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B33rChiller posted:

The old "Fuckit, jump with both feet!" approach, eh?

Pretty much, yeah.

I figured I'd move to Seattle, do daring stuff like this, learn lessons, then move back home where I'd have it all figured out and wouldn't need to worry about screwing stuff up with the community that mattered to me.

Turns out I didn't screw up anything in Seattle, either. I even met a girl who agreed to marry me. We'll have our 25th anniversary next year :)



nesaM killed Masen

B33rChiller posted:

Oh cool, thanks for the update. I had a fun half a round of Carcassonne with my girl after dinner the other night. She's getting old enough to learn most of the rules and some strategy too.
That's a good game to ease into playing with kids. You can start by just matching the sides of tiles and working on taking turns. They can do whatever with their meeples, then start adding rules as they get older and better able to follow along. We're scoring cities and roads now, practicing counting with the board, and doing simple addition. Teaching how to take over a city or road, without stomping her, just pointing out options and helping her see what might be better placement. It's neat to see the gears turning, plans coming together.

That game is awesome. I got intro'd a long time ago but mostly have played a mobile version. There is a game called Zombies, it's a tiling board game kinda similar. I'm looking to get the kid started sometime. I should probably get more stuff like Carcassonne to do family stuff. PrincessDoom's girls are old enough to play and I could team with the dude.

Competitive family games are super fun... lol, like as long as noone is grudge-holdy.

Got banned, lost sig.


nesaM killed Masen

cruft posted:

Pretty much, yeah.

I figured I'd move to Seattle, do daring stuff like this, learn lessons, then move back home where I'd have it all figured out and wouldn't need to worry about screwing stuff up with the community that mattered to me.

Turns out I didn't screw up anything in Seattle, either. I even met a girl who agreed to marry me. We'll have our 25th anniversary next year :)

Holy poo poo, pre-congrats.

Escape From Noise

gently caress dude. RIP Steve Albini.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


more falafel please

forums poster

did yall know he recorded Joanna Newsom's Ys? like what the gently caress

thanks Saoshyant and nesamdoom for the sigs!

Escape From Noise

more falafel please posted:

did yall know he recorded Joanna Newsom's Ys? like what the gently caress

His thing was he'd basically record anyone who asked. Even if he wasn't a fan and refused to take a producer credit because he argued he didn't produce anything and would insist on being credited as an audio engineer. He also refused to take residuals and would just charge a one time fee.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


nesaM killed Masen

Who is it that posts their cool stuff that can do audio fuckery?

Goons Are Gifts



We usually get house martens nesting under the eaves here, but just as they arrived for the summer, the sparrows found their old nest and seem to have chased them off completely. Wondering if we're going to have house martens at all this hear. We had twelve nests last year, but they're all empty now except for the plucky sparrows'.

Gfmind calls house martens mud tits because she pretends not to know birds ☺


nesaM killed Masen

Quadramind posted:

We usually get house martens nesting under the eaves here, but just as they arrived for the summer, the sparrows found their old nest and seem to have chased them off completely. Wondering if we're going to have house martens at all this hear. We had twelve nests last year, but they're all empty now except for the plucky sparrows'.

Gfmind calls house martens mud tits because she pretends not to know birds ☺

If you see them then let them know there is a free nest on my porch a couple spots to build if they are willing to take a day off work.

Got banned, lost sig.

Escape From Noise

I still can't fuckin' believe that Steve Albini is fuckin' dead. Songs About loving is a landmark album not just for noise rock, but American independent music as a whole. Big Black is, in my opinion, one of the most important groups in underground music as a whole.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


nesaM killed Masen

I just realized something. the dumbell rattle I bought for the kid right before he was born is .2lbs. that makes it heavier than gaming mice. people are literally complaining about infant levels of weight they need to move, hahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhaa gently caress off to the gym. the walk there will probably build enough arm muscle to move your 90 gram mouse.

sorry, i woke up fuckity today. I am going to post this here and in the photo thread. Guten Morgen BYOB

Got banned, lost sig.


Crows, again.
I was walking to the bus stop and a crow swooped down to snag a nice-looking small branch for to build nest for smol crows. All was well until its mate landed behind it and startled the poor Builder of Nests and it dropped the branch! The confusion as it looked down at the nest, all in disarray, wondering where that branch had gone.
I think its mate called it a dumbass and they flew away, possibly to find a better nesting spot, maybe one where your mate doesn't manage to sneak up behind you when you're focused on your masterpiece of architecture.

This all took place in the time I was fumbling for my phone for to take video. Alas.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


nesamdoom posted:

Who is it that posts their cool stuff that can do audio fuckery?
I like to do audio fuckery, but sampling is a magic I've not messed with much at all. That is a :krad: jam though!


