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The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

I like this show.


The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

Last Chance posted:

Agreed. It's real good, folks. This show has surpassed all expectations I had for it so far. Walter Goggins is a national loving treasure.

For a few weeks now, I've been suggesting it in gbs.

The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

I'm glad I haven't watched any the night of

I had a feeling from the promos and trailers they kept running. I was like... "what?"

The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

Great episode this week

The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

HanabaL03 posted:

Walton Goggins is phenomenal in this show. I'm not kidding when I say he deserves Emmy consideration.

Idk, weak writing in the bit where he tries to convince the kids to spill on their mom. It wasn't very believable, and not how I'd expect the craft and cunning Russell to act.

The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

LadyPictureShow posted:

I rewatched the ep when I got home today, and the ex-husband taking the super-long water fountain break cracked me up.

He was trying (successfully, it appears) to seduce Brown.

The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

kloa posted:

"Not so gay now, am I?" - The Joker

The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

Can't wait for the next episode!


The Bananana
May 21, 2008

This is a metaphor, a Christian allegory. The fact that I have to explain to you that Jesus is the Warthog, and the Banana is drepanocytosis is just embarrassing for you.

Ho-leeeee poo poo!

What a good show.

What a good assed show!

I just can't wait for season 2.

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