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Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...



"We are being watched. The government has a secret system —a machine— that spies on you every hour of every day. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror, but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. The government considers these people irrelevant. We don’t. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You'll never find us. But victim or perpetrator, if your number’s up, we’ll find you."

Person of Interest is a sci-fi action series created by Jonathan Nolan (co-writer of The Dark Knight Trilogy, Interstellar, The Prestige and Memento). If you haven't been watching, it’s recommended that you go through the first four seasons(which are all on Netflix!) as soon as possible with the understanding that it takes a while to find its footing. (Ep. 7 is where it starts to get good, Ep. 13’s a good go/no go point.) Despite its procedural nature, every episode is required viewing, even the rough ones at the top of the series. They each dish out necessary backstory and mythology.

Streaming Links:

NetflixAmazoniTunesXBox VideoPlaystation Network

If you’re catching up and have archives, here are the threads for the previous seasons!

Season 1 Thread (S1 Gag Reel) (Opening 1)
Season 2 Thread (S2 Gag Reel) (Opening 2) - (Virus Version)
Season 3 Thread (S3 Gag Reel) (Opening 3) - (Root Version)
Season 4 Thread (S4 Gag Reel) (Opening 4)

Relevant Links:
POI Writers Room Twitter
POI Rewatch Tumblr(BTS tidbits from S1 and 2)
Michael Emerson’s Twitter
Kevin Chapman’s Twitter
Sarah Shahi’s Twitter
Amy Acker’s Twitter
Bear’s Twitter
POI Wiki
POI Song Playlist(courtesy of richardfun)


Zaggitz fucked around with this message at 09:01 on May 3, 2016


Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


(Gifs courtesy of my friend Max, THANK YOU MAX)

”If you can hear this, you're alone.

The only thing left of us is the sound of my voice. I don't know if any of us made it. Did we win? Did we lose? I don't know. I'm not even sure what victory would even mean anymore.

But either way, it's over.

So let me tell you who we were. Let me tell you who you are...

and how we fought back.”

The Machine:

The Machine was an artificial intelligence created by Harold Finch in the wake of 9/11. Her purpose was to analyze government feeds and predict acts of violence, be they on a massive (relevant) or minor (irrelevant) scale.

Over the course of the series, she evolved: her true nature as a passive observer of mankind - and her desire to help them help each other - came to light.

At the end of the cold war with Samaritan in season 4, the Machine found herself backed into a corner after giving away her location (the national power grid) in order to save her own agents. She narrowly escaped total deletion by having her core programming compressed into several hard drives which were then stored in a modified briefcase. With things now looking their darkest, it’s up to the Machine’s agents to rebuild her.


Created by Finch’s MIT colleague Arthur Claypool, Samaritan is the sword to the Machine’s shield: an open system that can divulge all the information it finds and be specially targeted at anyone its owner desires.

Through its own evolution, Samaritan has been shown to be in many ways the antithesis of everything the Machine represents: an active overseer obsessed with saving humanity from itself through worship and control.

This obsession manifested itself in The Correction, a large scale, covert assassination of select irrelevant elements that could in any way interfere with its plans.

With the Machine seemingly out of commission, the only thing left standing in Samaritan’s way is her agents.

Team Irrelevant:
Classification: Vigilante Group

Harold Finch (Michael Emerson)
Designation: ADMIN
Real Name: [UNKNOWN]

”Mildly agitated declaration of mission completion.“

“Real people aren’t pieces. You can't assign more value to some of them than to others. Not to me. Not to anyone. People are not a thing that you can sacrifice. The lesson is... anyone who looks on to the world as if it was a game of chess deserves to lose.”

The elusive former multi-billionaire who created the Machine operates as its primary agent in dealing with irrelevant threats. At the advent of Samaritan, Finch lost access to his funds and had to take on the cover identity of Harold Whistler, a university professor.

With the Machine now a glorified toaster and the team on the run, Harold’s primary task is to rebuild the Machine in order to mount one last stand against Samaritan.

He only has two modes.

John Reese (Jim Caviezel)
Designation: ASSET
Real Name: [REDACTED]

”Coolly delivered sadistic warning.”

“There are far too many bad people in this world, and not enough good. If I don’t save these people, nobody else will.”