Dr. Honked posted:

the junk, rather than the trunk
Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump

you alright buddy?

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature


Well. That Little Owl dad is a superior hunter. I did think the mass at the back of the nest had what seemed suspiciously like legs and, well.
What a good provider for his family!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Goons Are Gifts

Chem this out birb friends, the byob spaceship is going to move out to visit PSP once again as part of a fun thread exchange, since they brought their hollering thread over to our place!

I highly recommend, actually require everyone to bookmark both of these threads and post the living poo poo out of them, we have to uphold a certain reputation you know and that is that we like to post, ideally a lot!


nesaM killed Masen

B33rChiller posted:

I like to do audio fuckery, but sampling is a magic I've not messed with much at all. That is a :krad: jam though!

I very much have fun kicking it to Yuri mixes. How they are made looks so relaxed I'm so jealous of the talent. But since I can't do it I enjoy just watching and the final songs are cool enough I've bought a couple I think, can't remember if I'm thinking of someone else though.
Either way I think I might sub on patreon just to throw a bit at keeping cool sounds coming.
I sample stuff but can't make the music with it. Best I can do is like audio tests with stuff or really jank mashups.
Lol, if the jokes were even worth the time I could have you make them sound good, but Rambo/Elsa colab stuff is just dumb and wasted my whole day. I still love that idiot video

Got banned, lost sig.

baka of lathspell

posting cuz i lurked. hi

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)


nesaM killed Masen

baka of lathspell posted:

posting cuz i lurked. hi

Lurking cuz you posted

Finger Prince

Apparently there's some really awesome space weather happening in Europe right now. Hoping it stays being awesome for another 5-6 hours, and is visible on this side or the world, so I can go check it out when it gets dark.


Finger Prince posted:

Apparently there's some really awesome space weather happening in Europe right now. Hoping it stays being awesome for another 5-6 hours, and is visible on this side or the world, so I can go check it out when it gets dark.

We're supposed to see some Northern Lights her in the states!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
my teef hurt

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!

Escape From Noise

Northern Lights, Southern Comfort.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Sarah Cenia posted:

my teef hurt

Tell them to stop it at once.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
i slept through the aurora borealis :I

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature

Finger Prince

Finger Prince

What an incredible show! I've never seen anything like it. I took a ton of pics on my good camera, I'll see tomorrow what turned out and post them in the photos thread.


nesaM killed Masen

Sparky Clark and the Monkey Brunch

Finger Prince

I don't own an Alexa or anything like that, but if it could tell me where I put my glasses, I'd consider it.

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
Apparently the solar storm is still going on. I've still got a chance to see the northern lights.

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature


Gotta say, nothing quite like a drive-by shooting a half block away to really liven up a quiet afternoon.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare


Here's some chill, live from the back patio


Dr. Honked posted:

the junk, rather than the trunk

B33rChiller posted:

Here's some chill, live from the back patio

I have a cam from Finland (ringed seals!) running for the soothing sound of waves (and the occasional seal sighting).
No one was injured, thank goodness.

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Finger Prince

I hate sewing buttons, and also I suck at sewing buttons. Is there such a thing as a handheld automatic button sewer (weird how that's the same word as sewer)? Or is it just a matter of git good, scrub?


Finger Prince posted:

I hate sewing buttons, and also I suck at sewing buttons. Is there such a thing as a handheld automatic button sewer (weird how that's the same word as sewer)? Or is it just a matter of git good, scrub?

Yes, there are!

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Finger Prince

xcheopis posted:

Yes, there are!

I see some that use plastic clips or fasteners, but that's not really ideal depending on the placement and fabric and if you want to match thread colours. Are there ones that will do it with thread? I really don't want a fancy expensive sewing machine just to mend the odd button.


Finger Prince posted:

I see some that use plastic clips or fasteners, but that's not really ideal depending on the placement and fabric and if you want to match thread colours. Are there ones that will do it with thread? I really don't want a fancy expensive sewing machine just to mend the odd button.

well, that I don't know, sorry

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare



Finger Prince posted:

I see some that use plastic clips or fasteners, but that's not really ideal depending on the placement and fabric and if you want to match thread colours. Are there ones that will do it with thread? I really don't want a fancy expensive sewing machine just to mend the odd button.
That's a job for your local tailor / seamstress / theatre company's costumer. Save up a few buttons that need fixing, and bring em in the next time you want to get a pair of trousers hemmed. Can't take a pro very long, and I might imagine you could get a few done within the minimum hourly labor charge (they bill like mechanics, right?)


Dr. Honked posted:

the junk, rather than the trunk
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