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  • Locked thread
Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Vice Principals is the new HBO comedy by Jody Hill and Danny Mcbride, it airs Sundays on HBO at 10:30 pm Eastern. It will be 18 episodes spread across two seasons, after which it will end conclusively. The pilot has a Bill Murray cameo, he will not be in the rest of the show.

Here are the characters:

Neil Gamby (Danny McBride) and Lee Russell (Walton Goggins)
Gamby's the divorced vice principal in charge of discipline at Lincoln High who hopes to become the new principal once Bill Murray leaves. Russel's the vice principal of curriculum, Gamby's mortal enemy and competition for the principal seat.

Oh wait.

Dr. Belinda Brown (Kimberly Hebert Gregory)
The actual new principal at Lincoln High.

They team up to gently caress with her, that's the show. If you liked Eastbound and Down, you know what to expect.

Also featuring Gamby's ex wife Gale (Busy Phillips), idealistic new English teacher Amanda Snodgrass (Georgia King) and head cafeteria worker Dayshawn (Sheaun McKinney)

Zaggitz fucked around with this message at 18:49 on Jul 18, 2016


Jonas Albrecht
Jun 7, 2012

I loving loved it. Walton Goggins and Danny McBride have this stellar antagonistic chemistry with each other, and I just want to watch scene after scene of them not getting along. Principal Brown is going to be so good too. I hope she wins.

Feb 17, 2002

Don't be sad that I am gone.
I imagined this would be Kenny Powers meets Boyd Crowder and it was exactly that.

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie
This was great.

"You know what turned out means."

That whole thing was great. The scene the thread title is from was hilarious. Dayshawn is great and that actor really gets the style of humor they're going for. He got the timing for his lines perfect.

It's amazing and worth the wait.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Next episode preview:

The fact that they are letting Walton Goggins cuss up a storm with his Boyd Crowder vernacular is just about the best thing ever. :allears:

muscles like this!
Jan 17, 2005

I laughed a lot at Shea Whigham playing the really scummy looking new husband who is actually a super nice guy.

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie

muscles like this? posted:

I laughed a lot at Shea Whigham playing the really scummy looking new husband who is actually a super nice guy.

jesus christ i had that guys name on the tip of my tongue. thanks!

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


muscles like this? posted:

I laughed a lot at Shea Whigham playing the really scummy looking new husband who is actually a super nice guy.

Reminded me a lot of Crabman from My Name is Earl, only without the part where they are still friends.

Illinois Smith
Nov 15, 2003

Ninety-one? There are ninety other "Tiger Drivers"? Do any involve actual tigers, or driving?
Yeah, I can't stop giggling at Super Laid Back Shea Whigham. Good casting.

That was a lot of setup and I don't think it's gonna be as great as EB&D but I'm still glad to have another Jody Hill show to look forward to. Also bummed out Bill Murray's not gonna be in more episodes.

Illinois Smith fucked around with this message at 21:44 on Jul 18, 2016

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie

Illinois Smith posted:

That was a lot of setup and I don't think it's gonna be as great as EB&D but I'm still glad to have another Jody Hill show to look forward to. Also bummed out Bill Murray's not gonna be in more episodes.

That was some super dark poo poo when his wife was laying there in front of the whole school while that girl sang that song. And I was laughing the whole time. I'm pretty sure there's a special room in Hell for Jody Hill fans.

Blue Raider
Sep 2, 2006

eat poo poo gamby

Apr 4, 2009

Fun scary

Sp1r0_Agn3W posted:

eat poo poo gamby

If you're not cooperative Mr Gamby, and if you're not pleasant, I will drag your face all up and down the parking lot of this motherfucker. Now do we understand each other?

Anyway the premier definitely left an impression on me (As if I'd intentionally stop watching a show with Goggins in a starring role anyway) so I'll keep watching

DarklyDreaming fucked around with this message at 01:36 on Jul 19, 2016

Jan 14, 2002

suddenlyissoon posted:

I imagined this would be Kenny Powers meets Boyd Crowder and it was exactly that.

Walton Goggins character is seriously Boyd Crowder if he was raised more privileged than criminal . It's perfect.

Troy Queef
Jan 12, 2013

Sp1r0_Agn3W posted:

eat poo poo gamby

No thank you, but have fun imagining it, though!

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


Jeremiah! Pants up, grades up!

Jonas Albrecht
Jun 7, 2012

Troy Queef posted:

No thank you, but have fun imagining it, though!

Tacks! *throws tacks*

Oct 11, 2013

I caught the first 2 episodes at the Alamo Drafthouse last week, and let me tell you mother fuckers...poo poo goes bonkers next episode. If you're kinda on the fence, give it another episode.


Also best scene in this episode was Russell and Gamby trying to get each other to flinch. They didn't, but the rest of the staff did. Great joke.

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer
I like this show a lot. I can't say I 100% appreciate the style of humor that McBride/Hill go for, but I 100% appreciate their unique take on it.

Feb 16, 2010

I love the effeminate and vulgar version of Boyd Crowder. Can't wait for next week!

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

buddhanc posted:

I love the effeminate and vulgar version of Boyd Crowder. Can't wait for next week!

"restrained" or whatever the opposite of vulgar is, is something I never would have expected Boyd Crowder to be described as.

Feb 16, 2010

xcore posted:

"restrained" or whatever the opposite of vulgar is, is something I never would have expected Boyd Crowder to be described as.

Well its been a while since I've watched Justified, so I could be remembering wrong. I thought he was pretty careful about his language in the show and chose to be a bit more elegant when insulting someone. Regardless, I love the character in this show.