Former Green Beret and CIA Wet work Operative with a hero complex, Reese is Finch’s right hand man.

While trying to hide from Samaritan, John took on the permanent cover John Riley, a narcotics detective who would quickly be promoted to homicide. He now works with Fusco as his partner, and is dating his police psychiatrist. That’ll end well, I’m sure.

How does he do that with his voice?

Sameen Shaw (Sarah Shahi)
Designation: ASSET
Real Name: [REDACTED]

”Annoyed attempt to deflect subtext.”

“Life is crap, welcome to the human race.”

After being burned by the government and saved by Reese and Finch in Season 2, this former Marine turned ISA Assassin brought her skills as a highly efficient operator to the team. She also acts as the team’s Medic, having gone through med school before being kicked out for her sociopathic tendencies.

Post-Samaritan, Shaw took on a dual life as Sameen Grey: make-up counter girl by day, getaway driver by night. This eventually lead to her job crossing over with a number, her cover blown, and with her forced into full-blown hiding.

She came out of hiding during the attack on the stock exchange, sacrificing herself so that the rest of the team could escape unharmed(well, mostly) and unseen. She has been captured by Decima and was last seen in the passenger seat of one of their transport vans.

Go cow or go home.

Samantha Groves Root (Amy Acker)
Probability of Marriage/Procreation: 0.04%

”Playfully witty sign-off.”

“Well, I’ve got one-and-a-half clips, a metrocard, and God’s either dead or running on double-As. ”

After the Machine freed herself, she chose the fanatical hacker Root to be her voice and hands in the physical world.

Root’s position allowed her a more fluid cover situation while she hid from Samaritan. Her long standing flirtation with Shaw also developed into something much more substantial.

After spending the majority of the past season incommunicado with the Machine, losing Shaw and being told by her God not to look for her, Root’s faith was shaken. She nevertheless was instrumental in the Machine’s plan to save herself, and now that she knows Shaw is alive, Root has renewed purpose.

Root will likely be assisting Finch in rebuilding the Machine, expect some clashes of opinions on that front!

Since when is her sanity relevant?

Detective Lionel P. Fusco (Kevin Chapman)
Designation: ASSET
Knowledge of the Machine: None

”Self-deprecating inquiry into the time necessary to infiltrate system.”

“Look, I get it. After what happened to Shaw, you and Glasses are worried the same thing’s gonna happen to me. And you know what? It might, and I’m fine with that. You don’t get to decide what or who I’m willing to die for. I made my choice a long time ago. So stop shutting me out.”

The team’s NYPD Liaison. Formerly a corrupt cop Reese forced into being his mole in the department, Fusco grew to appreciate what they were doing. Lionel played a major role in the eventual takedown of HR together with his former partner Joss Carter.

Fusco is currently Reese’s partner in NYPD homicide. He is also one of the only surviving witnesses to the Correction.

Fusco can kiss whoever he wants when it’s a simulation.

Bear (Graubaer’s Boker)
Breed: Belgian Malinois
Best?: Yes

Zoe Morgan (Paige Turco)
Designation: IRRELEVANT
Occupation: Information Broker/Fixer

"Did you really think you could fix a trial without calling me for help?"

An occasional ally to the team, Zoe Morgan understands the underbelly and inner workings of New York City like the back of her own hand. She maintained a casual romance with Reese since mid S2 which ended when Reese began his relationship with Iris.

Harper Rose (Annie Ilonzeh)
Designation: IRRELEVANT
Occupation: Grifter

“Sorry boys, but I got an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

A skilled con artist only interested in money, Harper crossed paths with the team several times last season during the war between Dominic and Elias. Through her Ernest Thornhill identity, the Machine managed to turn Harper loyal by being the highest bidder for her services. Who knows where her allegiance will lie when she returns?

Northern Lights (Team Relevant):
Classification: Government Cell

Control (Camryn Manheim)
Designation: ASSET
Real Name: [REDACTED]

“Do you even know how many ‘problems’ I have solved for you? 853, all enemy combatants, many on American soil, identified by Research and handled by me. And by handled, you realize I mean killed, right? If you can sleep with that, then good for you. If you can’t, too bad.”

