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Sep 11, 2001

ep 1 stuff
I'm amazed the show wasn't over in the first few minutes. All of them should have easily been dead. Considering that samiritan marked them all for death, the PMC goons sent after them sure were sloppy as gently caress. Saved by plot armor.

The only good part was Finch struggling on whether or not to wipe the memories of the machine. Also copying the military and making a budget supercomputer using PS3s


Sep 11, 2001

The Iron Rose posted:


E: team irrelevant really needs to get over not killing anyone tho. Unless they plan to bankrupt samaritan with the surgery costs of replacement knees

Don't worry, team Samaritan isn't killing anyone either :v:

Sep 11, 2001

I'm amazed the show wasn't over in the first few minutes. All of them should have easily been dead. Considering that samiritan marked them all for death, the PMC goons sent after them sure were sloppy as gently caress. Saved by plot armor.

The only good part was Finch struggling on whether or not to wipe the memories of the machine. Also copying the military and making a budget supercomputer using PS3s

The CTV promo also said final season so I really hope the showrunners wrote in a satisfying conclusion. Though after seeing the mediocrity that was tonight's ep I have a bit less faith.

Sep 11, 2001

Zaggitz posted:

Thanks for restating your previously spoilered profoundly poo poo opinion. Do keep posting them throughout this season as you have previous ones because we all need to be reminded how terrible and consistently wrong you are.


So you disagree that they had plot armor and the goons were only as competent as the writing needed them to be? You legitimately thought the team was in any real danger at any point?

Sub Rosa posted:

Reviewers who saw the first 4 eps of the season say the next three are better.

Very good news. More scenes like Finch struggling with what to do about the machine please and less no stakes shootouts.

Sep 11, 2001

Zaggitz posted:

It's a dumb thing to get worked up about because the point of the episode is that the Machine is in danger, not the team. Outside of the cold open, the team are just being set back in how they can actually help the Machine. Hell even when root gets cornered at the Russian's place, they don't mention killing her, they just want the Machine.

I don't think I'm the one getting worked up about it :v:

Basically I was just disappointed that Samaritan was now actively hunting them without the machine to guide them but it seemed like it was a mild inconvenience at best. Finch dodged his captors by changing hats on a bus :geno:

Sep 11, 2001

oohhboy posted:

"Manually Tracking". Reese's cover also re-establishes itself back at the police station as another way of telling you Sammy still has trouble with the team once it's loses track. You really are terrible at watching this show.

Like I said, the guys chasing the team are only as competent as the plot requires.

Kaizoku posted:

Although you do think one or more of the guys would've stayed off the bus for that very reason.

Basically this.

Zaggitz posted:

Root flips off samaritan and it made air, bless.

Haha that owns.

Sep 11, 2001

Haha the intro scene.

Zaggitz posted:


gently caress.


Sep 11, 2001

JossiRossi posted:


Thank god he did.

Sep 11, 2001

Acer Pilot posted:

That was a pretty good episode.

Yea. It's a shame the twist was so loving predictable. I was hoping they would subvert it but nope she was in their AI thing the whole time after the first surgery.

The Real Foogla posted:

I feel like there was some logical error in the last ep. how can samaritan simulate the people he is blind to, i.e. reese and finch?

I'm sure they were just based on what Shaw thought of them. Or something.

Sep 11, 2001

Zaggitz posted:

One detail i really liked is Fusco wasn't in the ep at all, because Samaritan still doesn't know he's a member of the team.

Nice catch on that detail. A good episode gets even better.

Also I can only imagine what sort of horrors Samaritan will think of next to get information from people. It went from 0 to mindrape chips super fast.

Sep 11, 2001

Fenrisulfr posted:

I'm pretty sure the only part of the episode that wasn't in the simulation was right at the end. When the nurse attaches the electrode you can see Shaw doesn't have a surgery scar behind her ear.

Ya on rewatch you are right. There was no scar + at the end you can see the first surgery scene on the laptop again so it was just to mess with her.

Sep 11, 2001

GrandpaPants posted:

I think it's sorta interesting that Samaritan isn't necessarily vindictive, in that when its plan went sideways and the paper was released, it didn't vengeance kill Garvin and instead just kinda went, ah fuckit whatever. That poor Mary girl, though :( Fusco rallying the cops to find John was a great hell yeah moment, though.

I hope there are repercussions for them just releasing her research like that. I mean Finch hinted at that they don't really know what Samaritan is planning, but I would love it if Samaritan was trying to think of the greater good and had reasons for wanting to hold onto that data for now. They save one life but get thousands killed because they couldn't think ahead.

Sep 11, 2001

Echophonic posted:

Well, one of the first things Finch says to Reese is that they'll probably both end up dead. I feel like it going either way would be pretty satisfying. It being a squad wipe would feel pretty lovely, though, I think.

It won't be a complete wipe.

Bear and Fusco won't die.

Sep 11, 2001

Bear and Fusco :ohdear:

pik_d posted:

That also explains why "Greer" was so confident she wouldn't escape.

Well that and the 2nd set of people he showed her, afterwards the lounge was empty.

Sep 11, 2001

Root's lady boner for Shaw is going to get someone on the team killed.

