the explanation short or go into more depth. I've even told random strangers on elevators that I'm not having a great day.

Maybe I'm just a weirdo. I don't always smile in photos, and I cry a lot more than most dudes my age. I feel like it's okay to acknowledge the full range of human emotion, and I shouldn't feel obliged to pretend I'm happy all the time.


Want some rye?
Course ya do!

hi all i haven’t been posting but that’s ok I’m curled up in bed with a cool breeze open window behind me and feeling pretty good in general

Escape From Noise

Bo-Pepper posted:

hi all i haven’t been posting but that’s ok I’m curled up in bed with a cool breeze open window behind me and feeling pretty good in general


I always like seeing your posts.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Want some rye?
Course ya do!

the cool sides of fall and spring are where the best bed cuddling can be found

Escape From Noise

Bo-Pepper posted:

the cool sides of fall and spring are where the best bed cuddling can be found

That's very true.

I finally got to sleep in my own bed for the first time in almost a month. It's so comfy, it owns.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Finger Prince

Check out these cool wavy clouds!

Escape From Noise

Finger Prince posted:

Check out these cool wavy clouds!

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Finger Prince posted:

Check out these cool wavy clouds!


The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


Finger Prince posted:

Check out these cool wavy clouds!

oh yeah I really like those they look like asperatus :yayclod:

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

nesaM killed Masen

Bo-Pepper posted:

hi all i haven’t been posting but that’s ok I’m curled up in bed with a cool breeze open window behind me and feeling pretty good in general

September on the farm was so nice, after the summer being stupid hot it was nice to sleep with a slight chill. You sound to have a pretty nice lounge spot going.

Finger Prince posted:

Check out these cool wavy clouds!

FAKE!!! Everyone knows the sky is flat.
Cool picture.

Bright Bart

False. There is only one electron and it has never stopped

Finger Prince posted:

Check out these cool wavy clouds!

Wanna sailing on them

baka of lathspell

rear end-penny posted:

please send your :wom:s to Wumbus today. yesterday afternoon when I fed her she didn't eat, in fact I only saw her start to eat shortly before I went to bed. she didn't finish that dish of food. I gave her a new bowl of kibble this am before work. I hope she has eaten some before I get home. normally she eats the entire bowl within 10 minutes of getting it. hoping it was just some illness that her immune system can handle in the next day or two.


join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)

baka of lathspell

AP it could be a thyroid thing mine had that happen


thanks bol. She has been more herself yesterday and this morning she was being VERY loud until the food hit the bowl. whatever was happening with her I'm cautiously optimistic she is past it.

more falafel please

forums poster

re: weed in germany

thanks Saoshyant and nesamdoom for the sigs!

Finger Prince

I tried on a wild iridescent suit jacket at Nordstrom Rack today (it's actually a full suit with matching tie and trousers). It looked surprisingly good, but I have like zero use case for such a garment. Shame really. Maybe I should start hosting a karaoke night or something.

Randy Travesty


more falafel please posted:

re: weed in germany

Laughing way, way too hard at this in an airport and attracting attention from crotchety Midwestern olds but worth it.


nesaM killed Masen

The zoo is turning out to be a slow project. Turns out that I have no idea how to make a zoo. But, it's now got puppies and kitties.

sb hermit

rear end-penny posted:

thanks bol. She has been more herself yesterday and this morning she was being VERY loud until the food hit the bowl. whatever was happening with her I'm cautiously optimistic she is past it.

How’s wumbus now? :ohdearsass:

Escape From Noise

Why be working when I could just be high all the time?

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

(on weed)

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

sb hermit

cruft posted:

Maybe I'm just a weirdo. I don't always smile in photos, and I cry a lot more than most dudes my age. I feel like it's okay to acknowledge the full range of human emotion, and I shouldn't feel obliged to pretend I'm happy all the time.

I’m a dude in my 40s and I cry a lot. I attribute it to a healthy amount of introspection and other things. I also see it as being healthy, however. I only offer this as another data point for you to consider. I think that most guys cry just as much, but are unwilling to admit it.

As an aside, I have always had trouble smiling. And remembering names. And taking care of myself. Maybe I should work on that this year. Or maybe I should learn how to play the bass guitar. Or a foreign language. Priorities!!!!

sb hermit

Escape From Noise posted:

Why be working when I could just be high all the time?


sb hermit

nesamdoom posted:

The zoo is turning out to be a slow project. Turns out that I have no idea how to make a zoo. But, it's now got puppies and kitties.



It has occurred to me. Why did fantasy people spend money on a moat with a draw bridge and alligators when you could have kittens and puppies outside your fortress? Who wants to watch gators lounge in the sun vs kittens?

Escape From Noise

I think Namba Bears may be my favorite venue on this dead gay Earth.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

sb hermit posted:



It has occurred to me. Why did fantasy people spend money on a moat with a draw bridge and alligators when you could have kittens and puppies outside your fortress? Who wants to watch gators lounge in the sun vs kittens?

Gators are pretty sick IMHO.

Mad respect on basically being a living fossil while being a pretty much universally feared apex predator.

Escape From Noise fucked around with this message at 11:41 on Apr 4, 2024

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


nesaM killed Masen

sb hermit posted:

I think that most guys cry just as much, but are unwilling to admit it.

I ran out of caring about most things enough to cry about them, but anything that still hits a subject that matters and I'm cool with getting it out.

Sometimes it's just nice to sit in the rain and cry a bit. then poof, feel way better.

Got banned, lost sig.


I know tonnes of severely repressed Catholic men who never ever cry. It's hosed. Like, won't even cry at a parent's funeral.


Quadramind posted:

I know tonnes of severely repressed Catholic men who never ever cry. It's hosed. Like, won't even cry at a parent's funeral.

I didn't cry when my mom died. But I think it was because the last two years of Alzheimer's were so taxing that her death was a release. Before she started declining, she had pleaded with me to do whatever I could to end things if she lost her marbles. But by the time she got there, the decision was more about what dad wanted, and he absolutely did not want anything like that. Not that it was even an option in the US, anyway.

This story isn't really related to what you wrote, other than reminding me that I didn't cry when mom died. It was really more of a relief, plus a series of legal obligations that needed to suddenly be met.


Escape From Noise posted:

Why be working when I could just be high all the time?


thank you so much to nesamdoom for the scurry fall sig!

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut



sb hermit posted:

How’s wumbus now? :ohdearsass:

very upset I have the gall to continue to be employed and leave the house for a third or more ov every day.

men crying talk, I cry most often probably listening to Chumbawamba, they just wrote about a lot of sad topics.

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