The woman in charge of the ISA's Northern Lights Program, which dealt with the relevant numbers the machine provided. Control was a survivor of the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, sending her on a ruthless crusade to make sure nothing like it ever happened again.

Where the Machine provided choice, Samaritan provided orders, leading Control to doubt the motives of the people representing it, and later her own agents. She later teamed up with a few key loyal ISA members - one of them Shaw's former protege - to stop the Correction. This ended in failure, with Control captured and most of her loyalists dead.

Decima Technologies:
Classification:Former Private Information Contractor

John Greer (John Nolan)
Designation: THREAT
Real Name: [UNKNOWN]

“The world has only ever been made a better place by violence, you know that. Every leader who ever preached peace did so guarded by armed men. The one thing we can agree on: kill a few people at random? Nothing changes. But kill the right people...”

The Director of Operations for Decima Technologies, a now defunct private intelligence firm. As a survivor of World War 2 and spy during the Cold War, Greer has become disillusioned with the political systems of the world and yearns for a new rule under a just and logical being.

He was revealed to be the mastermind behind the anti-surveillance terrorist group known as Vigilance, which was used to expose the Machine, temporarily shut down Northern Lights, and get the government to allow Samaritan access to its feeds.

After its inception, Greer became Samaritan’s primary officer. Now officially defunct (but unofficially still very much active), Decima began recruiting new followers, organizing strike teams, and hunting down anyone and anything that could pose a threat to their new god.

After the Correction, Harold and his team remain the final loose ends before Samaritan, Greer, and Decima achieve complete control.

Jeremy Lambert (Julian Ovenden)
Designation: THREAT
Real Name: [UNKNOWN]

"We know you’re watching, you’re always watching. I have a message for the Machine and its agents: Samaritan says hello."

Lambert has been Greer's right hand man since long before the events of the show. He was one of the Decima agents responsible for the events of RAM, events which would later bring Team Irrelevant together as a whole.

The Fallen:
Status: Deceased
“Everybody here, all of us, spend our days saving the lives of people we don’t even know. Each loss is unbearable, but when it’s someone you know…”

Detective Joss Carter (Taraji P. Henson)
Designation: ASSET
Span: 1x01 to 3x09 (4x20)
Last words:”Don’t let this… (change you.)”

Joss was an NYPD Detective who served as Fusco’s partner and fellow liaison to the team.

She died after orchestrating a takedown of the corrupt police organization, HR. Carter functioned as the moral compass for the team before her death, and with her out of the picture it’s now up to Fusco to make sure the team honors her memory by staying true to it.

Nathan Ingram (Brett Cullen)
Designation: AUX_ADMIN
Span: 1x02 to 2x22 (4x05)
Last words:”It’s time for us to face the music.”

Nathan was Finch’s partner in building the Machine and the creator of the backdoor through which the Machine gives the team irrelevant numbers. Nathan was the first person to use the irrelevant information to try and save innocent lives.

When Finch stopped him he attempted to leak the Machine’s existence to the press, leading to his assassination via a ferry bombing Northern Lights allowed to happen.

These events (which also left Finch crippled) led to Harold taking up the mantle and founding the team we know today.

Robert N. Hersh (Boris McGiver)
Designation: ASSET
Span: 2x01 to 3x23
Last words:”I can get it! I can- ”

Control’s chief lackey and Shaw’s mentor, Hersh has been a thorn in the team’s side from before it even existed, being responsible for the ferry bombing that killed Nathan and crippled Finch. Nevertheless, he was a loyal soldier who always did what he did because he believed it was best for his country.

Died trying to prevent Decima's false flag attack. He couldn't get it. :smith:

Carl Elias (Enrico Colantoni)
Designation: IRRELEVANT
Span: 1x07 to 4x22
Last words:”Get down, detective!”

Unwittingly saved by Reese back in season 1, the criminal mastermind Elias had slowly seen himself stripped of opposition over the years thanks to both his own actions and Team Irrelevant’s.

A new faction called the Brotherhood reared its head in reaction to the power vacuum left by HR and the Russians. Led by a man named Dominic, they quickly made their primary goal taking down Elias and his organization.

After losing his right hand man to this conflict, Elias went into hiding, plotting how he could take down the Brotherhood in one fell swoop upon his return. The conflict ended with Dominic and Elias left with nothing, at the exact moment Samaritan’s Correction began.