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling
The show is great but I thought it would be an even split between Boyd and McBride for screen time, seems like it's McBride's show with Boyd just being an important character

Troy Queef
Jan 12, 2013

Someone get me a GIF of Walton Goggins burning down Dr Brown's house pronto.

Apr 21, 2007
Let's go to the abyss!
That escalated quickly.

Jun 18, 2009

My urges are becoming...


The fuckin student driver gag at the end

Oct 11, 2013

Hughmoris posted:

That escalated quickly.


Jonas Albrecht
Jun 7, 2012

Turns out those Boyd Crowder comparisons were more accurate than I gave them credit for.

Sep 11, 2001

She told me I eat pubic hair with pepper paste.

The tea with grandma then getting Dr. Brown her coffee.

Parasol Prophet
Aug 31, 2012

We Are Best Friends Now.
I did like how they tied Russell getting her coffee at the beginning with getting tea later and then coffee again at the end. He's like a semi-professional beverage assembler-and-ruiner. I also thought it was interesting how his demeanor seemed to change for a second when he got back into the car at his house, like he was genuinely stressed for a second. But his delivery on everything is so good. Basically what I'm saying is Walton Goggins is perfect, and I love watching him in things.

Also the drumline/marching band soundtrack is so good.

i am the bird
Mar 2, 2005

I... do not know what to think about this show. The vile racism and sexism of the two leads and the actual terrorism of burning down the principal's house is a weird ground for comedy. I trust McBride and Hill but episode 2 was hard to watch.

There's something particular about watching two white dudes try to run a black women out of town in the south. I presume things are going to turn to poo poo for them but man...

i am the bird fucked around with this message at 19:41 on Jul 26, 2016

Sep 11, 2005

floating 26" off da ground. BURR!
Have you watched a Jody Hill production before? Observe and Report has an entire date rape scene. The humor exists in how hosed up all of it is. Watching the progression of "let's dig in her trash" to "let's break in" to "let's break stuff" to "let's just burn it down" was amazing. I didn't expect it to go that route.

While I understand where you're coming from but I also think you're reading into too much. These guys don't hate her because she's black or a woman. They hate her because she stole the job they wanted. If they call her a black bitch, it's in the context of "I hate her and here are two qualities I can use," not "I hate because she's black so let me express that."

Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie
Yeah I'm guessing this is first Jody Hill thing he's seen.

Pron on VHS
Nov 14, 2005

Blood Clots
Sweat Dries
Bones Heal
Suck it Up and Keep Wrestling

Boywhiz88 posted:

Have you watched a Jody Hill production before? Observe and Report has an entire date rape scene. The humor exists in how hosed up all of it is. Watching the progression of "let's dig in her trash" to "let's break in" to "let's break stuff" to "let's just burn it down" was amazing. I didn't expect it to go that route.

While I understand where you're coming from but I also think you're reading into too much. These guys don't hate her because she's black or a woman. They hate her because she stole the job they wanted. If they call her a black bitch, it's in the context of "I hate her and here are two qualities I can use," not "I hate because she's black so let me express that."

they call her a bitch a bunch but they have been really careful to not use racial slurs in any of the dialogue

Pepe Silvia Browne
Jan 1, 2007

if i'm postin in this thread, then i'm postin about


~ask me about my favorite STAR WARS characters~


Gamby and Russell are so consumed with their petty revenge over not getting the Principal job that they aren't aware of how bad two white dudes burning a black woman's house down might look.

i am the bird
Mar 2, 2005

I guess I wasn't super clear but I've seen all their work and know their style (which is why I said I trusted them), but I'm just not digging the subtext of the show at the moment.

edit: oh, and I'm not saying it's a bad show or that the message is supposed to be racist/sexist or whatever, I'm just not following the dark humor of this show so far compared to their other work. It's only episode 2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

i am the bird fucked around with this message at 21:03 on Jul 26, 2016

Looten Plunder
Jul 11, 2006
Grimey Drawer

Parasol Prophet posted:

Basically what I'm saying is Walton Goggins is perfect, and I love watching him in things.

I wish I could pull off the suits and bow ties that he does in this show. They are dapper as gently caress. Probably totally unfashionable and I would be laughed at by the trendy suit wearing fashion police, but if I could own it like he does, I wouldn't give a poo poo.

Also wish I could pull off his effeminate walk as well. It comes across as Boss instead of dainty and feminine. I swear it's the exact same walk that he does when he plays the Tranny in SOA but now it just looks bad-rear end.

facebook jihad
Dec 18, 2007

by R. Guyovich
Oh cool there is a thread for this show. It's awesome and cool and good. I was hooked on the first episode but the second one just went unbelievably dark and it's now my favorite show on television right now. Hoping it continues in that direction.

Read a couple reviews and it seems like it's getting mixed reactions, along with a lot of think pieces about how this show praises toxic masculinity and the Trump ideal, and I just don't see how critics can be that stupid. Like is satire just something people don't get or what?

Illinois Smith
Nov 15, 2003

Ninety-one? There are ninety other "Tiger Drivers"? Do any involve actual tigers, or driving?
It's because a lovely article about a TV show episode is probably gonna get more hits if the writer accuses it of promoting all kinds of poo poo instead of saying "it's Jody Hill & Danny McBride doing their usual dark brand of comedy in a different setting, it's good."

Illinois Smith fucked around with this message at 17:25 on Jul 27, 2016

Aug 9, 2009
The reviews initially somewhat tamed my reaction to seeing Walton Goggins in a new show but I'm still going to give it a go once I burn through this season of Bojack since it sounds pretty good once you ignore the idiots.


Regy Rusty
Apr 26, 2010

I really enjoyed the deepening sense of horror as the scene at Dr. Brown's house kept escalating

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