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Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

This show is completely my jam. As other posters have said, that escalation in the house was fantastic. This show is deliciously dark and hosed up


Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

muscles like this? posted:

It's already all filmed so they're going to air it no matter what.

Like the entire five season run that I want from this show? Impressive.

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004


If you mean that they already filmed both seasons then yes.

Oh, nice.

Edit: to clarify to anyone else who might be confused: according to Wikipedia they are splitting 18 already filmed episodes into two seasons.

Last Chance fucked around with this message at 02:01 on Aug 9, 2016

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

The stepdad and the cafeteria guy are my favorite secondary characters.

"Let me ask you a question man, and be honest with me, alright?"

"Yeah, okay, go for it."

"Are you fuckin' Mr. Russel?"

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

i am the bird posted:

Nobody (weirdos on Tumblr excluded) is saying it shouldn't be done. But to completely ignore the subtext to a scene or its effect on viewers is dumb. It's okay to like things and still wonder about their perception and impact on society. Michael Douglas isn't a good guy in Falling Down, the protagonist of Fight Club isn't good, Don Draper isn't good, Walter White isn't good, but they're all essentially admired by a majority of viewers. That's not the intent but that doesn't change the impact.

What subtext?? There's no reading between the lines when you have two batshit insane characters like Russel and Gamby. They beat you over the head with it!

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

i am the bird posted:

It's two angry white dudes terrorizing a black woman's home in the south because she's in a position of power that makes them feel powerless. That's worthy of a second glance. Of course they're crazy but that's just an avenue for another discussion about how portraying them as insane theoretically overlooks that similar displays of violent white supremacy is normative in many American communities.

Yeah but what I'm saying is that the white supremacy thing you feel needs a second glance is the entire point of the joke.

The joke is that the characters are just too oblivious about the horrific implications of their actions because they're so wrapped up in high school administration politics. And they're supremely sexist, and probably racist too.

Any other jokes that need 'splainin? I can ruin em all folks

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

The Bananana posted:

I like this show.

Agreed. It's real good, folks. This show has surpassed all expectations I had for it so far. Walter Goggins is a national loving treasure.

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

I did like the early reveal that the principle was ready to roll around in the dirt and be just as aggressive if necessary. I was worried that she was going to be an oblivious "foil"/straightman or whatever

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

Propaganda Machine posted:

I can't stand cringe humor as a rule, so I'm almost as surprised at how much I like this show as I am shocked at how much I adored the last five minutes of this episode. As good as it's been so far, between motocross and the ill-fated tea it really felt like the "this show has arrived" moment.

The drive-home hand grab was a bit on the nose, though. I hope it's treated as, erm, "well" as every other obvious trope thus far.

And just,

This, plus Russell's mother-in-law chucking a wooden spoon at him like a joke JRPG weapon.

I agree with you about cringe humor-- I can't watch some of The Office episodes because of it.

I think this show works because those almost-cringey moments have a lot of background and sort of prepare you for them and they just aren't as blatantly antagonistic towards the audience or mean-spirited. Kinda like how Parks and Rec, while following the same basic formula as The Office, didn't really lay the cringe on too thick.

I don't get what you mean about the hand grab on the way home being too "on the nose", though. I thought it was a sweet, human moment between two people who don't really get each other as a whole, but sorta like each other.

So after Gamby causes a dumb embarrassing spectacle, it's hard not to want to reach out to him because she finally understood him a little more and knew he had good intentions.

Maybe you're reading too much TVTropes?

Last Chance fucked around with this message at 23:18 on Aug 25, 2016

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

Boywhiz88 posted:

Nobody posted the two best parts:

"Here is a sonogram of when you were an embryo"

"And they had to see their father exit this woman, with his dick large and wet, like a French dip sandwich"

Can we please get "like a French dip sandwich" as new thread title?

Oh man, I forgot that part. Pretty sure I choked a little on whatever I was drinking when that was spoken

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

Good god

Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

weirdo fan fiction ramblings aren't spoilers, chief.


Last Chance
Dec 31, 2004

I'm wondering if the people Gamby and Russell hosed over somehow banded together or something, with next season based around them trying to bring down our heroic pair.

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