Anthony Marconi Scarface (David Valcin)
Designation: IRRELEVANT
Span: 1x07 to 4x09
Last words:”Morior Invictus”

Marconi was Elias’ extremely loyal right hand man. Scarface was the one who tended to get his hands dirty so his boss didn’t have to.

A casualty of the war between Elias and the Brotherhood, Anthony died after helping set off an explosive booby trap that blew him and several Brotherhood members to kingdom come.

It’s the final season! Have a trailer!

We are getting 13 episodes and the showrunners have promised a nonstop thrill ride to the finish line.

This will also be the first season where we have :siren:NO STUPID BREAKS:siren: And thanks to CBS being the absolute worst and burning off the show, we will have several weeks with double episodes, including one night with a double episode!

Upcoming Episodes and Airdates:

5x01: B.S.O.D. // May 3rd
5x02: SNAFU // May 9th
5x03: Truth be Told // May 10th
5x04: 6,741 // May 16th
5x05: ShotSeeker // May 17th
5x06: A More Perfect Union // May 23rd
5x07: QSO // May 24th
5x08: Reassortment // May 24th
5x09: Sotto Voce // May 30th
5x10: The Day the World Went Away // May 31st :siren:100th Episode!:siren:
5x11: Synecdoche // June 7th
5x12: .exe // June 14th
5x13: Return 0 // June 21st :siren:SERIES FINALE:siren:

Zaggitz fucked around with this message at 19:01 on May 31, 2016

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


If anybody wants to supply me with a youtube link to the control opening in s4, and the gag reel for s4, I would very much appreciate it.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


I have been waiting since September 23, 2014 to use that thread title. I'm finally free.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Can of Cloud posted:

It's finally, finally going to happen!!

Will the final season air on netflix?

I imagine not until after it's finished airing on CBS. I don't see a reason why WB wouldn't wanna put it up there with Seasons 1-4 afterwards though.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


very few people are confirmed outside of a few leaks, just hedging my bets.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


One interesting BTS note: Episode 4: 6,741 was originally slated to be the 7th ep of the season, but was pushed forward a few slots. PoI never goes out of production order but in this case the producers have said the format and structure means it can essentially work anywhere in the season. Jonah Nolan has also been teasing this particular episode as one of his favorite eps in the entire show since late last summer.

The general assumption is that it will be an all flashback episode like RAM, though nothing has been confirmed or hinted at.

My personal speculation, based on the title and some year old teases: All flashback episode focused on what Shaw was doing/what was being done to her during the second half of s4. The title is probably meant to be an hour count, meaning she's been gone for around 9 months (280 days or so). The producers have said they were definitely going to dive deep on what Shaw was up to during 4.5 so it adds up I think.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


It'll do for now, thanks!

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


They just released a much better version of the season poster(fusco's hair no longer gets devoured by the background, full proper shot and they changed the tint of the blue for the better imo)

I added it to the OP

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Kegslayer posted:

Pretty disappointed that Elias is confirmed as being dead for real. I always expected him, Fusco, Leon and Bear to survive on after the series finale.

Press release for later episodes state that though he is dead,there will be massive fallout from his loyalists, notably Bruce, the third main dude after Elias and Scarface who we saw in 4x9, trying to find out who killed him. Also Enrico Colantoni is set to make a few appearances, likely in flashbacks.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


First look teaser for the premiere is up, looooooooots of spoilers in here, folks.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...



Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Toxx is the one who got me into PoI, you just got got, son

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Ignis posted:

Sepinwall confirms that Zaggitz was right


Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


You people need to stop getting got, it's just embarrassing now.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Toxxupation posted:

I'm the original PoI superfan and got a whole bunch of people into the show when it started and am feigning ignorance to sucker fools

A good goof.

flatluigi posted:

Hey guys that show you like is bad!


A bad goof.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Heads up from Chris Fisher:

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


It's been literally a goddamn year, but finally, we can breathe.

:siren:TONIGHT'S EPISODE:siren:: B.S.O.D. (Season Premiere)

Synopsis:Reese and Finch attempt to rescue the Machine’s source code before it deteriorates beyond repair. Also, Root fights for her life against an onslaught of Samaritan’s agents and Fusco is faced with hard questions following the deaths of Dominic and Elias.