Harold getting all pissy at free will logic the machine had was hilarious.

Sep 11, 2001

Fusco no :(

But Shaw is free at last. Shawshanked her way out of prison into another prison.

Machine going full eugenics :godwin:

Sep 11, 2001

Hollismason posted:

I think that Samaritan kind of hosed up because all it really did was give Shaw 7000 simulations of how to murder/escape/cause havoc. So basically she's just been in a prison escape and murder simulator for a full year. That's kind of crazy.

More that it really hosed up by not fixing the previous methods she used to escape.

Unless it wants her to escape :tinfoil:

Sep 11, 2001

raditts posted:

We all can see the twist here from a mile away, right? "Mister Reese... the call from The Voice came... FROM INSIDE THE PRECINCT! That simpering man you've been leading around all episode is really him!"

Yap haha. The show loves using that twist.

Elias was right, what did you think he would do Harold?

Team is back together and Lionel is finally in the loop.

Sep 11, 2001

Those 2 scenes with the minigun SUV were hilarious. Like B movie cheese. Once again the Samaritan agents were as competent as the scene demanded. Made the 2 deaths seem cheap and unsatisfying.

Root trying to help Shaw was so :3:

Finch is angry :getin:

Sep 11, 2001

ol qwerty bastard posted:

I'll be shocked if they aren't setting Blackwell up to turn against Samaritan. Isn't he supposed to be super smart? He did not seem 100% cool in this episode with being blindly ordered to kill.

It was strange since last time we saw him he was questioning his assignments and he learned his employer is going full eugenics. He really didn't seem convinced by the speech he was getting.

Now he is ok with sniping people :shrug:

Sep 11, 2001

paragon1 posted:

The show ends with the Machine getting elected President.

I'd watch a show about the first AI PotUS.

Only if he speaks through that kid.

Sep 11, 2001

MrAristocrates posted:

Oh she's the lady from last season right?

Also ahahahahahahaha

Harper is the worst. I assume they used her because they couldn't get Zoe. Would have made even more sense for it to be Zoe since she's a fixer and this other team seems to be based out of DC.

Finch talking and discussing things with the machine is still the best.

Sep 11, 2001

Aphrodite posted:

Zoe would never be part of a team like that.

Makes about as much sense as Harper being on the team.

raditts posted:

There better be a team headed up by Leon somewhere.

Team Las Vegas

Sep 11, 2001

Greer's death was unsatisfying. I get that he is a true believer and it was fine that Samaritan killed him, but the way they did it was just so meh and kinda stupid. Especially since it failed to kill Harold too.

Sep 11, 2001

Kwyndig posted:

The Great Filter is a theoretical solution to Fermi's Paradox, in that as an intelligent species advances technologically they will inevitably reach a point where they are capable of destroying themselves, and that most of them do so before they reach the capability of interstellar travel. Essentially Samaritan believed it could successfully shepherd humanity past this largely unsolved problem.

The thing is, there's no reason the Great Filter has to even exist, humanity has no reason to extend its reach outside of the solar system aside from arrogance and a fear of extinction. The only existential threats to humanity aside from itself and the consequences of our own actions are so far in the future the human race will probably 'naturally' go extinct long before then. The same would apply to any alien species with a similar level of technology.

I see you have never looked at a history book.

Sep 11, 2001

A good finale.

Even though the machine didn't say it, I'll just assume she won because of the code Root added and not because of her burning computer spirit that allowed her to prevail over Samaritan.

gently caress you though Finch, you should have died along with John. You don't deserve your happy ending. Show just glossing over all the damage you did with your ice9 virus.

Samaritan did nothing wrong :colbert:

Sep 11, 2001

raditts posted:

So wait... we saw a couple shots of Greer in a hospital bed, I guess on life support or something... so is that old fucker not actually dead, or is he braindead, or what?

Probably the hook for s6 that they don't have to use.


edit: or he was just a random old man

CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK fucked around with this message at 05:37 on Jun 22, 2016

Sep 11, 2001

We never found out what Root did in Russia :argh:

Sep 11, 2001

GrandpaPants posted:

I hope to see you all again in the Westworld thread :unsmith:

Still cautiously optimistic about this one because of all the delays and rewrites

Sep 11, 2001

I mean you are looking at it logically and with reasoning. Team Machine had to win and be shown as the good guys. That's why Samaritan and the agents are as competent as the plot requires and you don't see any of the damage that Ice-9 did.

CAPTAIN CAPSLOCK fucked around with this message at 01:59 on Jun 23, 2016


Sep 11, 2001

n4 posted:

Just finished the final season. I really enjoyed the show. It was a bit of a bummer that Root's death was very anticlimactic. Also I wish they gave some explanation as to how the Machine beat Samaritan in the satellite . I know the Machine says "it has to", but I wanted something more. It felt like a lazy way to resolve that earlier established point that 1v1, Samaritan appeared to be the stronger AI.

Root did say in an earlier ep that she gave the machine some ugprades which made Harold upset.

Another theory is that the machine was fully uploaded to the satellite first so it was able to start attacking Samaritan immediately as it was being uploaded.

But really it won because of the power of the burning machine spirit :ssj:

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