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Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes
Everyone has an iPhone. I certainly do and am a better person for it. I love the phone, love the brand. If you don't have one you're a loser and probably don't deserve to live in Trump's America.

iPhone is also the most expensive of the widely available phones, which to me seems very unique among best selling products in their respective categories. I can't think of anything else that is the top seller and also the most expensive. It doesn't seem to be true for anything else in electronics, in food, in fashion, cars or furniture. What other types of things are there?!

Can anyone think of something else that would fill that criteria?


Jul 28, 2003

by FactsAreUseless
Great thread about how you bought a phone op

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

Sheep-Goats posted:

Great thread about how you bought a phone op

Do you have an answer to the question?

Jan 6, 2003

there are a bunch of smartphones that are much more expensive than the iphone and they are just as widely available in that if you have the money you can just order them from a website

look at this thing its an $8500 phone! I guess that one is a limited edition but its still not hard to find these "luxury smartphones" that are crazy expensive

Jan 6, 2003

also to actually answer your question about other products: faberge eggs

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes
Yes, I know about Vertu. I think you missed my point. Also, I didn't buy an iPhone if it matters to you. :)

Jan 6, 2003

jyrka posted:

Yes, I know about Vertu. I think you missed my point. Also, I didn't buy an iPhone if it matters to you. :)

What is your point then? I don't care what kind of phone you have i'm just saying the iphone is not actually the most expensive product in the field, there are a bunch of more expensive phones that are easily available to anyone who wants to spend thousands of dollars on a phone. to answer your question for real I'm not sure there is a field in which the actual most expensive product is the most popular one unless you really narrow the field to either some ultra-niche luxury thing or some situation where there are only a few products and the most expensive one is the only decent one

Jan 1, 2005

When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons, and make super lemons.

Dinosaur Gum
Samsung has sold more (android) phones than Apple has. Samsung smokes them every single year. In fact, iPhones have never had a higher market share than Samsung's android line (and since you're grouping all iPhone versions into one phone it's only fair to count them as one as well here).
Sales charts are not difficult to find.

In closing- iPhones are not the most expensive nor the most popular.

Scudworth fucked around with this message at 19:10 on Mar 14, 2016

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

Earwicker posted:

What is your point then? I don't care what kind of phone you have i'm just saying the iphone is not actually the most expensive product in the field, there are a bunch of more expensive phones that are easily available to anyone who wants to spend thousands of dollars on a phone. to answer your question for real I'm not sure there is a field in which the actual most expensive product is the most popular one unless you really narrow the field to either some ultra-niche luxury thing or some situation where there are only a few products and the most expensive one is the only decent one

Yes, you can technically buy a Ferrari as well but everyone knows Mercedes-Benz is the most expensive car. Just like an iPhone is the most expensive phone. And it is the best selling one as well. I wonder if there is anything else like that? Hmm.

Jan 6, 2003

jyrka posted:

Yes, you can technically buy a Ferrari as well but everyone knows Mercedes-Benz is the most expensive car. Just like an iPhone is the most expensive phone. And it is the best selling one as well. I wonder if there is anything else like that? Hmm.

Either I'm too stupid to understand what you are trying to say, or you're too stupid to be saying it. Occam's razor suggests both.

Meme Poker Party
Sep 1, 2006

by Azathoth

Earwicker posted:

Either I'm too stupid to understand what you are trying to say, or you're too stupid to be saying it. Occam's razor suggests both.

No it's just the latter.

jyrka you aren't making any sense and generally sound like a bozo.

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes
Interesting. Something must be getting lost in translation. I am considered very intelligent where I live. Wherever that is.

Oct 28, 2007

IPhone is the most profitable brand, but it is neither the most popular (by units sold), nor the most expensive. Your suppositions are both wrong.

Jan 5, 2006

Public school teachers are callous dictators who won't lift a finger to stop children from peeing in my plane
Cigarettes, to some degree. Yeah, you smoke whatever you can afford if you need to, but if you have the money you tend to prefer a more expensive, well-known brand. I've noticed this particularly in third-world countries -- people who can afford it will buy international brands like Lucky Strike or Marlboro that are 6-10 times more expensive than alternatives and not that much better-tasting.