Season Preview

Sneak Peek 1

Sneak Peek 2

Feel free to come livewatch with us in the TVIV IRC Channel! Let's remind those losers the show even exists.

As with every year, my fellow Canadians getting the Maritime airing early please refrain posting spoilers until the east coast airing at 10pm EST concludes.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Just a reminder for those of you who have time and the ability to re-watch s4. Chris Fisher recommends re-watching the S4 2-part finale before the premiere airs tonight since it serves more as a part 3 to that episode than it does a straight premiere refresh, which will likely be next week's first ep.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...



Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Ignis posted:

Those last minutes were so, so dumb. Looking forward to next week nonetheless!

its a legit thing the military actually did to make super computers, so its only dumb in the good way.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


A super computer made of PS3's is literally a real thing that the US army made. The cell processor is designed in such a way to accommodate such a system if enough of them are paired together. It' an extremely deep cut but an extremely legit one that is completely logical.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Echophonic posted:

I wanted to hear Lionel say 'nuclear fustercluck', but it looks like that didn't make the cut. Shame.

ideally it'll just be clusterfuck in the dvds.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...



I'm amazed the show wasn't over in the first few minutes. All of them should have easily been dead. Considering that samiritan marked them all for death, the PMC goons sent after them sure were sloppy as gently caress. Saved by plot armor.

The only good part was Finch struggling on whether or not to wipe the memories of the machine. Also copying the military and making a budget supercomputer using PS3s

The CTV promo also said final season so I really hope the showrunners wrote in a satisfying conclusion. Though after seeing the mediocrity that was tonight's ep I have a bit less faith.

Thanks for restating your previously spoilered profoundly poo poo opinion. Do keep posting them throughout this season as you have previous ones because we all need to be reminded how terrible and consistently wrong you are.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...



So you disagree that they had plot armor and the goons were only as competent as the writing needed them to be? You legitimately thought the team was in any real danger at any point?

It's a dumb thing to get worked up about because the point of the episode is that the Machine is in danger, not the team. Outside of the cold open, the team are just being set back in how they can actually help the Machine. Hell even when root gets cornered at the Russian's place, they don't mention killing her, they just want the Machine.

Echophonic posted:

I feel like it'd be more like Fusco to actually say fustercluck, honestly. I mean, he does have a kid.


Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Root flips off samaritan and it made air, bless.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Just a quick reminder for everyone that we are getting new eps this week tomorrow and Tuesday.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


:siren:THIS WEEK'S EPISODES:siren:: SNAFU/Truth be Told

Monday Synopsis:The Machine experiences a glitch during rebooting, supplying Reese and Fusco with the numbers of dozens of people not actually involved in crimes, while also locking Finch and Root out after identifying them as threats based on past violent behavior.

Tuesday Synopsis:Reese’s cover could be blown when he realizes the latest POI has ties to his old colleagues in the CIA

Weekly Preview

SNAFU Sneak Peek

Feel free to come livewatch with us in the TVIV IRC Channel! I'm sure they won't mind being annoyed two nights in a row from now on.

As with every year, my fellow Canadians getting the Maritime airing early please refrain posting spoilers until the east coast airing at 10pm EST concludes.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


It's come to my attention that the maritime airing for the Monday episodes of PoI are a bit later than the Tuesday ones. You'll still be an hour or so ahead of everyone though so don't push it.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Early heads up. Next week's first episode, 5x4, will air on Sunday in Canada, typical spoiler rules apply. This should only be a one time thing since they are diverting airtime for the 2 hour AoS finale.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


AoS airs Tuesdays right? That might mean we get 5x5 on Monday, not sure.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Just a heads up.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


That fuckin new opening tease. Tomorrow, I guess.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


So much for contextualizing. :ohdear:

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


violetdragon posted:

What time did the episode start? My DVR says it started recording at 10pm, but the episode is so far along I can't tell what's happening.


Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


the first minute is in my preview post, for what its worth.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...



gently caress.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Hopefully Blackwell pays off better than Claire did last year.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Hollismason posted:

I thought this was coming on at the end of May . Holy poo poo is this a great start to a season.

that was the second episode, in case you missed the premiere.


Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Asset 704, that's a lot of assets.

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