Jul 28, 2003

by FactsAreUseless

jyrka posted:

Yes, you can technically buy a Ferrari as well but everyone knows Mercedes-Benz is the most expensive car. Just like an iPhone is the most expensive phone. And it is the best selling one as well. I wonder if there is anything else like that? Hmm.

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes


I'm not claiming to have been "pretending".

Just a few I thought of: Lego is probably the most expensive of whatever type of toy it is, Nike is generally more expensive than Adidas and whathaveyou, Microsoft Office doesn't even have a competitor that costs money and they're still the most popular one.

Sep 24, 2007

jyrka posted:


I'm not claiming to have been "pretending".

Just a few I thought of: Lego is probably the most expensive of whatever type of toy it is, Nike is generally more expensive than Adidas and whathaveyou, Microsoft Office doesn't even have a competitor that costs money and they're still the most popular one.

Yeah but Gucci and many other shoes are more expensive than Nike. I think you are just dumb. Thread over.

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

DoubleT2172 posted:

Yeah but Gucci and many other shoes are more expensive than Nike. I think you are just dumb. Thread over.

I don't think Gucci are in the sportswear market. I'm comparing Nike with the likes of Adidas, Reebok, UA and so on. I am not dumb, I am smart. And the thread is not over.

Aug 22, 2013

You can probably get someone to handmake you the ultimate trainer if you want to and it will be more expensive than Nikes.

If you argument is "This product which is the most expensive if you discount all of the ones that are more expensive is also the most popular if you discount all of the ones that are more popular" then you are 100% correct.

Meme Poker Party
Sep 1, 2006

by Azathoth
"This thread is NOT over!!!"

- Jyrka (one week before the massacre)

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

OwlFancier posted:

You can probably get someone to handmake you the ultimate trainer if you want to and it will be more expensive than Nikes.

If you argument is "This product which is the most expensive if you discount all of the ones that are more expensive is also the most popular if you discount all of the ones that are more popular" then you are 100% correct.

Well, yes, that is essentially what my argument is. If you want to put an arbitrary number to it, you can, but I don't, I'm more of a ideas guy than a numbers guy.

Chomp8645 posted:

"This thread is NOT over!!!"

- Jyrka (one week before the massacre)

I will get my revenge on having a bad thread in Ask/Tell!

Jan 6, 2003

So what we've learned is any product can be simultaneously the most expensive and the most popular thing on the market, so long as we are so flexible with the words "expensive" and "popular" that they don't actually mean anything.

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

Earwicker posted:

So what we've learned is any product can be simultaneously the most expensive and the most popular thing on the market, so long as we are so flexible with the words "expensive" and "popular" that they don't actually mean anything.

In all seriousness, I don't think that's what I'm doing. I'm only discounting luxury brands, which is simple enough. And I think iPhones outsell Samsung Galaxy, which seems to be true for the USA at least.

Aug 22, 2013

If you redefine "most expensive" and "most popular" so that they are synonymous with "iphones" then yes, iphones are the most expensive and most popular. But saying that isn't saying very much, following the first bit.

Aug 21, 2007

jyrka posted:

And I think iPhones outsell Samsung Galaxy, which seems to be true for the USA at least.

How can you not understand that this is not up to you to decide as a matter of opinion, it is either true or untrue, and it is untrue.

Sep 24, 2007

Hey you dolt here are some $750 Prada sneakers. Nike is not the most expensive

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

Brut posted:

How can you not understand that this is not up to you to decide as a matter of opinion, it is either true or untrue, and it is untrue.

I'm not deciding anything. I assumed iPhones were the most popular phones. Are they not? There is a lot contradictory information available. Do you have a good solid source you can perhaps share? I didn't mean to be rude by being wrong.

Jan 26, 2001

Passion’s Wrench
The F35 is the most expensive fighter plane in it's category, and the only one in it's category (the category is 'planes that are the F35') therefore it is the most popular as well.


Jan 5, 2006

Public school teachers are callous dictators who won't lift a finger to stop children from peeing in my plane
It sounds like your question is "why don't people buy the least expensive thing that fulfills their quantitative requirements." It's an interesting question (and why marketing exists), but you've phrased it in a profoundly stupid way.

Sep 11, 2008

Toilet Rascal
Non rotten meat is both the most popular and most expensive meat to purchase.

Edit, also the most expensive apple sold version of the iphone is not the most popular, not even close.

Elephanthead fucked around with this message at 22:15 on Mar 15, 2016

Oct 30, 2010

You mechs may have copper wiring to re-route your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.
Lululemon is above Nike and it's an athletic brand people know, get your facts together nerds.

Jan 1, 2005

When life gives you lemons, you clone those lemons, and make super lemons.

Dinosaur Gum

jyrka posted:

I'm not deciding anything. I assumed iPhones were the most popular phones. Are they not?

No they're not, nor have they EVER been. Just like I posted yesterday. Just like we keep telling you. Apple gets crushed every single year by Samsung.

If you're not a numbers guy and you didn't bother to take 5 min to check this yourself maybe take our word on this.

Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

PT6A posted:

It sounds like your question is "why don't people buy the least expensive thing that fulfills their quantitative requirements." It's an interesting question (and why marketing exists), but you've phrased it in a profoundly stupid way.

Well it is quite interesting how the most expensive phone is the best selling one, isn't it.

Meme Poker Party
Sep 1, 2006

by Azathoth
There is something wrong with this guy.

Jul 28, 2003

by FactsAreUseless

jyrka posted:


I'm not claiming to have been "pretending".

Oh! Well in that case

Sep 24, 2007

jyrka posted:

Well it is quite interesting how the most expensive phone is the best selling one, isn't it.

I can't decide if you are a troll or are just genuinely functionally retarded

Sep 21, 2004

Helping goons with math

jyrka posted:

Yes, you can technically buy a Ferrari as well but everyone knows Mercedes-Benz is the most expensive car. Just like an iPhone is the most expensive phone. And it is the best selling one as well. I wonder if there is anything else like that? Hmm.

I'm not certain what you're getting at but I think you may be looking for the term veblen good even though an iPhone may not be one of those.

Jun 8, 2010

The Republic of Luna Equestria is a huge, socially progressive nation, notable for its punitive income tax rates. Its compassionate, cynical population of 714m are ruled with an iron fist by the dictatorship government, which ensures that no-one outside the party gets too rich.

Apple gets crushed by samsung and Android on a sold unit basis every year.
Average cost of Apple smartphone is last I check c. $600 average android c. $250.

Better questions are: do Apple phones have a greater quality or feature set to justify the price differential. If not why. The answer is marketing. If yes the answer is marketing.

christmas boots
Oct 15, 2012

To these sing-alongs 🎤of siren 🧜🏻‍♀️songs
To oohs😮 to ahhs😱 to 👏big👏applause👏
With all of my 😡anger I scream🤬 and shout📢
🇺🇸America🦅, I love you 🥰but you're freaking 💦me 😳out
Biscuit Hider

jyrka posted:

Well it is quite interesting how the most expensive phone is the best selling one, isn't it.

iPhone isn't the most expensive. Neither iPhone not the most expensive outsell are the best selling.


Jan 21, 2005

Potato Count: 2 small potatoes

dirby posted:

I'm not certain what you're getting at but I think you may be looking for the term veblen good even though an iPhone may not be one of those.

Very interesting, thanks.

Another few I thought of that potentially fit the very interesting criteria I set: tickets to sporting events, tickets to "rock shows," and possibly computer games. And, yes, nitpickers, I am aware that technically you can get Harlem's Globetrotters to b-ball on yo' lawn for a million dollars and get the remaining members of The Rolling Stones to jam your 4th of July party but that is not what I'm talking about here.

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